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File: 1672468926862.jpg (415.31 KB, 1914x1760, 87:80, drawx.jpg) ImgOps iqdb

 No.63672[View All]

All you need to begin drawing is a pencil and some paper

Feel free to post any drawings of yours in this thread. Illustration, doodle, traditional, digital - anything goes. Discussion on skillbuilding techniques and fair critique of other wizards' work is welcome.

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236 posts and 112 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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I found an old pic where I drew the little thing (again) in 2020 :D.


>mon vie


Ce sontait l'anne 2020, a que tu t'attendes? (et je suis Americaine, ainsi une coglione =_=).


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AAAAAAAAAAH MY EYES (jk). Allow me to correct you, wizardman.

>mon vie

Ma vie*, ma is feminine, not masculine


Technically the right spelling for this word is 'sortait', but since it was in past tense, it's not 'sortait' but 'est sorti en 2020'. It's also important to put a 'en' or 'pendant' before ' l'année ' so as to say 'during the year 2020' or 'in 2020', saying 'it released year 2020' doesn't make sense in french.

>a que tu t'attendes

à quoi tu t'attendais*, little accent, and a 'ais' at the end of the word 'attendre' (infinitive) which means 'wait' because it's 'what DID you expect'. And technically, french prefer to say in the reversed form 'tu t'attendais à quoi ?' with a space between the end punctuation and before. The final sentence would look like 'C'est sorti en 2020, tu t'attendais à quoi ?' hehe. Also 'americaine and une would mean you are a succubus, because it's what we add at the ended of the words when the subject (You) is feminine. Dunno if it's a mistake tho.

That was very unwelcome, pompous and unasked for but here you go, enjoy.

I don't blame you though, french is a very hard language, and from a shithole country i'd recommend no one to travel to even temporarily. I do respect your effort however, mistakes are just a part of learning ofc.


I mean technically you could say 'C'est sorti année 2020' now that I think of it. Pretty rare though, and not with an ' l' '. Anyway forgive me lol.


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Another year..


No worries, thank you for clarifying and correcting. I'm sure I'll get it down un jour, mais pour maintenant c’est comme ça .
Though you're being too harsh on yourself. Even Japan finds alot to admire from France.


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Glad I could be of help then. And it's fine don't worry.

>Though you're being too harsh on yourself. Even Japan finds alot to admire from France.

Nah. Most people think France is a civilized country and ironically value our history/culture more than 'french' even do. Most of what foreigners admire about France are things that are either greatly exaggerated, non-existent, or were pretty much discarded over time. It does seem that what people think of a country VS living there is actually very different. I could go on and on to elaborate, but you get the idea. Very chaotic and unstable country, if we can even call it one at that point. But i'm glad you find that some things are admirable nonetheless, despite everything.


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me when because gradeschool is out i
see the beachloli T_T haaa madchen


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I made some drawings (manga style) when I was 16~yo


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sorry they're all in french


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I will only translate if you ask me about one to translate


why did you stop drawing?


because I wanted to know how to draw well and quickly. but it takes time and therefore it discourages me.


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just some random stuff


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Here is a quick sketch I made, kinda messed up with the head but rest of body still looks good.
Btw try to guess the anime succubi name and what anime she is from.


Uh, robot succubus from Ghost in the shell, idk.
Cool detail, though.


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The creature there is my "oc", the pie giraffe. I indeed only used him once in Middle school for a little diagram thing about Newton's motion laws nearly 2 decades ago. Here I sacrifice it for all to see now.


dont cut yourself on that edge


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uh oh



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Just draw wizards. It is maybe the happiest thing a human can do.


spooky. I wish I can draw as good as you. check mines here: >>68005


I hope you to draw again. Don't bother to be better. I believe it only adds more tension. That tension takes something from you, but I don't have a name for it.


Love the surreal emotion and composition.
Thanks for sharing.


how many years of drawing do you have?


6 years professionally, but total 18 years I guess.


nice. I'm just an amateur compared to you


Welp, here are some words of wisdom concerning art:

"Don't be afraid of perfection, you'll never reach it"
"That's all we are: amateurs. We don't live long enough to be considered anything else"
"Art is never completed, only abandoned"
"All art is erotic" (Gustav Klimt)
"Perfection is achieved not when there's nothing left to add but when there's nothing left to take away"


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Seeking "tutorials" for something as expressive as drawing is a guaranteed road to failure.

Study medium, invent new art.




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>shade the sphere, copy the LOOMIS head, only draw what you're looking at instead of pulling from imagination
t. left-dominant pattern repeater who can't draw a coffee mug unless he has one in front of him


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I dunno, looks like coomer sama to me.


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I want to draw but don't know what to draw. Can you guys give me some ideas?


Place your pencil on the paper and draw a curve. Then draw another curve touching it at one point. Then another one intersecting the other curves or not touching them at all. If you feel like drawing something other than curves, do it, there are no rules. Keep doing it and see where it takes you.


Actually, ignore this >>68429
I was speaking out of my ass, I tried my own advice and ended up with a bunch of crap.


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what inspired you to draw this?
reminds me of long-nosed creatures related to a band called Dvar


damn never thought one day I would see somzonz talki'g about dvar, I thought I was the only onz knowing this band


Not exactly certain what I had in mind while drawing it other than I find the design of gas masks cool and probably an assortment of various sci-fi/cyberpunk stuff I've consumed in the past. This band looks cool though and that creature does look almost exactly like my drawing funnily enough, thanks for sharing it with me wiz.


Yeah I figured it wouldn't work, I would just have 3 curves on a piece of paper.


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I've been at it for about a month now. I know some of these are fucked, especially the train, but I am trying.


I like the train

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