>>63699>pic 1That is a very large coochie.
You should work with lines. The outline should be thick, the details thin, if something is closer to the viewer, it should be thicker, if something is farther - thinner, intersection of lines also can be made thicker to indicate depth.
>pic 2A decent gondola.
>>63699this gondola wants to be colored
>>63720yeah kogasa has wide hips and squishy parts. i will experiment w/ lines more
>>63721take a swing @ it if u want, i'm not good at colour
And here is my first of this year. Cant believe how much time this one took…
>>63699post pixiv
drawing what you get off to, and mastering it, regardless of the end result or its visual style. this has gotta be the holy grail for fappers. becoming the artist you fap to. making your own fap fuel. perfection
>>63790Yeah I'm almost there. I've had to stop my drawing to go fap because I got turned on by my own graphite scribbles on the paper. I think I can't do it yet because I see the anime succubi I draw as a human I created, like a daughter, so my penis flags her as unmountable despite how pretty she is (i'm not a race that can do wincest). I think if I go back and look at some the loli I drew years ago or while very drunk then I can fap to them because I don't remember the process of drawing them.
That's not to say my art is good. I fap to simple stuff. I'm a simple man who draws simple loli.
its kind of sad to think about how many hours goes into a drawing just for most people to look at it for a couple seconds, save it (maybe), and move on
welp, no matter, its fun so ill keep doing it
Farmer toad with wife.
>>63802Worm yourself into their sub-conscious so they'll see it every time they close their eyes, even to blink.
>>63806yes yes you've once again drawn a square in a position and then again in another position. Could you consider waiting until you've done it 3 times before posting it to the thread? You'll bring us to 300 posts before March at this pace.
>>63807Wow the non draw fag hates the art poster, surprise.
And your non saged post brings us closer as well, at least they posted art.
>>63807i like his sexy elastic cubes
>>63808>Wow the non draw fagHow do you know I am not posting my art in this thread? Several other users have contributed feedback without also posting their art in the same post. Regardless, my (assumed) lack of participation in the thread doesn't retract my right to criticize a poster in it.
>hates the art poster, surprise"Hates?" I politely asked him to post in a more respectable manner. Posting 3 images in one post as opposed to one image every few hours is the standard in other threads of an image-dump nature, such as the Cute Anime Succubi thread, the Anime Screenshots thread, and the Last Fap thread.
>And your non saged post brings us closer as well,Posts submitted with Sage aren't detracted from the total post counter. Your Sage brought us just as mush closer to sinking as my Noko.
>at least they posted artYou don't need to use sex-neutral pronouns. We're all men here.
The thread's OP mentions explicitly that critique is allowed. I did that, and also critiqued his posting style at the same time. My post was double on topic. If that doesn't satisfy you, here's a drawing of me. Took me 4 hours.
>>63858very nice witch kid, i hope she has many friends
More birds today; these pages are in order. Also tried drawing cathedrals today from a book in a library, gonna start drawing buildings and landscapes which I have mostly never done in my life.
>>63894Nice, I've drawn on my phone a bit.
But drawing tablets are like $50…
>>63895you can get open box (but still new) stuff on ebay for under $20
>>63894fingers? you use a special pen for graphic tablets. it isnt like a touchscreen, your hand/fingers do nothing to it.
>wizard draw thread
>90% of the posts are porn and anime succubi
>>63993>(young adult) male (virgin) draw thread>they draw sexy images and things men likeholy freakin crap…
sorry we put a strain on your semen retention based warp waning master truewiz
>>63993>12 posts containing animu or lewds>14 posts not containing such (or 9 if you exclude the box)>90%fucking americans
>>64049Is that Lamb Chop?
>>64223i rememebr my first time doing a commission for graphic design stuff 10+ yrs ago, they just kept requesting more and more changes. i was like fuck this, ghosted them, and quit entirely
>>64247>graphic designHopefully not for advertising sake. Advertising and the graphic design it relies on is entirely directed by a mess of psychological studies and the scrutiny of self-taught
experts. One pixel or color choice could be regarded as potentially ineffective at attracting a customer's eye so everything has to be "just right", but there's no real guideline for right or wrong so it's just a guessing game. It doesn't matter how much heart or time the artist put in, all that is valued by the customer is the work's potential to hypnotize Joe Normie and Jane Creditcardstein. I can only imagine your frustration.
I was lucky to be asked to draw a nice anime succubus who I was also an enjoyer of, so my appreciation of her shined through and the customer was pleased to see her smiling face. A mutual exchange of time and currency to add more lines and colors of a specific variety to the ocean of art for people who fancy that particular variety to enjoy freely.
>>64261it was actually just an album cover for a band. but i was not working with vectorized assets so requested changes were punishing, abd there were too many individual things being done. they should have got a guy for background, guy for text and graphic mockup, then a guy to combine it all, instead of making me do everything. lesson learned early in life though, it is not fun to work for other ppl
>>64262Graphic design is mostly text based tough, in fact most of them just draw as a hobby.
>>63675I like this very much.
>>64610this one reminds me of runescape
>>64661This happens when you don't do art for the sake of art
>>64661>destroying your art because some random normalfags didn't enjoy itA male aura so negative it might as well be prosuccubussian
>>64666It's textbook narcissism. These succubi, these bugchugger soymen… They have their own weird worldviews and ways of thinking but just assume that they're not only normal, but an elevated state or normal that others should strive to be. The guy not understanding her sarcasm is realistic but also almost self-critical because it shows that her rationale for discriminating against Rich Gamer Bro is something she thinks is so normal, so common, that it doesn't need to be explained; that anyone would be able to read her sarcasm towards the counterargument to her rationale. Instead of making the dude look dumb for not getting it, she instead manages to show her lack of self-awareness, and also her excess of self-affirmation. What a stupid BITCH!!!
>>64674Too many unnecessary words. This would have been enough. >What a stupid BITCH!!!
>>64674>>64678Low tier wage slaves who simp for the wealthy elites deserve every bit of scorn that comes their way.
>>64661Good, cartoonfags deserve nothing
draw withc
>>64726nice, good
>>64685Kill your self teenage commie
>>64729nice (witch's) familiars
>>64726Looking at ponies makes me happy. Thank you.
>>64610Horrornimous Beotch, pls.
>>64729good coming along. I assume the 100 means your 100th picture?
>>64749no this is like picture #7. The 💯💯💯 means that Megumin & Ashley are 100% capable of total normie death
>>64779I really like your style. Could you tell me what are the best exercises to begin how to draw? i cant draw hair or divide the space between the eyes
>>64729can i run this through stable diffusion and "AI ENHANCE" it with ur permission
>>64790Go for it, I'm curious to see the extent to which my art could possibly be less faulty
>>64789Uhhh, most I can say is try to follow certain tutorials/guides that delve more into drawing as a beginner.
Learn the principles and elements of art (what makes a piece attractive). You don't have to hammer them home but it helps to know the basics. I actually need a refresher to strengthen my skills in them, actually…
What helps with leaning, either practicing drawing or studying, is taking breaks every 25 minutes or so (Look up the pomodoro method).
Also for learning, via video or text, I forgot what the method is called but it involves taking microbreaks (e.g. 10 secs or more every 2 minutes, about) since it allows the mind to store temporary memory/info into long-term. Ivedone this for some videos and it honestly helps. Though I'd have to spend less time on overstimulating sites like Youtube/Twitter so the things I learned stay in better.
I'd be glad to explain more, if you'd like.
>>64789Asking for books and tutorials for how to draw in general, when you already know how to hold a pencil and lay down lines.. You're just delaying your own progress. The only way to learn how to draw in general is to examine any and all objects around you, then pull those visions from your subconscious memory when you wish to put them to paper. Just draw. If something looks off, step back, reflect, and draw it again until it doesn't seem awkward to your already developed senses of shapes, scale, and volume. This is how to train your imagination to pull from the depths of your memory, while also encouraging you to develop your own style which you are comfortable reproducing.
Practicing art is about bringing forth what is already in your human brain through experimentation. Do yourself a solid and just draw. Your first drawings will look bad, as everyone's do. But when you have those bad drawings in front of you, and you know they look bad, then you can study why exactly they look bad. Remember why they look bad. Then avoid making the same mistakes again. This is how an artist grows from within.
See a problem with the distance between eyes? Then you already have a preconceived preference of what distance looks good. So draw them again until they look good, remember what you did differently to get that good result, and then reproduce those steps when drawing eyes in the future. Pencils and paper are cheap, your time is not. Do not waste it learning how to shade a sphere the way some left-brain autist did in 1820. You want to draw characters, so just keep drawing characters, and eventually you will learn how to do so efficiently.
>I'd be glad to explain more, if you'd like.I would like you to explain much more. I saw a video of a guy who said that, by studying the basics for 4 years, he became a professional.
>>64825I'm not sure about 4 years but yeah, ultimately it comes down to how dedicated you are to it. It's about forming new habbits. For me, it's a bit difficult since I've been feeling more tired (likely from an inconsistantsleep scheduel? Not a crazy difference but going to sleep around 5am-6am and waking up in the afternoo Though I also have Hashimoto's diesease so IDK if thats a factor with how i feel).
I was going to try this out. IDK if it's beginner-friendly but as mentioned in the video, it basically uses the PDCA cycle. So instead of focusing on just a particular artist or style, you could focus on general anatomy. Though I recommend asking other artist for ideas for suggestions. No.64845
>>64843Keep up the good work, wiz.
I've been interested in drawing for a while but I suck dick and balls. The main advice I've seen is to use Loomis books, but not to get too bogged down in anatomy/theory and just draw until something looks good. I'm also somewhat interested in 3D modeling/animation but I'm not sure if that will be easier or harder than 2D
>>64849learning anatomy and loomis and all that boring stuff doesn't teach you how to draw. all you need is your own eyes, to draw what you see until you can draw it without having to see it. everything else is just learning a specific style or shortcuts to reaching specific styles. you are no worse off doing your own thing, you just need a critical eye and to always be mindful of where you want to end up
>>64661I've come to the conclusion:
If art is tennis, then..
>>64894And that quote is from decades ago, I dont understand why people still draw cartoons anymore when seemeingly everyone hates them.
>>64895That's a cool ritual
>>64919Hardly a proper ritual considering i am an atheist. my father is a believer, and i got them blessed at the church for him, but if that is enough than the ritual works.
Before it became tame and sterile, early christian art was rather nice, monograms (like the one i used), insular style with its cool twisted designs and ginger jesus, illuminated miniatures and their casual cruelty.
Btw i recall a part from 1980s ussr anthropology/religion book which stated that similar rituals can be traced to prehistoric ritualistic cannibalism, which then became just ritual killing, which in turn got tamed down to animal sacrifice, circumcision, or ritual food consumption.
Pony hug.
>>64857Billions of times better than anything I could have made with my left.
>>65198nice pone hug well done
>>65198Kinda gay, the guy has the opportunity to draw himself hugging hot shit but instead draws some gay ass pony lol
>>65198Thank you.
Nice job on the pony hug. Reminds me of the days of My Little Dashie.
👍 getting paid to draw. Congrats
>>65360Won't last long most likely since AI does porn commission stuff more and more effectively. Unless he has a very supreme unique style he won't make it far probably but that should also give him motivation to haul ass while it lasts.
>>63744I really like this one, very comfy to look at.
Most of the stuff these illustrators do can be done by AI already wether they like it or not. AI can draw furry porn just as effectively by now and it will only improve.
Lol your hostility shows that it must be true that AI will replace most of these commission illustrators because it keeps on improving and the time will come when most people rather pay a monthly fee for a good AI that does things faster and more effectively than buying single commissions from some guy. I'm don't mean all artists but I'm talking about the type of commission artists who all do the same looking stuff, they will get replaced fast.
I love when you try drawing something new and it seemingly arbitrarily works first time, and you think you learnt something, and then it never works again, and you realize you didn't improve at all. Really fun and encouraging. Then you open youtube and get mogged by useless, funnyman tutorials that don't explain shit beyond "like just think in 3d and copy me haha". Copying is useless without actual understanding, there's a serious dearth of actual quality teachers, everyone seems like a fucking clout chaser who'll only response to comments jerking them off, anyone with an actual valid question gets ignored. Someone else straight up admitted she just winged it and doesn't know what she's talking about, why are you wasting my time then?
I wanted to get better at drawing heads at different perspectives, I get it, it's a sphere with a mask attached to the front, but it felt like pure rng as to whether it worked or not. I guess that's normal, but as drawing is the only thing I care about getting good at, and the results are so all over the place, it's fucking irritating. I should probably stop taking it so seriously and just learn some wagie proof boring bullshit like web dev instead. Thanks for reading my self indulgent incoherent blogpost.
Anyone knows any good resources to learn how to draw? something that walks me through it, at least to some acceptable level. I don't wanna just watch random youtube videos.
something like those guitar learning methods book if there's any equivalent.
Also I'm wondering if I should go for drawing digitally or traditionally, I just want to get to a level that I can draw stuff that are satisfying. I've no idea which one is better for that.
Maybe I got a wrong mindset but isn't there some basics and fundamentals like every other art?
>>66014Not him, there are fundamentals, but I would advise starting by just trying to draw something you actually want to draw first, a character you like or whatever else, expecting nothing, think of yourself as a caveman discovering fingerpainting for the first time, there's no reason you should be instantly good at something you've never dabbled in and not been taught about, so be lenient with yourself. For every couple of bad drawings you might have just one good one, that's normal, as you make it a habit you'll start thinking more analytically about why this particular thing worked but this other thing didn't, why you can't draw heads, why this part looks off, and that'll inevitably lead to looking up certain resources and guides that are directly applicable to what you actually want to do.
For example, you try drawing a face, it looks wrong, you realise you don't even understand how to draw a head let alone a face, you might google tutorials about drawing a head and they'll start talking about viewing a head as a sphere, as a 3d representation on the page, you're now learning about spatial reasoning and perspective which applies to all drawing, in a way that's actually going to interest you, because you tried drawing a furry loli tulpa but her head looked weird - maybe this time it won't - with a lot of practice you should start having mini breakthroughs as things start to click.
I think the main thing is being conscientious about what you're doing. I used to play a game that made me annoyed because despite dumping 700+ hours I'd lose to people with far less playtime, but I never actually played to get better, I just played for fun; if I'm not analyzing my gameplay and thinking about how I can improve, why would I? This doesn't mean you shouldn't just play for fun, or just draw for the sake of drawing (you absolutely should) but there's a lot to be said for doing a thing you enjoy, while also being invested in the pursuit of getting better at that thing, it just feels good, even if it's a game, or a drawing, nobody else in the world gives a single fuck about but you.
>>66014I also forgot to mention, I would recommend drawing digitally for a beginner, you could argue traditional is better because it'll make you really consider each line, but if you want to jump straight into drawing pretty things which satisfy you and give you little boosts of serotonin which encourage you to draw more, digital is better, because you can undo and alter things that look wrong, as you go, while you're learning, rather than getting obsessed with doing things perfectly first time and then raging and giving up.
>>66014>>66019I've been drawing for over 10 years now (on and off) and I remember how difficult it was in the beginning to figure out how to actually start drawing and what resources to use, etc. Obsessing over it significantly retarded my progress. This was only further bolstered by the fact that everybody is so serious about art, and strongly steering you towards certain resources because they're "good" (i.e just popular) and steering you away from so called "inferior" resources. I wouldn't fall into this trap.
More than that, you have to understand that there's a thousand ways to skin a cat; there are innumerous approaches to drawing some of which are fundamentally opposed to each other, while simultaneously both being valid (which is very confusing as a beginner) so if you read too many instructional books you will be inundated with contradictory information.
There's also the simple fact that most drawing books are just shit.
I would just pick up a step-by-step drawing book (often times poopooed by ""serious artists"") and just follow along with a couple of projects just so you can begin to see what it's like to actually start a drawing; making marks on a page, going from rough to detail, etc.
Here, try this: follow along with a couple of the projects and get a grip on how it's actually like to start approaching a drawing.
If the process in this book doesn't resonate with you, try another book -but don't get tricked into thinking that some methods are somehow 'superior' ore more valid than others, just do what feels comfortable to you.
Then after that, JUST DRAW. I highly advise against doing 'studies' and 'practicing' and all that autistic shit. There's so many people that completely ruined their progress (myself included) by autistically copying anatomy books and drawing cubes and cylinders over and over. Just draw what you want, and use references to bolster your drawings.
You want to draw a dragon? Go draw a dragon, and when you run into a stumbling block (e.g. you can't draw its wings) go look up pictures of dragons and incorporate that element (the wings in this case) into your own drawing, by just copying it.
You want to draw Conan the Barbarian? Rough out a pose, and then look at pictures of bodybuilders to get down the actual anatomy, etc.
This is super important and I'd wish I'd know this much, much sooner. Too many people retard their progress by just mindlessly copying shit, instead of analyzing and applying knowledge.
And a final thing: you will suck, possibly for the first couple of years. Patience and persistence are necessities.
Hopefully this somewhat helps.
>>65469For one I am glad AI will replace artists, I wasted over 12 years going nowhere, I drew at least an hour at least 5 days of the week, a drawing made in 2012 looked the same as one made in 2021, so in june of 2022 I gave up, I am just waiting Ai becomes good enough to make more abstract niche stuff. Artist, specially internet teachers and gurus are just talent deniers, you can't teach talent.
>>66040>JUST DRAWIt is as simple as that. I've been trying to grind anatomy courses and drawing gurus for two and a half years only to realize that I hate studying drawing, doing studies and shit like that. One guy draws human body with boxes, other uses beans, third one just sketches with lines, fourth one uses values with no lines at all… It is so mind-boggling for a noob. Trying to do it like the gurus burned me out constantly, made me hate and despise this hobby.
For the last year I'm just drawing sexy videogame succubi all the time, just take 3d pinup renders from deviantart to use as references, trying to recreate them and to my surprise I actually notice small improvements here and there.
Of course, watching a anatomical course or two is a good thing that gives a basis to improve upon, grinding 'assignments' and shit while may teach you a thing or two, will burn out the energy you could use for actually practicing.
I still suck though. My ability to criticize is far above my ability to draw and paint. It is very unpleasant feeling.
>>66237If you are that critical then you d know that bad art made famous by luck is no technicality either
>>66239It requires being stupid level of confidence. I do know that many shitty artists have followers and do commissions just because they are too self-assured and people without art skills believe in their bullshit.
I can't be like that. I can't peddle shit. Tried having deviantart, tried having presence in the social media - I can't. I physically cringe when I post my art, it feels like lying. Not to mention, as a proper outcast I have zero social skills, I don't know what makes art consumers tick. I just draw shit I like to draw.
>>66246put a mirror up behind your computer monitor
pose your hand
look at it
draw it as you see it
there is no other way to draw hands
>>66246Drew it over yours but tried my best not alter anything too deeply, except the hand, so you have an idea where you could try differently next time. Pay attention to proportions, hands are larger than that. Draw larger in general, you can't put much detail in a tiny drawing.
Just keep drawing. Asking for advice is pointless. Keep paying attention to how things look like and keep drawing them.
>without actually figuring out what makes the hand the hand.
to do that, you just need to look at hands. there is no way to figure out how to draw hands without looking at them
to preach anatomy and shortcuts like converting the body into 3d shapes roughly approximating the various body parts… that's fine, but that's not necessary at all for drawing. to draw, just look at something and draw it. it is that simple
>>66252Thanks for the advice, i'll try to draw hands again following kinda same length.
>>66255really nice you corrected it so I can see what to improve on.
Thank you so much !
One last thing, or rather 2 last things :
-How did you do those white lines ?
-The pupil and the iris look very nice.
Man, I want to draw them like that now but i don't think i can do shaders for now.
ok, i won't buy any new pencil. I don't like the feeling of mechanical pencils doe, wood feels nicer in the hand.
Next step, i'll try to add some emotions to the eye.
Good, positivity filled post. Thanks, wizard, you are right.
I realized that I struggle with the whole 'draw the idea, not the object' thing. Everything I draw is sometimes decent technically, but it is most of the time just doesn't do anything. Ah well, will continue drawing my waifus until the end of days.
How to plan/build aesthetic that will drive organic, natural, million traffic/klout/sales
especially according to market, social media and such. something original too. basically on par with existing cool, like rinotuna or ramonn90, takehiko inoue, but not a copy, but equally as good. as different as possible maybe
>something like building from the ground Up but i have enver seen it but seems theorethically possible or fundamental No.66303
>>63806what do u use to animate this? is it that one tool on 4chan
>the other way will just be as terrible>nothing is free, eybump No.66313
How do you get into doing commissions with zero social media presence?
>>66313I have no morals qualms about drawing nsfw shit, by the way
Nice, I appreciate step-by-step advice, wizard.
>No competent art fundies
>No perspective
>No anatomy
>No talent
>No anything
>Each pic, its just endless shit
>However I do it since I basically suck at virtually everything this world has to offer in terms of hobbies and jobs (including gayming) and drawing is "what I have some affinity with" in spite of me drawing like a 3rd grader
>I hate my drawings
>I am inferior
Game, Set and Match.
>>66319There is honor in that, brother. You draw art in purest form. You think cavemen bitched about his lack of skills? nah, he just painted on the walls of his cave with the blood of a wild beast he slaughtered beforehand.
How to know if your art appeals or not in social media or
How do you plan it so it appeals to
Maybe million of people
Or the aesthethic, styling
How can it appeal to people like
Stylistically, visually
Independent from trend and niche
Like popular artists… name yoshitaka amano, jmw turner. So on so forth. Like its intrinsic value and qualities than whatever trend is on
How to measure/value aesthethic to millions like in anime mnga especially
>>66379what have you done
>>66378There's also a free photoshop style one, but the paint aesthetic is nice. No.66478
I love to draw but I hate studying it. 'Doing studies' and shit is the most boring activity that leaves me drained and not wanting to draw anything. And yet I do want to get better. That is an endless loop of autistic suffering.
>>66478people have such a weird approach to drawing and art. there are very few other hobbies i would consider studying and practice necessary. you simply do the stuff and learn over time
>>66480That works but at a snail pace. my monkey brain wants to be gooood and punishes me for not being that. To become good at drawing you have to learn the basics, the theory of light and color, for example. Anatomy and other stuff can be learned from just drawing, other shit can't be. I just hate grinding but making crap again and again is frustrating too.
>>66538 Nice. Do you get coomerbuxx?
>>66891not bad, if it were painted cleaner and more consistently
>>66895yeah, the execution can be improved
some things no matter how many times you paint it, it's going to suck. it just has no bones. to say the execution needs improved means if you paint it enough, eventually it will look good, meaning it has bones already
that is quite the compliment honestly
>>66898maybe a better way to put it is the style is no consistent or the artist has not solidified a style of their own yet. but once they have, with that touch, the same painting would appear better
>>66324Truth. Art for art's sake should be the only motivator. Anything else is cringe and will eat away your soul unless you're extremely fucking lucky and find yourself in the right place/time, which is basically <0.1% of the population
>>67118>Art for art's sake should be the only motivator.I disagree.
There is art as a form of communication and art done for utility/function. Such art isn't "cring". It's legitimately useful and valuable. It's in my opinion far better then art done as a form of mental masterbation as you seem to advocate for.
Art that has both function and form is art that has amended to something more.
>>67158Please understand where you are. Art as communication? Who are wizards going to wish to communicate with? "Useful and valuable" to who, the normalfiends?
>It's in my opinion far better then art done as a form of mental masterbationIf you see more value in pleasing others than you see in pleasing yourself, perhaps your power level is very low… Wizards "masturbate" in every area of life; the art we create ought to please only ourselves. One can make a game or job out of commanding approval from normalgroids, but to rely on their opinions for the drive to continue to create art makes you no better than them.
>>67163> Who are wizards going to wish to communicate with?other wizards who live right now and the ones who will be born in the future.
You have a mediocre mentality.
>>67164>mediocre mentalityusing big words to call us stupid isn't gonna make you sound smart
>>67166they call me "the falling man"
>>67228not bad here is what i see immediately
-shoulders not wide enough
-arms should be longer. wrist (red) should be long enough to reach the bottom of their vagina area (also marked red) in general. people have different arm lengths but that's more normal
-knees are too inward
>>67228looks like her jaw could crush diamonds. Very good otherwise.
>>67364sounds viable if you do it every day. i doubt most people practicing art have the patience to do it long enough and consistently
all skills have a brief period where you can gain incredible proficiency in little time and then you plateau and it takes exponential more effort to improve
3 months sounds about right for a skill. at my last job i replaced a 70 year old woodworker who had worked all his life, and i was only trained for 3ish months. most military boot camps are under 3 months off the top of my head also
did not watch the video
>>67364After so much pushing I finally decided to watch the video and was not really impressed. It doesn't help that he is just copying anime succubi faces. Betty Edwards five days course has more dramatic results.
>>67366Supposedly at least one day he skipped.
>>67434very cool. very "efficiently" drawn, getting the full point across with such few lines.
>>67442minimalistic, perhaps
>>67442I don't like it, it looks simplistic and low effort, and a wizard wouldn't be waving at anybody and less would put himself at the center of the picture full front side.
>>67444>a wizard wouldn't be waving at anybody and less would put himself at the center of the picture full front side.why
>>67508i remember you draw sanya witch i save pic to my machine
>>66538Oh hey I've seen your work before, Did you make a little tooth fairy comic by any chance?
>>67679I scrolled past this a few times and assumed it was someone posting a Mike Mignola drawing in the comics thread. Well done
>>64009You still painting wiz?
I haven't posted in a long time but I still check /hob/ for you and
>>67508 every so often. I was the wiz you did a NGE request for if you remember that. Perhaps youd be willing to paint Asuka in the style of painting 147 for me to update my phone home screen?
>>67691Asuka is a goddess. I wish she'd crush my throat with her foot and rip my guts to ribbons with a pocket knife. What is wrong with me
I want to learn how to draw, but too often I can't get over myself and get too frustrated the moment I make any mistake. Does anyone know how to deal with something like that? I won't quit.
>>65306I really like this one and your style as a whole. I hope you keep drawing ponies. There’s something about the high effort non shitpost art pieces made after the initial wave of mlp died down and all the bandwagoners left. There’s no money left in it, the ones left are real fans and generally good people
>>67857Thank you for your kind words
I love this fella, what a gentle looking pal
>>67848very nice and soft
>>67891Clay was pretty relatable honestly
>>67932You found a character who was designed to be beautiful and warped her with ugly qualities. You essentially took something that was proven to look good and then flipped its good qualities upside down. No matter how good the shading is or how balanced the line splines are, an ugly subject will produce and ugly image. For that reason your art is bad.
Learn to appreciate beauty, and then strive to create more of it.
>>67932got anything lewder?
>>67944Beauty this, good qualities that. I find beauty in the aesthetics of videogame succubi curves. I use art as a creative outlet for energy produced by semen retention. I don't really care about 2B, never even played her game, but I like her character design.
>made ugly worseHow if all I did was literally drawing her using several screenshots from the game as a reference? I am trying to improve rendering technique, not to create a Mona Lisa.
You are just high on your own farts.
>>67946Hypofrontal argumentative capacity.
>but I like her character design. Her design is one of endearment and the common qualities of healthy young succubus (2d) beauty. You took those qualities and flipped them on their head
Where 2B is round, you made angular
Where 2B is smooth, you made bumpy
Where 2B is fair, you added moles
Where 2B's expression was of robotic melancholy, you added smug seduction
You don't like her design, you like her outfit for its revealing qualities and you wanted to see some droopy-eyed, masculine single mother wearing it so that's what you drew. It doesn't matter how good your shading is, or your composition, or the cleanness of your lines; if you make ugly design choices, your work will come out ugly.
If you're going to draw ugly succubi, then create your own. Don't take someone who is fair and pretty and sexy and distort her to your own liking as those people who niggerize anime succubi do. It's dishonorable - very rude to anyone who connects with that character.
>>67995Ce sontait l'anne 2020, a que tu t'attendes? (et je suis Americaine, ainsi une coglione =_=).
>>67996AAAAAAAAAAH MY EYES (jk). Allow me to correct you, wizardman.
>mon vieMa vie*, ma is feminine, not masculine
>SontaitTechnically the right spelling for this word is 'sortait', but since it was in past tense, it's not 'sortait' but 'est sorti en 2020'. It's also important to put a 'en' or 'pendant' before ' l'année ' so as to say 'during the year 2020' or 'in 2020', saying 'it released year 2020' doesn't make sense in french.
>a que tu t'attendesà quoi tu t'attendais*, little accent, and a 'ais' at the end of the word 'attendre' (infinitive) which means 'wait' because it's 'what DID you expect'. And technically, french prefer to say in the reversed form 'tu t'attendais à quoi ?' with a space between the end punctuation and before. The final sentence would look like 'C'est sorti en 2020, tu t'attendais à quoi ?' hehe. Also 'americain
e and un
e would mean you are a succubus, because it's what we add at the ended of the words when the subject (You) is feminine. Dunno if it's a mistake tho.
That was very unwelcome, pompous and unasked for but here you go, enjoy.
I don't blame you though, french is a very hard language, and from a shithole country i'd recommend no one to travel to even temporarily. I do respect your effort however, mistakes are just a part of learning ofc.
>>67997I mean technically you could say 'C'est sorti année 2020' now that I think of it. Pretty rare though, and not with an ' l' '. Anyway forgive me lol.
>>67998No worries, thank you for clarifying and correcting. I'm sure I'll get it down un jour, mais pour maintenant c’est comme ça .
Though you're being too harsh on yourself. Even Japan finds alot to admire from France.
>>68000Glad I could be of help then. And it's fine don't worry.
>Though you're being too harsh on yourself. Even Japan finds alot to admire from France.Nah. Most people think France is a civilized country and ironically value our history/culture more than 'french' even do. Most of what foreigners admire about France are things that are either greatly exaggerated, non-existent, or were pretty much discarded over time. It does seem that what people think of a country VS living there is actually very different. I could go on and on to elaborate, but you get the idea. Very chaotic and unstable country, if we can even call it one at that point. But i'm glad you find that some things are admirable nonetheless, despite everything.
>>68008why did you stop drawing?
>>68009because I wanted to know how to draw well and quickly. but it takes time and therefore it discourages me.
>>63672Here is a quick sketch I made, kinda messed up with the head but rest of body still looks good.
Btw try to guess the anime succubi name and what anime she is from.
>>68037Uh, robot succubus from Ghost in the shell, idk.
Cool detail, though.
>>67993The creature there is my "oc", the pie giraffe. I indeed only used him once in Middle school for a little diagram thing about Newton's motion laws nearly 2 decades ago. Here I sacrifice it for all to see now.
>>68028dont cut yourself on that edge
>>68164spooky. I wish I can draw as good as you. check mines here:
>>68005 No.68166
>>68165I hope you to draw again. Don't bother to be better. I believe it only adds more tension. That tension takes something from you, but I don't have a name for it.
>>68164Love the surreal emotion and composition.
Thanks for sharing.
>>68166how many years of drawing do you have?
>>681696 years professionally, but total 18 years I guess.
>>68170nice. I'm just an amateur compared to you
Welp, here are some words of wisdom concerning art:
"Don't be afraid of perfection, you'll never reach it"
"That's all we are: amateurs. We don't live long enough to be considered anything else"
"Art is never completed, only abandoned"
"All art is erotic" (Gustav Klimt)
"Perfection is achieved not when there's nothing left to add but when there's nothing left to take away"
>>68351Seeking "tutorials" for something as expressive as drawing is a guaranteed road to failure.
Study medium, invent new art.
>>68365>shade the sphere, copy the LOOMIS head, only draw what you're looking at instead of pulling from imaginationt. left-dominant pattern repeater who can't draw a coffee mug unless he has one in front of him
I want to draw but don't know what to draw. Can you guys give me some ideas?
>>68428Place your pencil on the paper and draw a curve. Then draw another curve touching it at one point. Then another one intersecting the other curves or not touching them at all. If you feel like drawing something other than curves, do it, there are no rules. Keep doing it and see where it takes you.
>>68428Actually, ignore this
>>68429I was speaking out of my ass, I tried my own advice and ended up with a bunch of crap.
>>68432what inspired you to draw this?
reminds me of long-nosed creatures related to a band called Dvar
>>68433Not exactly certain what I had in mind while drawing it other than I find the design of gas masks cool and probably an assortment of various sci-fi/cyberpunk stuff I've consumed in the past. This band looks cool though and that creature does look almost exactly like my drawing funnily enough, thanks for sharing it with me wiz.
>>68431Yeah I figured it wouldn't work, I would just have 3 curves on a piece of paper.
>>68625damn thats beautiful drawing. can you draw a marionette controlled by strings? like in my oekaki?
in a kind of creepy way
>>68627ok 👍 sorry for asking
>>68629Maybe I could draw it in simple shapes like an artist's mannequin. Check back in 6 hours.
>>68631if you don't want to its ok. I'm not demanding you to do it
>>68634 this one
>>68625 is perfect, the shade and the lines are perfect
>>68636the proportion also were good
>>68641please keep drawing 👍
>>68645yeah thats good I like the face znd the string looks like it is tied around his neck like hes hanging
>>68646I thought so. Yours has a string there too. The proper drawing may be on and off for a few hours but it'll still be mostly a sketch.
>>68650thats cool,it has a creepy feeling, like a voodoo doll. the shading makes it more scary, good job
>>68661were legs hard to draw to you?
>>68663If you don't mean they're drawn badly, no. They're made of the same shapes as the arms.
>>68665it's the perspective that make the legs look out of proportion to me 👍
Drawing is about pulling from your imagination to create art.
Making a graphite version of an existing photo isn't creating art.
>>68677still the best
>>68650 No.68683
>>68682nice! it looks like a ghost, I like it
>>68709some sketches cool 👍 since when fo you draw or trying to draw?
I completly gave up long time ago No.68721
>>68683Give me the weekend now that I sort of know what I'm doing
>>68710I started learning last year at 27 when I took Brent Eviston's course on udemy
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