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File: 1672468926862.jpg (415.31 KB, 1914x1760, 87:80, drawx.jpg) ImgOps iqdb

 No.63672[View All]

All you need to begin drawing is a pencil and some paper

Feel free to post any drawings of yours in this thread. Illustration, doodle, traditional, digital - anything goes. Discussion on skillbuilding techniques and fair critique of other wizards' work is welcome.

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273 posts and 141 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>shade the sphere, copy the LOOMIS head, only draw what you're looking at instead of pulling from imagination
t. left-dominant pattern repeater who can't draw a coffee mug unless he has one in front of him


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I dunno, looks like coomer sama to me.


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I want to draw but don't know what to draw. Can you guys give me some ideas?


Place your pencil on the paper and draw a curve. Then draw another curve touching it at one point. Then another one intersecting the other curves or not touching them at all. If you feel like drawing something other than curves, do it, there are no rules. Keep doing it and see where it takes you.


Actually, ignore this >>68429
I was speaking out of my ass, I tried my own advice and ended up with a bunch of crap.


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what inspired you to draw this?
reminds me of long-nosed creatures related to a band called Dvar


damn never thought one day I would see somzonz talki'g about dvar, I thought I was the only onz knowing this band


Not exactly certain what I had in mind while drawing it other than I find the design of gas masks cool and probably an assortment of various sci-fi/cyberpunk stuff I've consumed in the past. This band looks cool though and that creature does look almost exactly like my drawing funnily enough, thanks for sharing it with me wiz.


Yeah I figured it wouldn't work, I would just have 3 curves on a piece of paper.


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I've been at it for about a month now. I know some of these are fucked, especially the train, but I am trying.


I like the train


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damn thats beautiful drawing. can you draw a marionette controlled by strings? like in my oekaki?
in a kind of creepy way


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Probably not, sorry, unless you want to wait a long time. I'm learning to draw a mask of myself and I was copying a photo I took to see how reflected light should look.


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"Aided by his secretary Epaphroditus, he pushed a knife into his throat." So said Suetonius and that's how it's supposed to look in any case.


ok 👍 sorry for asking


Maybe I could draw it in simple shapes like an artist's mannequin. Check back in 6 hours.


if you don't want to its ok. I'm not demanding you to do it


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I barely know how to draw except specific things I'm trying to. But I learned to draw spheres, boxes and cylinders and basic shading last year. This was another try at the same mask.


>>68634 this one >>68625 is perfect, the shade and the lines are perfect


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Thank you. This is the outline.


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This is how to start


the proportion also were good


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Thanks. I've had this mask drawing in mind for a year. I tried this outline in may.


please keep drawing 👍


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So far so good?


yeah thats good I like the face znd the string looks like it is tied around his neck like hes hanging


I thought so. Yours has a string there too. The proper drawing may be on and off for a few hours but it'll still be mostly a sketch.


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For now. I wanted to draw just the head but I'm tired and kept overshading. I'll see how it goes in 20 hours so.


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i like blood on ponies


thats cool,it has a creepy feeling, like a voodoo doll. the shading makes it more scary, good job


I'm glad


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This is what I'm going by


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On newsprint. That's it for tonight. Black colour pencil might be done the next night.


were legs hard to draw to you?


If you don't mean they're drawn badly, no. They're made of the same shapes as the arms.


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It's seen from slightly above. Maybe the legs should be a bit bigger but they're the furthest away.


it's the perspective that make the legs look out of proportion to me 👍


Drawing is about pulling from your imagination to create art.

Making a graphite version of an existing photo isn't creating art.


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Best face so far


still the best >>68650


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Now I can finally draw what you actually asked for if you're still there.


nice! it looks like a ghost, I like it


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Not abandoned yet


some sketches cool 👍 since when fo you draw or trying to draw? I completly gave up long time ago


Give me the weekend now that I sort of know what I'm doing
I started learning last year at 27 when I took Brent Eviston's course on udemy


good luck👍


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It's finished

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