I've been having fun running some solo D&D campaign for some characters. I use random methods to generate the dungeon as they go and just see where the rules take them. Here is a report of their adventure and the map of the dungeon so far.
First delve into the Lion's Den:
Bossief the magic-user, Stolper the fighting-man and Tozo the thief descended into the dungeon. Stolper took the lead, with Bossief carrying a lantern.
The party explored two empty rooms, went down a long twisting passage and was surprised by a gelatinous cube. It was only 10 feet away and swarmed over Stolper, killing him instantly.
The other two fled back out of the dungeon.
Second delve into the Lion's Den:
Bossief and Tozo returned to the dungeon, joined by a new guy, Mohors the fighting-man.
They explored a different section. Coming out of a room, they encountered 2 stirges (bloodsucking bird-like monsters with long, dangling proboscises), which Mohors defeated easily.
Further down the hall, a secret door was found. Beyond it was a vast room with a single kobold guarding a bag of coins.
Tozo spoke to the kobold in his tongue, telling him to surrender the bag, but he just stood there being wary of the party.
Mohors attacked and killed him. The party took the bag and left, gaining 46 gold pieces and 200 silver pieces.
Third delve into the Lion's Den:
In search of more gold, the party returned to the dungeon. At one intersection, the party found a hole in the ground, probably leading to a deeper floor.
At the end of a corridor, the tall silhouette of a gnoll appeared 60 feet away, but Mohors shouted threats at him.
He must have been impressed by the fighter's allure, all clad in plate armor, for he retreated back into the darkness.
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