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 No.53574[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

What are some hobbies that don't involve consuming anything? You purchase a 1 time item and very rarely if ever have to replace it. Learning yo-yo tricks would be a consumptionless hobby in this case. There are obviously thinks like whistling or playing the spoons too. The idea is it has to make as little foot print as possible while being something you can develop and grow at. Drawing wouldn't count because you need paper.
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If you do end up working stone I highly recommend taking ventilation and breathing protection seriously.
The dust from that stuff fucks your lungs. It really doesn't take a lot to cause issues.


Would a mask be enough?


Depends on the mask and the general setup.

Like if you are cutting/grinding stuff wet then there would be very little dust. It which case a mask might not even be needed.

But if you were powdering silica in a hermetically sealed room with not even the faintest of air flow, while wearing a ski mask, bro you gonna die.


depends heavily on the particle size

if you are chiseling and carving stone by hand outside you dont need anything crazy

if you are sawing, grinding, cutting, etc and producing dust, then you need an air filter and dust collection and a mask tbh

for wood if you work by hand, you can cut, saw, drill, chisel, etc and you dont need a mask. the moment you use powered tools though you need dust collection and air filtering and sometimes a mask

i built a shelf outside today and the dust was so bad i had to walk away after every cut and wait for it to settle. this was with a breeze too


everytime you dont consume, you're not consuming idiot

[Last 50 Posts]

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Hello, /hob/. I like military. I also like air defence. Specifically, MANPADS. Today I will tell you about a russian MANPADS 9K38 "Igla", also known as SA-18 "Grouse" by NATO classification. I will teach you the basics of its construction, working principles, how to operate it and how to not die immediately after firing it at an incoming SU-24. Stay tuned, wizards.
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Ukrainian army was/is mostly equipped with soviet/russian stuff overall.


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A Luftfaust anti-air "firestorm" launcher and ammo ca be manufactured with a basic 3D printer, some common tools, off-the-shelf chemicals, standard hardware store fittings, and a carbon fiber winding jig (cheap).


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Best way to shoot down a plane is another plane. Otherwise use AAA or SAM; beware SEAD/DEAD planes though.


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F-2 is the best version of the F-16


those ear tufts are perfect

 No.42968[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I recently picked up this hobby of watching pop education videos on youtube. History, science, technology, futurology, philosophy etc. It really passes the time. And a quick 10 minute tidbit is very relaxing.

I especially find the science, technology, futurology, AI videos very uplifting from the usual pessimism I dwell on.
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1992 reflections on the Cultural Revolution, with a lot of interviews from former participants.

Just a simple search of youtube yields so many shitty advertising vtubers and infographics, it's like no one invests the time anymore in obtaining primary footage.


its crazy nyc is on the same lat as madrid


I love longform videos reviewing video games. watch people review fnaf and fallout for hours



There’s a link in the description to actually download and play the game yourself. It’s really cool

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 No.41994[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Every other board has their own /general/ and it might be better to post about little known hobbies here, rather than have a new thread that gets 2 replies.

How about horseback riding?
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I edit Wikipedia articles.


>he does it for free


I'm too dumb for subtle vandalism.


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Then you must routinely contribute a little to a ruse of your own over time. A little yang in your yin.


This hobby sounds pretty cool. The fact you're able to get people to test and break your game at all is also pretty cool. Glad you've been able to somewhat move on to a more rewarding hobby, though.

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 No.45254[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Hello Wizzies, what podcasts do you recommend? i enjoy going trekking while listening to some relaxing podcasts to distract me.
I am currently listening to this one about the history of Japan and it's role in WW2
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it's just a symptom of people having way too much time on their hands and wanting entertainment to multitask with. Almost none of the big podcasts are useful


I enjoy this small podcast, in this one he chats with the writer of a small webcomic called Tree of Life X and its pretty cozy: https://youtu.be/JCpBRWRxwJM?si=x1ujFZAvszFidGdQ


This guy has cool history-related shit.


What guy? Why not even post his name?


You know me so well!

Dude's name is Paul Cooper


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Really just anything military repeated that looks or is interesting. I will start off with a sdkfz 2 that was used for many roles during and post ww2, such as farming,troop movement,wire laying,medical gear,etc
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>itp tanks r ded u guise
Active protection systems are rendering ATGMs ineffective.
A 500,000 dollar upgrade to a 1960s tank makes it virtually invulnerable to handheld AT weapons. And programmable airburst munitions make any fool taking potshots a Deadman.
>but Ukraine.
Russia doesn't have the money to put APS on any of its MBTs and even still, neither side is exactly doing away with tanks.


Violence is not an answer. It is a question. And the answer is YES


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War… what is it good for?
Absolutely nothing…


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Why did the Canadian army choose the Leopard2 tank?


it's green it matches the rest of there army cars

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How about a history thread? Anyone up for a history thread? I feel like a history thread. Any history!

The other day I was thinking about how disappointing it is that California doesn't have a recorded history that goes much further back than, like, 400 years or so. And I started thinking about how cool it'd be if a Mesoamerican civilization like the Mayans, the Aztecs, or the Olmecs had a colony in Southern California that was like over 1,000 years old and had ancient hieroglyphs describing the Mesoamericans' encounters with the native Californian populations. Would've been neat to have an ancient pyramid site somewhere here in Los Angeles that people could visit like the sites they have over in Mexico City.
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Obviously in reference to the era before the one that began when the Romans introduced a new lunisolar calendar or whatever


No, it's Judic rejection of Christ


We're in the 2029th year since his birth.


without roads, wheels aren't terribly useful

you also need an axle, tools to shape all this stuff, further joinery to make something of a cart on top of the wheels

and even after all that brainpower, the wheels cant turn, really it makes sense no one made a wheel for a long time


by the wheels cant turn i mean like the cart cant turn or steer, the wheels are fixed

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Anyone here still read Sexy Losers? Just found out that this is still updating and no longer looks like anime.
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Can't believe? The author's power-fantasy Mary Sue main character is female. No one would have such an obvious self-insert of the opposite sex unless it's what they wanted. That's like being surprised that the author wants to be a cyborg.


Hey now, Tom Siddell has two main female characters in Gunnerkrigg Court one of whom is turning herself into a cyborg and Tom married a succubus!


Yeah, I've been concerned about that. Hopefully it's just coincidental.


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2007 was an interesting year.

(webcomic name: Penny Arcade)


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Wait, Team Fortress 2 had a comic with online updates until 2017? And there was supposed to be more but they stopped for some reason?

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subject says it all. i want to make money doing something i love instead of being a wagecuck (don't we all?), but i have no idea how to monetize my art or my skills. some people might say "don't do it for the money" but i'd really want to get paid to do something actually worthwhile.
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What kind of books do you write for a living and where do you sell them? Any tips for another wiz wanting to do the same?


I have advertised here in the past they are comedy. Tips? Don't spend a lot of money on advertising and embrace a D.I.Y. ethic


My main hobby is collecting old audio gear, sometimes I just flip stuff if I find something easy to fix for cheap. Cassette walkmans are probably the best way to make some profit in this field, you buy bulk lots of broken ones and fix them up. Usually they just require a simple belt replacement and playback speed adjustment. The biggest profit I've made so far is with an old sharp boombox, bought it for 50$, all I needed to do is clean it up nicely and it sold for 200$ on ebay. I could make it a full time thing probably but I'd need to get better at soldering.


Any tips to started on this? Where does one advertising themselves and which communities would be best to sell the "wares"?


Did AI art affect your livelihood? It sure made me disheartened about my studies.

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I've made a habit of collecting words. I.e. familiarizing myself with their definitions and basic histories. It seems to be a beneficial practice. Because not only do I use these words to communicate to others, but I use them when communicating with myself in my thoughts.

Over the years I've preferred to use the Oxford online dictionary. But now Oxford has replaced their online dictionary with a nauseatingly pretentious, spyware laden webpage dripping with grandiose self aggrandizing verbiage about how great they are, and how much they want to help you (for a fee this time). The change in their presentation reminds me of Facebook when they rebranded themselves to weta.

I'm having to revert to a paper dictionary now. I don't think dictionary.com has the degree of precision that I appreciated from Oxford. Do any linguists have suggestions for my next primary resource for learning definitions?


Why, Wiktionary, of course. I use it all the time both as a dictionary for the languages I'm learning as well as to track etymologies in my known languages.
You may also like The endless knot ou jewtube.
Can't embed shorts: https://youtube.com/shorts/L3tltCMvj0I?feature=share


shorts are just regular videos presented in a shit interface made to destroy your brain like tiktok:


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power thesaurus:

I also like to look name etymology, so:


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actually etymology part:

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