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 No.56891[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Any other wizards into combat sports?
I have done Krav Maga (2 years); it was ok but I can see why people say it’s overrated. Did some BJJ at an MMA gym but it was expensive as fuck. Boxing was the best so far; nothing has tested my fitness, strength, timing and precision like boxing. Class was always all male.

Really want to try Muay Thai. What other fighting styles are wizards into?
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I never got into martial arts or an actual real fight as a poor guy. Does fighting dirty count? I heard any kinds of weapons like broken bottle, shivs, rebar stick, anything works as long as I hit my opponent enough to make them fall even if they're experienced on combat


how do you know you're high testosterone? Are you a fast gainer?


His desire to crush his enemies, see them driven to suicide, and to hear their loli call him "nii-san" is indicative of extremely high testosterone.


A decent wizard does not even befriend the kin of their enemies, lest it be to cause further havoc to them


New year, new martial art.

Started formally practicing kali.
It's expensive and the talent I have to train with is limited, but as long as they don't drip feed instructions I am pretty confident I can learn all I want from it in 6 months to a year.
What I am mostly worried about is the instructor wants to mix in Krav, which I am not interested in, and very likely wants to avoid allowing sparing often, which is troublesome since I am used to sparing almost every class when I did karate.

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 No.41819[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Favorite comic?

Favorite author?

Favorite cartoonist?

Favorite character?
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>This story is a compilation of the series published in the old Skorpio magazine. Here the duo tells the adventures of the poet Percival, Oberon -king of the fairies- and a so-called king of the foxes, lost in a labyrinth that unites all possible universes, real and fictitious. The structure of an infinite labyrinth is used by the duo to take their characters from one tribute to another to the artists who formed the authors. There are allusions to Cervantes, Shakespeare, Fellini, Pink Floyd, Spinetta, Jethro Tull and Rimbaud, among many others. Despite the constant homage, the series stands out for its finely tuned sense of comic storytelling. The image is exceptional in its quality, but also in its sequential editing.

Thread is gonna hit the limit. Im going to post more alcatena and argentinian comics in the next one


Sorry, i could only find some of his works in italian. I hope some italian wiz enjoy this



There is some hidden reason why Joker 2 exists other than to screw the audience of the first movie. Why did the director have to fuck up what he had done with joker 1. How could this guy be such an asshole to say he was forced to accept 20 million to direct it. He could have said no and left it to a better director. Maybe it's true that this movie is just a ritual of humiliation towards the audience.


Thank you for posting this. This one looks so sad it can be like one of those eisner comics, like contract with god.


Is it bumping?

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(note to mods: so activities here are illegal but Im asking whether this exists, not incentivizing it)
Is there any groups that do ARG as a sport\hobby? Probably they keep it secret but, it seems there's an overlap between chaos Magick in urban centres, underground music (punk, black metal, some obscure electronic genres), militant far-left groups…So far ,by my poor research I know of trends such as:
>extreme graffiti, including dangerous urban exploring, and urban (Clandestine) rappelling
>that sport where you use roller blades in your 4 limbs and slide trough-down speeding cars
>train-hopping (not trainspotting), pioneered in Germany by "youth gangs"
>"expose risk challenges" Bringing a banned item into a place and photographing yourself holding it. Like that nerd with the LSD tablet in Mecca. Maybe Mein Kampf inside a synagogue, a portrait of Bomber Harris inside a Berlin pub, whatever
>crowd surfing, last-hour taking trains or subways, sewer line exploration or abandoned train carriage\ factory squatting ,and camping, etc
does this exist? or am I too meth-headed?
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The ARGs I know of are just convoluted puzzles. Nothing extreme or sport about it.

Your rambling sound schizophrenic and has nothing to do with ARGs.

Can you just stick to using the hobby board to discuss hobbies you actually practice instead of killing threads with nonsense.


>using spanish as a way to mock me instead of using the english term "chilean"
I am CELIBATE, you spiritual weakling


the fuck is arg



to be fair, this dude's itch might be scratched if he just went to an "escape room" or LARPed or whatever. plenty of groups/orgs out there that are a mere web search away.

honestly not even sure what he's on about with all the other shit though lol

 No.27994[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post good (spoken) books in this thread.

I'll start with the Meditations of Marcus Aurelius. Such a good narration.
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Listening to Werewolf books on a Hunter’s Moon. Few things match such a feel.

Wolf Blood - by Matt Tyler

Has a wonderful gothic horror feel throughout. I wonder if they will keep it up with other books in the series. I will listen to book 2 later tonight unless I get distracted with something.


Book two really is trying my nerves. Somehow the AI voice has gotten significantly worse or the editing of it has gotten lazy. Ether way it's now a drag to listen through.
The story meanders. The themes trite and preditable. The borderline retarded social comentary and virtue signaling is lazy and clumbsy, and I dislike all of the new charcters. Also India sucks as the new setting but it seems that the bulk of the last 3 books of the series are taking place in it. It doesn't have the same gothic horror vibes at all. Instead the whole thing feels more genearic modern fantasy trying to follow trends in mainstream publishing. Which is to say, follow the DEI agenda rather than craft a decent story or stick to the more interesting setting.
Worst yet, basically all of the charicture progress of the people from the last book has been frozen because too much time was spent fleshing out 2 of the new characters. Mind you not all of the new characters, just two of them. Both being kinda shit and I am a bit disappointed nether died. I mean one was wounded but this being now a basic bitch fantasy book, that means basically nothing.
Worst yet, I can already pretty much predict where the story is going and I don't like it.

So disappointing.


Something I didn't think possible happened.
I had written off litrpg entirely as a genera because every single book and webnovel I had been exposed to was extremely bad.
But on this day I actually found one that I enjoyed and was actually halfway decent.
Probably because it isn't remotely styles after anime tropes and doesn't use fanfiction tier writing.
Basically it's a war vet trying to retire to a farm but being unable to stay out of trouble. To go into more detail I think would spoil it.
I haven't been so surprised by a book I thought would be shit actually being decent since Demon DIY.

Battle Mage Farmer #1 - Domestication


Since I found a litrpg book that didn't suck I decided to give a web novel litrpg a chance since I written off that whole genera too.

In looking through plot descriptions that conseptually could be intresting I found one that seemed to be a good fit for my taste.
One with a monster/inhuman protagonist. One that followed villain characters. One where the MC doesn't have romance story lines dragging the plot down.

What I found was a web novel series called Devourer.

Someone used AI to turn it into a rather lazy audiobook, but it's mostly tolerable (though could have used some editing and fine tuning. It's clear they didn't listen to the output of some chapters before posting)

My thoughts on the book.
It's shit…But its so unrelentingly edgy in a way I personally find highly amusing.
Like the prose are not good, there are awkward exposition dumps everywhere, the dialog is basic but functional, there are basic continuity errors that should have been caught with a proof read, like people's hair and eye color description changing for a paragraph, and it's clear that the author occationally (though not always) uses chatgpt to bulk out his work.
It really is dreadfully bad from a story craft and writing point of view.
All that said I end up with a goofy smile on my face when listing due to the raw power fantasy aspect of the MC being a ultra powerful monster ripping most thing's in it's path apart with the main goal of becoming stronger, all because of some poorly thought out remarks made during reincarnation.

Athough I will say the author seems to mention people pissing themselves a lot, quite a bit of rape, and the author seems oddly bias towards lesbianism when it comes to relationship involving the side character. AKA the author has some fetishes/kinks and isn't even trying to hide them.
Thankfully these aspects are never focused on. Instead the carnage the MC gets up to and tons of clunky world building is the focus, which is what I am interested in.


No longer human

Heard it was good. Turns out it was extremely boring. I hated it.
No plot, just constant navel gazing mental monolog of a boring introverted semi-normalfag who feels bad about not being a full normalfag.

[Last 50 Posts]

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One thing that completely captivates my interest and imagination is reading about genocides. Some might perceive it as an immature morbid fascination, but for me I think genocide connects aspects of history, politics and human psychology I find interesting.

I collect certain things related to genocide. I have a ‘srbosjek’ - a Serb cutter. The hand knife was used to cut the throats of Serbs during the genocide by the Croatian Ustasze.

I have always thought that beneath the veneer of human civility and empathy, most humans are under certain conditions capable of psychopathic acts of cruelty. Humans bend to social pressure with ease and our empathy is not as strong as it is performed. Lord of the Flies is an understatement.

I visited Cambodia and was really blown away by the history there. The ideology of the Khmer Rouge was fascinating. The number of people that took part in the genocide and only 3 were prosecuted.
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Alright then, you are regurgitating /leftypol/ talking points on account of the fact that you didn't provide and evidence, reasoning, or arguments for "The German Nazi Holocaust of 1941-1945" actually happening.


leftypol largely doesn't exist anymore.
Your attempt at a
>but you are
argument is transparent and sad.

If you want to claim one of the most well documented events in modern history didn't happen at all then you are going to need more than just regurgitated talking points.
The burden of proof is on you dude.


be honest, you were asking for holocaust denial shit when you made this thread

>>68486 is right


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>I have always thought that beneath the veneer of human civility and empathy, most humans are under certain conditions capable of psychopathic acts of cruelty.
Glad to see someone with similar views on this topic as I do. I find it very interesting that genocide isn't something "that just happens after society completes 10 stages of genocide". Rather it happens naturally during interethnic conflicts, and we usually see similar patterns of behaviour emerge every time. I would even argue it is somewhat evolutionary conserved.

Viewing genocide as a natural social phenomenon rather than "this one time when my political boogeyman of choice killed a lot of people" would greatly improve public conciousness. That's because thinking it is tied to any particullar group of people, or that it is "barbaric practice" that can be eradicated by adding "Schindler's List" into school curriculums or having weaker national identity, make one think he would never act like this and that it can't happen here.

Unfortunately talking about things like these with normies and expecting them to be neutral is impossible.

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 No.63672[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

All you need to begin drawing is a pencil and some paper

Feel free to post any drawings of yours in this thread. Illustration, doodle, traditional, digital - anything goes. Discussion on skillbuilding techniques and fair critique of other wizards' work is welcome.

last thread
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damn never thought one day I would see somzonz talki'g about dvar, I thought I was the only onz knowing this band


Not exactly certain what I had in mind while drawing it other than I find the design of gas masks cool and probably an assortment of various sci-fi/cyberpunk stuff I've consumed in the past. This band looks cool though and that creature does look almost exactly like my drawing funnily enough, thanks for sharing it with me wiz.


Yeah I figured it wouldn't work, I would just have 3 curves on a piece of paper.


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I've been at it for about a month now. I know some of these are fucked, especially the train, but I am trying.


I like the train

[Last 50 Posts]


Post youtube channels that are clearly made by a wiz, NEET or hikkis, and made for the same demographics and not for normies.
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YES, I know, He is just comfy to watch


Filthy Frank aka pink guy


He is NEET and makes videos about it. To be honest a lot of his takes and opinions are really bad, but he has so much content, in particular the 8-12h long podcast, where he talks about anime, miscellaneous otaku stuff, TF2 and Linux, but also his other 1-2h long videos. If he were to stop talking about his politics or personal life and would focus more on otaku and tech stuff, it would be a much better channel. He just a NEET, neither a Hikki nor a wizard, though.

Yeah, that guy is weird. In his newest video he announced being divorced from his trans wife and already having a new girlfriend. He talks about what he calls normalfags, yet is besides being user of some imageboards, is still a prime example of what he despises. When he talks about normal people, the word barely has any meaning to it.



damn I want to start a yt channel now but I wont I'm scared someine will recognize me

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 No.48726[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Recently I've been getting into photography. I've found that after doing so, I perceive moments in different ways. Things simultaneously seem more transient, yet more permanent. It's a sensation that's difficult to describe, except to say that I am more 'aware' of the moments around me. For obvious reasons I have avoided urban areas, but in terms of landscapes and natural shots, it is quite peaceful.

Any photography hobbyists here?
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Are these shot on film.


>at least compared to the other ones in this thread.
Rude prude
If by "film" you mean "a digital camera" then yes.


Is it a hard field to get into/ make a living off? Seems like something i wouldn't absolutely loath like most wage cuckery


If people paid you for your photos then I am sure they are far from ugly.


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Some shots I took in the past.

[Last 50 Posts]


I've been interested more and more about the power of daydreaming. I think that if my daydreaming ability was extremely advanced, that it would activate an entirely new level of self-actualization for myself.

To this end, I've been looking for ways to enhance my ability to daydream, and have recently gotten interested in writing fiction (which there's already a thread here about it >>59403 ), tulpas (plenty of threads about that stuff), and in solo roleplaying. I don't see anything about solo roleplaying games, though, so I thought I'd make a thread about it.

I've tried solo roleplaying before in very naive attempts, but you run across the obvious pitfall: the temptation to metagame your character against knowledge that should only be privy to the GM or other characters is just too much. Quickly, it becomes unrealistic. I'm just getting started in this space, so I don't know a whole lot, but some of the systems (oracle systems like Mythic GM, for example) and techniques (solo episode journaling) that have been developed are a lot more advanced and appealing than I thought they'd be.

If anyone knows about any good solo RP systems or thoughts about it, please share.
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Mythic GME v2 is out now, so grab that.

Ironsworn system is free. Use that too. Starforged is the sci-fi version but you'll have to pay or pirate.

See attached, my solo RPG systems folder.


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I've been having fun running some solo D&D campaign for some characters. I use random methods to generate the dungeon as they go and just see where the rules take them. Here is a report of their adventure and the map of the dungeon so far.

First delve into the Lion's Den:
Bossief the magic-user, Stolper the fighting-man and Tozo the thief descended into the dungeon. Stolper took the lead, with Bossief carrying a lantern.
The party explored two empty rooms, went down a long twisting passage and was surprised by a gelatinous cube. It was only 10 feet away and swarmed over Stolper, killing him instantly.
The other two fled back out of the dungeon.

Second delve into the Lion's Den:
Bossief and Tozo returned to the dungeon, joined by a new guy, Mohors the fighting-man.
They explored a different section. Coming out of a room, they encountered 2 stirges (bloodsucking bird-like monsters with long, dangling proboscises), which Mohors defeated easily.
Further down the hall, a secret door was found. Beyond it was a vast room with a single kobold guarding a bag of coins.
Tozo spoke to the kobold in his tongue, telling him to surrender the bag, but he just stood there being wary of the party.
Mohors attacked and killed him. The party took the bag and left, gaining 46 gold pieces and 200 silver pieces.

Third delve into the Lion's Den:
In search of more gold, the party returned to the dungeon. At one intersection, the party found a hole in the ground, probably leading to a deeper floor.
At the end of a corridor, the tall silhouette of a gnoll appeared 60 feet away, but Mohors shouted threats at him.
He must have been impressed by the fighter's allure, all clad in plate armor, for he retreated back into the darkness.
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I did some dungeon game when I was a kid and played it with my brother


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I've also been interested in getting into solo roleplaying.
My intention is to run a solo superhero game in Mutants & Masterminds 3rd edition.
I haven't had the level of privacy or solitude to begin, although that should be changing quite soon.


made by myself*

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Anyone here have weird, niche interests? I’m curious about this kind of thing. I like hearing about people dedicating their lives to one specific strange thing. Post about them here.
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I've returned to fanfiction thanks to ai.
I know it's common sense that writing things yourself is better than having "some machine doing that for you."

To make a long story short: this is a severe exception if you've unfortunately read the bigass fic I wrote a decade ago of which it serves as a prequel to..

Also I wrote another story that practically needed ai, even if sparingly, to perfectly encapsulate an effect I was aiming for.


Doing the same but in an adventure-like fashion, roleplaying as my own character in a set universe like Star Wars or else.



I like to collect old phones and PDAs. I have spent hundreds of dollars on these obsolete devices. They're pretty cool though


is that image supposed to be pareidolia? becuase it kinda looks like a face from the distance.

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