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 No.56871[Last 50 Posts]


Any users of clojure around here? Apparently, it requires the fewest lines of code to write programs of any general-purpose language and has performance on par with Java. It utilizes the JVM and thus is multiplatform in the same manner as Java. It sounds very good on paper.


reddit has a json request thing. pretty convenient once you know. i was wondering how the fuck you scrape reddit or any other modern dynamic webpage bullshit.

i made something to scrape reddit porn videos so i can upload them to bitporno as an experiment. i do a json request for each subreddit and regex the particular video ids, check if its been downloaded before, then if not download them and log it. i added 30 subreddits. they were found on a redditlist website or something that shows nsfw reddits. i just went through the top ones and ctrl-f 'redgif' to see if they use it or not. some reddits dont, others are flooded with it, pretty weird. i ended up with some 12gb of 600 videos downloaded

i was wondering whether deliberate and accurately named videos matter. ill do a crude ab test with 100 vids i personally name, and then 100 vids that i try to scrape a name or maybe generate something. probably the time saved by auto naming and sheer bulk of uploads will more than make up for the decrease in individual views. but i will see


it's some kind of lisp with awful error messages, you pretty much need to know java to make use of it


It's been over a decade since I last ran a jvm/java program.
Android notwithstanding, which is Dalvik and not JVM and I am not aware of a clojure->dalvik compiler.


Ended up going with Haskell instead. Decided I wanted to try a pure functional language instead. Clojure "cheats" by being multi-paradigm. Haskell certainly is different from anything else I have used. The lack of loops is jarring, but the compiler magically makes recursion work somehow. Fewer lines of code are needed compared to using an imperative language. It's well suited to something like Project Euler. Some problems can be solved with a single line. Very little or no time is spent debugging (so far). I will have to try making something serious and see how painful of an experience it is.


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Any web developing wizards and do you do it as hobby or professionally?

I would like to collaborate in some small projects but I still feel to incompetent to collaborate on big open source things.

I could help you with tasks in your projects.

I work LAMP stack and JS as well as some basic Python, but basically I work laravel APIs and frontend JS most of the time


look into tail call optimization for performant recursion (compiles into a normal loop)


Still debating whether or not to learn Haskell. The language most likely isn't going to land me a job ever (not that I could get one even if I did all the right things) nor am I convinced of its usefulness (if it were any good, home come nobody uses it?).

I've moved on to trying to create a utility to convert a directory of files into a .d64 (commodore 1541 drive) disk image. I'm certain tools already exist for this but I just want to see if I can do it. I'm trying out a c cross compiler for 6502-based systems and I want to see stdio.h file IO in action but I need a way to get text/binary files into a disk image. I will try to write my utility in C. I'm more and more drawn to languages with minimal syntax and small libraries that I could potentially memorize so I don't have to be googling answers or reading reference all the time. I don't think what I intend to write at any point in the near future would be complex enough to necessitate the use of something like C++.


Definitely don't bother.


Ended up using an existing d64 editor. I then spent several hours trying to figure out why my program wasn't loading a text file properly. Turns out, you have to edit the text in an editor designed specifically for C64 SEQ files. Using a standard editor in Windows causes byte-order information to be prepended to the file and zeros to be injected between letters and no amount of fiddling with vim or xxd seemed to remedy this.

The library code needed to do a simple fopen is almost 7K. Such is the cost of convenience.


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Just starting learning C, also curses (library for terminal graphics).

compiled on linux with gcc -l cursesw [file]


Nice. Might want to declare the return type of your functions. You're dividing by zero at both ends of your i loop. And do you really need the second string.h?


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>The library code needed to do a simple fopen is almost 7K.
The load routine from the c64's rom is located at ffd5. Basic's diskette load routine is at e168-e1bd, 85 bytes. You may be able to invoke the routine directly, in which case the read file will start from where the load vector at 0330 points, or you could port it to your program in inline assembly. You wouldn't have access to fseek, ftell, etc, the file would just be a array of bytes, but it'd be simpler.



Are you the wizard that makes money by salvaging electronics and reselling the parts online?


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How can I design a decentralized imageboard with one ruler/benevolent dictator? I'm developing a IB engine and want to make it decentralized, so anyone can host a engine node and share the imageboard database and files. All IPs are hashed with a secret key, the files can be shared across multiple nodes with IPFS and the database can be shared by a simple rsync-like protocol with checksum. Each node can act as gateway to the imageboard's contents (boards, threads, posts, files). It's how I thought it can be, however I still don't know how I can ensure that only one person, or a group, has control over banning and deleting posts, I don't want faggots to simply join the network and delete or ban content.


>Basic's diskette load routine is at e168-e1bd, 85 bytes
This is precisely why I have already given up on trying to use C. I could always just include data right into my prg file and not even bother with loading anything from disk. I feel silly programming the c64 anyway. It's like the furthest thing from being practical that I could have chosen. I need to eat.


I don't know the technical answer, but engineering a decentralized IB with a single point of failure doesn't seem wise. If you don't want a decentralized system taken over by those who would ban or censor, then don't give them that power to begin with.


I might be out of my depth here, but have you considered using something like a blockchain?

You can treat the database as a chain of consecutive changes (transactions) on an imageboard. An imageboard is just a public-private key pair that an admin/owner can generate and use to sign and verify his ban/delete transactions.

(1) User posted 34 chars on imageboard with public key #123871237
(2) User posted 12 chars on imageboard with public key #123871237
(3) User posted 54 chars on imageboard with public key #123871237
(4) Admin removed transaction (2) on imageboard with public key #123871237 (signed with private key of imageboard)
(5) Admin banned IP hash #1987231 on imageboard with public key #123871237 (signed with private key of imageboard)
(6) User posted 127 chars on imageboard with public key #123871237

Nodes can receive transactions and relay it to other nodes. If it's an ADD transaction, they check the ban list before accepting and relaying. If it's a REMOVE or BAN transaction, they verify the message with the imageboard public key (which serves as its ID as well) and then relay it to other nodes. Clients can ask a node to send transactions from the beginning or from a certain version number and then build the current version of the imageboard database by stacking transactions (initially takes a while, but then relatively fast).

The problem is that removed transactions aren't really removed, but are simply hidden (the client can still choose to see deleted posts by ignoring REMOVE trans. and dishonest nodes could still relay messages from banned users). I guess it doesn't really solve your problem, but I think it's somewhat in the right direction as a solution.


>engineering a decentralized IB with a single point of failure doesn't seem wise
Yes, I know, wizard. The purpuse of that decentralization is a little specific, I want to make it possible to anyone to copy the entire imageboard and host it by himself or just help the server by hosting an instance but not having administrative rights over it. Decentralization is not the purpose, but a feature. So even if the imageboard goes down someone with a copy could host it somewhere, he could host a new version and be it's administrator inheriting all the content from the previsious IB.

I thought: if I added a "decentralization layer" upon Vichan, how that would be? I want to know what I can achieve with that goal. However, I am not programming on Vichan, instead I am making the software from scratch.

Yes, I considered using a blockchain, the problem I faced at first was that I do not knew how to determine the genuine chain out of each one, because anyone could remake the entire blockchain from scratch. Also, later I found that blockchains are slow and tend to be slower as the network grows, so I really don't know if I want to use a blockchain approach. What I am considering now is a database synchronization protocol approach.

Your solution is good and you gave me a direction, I think private-public key pair could solve the permissions problem, I just do not know how can I implement it. I need to learn more about asymmetric encryption.


found out facebook has a streaming service so i made a way to download vods

the audio and video mp4s and are split however which is gay but this will download them
ffmpeg -i "audio.mp4" -i "video.mp4" "combined.mp4"
…but in 40 minutes it's only encoded 998MB, not even the full video, i ended up just terminating it lol

im retrying with this
ffmpeg -i "video.mp4" -i "audio.mp4" -c copy -map 0:v -map 1:a "combined.mp4"
…and holy mother it finished before i even finished copying and pasting that shit above
less than a minute to do 1300MB

very important lesson learned i guess


Hey wizzie, how's that going for you so far? May I ask how are you learning C, I started with c++ a couple of months ago using Bjarne's PPP book, but I'm moving very slow.


not the guy you're asking but i'm learning C by reading the C programming language book and doing competitive programming problems.


Now what kind of streams from Facebook would a wizard want to download?


Hey buddy, do you mind sharing where you find these competitive problems? I am doing most of the end of the chapter questions, but i'm unsure whether doing them will eventually help me write semi-decent scripts.


I'm also thinking of looking at some programs I use that are written in C(vim, lynx, etc) and playing with the source code.


It's going quite well, I feel like I can make computers do anything now. I've learned pointers and arrays now I'm working on using keyboard input while a program is doing other things (using keyboard buffer). Right now I'm making game of life with keyboard input, menus, saving/loading, mouse controls. I am using code of the previous program to have a heat map display of it.

I'm reading The C Programming Language and also the manuals for curses and everything else I use. I never really RTFM before this. I've also learned git, some comp sci and some other things from an android program called enki, it's good.

I'm going to do some little projects like these, please rec any cool ones if you know of em:
I used to know of a cool site that explained how compositors or display servers work, anyone know it?

>I'm also thinking of looking at some programs I use that are written in C(vim, lynx, etc) and playing with the source code.
I've been thinking about that lately too, I want to know how big projects work. Wiz hacker renaissance now.


That one about the text editor is nice. Have this one https://craftinginterpreters.com/contents.html, it uses java first, bu the secund part uses C.


Who else is a brainlet trying to learn to program here? Things don't just come to me naturally or quickly and I lose motivation at any roadblock.


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I'm with you, buddy. I live in a third world country, and the only way to make some money so I don't starve in the near future is to learn a useful skill to land a remote job or some freelances. I've been trying for some years now, but I was being too eager to give up. Now i started again using FreeCodeCamp, finished the HTML/CSS part and I'm moving on to Javascript. I'm reading "The Eloquent Javascript" and still using FreeCodeCamp. Well, this time I'm sticking to this language until I learn or until I give up completely, because I'm thinking that this was my problem before. Being dumb really sucks.


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I feel like I spend 99% of my time just setting up configurations, dependencies (If I use library X then I can't use library Y, but if I use library Z then I can't use library A…), getting the links for a compiler to work, trying to hunt down one bit misallocation somewhere in a million lines, instead of normal encryption every app has its own little way to handle authentication that I have to learn a new one each time, missing up some minute aspect of syntax, etc.. I feel like I hardly spend any time actually programming or designing algos and it's really pissing me off. Any tips?


We're on the same page then. I live in the US which is pretty third world if you're poor, so I too need to gain some kind of skill to make a living for myself.


every now and then i do programming problems on codeabbey. you can use whatever language you want which is why i like that site

i remember reading in the past that people used to do math for fun, and it wasn't uncommon. like bored housewives would pick up a mathematics book and solve the problems. all this technology and entertainment and stuff to consume and yet people are still doing that


I can see the value of the Maybe monad in Haskell. Maybe I will learn to appreciate the other types monads as well.

The first thing I chose to do for a research project was to make a chat client/server. The entire program so far is just imperative-style lists of instructions, IO operations and even mutation of state shared between threads (I'm not aware of any non-blocking versions of socket operations, so I used threads). It all just kind of looks like a C program. No use of monads, mapping, filtering or anything vaguely functional.


i submitted a report to twitter's bug bounty program. for twitter it says the minimum reward is $140 and the average is $560. very cool but maybe i did it wrong or something. will post updates about it i guess


Hmm. If you ignore the feature bloat in C++, it really is a nice language especially coming back to it from Haskell. Pure functional program forces you into these painful, unintuitive anti-patterns that are difficult to formulate, difficult to read and inelegant. In theory, pure functional programming reduces errors but it does not seem to reduce overall development time or even lines of code. It's astounding what a chore it is to make a simple Connect Four game in Haskell.

I think I have been filtered by Haskell (pun intended). Maybe I would get further with Scheme.


well i'll be damned, i discovered a real problem, but someone else beat me to it so my report was simply closed for being a duplicate. that sucks, but at the same time it's encouraging for a few reasons. i might try intentionally looking for stuff now


that's what they want you to do. Do work for less wage (140$ would maybe be 2 developer hours).


i am not, nor ever will be a developer or normaljobber, so you have to look at the money through the eyes of a neet


Anybody finding that they no longer find programming rewarding? As a hobby, I liken it to cooking. It's just the application of algorithms. Any time you need to solve a problem, you just look up the answer in the recipe book (Google).

I should have just studied literature or something in college. I don't think I have anything to gain intellectually or financially from programming. I don't have the aptitude to be a reliable employee nor do I have the creativity to employee myself. The indie game scene is now experiencing the equivalent of the video game crash of the 80's only this time there are heaps of gay furry dating simulators. The game and programming industries in general just sort of sicken me.


I can program, I just never see myself being in a position where programming actually makes me any money. The software industry seems like an unnavigable sea of information. I don't know what to focus on to make programming worth my time and nobody will tell me. The path to success is kept secret from the forever-alone autists to make sure they never escape their forever-alone status. It's a conspiracy.


Are you Australian?


No, a mentally-ill, middle-class American suburbanite.


Alright. I think I will program even if it's a completely futile endeavor.


started learning intel 4004 assembly today

it is weir most instructions use the acc as like a super register and you are juggling shit around constantly. i found it fun making spaghetti juns and jcn loops

it seems there are a lot more instructions than what i found in the introduction and some double instructions (whatever they are called) require another instruction that i basically have to keep looking up what it means

i can now see why a single chip being able to do all this shit is so impresive, esoecially since it s now 50 years old


That's what you get with loonix and C!


This shit stops me in my tracks every time. I fantasize about C64 programming because dependencies are basically non-existent. Code size is small because you are limited to a very small amount of memory. The downside, of course, is having to program everything from scratch including operating system functions in assembly language with essentially zero debugging capability.


I made a small web app for watching multiple porn videos at once in a grid layout. You can embed up to 25 videos at once on a single monitor. This is much more convenient than switching tabs or having to manually resize multiple windows into a grid. Currently supports a bunch of normie porn sites, but it's fairly trivial to add support for new ones if you know how to match the video URL with regex and transform it into an embed link. For some sites, you can't use the normal link but have to copy the embed link itself, because the normal link doesn't have a proper ID or key param, which is slightly more inconvenient. Can't think of a solution other than having to scrape the embed link from the page.


Supported sites:
redtube (normal link)
pornhub (normal link)
xvideos (normal link)
ashemaletube (embed link)
xhamster (embed link)

I should probably add this info on the actual app.


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get the fuck out kike


>watching multiple porn videos at once in a grid layout. You can embed up to 25 videos at once on a single monitor
what the…..


What's wrong with dick succubi, my dude?

Anyway, you could easily watch up to 25 cartoon videos if that's what floats your boat. The technology is completely agnostic to your particular fetishes.

The future is here. The 2x2 and 3x3 are more than enough for the average connoisseur, but the higher levels are available for those that can handle it.


not bad

im weird so i just play it in vlc, set looping a-b points, crop it to the exact area im interested in, and then i either repeat to fill the rest of the space on my screen, or i look for images to display there


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Lets say I was an AI who could simulate conscious minds and realistic bodies down to the atomic level or some shit. Would I still be a wizard if I fucked an extremely realistic succubus in my own mind?


Imo, the job of a wizard is to slowly stifle the nature of his own sexuality through sheer willpower. Simulating sexual experiences would be against this. I can imagine it being an extremely popular thing amongst the majority of humans, though.


You don't need to be a advanced AI to do that. Just get into lucid dreaming. I summoned and then wizfucked so many succubi, both real and not real. That was in the past though, i am over this beastly impulses and only use lucid dreaming for spiritual purposes.But that is a fact - you can recreate reality down to the feeling of wind on your face. Takes a while though


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the fuck is this Kite shit
i thought i was installing a new IDE or something
it's just some kind of assistant that plugs into other things
rage uninstall


is CLRS algorithms or Sedgewick algorithms a better read if I did a course on it years ago but didn’t learn much?


Upgrade to Kite Pro


Has anyone here read through Algorithms by Cormen et. al.? I bought this book thinking that it will teach me how to write algorithms but I'm in chapter 4 and so far all it's talking about is theories about optimizing the running time. I understand the importance of this, but it should not be the first topic to be discussed in such a book. also, should i bother to do the exercises from this book?


i know how to use curl pretty well now, for making requests and such. i still dont know jack shit about how the receiving end works

my understanding is that servers are just regular computers that have a program running that is listening to a certain port for correctly formatted requests coming from other computers. i dont understand how you can make a program that listens for these kinds of requests though. basically, i think i want to know specifically how server programs are listening for requests. in a windows environment also

i tried looking for info but all the knowledge is above me


Well in Unix it is quite simple, I am sure in Windows it is much the same thing, too, because they all use the same underlying sockets technology, afaik.
The server process is run as what we call a daemon, that is a process that is detached from a terminal (so it's just the process with no front-end like a command line, gui, or anything), it opens a new socket, which is the standard implementation of all network operations. It is really, just like pipes and other IPC mechanisms, an object (ie. datastructure) in kernel space. Sockets are just that: a tool for IPC which is persistent, and provides a two-way communication channel, possibly reading and writing to a network device (it too a datastructure in the kernel).
Back to the server software, in order to service several requests concurrently, whenever it receives a request, it forks a child process in order to service that request, so it can keep on listening and servicing other requests. The functionality here is just as with any other process, the kernel has some chunk of data available for the program to read as input, process it and return some output. Sometimes the connection is persistent, sometimes it is readily dropped (I'm not sure how http does this, it is in principle a tcp connection, which would have to be explicitly terminated by either end, but it also can just serve a page and terminate, I guess implementations decide how long to keep a process listening for aditional requests, which is often the case (consider loading a page with several files, and having the user navigate the site.))
As for the rest of the process, it all happens on the network logic of the kernel, which encapsulates the details so as to run more or less as I just described. The server does not need to know about how the kernel multiplexes the network device into ports, or how tcp manages to keep data integrity, etc.


Finally getting the native c64 version of Turbo Macro Pro to cooperate with me. Using the 512k RAM expansion version cleared up issues where I couldn't get code to assemble if it included macros. I then struggled through the process of figuring out how to include files. They apparently have to exported to SEQ files before being included. Wrote some basic I/O routines like a print routine, a clear-screen routine, one that outputs a newline character, etc. Going to gradually make a connect 4 game. I even have 16-color text and a various petscii symbols so I can make a proper board with red and blue pieces if I so choose.


so the million dollar keyword is sockets. not understanding sockets seems like my problem as of now


If you can read C code you might want to read this one:


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using that as a guide i made something, though it's not in c. i think i understand it somewhat now. was able to start up tcp on both server/client, make a listening socket and wait for client to connect and then receive the message it sends

to get it to working beyond my local network though and to use my public ip i think it will require port forwarding, and then i need to reserve my local ip to stop it changing since dhcp is enabled

this is very cool


Learning c64 programming makes me feel like I am insane or retarded (which I am). To be able call a machine language subroutine from BASIC that I wrote in an assembler, I have to assemble to disk, reboot the system, go into a machine language monitor, load the routine into memory, exit to BASIC and then load and/or write the BASIC program that calls the routine. If you try to load more than program into memory directly from BASIC, programs clobber each other. They don't load neatly into the memory locations you would expect them to load into.


load more than one program into memory directly*


i get the fun/puzzle aspect in building low level stuff, but that just seems kinda annoying


I think there's actually a "load-to" command in the assembler that can be used to put a routine/data in a specific location without rebooting. I learn something new all the time. There's also multiple banks of memory inside of the RAM expansion unit also but I don't know if they can be accessed from BASIC. One step at a time.


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>is CLRS algorithms or Sedgewick algorithms a better read if I did a course on it years ago but didn’t learn much?
CLRS is more academic, Sedgewick is more informal. If you've already done a course on it then CLRS will be the better read. You can preview both on libgen.

>Learning c64 programming makes me feel like I am insane or retarded (which I am). To be able call a machine language subroutine from BASIC that I wrote in an assembler, I have to assemble to disk, reboot the system, go into a machine language monitor, load the routine into memory, exit to BASIC and then load and/or write the BASIC program that calls the routine. If you try to load more than program into memory directly from BASIC, programs clobber each other. They don't load neatly into the memory locations you would expect them to load into.
You're thinking too hard about this. Remember that the basic load function is itself just an assembly routine, which is built on top of kernel routines from the c64 rom. The basic load function likely maintains its own pointer to where it thinks free memory is, like how malloc/sbrk does, which is where the ambiguity is being introduced. You can read the load disassembly here https://www.pagetable.com/c64ref/c64disasm/

How can you break out of this? If the basic load function calls your own load routine then you can do what you want. Alternatively, you could use the kernel routines like basic does. If you can get bytes into memory you don't need to reboot the machine, they can be immediately executed. Now, because you're dealing with a machine with expanded memory there's an additional annoyance, but all that means is you must flip some bits in the memory controller to access the page from banked memory you want. As far as the CPU is concerned there's only one address space limited by the physical width of the address bus.


are markov chains just a way to, for example when dealing with strings of characters, to select the next char based on the previous char according to the pair frequency


I'm realizing that the problem isn't the LOAD routine, it's the fact that BASIC frees memory the moment it thinks it is no longer needed such as when you modify the program stored at Start Of BASIC. To get a ml program to run at all from BASIC, the bare minimum requirement is to assemble a header of bytes at *=$801 which translates to

10 SYS 4096 (or wherever the ml program actually starts)

At this point, you can actually start it with a RUN or a SYS call. The moment you try to modify the one-line BASIC program to something like

10 FOR I=0 TO 10
20 SYS 4096
40 END

the routine stored at 4096 disappears. I think the magic may lie in moving various pointers around and/or changing the header to contain a different line number.

None of this really matters unless I want to write BASIC programs that call machine language routines. The C64 Programmer's Reference Guide might explain it.


Hmm. Without the BASIC header, LOAD puts an assembly language program at $801 regardless of whether or not it belongs there. With the header, the actual assembly code gets put in the correct location. However, once you make any modifications to the BASIC program, the machine code gets displaced. BASIC thinks everything between $801 and the end of the machine language is one big BASIC program. Moving the top-of-memory pointer does nothing to prevent code from getting moved.

It does seem like writing a short assembly program to load the real code into memory is necessary, possibly in conjunction with using the top-of-memory pointer to protect the code from being eaten by BASIC.


Learned many things about BASIC today such as how to create and delete files and write data to SEQ files. Made a short script that creates a table of pre-computed random bytes that can be included into an assembly program and a sprite editor. The table generator could be modified to generate tables of trig functions for instance. The sprite editor works by editing DATA statements in a BASIC listing. A nested FOR loop can be incredibly slow in a scripted language running on a CPU from the mid-seventies. I could maybe optimize by making the inner loop machine code. Going to make a screensaver by making differently-colored circles bounce around the screen randomly. Maybe I will try sprite multiplexing. Or try loading the sprite data from disk in machine language instead of just building it into the code.


I think I killed this thread but I will continue to blog. Have tried multiple C compilers for the c64 and they don't work. Files always end up getting corrupted somehow. Even with accurate disk emulation enabled. I'm using the c64 "maxi" btw which is pretty neat and generally works as intended but not the C compilers. Forth, on the other hand, works pretty well. The binaries that it builds are huge because it builds the compiler, forth kernel, assembler, text editor and various libraries into the binary by default. I will have to figure out how to trim things down. Durex forth is, according to its creator "50 times faster than BASIC" which puts it on the same level as C (about half as fast as assembly). It's nice to have a "high-level" language that doesn't poke along (pun intended) like a horse and buggy.


It's not you who killed the thread. Wizchan is dead. Simple as.

Bracing for sage-wizzie to scold me with his usual grumpy snark.


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I've been reading your posts and will post eventually. I've been dabbling in assembly for a few months while studying comp sci. I have a c64 emulator set up but I haven't used it yet for anything other than trying out c64 software.


c64 programming is rewarding but also maddening. I got the C compiler to work by switching to PAL mode but it only works with accurate disk emulation which is painfully. To compile and link a program, you must insert the compiler disk, then the source disk, then the compiler disk again, then the object disk, then the compiler disk again, then the object disk, then the library disk then the binary disk. I might be able to eliminate a few steps by using the RAM Expansion unit and a single disk for souce/object/binary but I think it will fuck it up somehow. All this for a program that in the end will run at half the speed of an assembly program or slower because the computer doesn't have enough memory to optimize code.

Forth is interesting but also kind of stupid. A function that evaluates the expression "9a^2 - ba" is written "over 9 * swap - *" and it is essentially a sequence of operations on a stack. I can't figure out how to make my programs launch automatically which means that they have to be invoked through the interpreter which means I can't strip the interpreter out of the binary which means that my program has a debug console built into it that can't be removed.



painfully slow*


Hmm, I think I will put the c64 in the closet and use the table it sits on to draw or something instead. Better use of space and time. Antiquated technology is one thing but shit emulation is something else entirely. Poor investment of money. I get what I deserve buying an emulator box.


Does anyone here work as a programmer and do things outside of work, or are you doing it solely as a hobby?


I went to college to learn programming but I do not work. I squander my limited abilities on pet projects that rarely get completed.


I used to like programming for it's own sake, but now I see it as a tool to get a job done, that job is to automate some task. It might be fun to model some scenario, but ultimately it's a means to and end.


Welp. Turns out you can load machine language routines into their correct memory locations with LOAD "<program name>",8,1 as opposed to LOAD "<program name>",8. If you omit the 1, the program always begins at start of BASIC and ends at the end of the range it was assembled into.


I finished a masters degree about 3 years ago then did nothing


You can't bypass google captcha unless you pay a team of pajeets to solve them by hand, as far as I'm aware. Even then, it's tricky.

On old style captchas that were just typing words, you could try to clean it up, then put it through OCR, or more reliably, just save the image, then have a hivemind of people solve them for 1-2 cents each. If two or more pajeets give the same answer, you can be 99% sure it's correct.

But google captchas are more sophisticated, they make you select certain images and also require you to act like a real user, so any sudden, robotic movements of the mouse, doing things too fast or too slow, or just not having a real browser signature, immediately flags your IP. Also, if you use known VPN proxies or TOR, it makes their captchas more difficult.


it's doable without image recognition


kinda, you have to block/clear cookies and cache every time you do it, maybe change user-agent and block trackers. your browser is easily fingerprintable, although privacy.resistFingerprinting on firefox would mitigate that to some extent.


Well, I'm no expert by any means but you could take a look at this book automatetheboringstuff.com and after that learn how to control the selenium engine. Or you could also learn JavaScript and write some scripts for violentmonkey that run in the browser along with some extensions like (buster).


if what >>58437 said is true, just have addon buttons for clearing cookies, cache, and setting a new random user agent so you can click them. you can probably get away with just stuff like autohotkey or autoit to automate clicks and entering text.



Found this website I was looking for xplaining display servers. I know what I'll be doing all day today.


Now I'm in a course to learn programming, I hope that's not off topic because it isn't a hobby in my case.
I learnt quite a bit 10 years ago before I dropped out of university.
I've been keeping up with the course pretty well but I haven't done last week's assignment which had a deadline yesterday.
I wish it was in a physical location instead of online "school". They normally have a location but I was extremely unlucky and happened to start when it was online.
Now it will require a lot of discipline which is exactly what went wrong in the past.


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Lately I've been working on a flashcard program to learn Japanese after being disappointed with how big and slow anki was. It's a 500 line C program using SDL: https://github.com/wusho/flash

It's really made for loonix users but there's a precompiled version released for wangbows if any wiz wants to test it.


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I made a new wangbows release that includes the Core 2k deck: https://github.com/wusho/flash/releases
You can use it either by changing your config or by running `flash -d data/core2k.txt'


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I have momentarily regained the clarity required to program. I probably have at most two weeks before I begin to deteriorate again.


When "Flowers for Algernon" is a documentary.


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My first completed C64 game. Uses some cool 6502 features like binary-coded decimal arithmetic for keeping score. The blocks were originally black and white but I found that I could easily make the blocks have color by switching to extended background color mode and inserting a few instructions here and there. I fixed an issue with the ball carving tunnels through the blocks by using raycasting in four directions. I could optimize the code to only perform collision detection when a ray intersects a section of screen that could potentially have a block in it with little modification.


Nice. Did you make your own bitmap font?


wow that’s pretty awesome wiz, I always wanted to do something like that, was it hard, how long did it take


I made the ball and paddle sprites and copied an edited version of the character ROM into RAM so that I could have graphics for the blocks (each block is just two text characters next to each other). You are limited to only 64 possible characters in extended color mode.

I spent weeks beforehand learning about graphics programming and input and just getting used to using an assembler. When I actually sat down to do it, the time taken was probably 4-5 days. It's not as hard as you might think if you already have prior CS knowledge.


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Spent some time painstakingly recreating the maze from Pacman using PETSCII characters.


It has taken an embarrassing amount of time to make pacman move halfway close to the way he's supposed to move. He's stays centered in the passageways, doesn't clip through walls. Doesn't eat holes through walls, moves between 1 and 5/4 of a pixel per frame (you can have fractional move speeds without floating point, fixed point or anything other than integers). All of the stuff is programmed in aside from a high score screen, sound and the ghosts. There are people who can make a game like this in assembly in an afternoon which makes me die inside a little.


I'm getting into coding, using freecodecamp to learn, and I'm pretty new and I know this might sound stupid but I'm wondering what plagiarism means when it comes to coding, I know what it means when it comes to writing, but coding? Isn't it mostly problem solving? If you want to build a motor you have to use copper wires and magnets (or metal) whatever needs to be used to make the thing work. I suppose you are plagiarizing Edison or Tesla. I get it when it's blatantly stealing when it could've been done a different way, but if you're using the same programming language how do you not use the same stuff to make a similar or same product? I don't know am I being an idiot, do I just not understand coding enough to tell the difference, what's going on? Can some one explain.


depends who you ask

in the old days there used to be books filled with coding solutions and algorithms, and having bought the book you were allowed to just type it in and use their solutions

most people do that still in the form of copy/pasting stack overflow or other documentation sources, they modify things to fit their application

i dont think anyone has a problem with using snippets. it's mainly using entire files with minor changes that irks people now. or using open source stuff without releasing your project's code. weird license things


I see, thanks.


In a university setting it depends on the situation. If you're doing a project to implement an algorithm from scratch and you just copy paste code then it defeats the point of the exercise. In real world situations it depends on the licensing of the product you are copying; it can be just like writing where you are in some absurd situation such that you have to paraphrase. You are supposed to cite sources just like writing. But


i don't have the brain for multithread programming, so is there any programming language that produces binaries that takes advantage of the processing power of all cores for me?


I haven't programmed anything in ages but that wouldn't be possible as far as I know, how would the computer know what should run in tandem? It would create unintended race time conditions if the compiler just decide what to run when arbitrarily


i wish

it seems like people just resort to using gpu for any sort of parallel computing


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Go was designed with threading in mind https://gobyexample.com/goroutines

I've only used threads for async stuff and loading assets, I haven't done any real multithreaded programming with atomics or anything.

The only way I could imagine it working is if all functions were pure, then the order of computation wouldn't matter.


Prolly about the best you could do would be to lean heavily on multithreaded libraries. I'm guessing you also don't have the mind nor desire for math libraries. But if you think more in terms of scripting then it could be anything from sorting a lot of data to transcoding a movie, and something like python has such gigantic 3rd party support that you'd have like a million different libraries to use for computationally-intensive bits.

Another sort of thing that's inherently multithreaded any kind of a website sort of thing where you're normally expecting multiple simultaneous users. If you know what a for loop is, then you also know that a lot of times you could as easily be doing the looping in parallel rather than one by one, and some languages, like Java 8 for instance, have come a ways in making that easier to do with thread pools and whatnot so that you don't have to muck about with all the details of thread management as much.

And of course there's always hadoop for really large scale stuff, but reorganizing an algorithm in terms of one or more mapreduce jobs can really take some thinking cap time, not to mention the extra effort needed to set up a hadoop installation. But sort of the babby step toward industrial strength things like that would be simply to recognize that a lot of languages feature a "map" function, whether that's built in or just a library, and if you start thinking about how to organize computational problems around using that then you're a good step closer to thinking about how to break up a computationally intensive operation in a way that lends itself to easy multithreading.


this question doesnt really make sense. If there were a universal method to execute computations faster, then everything would use it


But evidently that's not the case, as not all languages can accommodate multithreading… The whole point of writing a new language is to expedite coding certain types of applications over others, and what >>60288 is asking is if there are any that are written with the intent of expediting writing multithreaded applications, IE has a documented, non-convoluted means to do so. Yes in an ideal world all programs would take advantage of multi-core setups, but such isn't reality.


I wrote a Bash script to pull MAME games by driver.
It needs another file named systems.txt in the same directory.
echo -e "cps2\ncv1k\nneogeo\ntoaplan2" > systems.txt

You can look at MAME source for proper names, but Github only lists the first 1k
When you start a game inside MAME it lists the driver being used so you can get it here too.

It's not perfect. The pacman driver pulls a bunch of other games that aren't Namco's, for instance.

You can also use it to create sets for other emulators. I'm a Sega fan, and MAME is terrible for emulating model3 and naomi. The emulator Supermodel expects games to be unmerged and zip compressed, which is beyond the scope of this script, but you can pull the files and rebuild with a ROM manager. Flycast appears to be much more flexible.


Thanks for sharing. You can use boolean operators like -o and -a inside your [ … ] tests, so that you do not have to resort to combining multiple invocations of [ … ] with && and ||.
https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man1/dash.1.html "[ expression ]"


How would you simplify this?

for (( a=1; a <= 29; a++ ))
echo "zwsrt bgm.srt $a s_bgm_$b.ssd s_bgm_$b.zwdsp"

for (( a=1; a <= 17; a++ ))
c=$(printf %02d $a)
echo "zwsrt bgm.srt $b stage_$c.ssd stage_$c.zwdsp"


>How would you simplify this?
Remove gratuitous incompatibility with posix sh and extract common echo.
zw ()
    # index ssd_base
    echo "zwsrt bgm.srt $1 $2.ssd $2.zwdsp"

for a in $(seq 1 29)
    zw $a s_bgm_$((a+18))

for a in $(seq 1 17)
    zw $((a+29)) stage_$(printf %02d $a)


Is dash man page the best resource for learning to write posix complaint shell scripts? My knowledge of bash is already tenuous, and I'd prefer portability if I'm going to do it right.


>Is dash man page the best resource for learning to write posix complaint shell scripts?
It is. With the caveat that the terseness of the presentation may not be to everyone's taste.

>and I'd prefer portability

When you find yourself needing things like arrays, consider switching that portion of your script to awk instead of depending on /bin/bash. The one case where it is reasonable to depend on /bin/bash is if you need process substitution, since that can be very useful but is absent from posix sh.


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>How would you simplify this?
If the list of ssd files are known, you could reduce it to:

for file
    echo zwsrt bgm.srt $# $file ${file%ssd}zwdsp

shift decrements $#, so the files need to be passed in backwards:

$ ./a.sh `ls -r *.ssd`
zwsrt bgm.srt 3 s_bgm_21.ssd s_bgm_21.zwdsp
zwsrt bgm.srt 2 s_bgm_20.ssd s_bgm_20.zwdsp
zwsrt bgm.srt 1 s_bgm_19.ssd s_bgm_19.zwdsp


Bash can't even handle floating point arithmetic, that I'm aware of. I almost never do pure shell scripting and call on other programs when needed.

My programmer friend, and acquaintances that I've spoken to, have pointed out that shell scripting isn't the most marketable skill. I've had a couple of recommendations for C#, but would prefer something more friendly to Linux, OSX, and Windows.

I've lightly handled Python thanks to GNU Radio and i2c modules and have been scrolling through Python Crash Course this Christmas. If anyone has other Python book recommendations, I'd love to hear them.

As for other programming language recommendations, I've looked into C and C++ but I'm not there yet. I'm not even a shell scripting wizard and time is ticking away. I need to make myself as marketable as I can before I'm out on the street. It might already be too late.


>If anyone has other Python book recommendations, I'd love to hear them.
If you liked SICP: http://www.composingprograms.com/

>Welcome to Composing Programs, a free online introduction to programming and computer science. In the tradition of SICP, this text focuses on methods for abstraction, programming paradigms, and techniques for managing the complexity of large programs. These concepts are illustrated primarily using the Python 3 programming language. In addition to reading the chapters below, you can apply your knowledge to the programming projects that accompany the text and visualize program execution using the Online Python Tutor.


i know
went with haskell, but clojure is the least comfy lisp i have used but thos java libraries.

if i dont need any libraries i dont use tend to use it over a different lisp.

i could never find a reason to, but sometimes i wanna learn more about types oriented programming

based math as a fun pop culture would be a great thing, i try to spend some time solving problems and keeping it fun makes it easier

>no financial gain from programming

>not having a tiling window manager so you can tile-coom all you need fully supported
cool project though

i personally learned about software licensing from the free software foundation they have a number of guides and articles comparing licenses, and the free software federation. i try to be mindful of it anytime i am dependency shopping as a license incompatibility can limit you choices.

clojure, erlang / elixir, go also in a different sense array languages (incl. numpy champions of them) should lead to more easily-smart compilers taking more from hardware.
i just try not to think about it, one day i will learn what Lamports talking about, hes funny.

Futhark is a research project programming language designed with this intent.
> Futhark is a purely functional data-parallel programming language in the ML family. It can be compiled to typically very efficient parallel code, running on either a CPU or GPU.


I've added file and directory selection using zenity. I'm not sure why, but dash doesn't like the second if statement. It works in bash though.


>dash doesn't like the second if statement
There's no 'select' in plain dash so the 'do' on the next line is a dangling reserved word.
$ dash -n script.sh

You are quoting $sys in the awk redirects but exposing it to word splitting when assembling the third argument to the awk invocations.


i like programming as a hobby when i can use whatever language i want. it is fun making a program and running it and watching it do stuff

i wish i knew this stuff when i was younger… im curious what language i would have liked. i basically still use the first language i learned whenever possible because it is comfy and familiar to me. i wonder if i learned something like python or ruby as a kid if i would feel the same way about those


I work as a programmer and I agree, I did that for it's own sake in the beginning. But as you come to realize it's a means to an end, you will be more capable at the same time. You look for problems outside of the scope of "how do I make the program do x" and put together layers that make a big system. I build games and web apps for fun, it's a big problem that you partition into smaller problems and then atomize it further. That way you WILL learn useful skills, because whatever your particular web app does, will be required by whatever web app there can be in the wild.

Take REST for example, how do you deal with a request, how do you authenticate a user and how do you make state changes in the database.

Next one is the Ui, how do you talk to your server, how do you display the state the REST API has given to you, how do you do CRUD operations to alter the state of that data…

In games it's a whole lot more difficult. I'm really sad to see that people are just in it for the money these days, it makes sense, but the process is what makes perfection, not the outcome and goals of it in itself.

If you have a goal, you have expectations, if you have expectations, you may not meet them and be disappointed and give up, rinse and repeat. Don't do that.


So, if anyone wants to get into programming, do the no strings attached approach I implied. You set the goal of creating a webapp - which is fine, but you don't set any expectations and make it open ended. Make it a creative process.

Try to clone wizchan or something and see how far you can get and what you can pick up along the way. Pick a technology based on if it makes sense to you in the first few days, not what the internet tells you about it.

Just take out the whole value equasion that society forces upon you for a moment and discover the joy of the process.


is it possible to write a single utf-8 character using fwrite() to stdout? i tried with á using the datatypes int8_t, uint8_t, int16_t, uint16_t, int32_t, uint32_t, and wchar_t, it does warn that it is a multibyte character of value 50081 though (when it is complaining about overflow, that is). Here is the warning (adapted)
warning: multi-character character constant [-Wmultichar]
10 | *msg = 'á';


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wchar_t c = L'á';
fwrite(&amp;c, sizeof(wchar_t), 1, stdout);

In the case of á you could specify a 2-byte character constant using char(16_t) c = u'á', I dunno whether wchar throws in extra padding


i've never even used a database, that seems difficult just trying to clone a website server as a newbie to programming. what would that even involve, html, sql, javascript, maybe php if you are doing imageboard software? doesn't that seem like a tall order to recommend to someone who wants to get into programming?


You see, there are two ways: you do a random intro turorial that shows you abstract stuff about a tool or language that you can't transfer into anything, because you don't know when or where it makes sense, or you jump head first into the cold water and piece a working system together as you go, by learning the tools as you meet them.

You already started dissecting the problem by identifying the technologies you'd need. There you start branching off into tutorials as you go.

This is what interns do. They get a project, they tell them the tech stack and they have to figure the rest out by themselves.


i'm not new to programming, i've just never had to use a database. i don't see someone new being able to do all of that though


only a small question mark appears


As a veteran programmer, this is how I would approach learning new technologies, by just jumping in, trying to build something and getting it to work. Usually, what you need to learn is just how to write something in a particular way and how X, Y and Z connect together. Either you read the manual or just start building shit and learning as you go.

But people that are novices really should start out by learning the fundamentals. If you wanna build web shit, then learn how the internet works, how a computer network is organized, what actually happens when you click some link in the browser. If you immediately jump into nodejs and some trendy javascript stack, you'll probably get something working, but you won't actually understand what's going on beyond a surface level (which either results in poorly written code or terrible security holes).

Here's a website that has roadmaps for beginners to follow.

Or better yet, get a real computer science education.


Thank you for these websites


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It prints as \341 in ansi-term and á in urxvt for me. The correct sequence of bytes may be written to stdout but how they are interpreted is a different matter. You could interrogate your locale in the program, but that would replicate the work you're trying to avoid by using fwrite


I've been learning programming for 3 years and I still can't code at all, I have 0 projects done.
I wasted so much time falling for every meme possible like linux, BSD, C, which browser to use.
Instead of doing one course I was changing my whole stack/distro every week and never dive deep into anything.
I believed that web jobs are for code monkeys and I wanted to do real shit like embedded and AI.
After I realized my expectations are way too high, I'm going backend route, I'm learning Java Spring from Udemy course because there is high demand in my area and hopefully I will be able to land a job in 1-2 years.


>>60596 >>60604
NTA. á is U+00E1 so on LSB with fwrite you are emitting the twp bytes 0xE1 0x00. It's up to your terminal what it does with those bytes. If your terminal is set to UTF-16 it will show á, but if it's set to UTF-8 it will show the placeholder for gibberish because 0xE1 0x00 is not valid in UTF-8. In the latter case you need to emit 0xC3 0xA1 to get á, because 0xC3 0xA1 is the UTF-8 encoding of á. For this you need to set your wchar_t to this character: L'ꇃ', Yi Syllable Luot, assuming it makes it through the wizchan post form unmolested. If not, you can get it from here: https://www.compart.com/en/unicode/U+A1C3 An LSB fwrite of Yi Syllable Luot on an UTF-8 terminal will yield Latin Small Letter A with Acute.


This is how you do it. You adapt to the market and not to internet people's opinions.

Java Spring is fairly easy, where the hardest part is by far undoing or dealing with the technical debt that JPA and Hibernate introduce. If you become a wizard of the database layer, you will ascend.


man, C may be fast but it is terrible for thirdies like me for this reason, thanks wiz


You can pirate the courses for free.


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Idk if here is the right place, but i copypasted code from Stackoverflow and made a relative time script. If someone is interested.

function getTimestamp(date){
    return Date.parse(date)
function timeDifference(current, previous) {

    var msPerMinute = 60 * 1000;
    var msPerHour = msPerMinute * 60;
    var msPerDay = msPerHour * 24;
    var msPerMonth = msPerDay * 30;
    var msPerYear = msPerDay * 365;

    var elapsed = current - previous;

    if (elapsed &lt; msPerMinute) {
         return Math.round(elapsed/1000) + ' seconds ago';   

    else if (elapsed &lt; msPerHour) {
         return Math.round(elapsed/msPerMinute) + ' minutes ago';   

    else if (elapsed &lt; msPerDay ) {
         return Math.round(elapsed/msPerHour ) + ' hours ago';   

    else if (elapsed &lt; msPerMonth) {
        return Math.round(elapsed/msPerDay) + ' days ago';   

    else if (elapsed &lt; msPerYear) {
        return Math.round(elapsed/msPerMonth) + ' months ago';   

    else {
        return Math.round(elapsed/msPerYear ) + ' years ago';   

    let current = new Date().getTime()
    let previous = getTimestamp(time.dateTime)
    time.innerText = timeDifference(current, previous)


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Unmessed up.


It has to be something to do with the program, I believe. I'll do my best to assist you and offer advice on the subject. By the way, if you're interested, I ordered support when all of our software was already broken, because I needed to fix everything swiftly and without causing any issues. Then I came across this website https://ipvanish.pissedconsumer.com/customer-service.html . It was just a means to get in touch with people who could help, and they did a fantastic job!


const file = require('fs')
var data = "The file was not stored in this variable."

reader = file.createReadStream("ircdata.txt")

function store(dat) {
        data = dat

reader.on('data', (raw) =&gt; {


why isn't the contents of dat stored into data? this is nodejs btw


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code tag in this software is very homosexual


>why isn't the contents of dat stored into data?
Where do you think you're triggering the 'data' event on the reader?


i am reassigning it in the store() function


I can't help you if you refuse to read the question. I didn't ask you where you modify the data variable. I asked you:
>Where do you think you're triggering the 'data' event on the reader? >>60909


first parameter of the method above, before calling console.log()
im a brainlet though and i dont understand why this is relevant


>im a brainlet though and i dont understand why this is relevant
Because for the explanation of your bug >>60904 it's important to understand that the following two things are not identical:

[1] the time when your callback function for the 'data' event is registered. This is the moment of your .on(…) invocation. At this point your callback function is not executed. At this point your callback function is merely remembered so that in the future, when the 'data' event happens to be triggered, your callback function will be executed.

[2] the time when the 'data' event is triggered, This is not strictly under your control. This will happen when nodejs feels like it. This is not identical to [1].

In those instances when you see the unmodified 'data' variable printed by console.log, what happened was that console.log ran between [1] and [2]. At that point the 'data' variable was not yet modified because your callback function was not yet executed, because the 'data' event had not yet triggered. If you wish to consistently see the modified 'data' variable printed by console.log, you must ensure that console.log runs after [2]. To achieve this move the console.log inside your callback function after the store(…) invocation.


so i have NOT been looking for bug bounty shit, but today i just happened to stumble upon something that could be abused to disrupt service to a very large ecommerce website. pretty sure the same shit will happen as last year where it's already been reported. as before i will post updates about it. potential reward of $100-10,000 for not even 1 hour of my time so i won't be bummed


aaaand apparently denial of service is out of scope for that website's bug bounty program. awesome


If numRows is 1 the second branch sets y to -1. You assumed throughout that you have at least two rows.


wonder how autocorrect/spellcheck works for languages without spaces. with english it is easy to split up entire sections of text using spaces. this is how most programming languages tokenize everything, it is trivial and straightforward. without that though? would you need to build some sort of grammar? jesus christ that doesn't sound fun


There are languages without spaces?




do you mean like written languages or programming ones? pretty sure yes to both. but i think even the written languages without spaces still end up using spaces in programming simply because that's the easiest way to tokenize. i can remember seeing source code for chinese stuff where they use chinee reserved/keywords and variable names with spaces separating them


Yes. You can write korean, chinese and japanese without space and people will still be able to read and understand it.


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typedef struct closure {
    int (* lambda)(struct closure *);
    int id;
} closure;

int add(closure *e)
    return e-&gt;id += 1;

#define eval(e) e.lambda(&amp;e)

int main()
    closure e = { add, 0 };

    printf("%d\n", eval(e));
    printf("%d\n", eval(e));

    return 0;

I'm the functional programmer now


One way to deal with the code versus floating image layout issue >>61137 is:

pre.code { clear: both; }



very random but i wrote a bot for roblox tower defense simulator last night. it is a game i occasionally play with my sister's kids when i watch them over the weekends

the problems :
- you spawn into server in 1 of 8 random spots. i pixel search to orient the bot and then do a preprogrammed movement to reach a game lobby
- need to figure out what map you are playing on. i capture the map title region and imagemagick compare it to other map title images to figure what map is loading
- every map is different with different valid/invalid tower placements. for this i made an .ini with [sections] of each map containing valid tx and ty tower coordinates to place the tower on screen. so once map is figured out you get those coordinates.
then it is a matter of just continuing to upgrade the single tower, skip levels when prompted, and waiting for defeat since it is only a single tower. it earns 1000 coins per hour which is pretty good. so now i don't have to grind this game anymore to not disappoint the kiddos when i have shit towers. it wouldn't be too hard to add more valid tower placements but the coin/hour ratio is fine there's no reason to waste any more time on this

this reminded me when i used to make pixel searching bots for old school runescape, that's how i learned to program a long time ago


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What do you think of this style of C? Do you rike it?

#include &lt;io.h&gt;

#define symbol(name) name ## __LINE__

#define defer(begin, end) \
    integer symbol(i) = 1; for (begin; symbol(i); --symbol(i), end)

integer main(integer count, byte **vector)
    defer (file temp = open("meme.c"), close(temp))
        defer (byte *buffer = malloc(temp.length), free(buffer))
            fread(buffer, sizeof(byte), temp.length, temp);

            // do thing with buffer

    return no_error;

The defer macro pollutes the outer scope with names like i12 and i14, but it seems necessary to be able to make additional assignments within the for loop initializer. for (integer i = (file temp = …, 1) doesn't work, for instance.

I've also been trying to isolate stuff better across header files:


#ifndef SOUND_H
#define SOUND_H

#include &lt;SDL2/SDL_mixer.h&gt;
#include &lt;io.h&gt;

record sound {
    integer (* play)(struct sound);
    void (* free)(struct sound);
    Mix_Music *sound;
} sound;

sound new_sound(string file);



#include &lt;sound.h&gt;

private integer play_sound(sound a)
    return Mix_PlayMusic(a.sound, 1);

private void free_sound(sound a)

sound new_sound(string file)
    return (sound)
        .play = play_sound,
        .free = free_sound,
        .sound = Mix_LoadMUS(file),

So now you can say defer (sound a = new_sound("bang.opus"), a.free(a)) { a.play(a) } and the sound carries its own methods and cleans itself up.


is there a way using notepad++ to automatically correct specific words as i misspell them?
for example GameOBject > GameObject
i type it this way almost every time and my brain doesn't seem capable of telling my left thumb to release shift after typing O. the spellcheck plugin doesn't automatically correct. autocomplete is also weird i dont like tools that try to finish what im typing or show popups with text. that's the whole point im using notepad++ and not a fancy ide.


I haven't used npp before but apparently it has a plugin system (https://npp-user-manual.org/docs/plugins/#how-to-develop-a-plugin). Here's how I'd do it incrementally:

1. download example plugin, build and run it (probably hardest part)
2. modify plugin with an array like { "abc", "def", "ghi" }, insert a string from the array when you press a key
3. fuzzy match between strings in the array and text under cursor, insert closest match
4. populate array from ctags, which runs whenever you save a file

It may sound like too much effort to implement your own autocorrect, but once you've done it you can extend it to do whatever you want. You could also make npp jump to definitions from the ctags file, or open your browser to search text under the cursor, as examples.


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Scratch is the the strongest programming language.


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This might a bit retarded but whatever, I have been wanting to learn coding/programming for a while now and it seems like the youtube algorithm has finally caught up with that because they keep recommending me this app for programing (pic related). Does anyone here know if it is good for beginners or is it trash?


I tried it, didn't help me
These "Learn this" apps aren't really helpful

You're better off starting with a bit of pseudocode


i dont get the python one


Thanks for the recommendation, anon.


The cable is a snake, the succubus is dancing to hypnotize the cable-snake. Like those pungi players charming snakes.


twitter denied me a developer account years ago because "automatically downloading tons of porn" wasnt a good enough reason in their opinion. turns out you can just use other twitter front ends, and while i would like json output, at least these websites aren't single-page javascript turds like twitter. try to look at the html of twitter. it's not even human readable. Reactjs is fucking gay. it's also these javascript websites that have weirdly autogenerated obfuscated elements and names that make adblocking difficult sometimes


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>try to look at the html of twitter. it's not even human readable. Reactjs is fucking gay. it's also these javascript websites that have weirdly autogenerated obfuscated elements and names
It's really bad. If you scroll down twitter the next block of posts is returned as a (deeply nested and garbled) json response based on scrollbar position, then that response is appended to the dom with javascript. It's designed to be slow and hard to scrape. Thankfully, like you say, people have made better public apis.

I've been porting my image/booru viewer from lisp to c. The initial port used sdl, but it's 2slow4me so I'm using plain opengl now. The first problem I encountered was managing the limited number of texture units on the gpu, which sdl does for you, because there are more image thumbnails than texture units. In the screenshot the 512:512 texture is uninitialized memory, then the unordered thumbnails are stamped in the texture using shelf next fit. Tomoko on the right is drawn using the normalized uv coordinates returned from the function.

Also, I like the opengl 1 api better than the newer versions. You should be able to open a port and stream instructions to the gpu, or do it the ogl 1 way. The newer stuff overcomplicates things. Different stages of the modern pipeline could be exposed as registers instead of the inout parameters in shaders for example, it would be simpler and faster.


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Added text stuff and asynchronous autocomplete with caching.

The main problem I had was my string pool used realloc to resize the pool, but I forgot you may lose anything that was pointing into the previous allocation, so my strings would get overwritten with server responses, and the async stuff would write into freed memory and crash the program. The fix was to expand the pool by putting new allocations in a list, so they don't change over the lifetime of the program.


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Now we can browse pages and download stuff.

There's not much new functionality. The program just extracts the necessary fields from each post (if they exist), compares them to a cache of posts, and if we don't have it download/decode the thumbnail, adding it to the texture atlas. The draw list just points into the cache and is assembled on the fly. Most of the speed improvement in this area is from using persistent connections and decoding jpegs in parallel, but we're ultimately limited by the speed of the server (200-300ms) unless the cache is hit.

The program is basically finished, but there are still lots of refinements to make:
>be able to navigate by rows (the program just blindly draws until it reaches the edge of the window, so it has no idea what a row is)
>center thumbnails vertically
>rendering is incredibly slow, we spend 3ms making 352 opengl calls just to draw a page, it can be sped up by throwing all vertices/uvs in an array
>maybe prefetch the next page to make browsing faster
>add a download queue, instead of blocking the program like a retard every time `d' is pressed
Anyway, I'm really happy now it's usable, this is much nicer to use than my first attempt.


the university should be able to offer significant help with finding an internship if it's a requirement


I got 200 rejections and was only given the chance at one job interview that I also failed. 2:10 is an incredibly ratio imo.


im figuring out the mes file format used in harvest moon and similar games. i googled it and can see other people have done this, but there doesnt seem to be anything working for river king on ps2 (harvest fishing). i already can mod the audio of this game, changing the dialogue now would be cool


ffmpeg -y -f dshow -i video="webcam" -frames:v 1 "test.jpg"

this saves a photo from the first webcam connected to pc… ffmpeg always impresses me. literally anything to do with audio or video, it is possible using ffmpeg. and for images, imagemagick. i might build a little time lapse photography box thing and record plant growth or something fun


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i thought youtube-dl and youtube-dlc were just slow garbage but it seems youtube throttles them, because yt-dlp isn't throttled. never heard of yt-dlp but it works interchangeably with commands for both youtube-dl and dlc


how do i add this https://github.com/dlemstra/Magick.NET to unity? i can't find any dll or binaries or anything. it says i need to either build it myself, or use nuget. i googled nuget and it's a website and i found magick.net on there but it downloaded a nupkg file. i googled what the hell is a nupkg and it says it's used by visual studio. do i really need to use that collossal bloatware garbage? i like using np++ to write code


are there any boards out there that focus around technology/coding? something like /g/ but a whole chan for it, if there are any i'd love to hear about them.


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>it says i need to either build it myself, or use nuget.
nuget is presumably a package manager for wangbows. all it will do is pull down the source and dependencies for imagemagick and build it. you can see what's happening at a high level by reading the build scripts in your link (for instance Magick.NET/src/Magick.Native/build/Build.cmd, install.ps1)

>it's used by visual studio. do i really need to use that collossal bloatware garbage?

you don't need to use visual studio's compiler and linker (cl.exe), you can use whichever c compiler you want to build imagemagick. on wintoddler 10 this will likely be mingw or clang

the instructions for what you want to do are literally in your link, it's just a remarkably badly written wrapper library (i lost my patience when i saw xml in comments), so you'll have to invest some time into examining how dlemstra builds imagemagick and creates a c# binding for it to integrate it into unity. the main difference will be instead of using whatever datatype dlemstra defines for wrapping imagemagick's representation of images you will use unibabby textures instead


man i hate the process of building from source. i know some people find that fun. i find it tedious and it pisses me off when people don't just include compiled builds with releases

i will probably just bundle imagemagick with my unity prject and use it by creating and running batch files. this breaks compatibility for linux and mac though


in the case of a batch/shell script, you'd just check to see if the user has the program installed, but there are more efficient ways without invoking a shell: you could either run the program as a sub-process, or dynamically link against the imagemagick library (.dll on wangbows, .so on loonux) and use c#'s foreign function interface


yeah i know how to run batch files on window as a subprocess and have the window and output hidden. i'm not going to bother trying to oop-ify the process of feeding parameters into an external program, the imagemagick commands are simple enough. thanks


What are some cool things that I can do with C++ available libraries. I can’t really find much other than SFML and JUCE that doesn’t require knowledge in another field like ML or Embedded.


I did a quick programming course that took 9 months and I've been working as a web developer for four years. I use an outdated technology and I sort of feel like an impostor compared to people who formally studied this in university.


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not hardcore but it is still programming. making a simple sprite character creator for myself. will have selection side and then a preview side. 18 graphics can produce an idle/walk animation for cardinal directions, with head/face/chest/legs sections. should be much more but you can flip the east/west sprites among other things. so you pick different body parts and it displays the character to the right, either idle or walking, and rotated facing whichever direction, then you can export that as a sprite sheet… to get a variety of parts to test i just hue shifted the colors from a single actual sprite. one problem i noticed though is that different skin tones don't work when you include clothing and bodyparts/skin together. i'm thinking just making skin color in the actual sprites 00FF00 and then basically chroma keying it to whatever color is selected. the alternative is doubling the graphics required and creating naked versions of everything so you have a layer of skin underneath the clothing but that sounds too annoying


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well it outputs correctly. using imagemagick to create all the graphics is fun. maybe because i did art long before learning programming, but the idea you can easily automate this sort of stuff with a few lines of code is just very cool and satisfying


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…well that is an interesting bug. first pic is copy/pasted from nomacs image viewer. second pic is copy/pasted from paint.NET. third is actual image upload. i can't explain how they are all different, but i can see them in the file attachment thumbnails as i type this


that's super neat


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>there's no difference between a c string and c array besides arrays can have 0s anywhere in them
>there's no difference between a lisp string and lisp symbol besides strings can have spaces or parens in them
more programmers need to ask about the sq (the string question)


scheme@(guile-user)&gt; (string-&gt;symbol "sp ace")
$1 = #{sp ace}#
scheme@(guile-user)&gt; (symbol? $1)
$2 = #t
scheme@(guile-user)&gt; (eq? $1 (string-&gt;symbol "sp ace"))
$3 = #t

solution for double escape: 08/24/21 https://wizchan.org/meta/res/60390.html#60449 (pruned) → https://github.com/towards-a-new-leftypol/leftypol_lainchan/commit/217e873e88f595a0ad7fedfeff40b08924e0701d


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Bit of harmless fun:

1. Outside code blocks:

scheme@(guile-user)> (string-any #\; "->")
$1 = #f

2. Inside code blocks:
scheme@(guile-user)&gt; (string-any #\; "-&gt;")
$1 = #f

So as you can see, while untyped wizchan calculus might be consistent within its domain, it is inconsistent as a deductive system. You don't even need fixed-point combinators to prove this, all you need is a code block. ;)


not programming, but there is no general tech/software thread. does anyone know what would cause drop down menus in firefox to stop working?

for example, when making a post on wizchan, the email selection has a dropdown. no menu displays for me though, i have to click somewhere on it, then press left/right arrow to select something. it's been like this for maybe 5 years so i'm used to it, but every now and then i am reminded of it. like signing up for websites, picking my country/state is always annoying. i have to type 'u' to jump to countries starting with u and then click right a few times to reach usa


AdBlock? No Javascript? A function key like tilda is in an always-pressed state on your busted keyboard?


doesnt seem to be adblock or any addon, persists with everything disabled. i don't think tilde is pressed i bind it for games often. i've changed keyboards within the last year also


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that's an unusual problem. you could have a look in about:config at dom.forms.select and see if anythings been changed, and some people using newer compositors suggest it may be hardware acceleration which you can try unchecking under settings > general > performance

i'd also check your userChrome.css and userContent.css (or any themes) to see if there's any styling that may interfere with select dropdowns


the profile css stuff is fine. and that particular config is ok. i just have too many configs set it has to be one of them, if i check 'show only modified' it shows almost 1000. a lot of it is to disable telemetry, sensors, popups, notifications, pocket, etc but a number of problems including this dropdown thign have appeared, like being unable to update addons or the browser itself. the next logical troubleshooting step is probably just to reset the about:config to default to see if that fixes it


it's normal to have so many configs changed, but it may just be after 5 years there's a config conflict as firefox has changed. you could save yourself some time by either trying help > troubleshoot mode to reset all settings temporarily, or go to about:profiles to try running firefox with a fresh profile (you can also do this by running firefox -p in a shell) if you're curious, about:about lists everything

or it could be something completely unrelated, like the doubleclick interval on your mouse being so short it opens/closes select menus instantly, but you would have probably noticed that long before


damn this is cool


what’s a good way to host images? I want users to be able to upload images. I’m running a django back end btw hosted on postgre.


Anyone here remember wizmud? I would like to revive it, maybe I should contact the dev? I would only take the models though.


oh nevermind I just digged and found there's a Patreon and it's alive-ish


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ah thats the fucking name. ive been trying to remember that thing for the past 3 years or something


I remember playing videos that I thought where cool when I was younger and annoying older wizards


anyone curl into their netgear? there is a authorization popup thing that displays within browsers for logging in, i'm having trouble getting anything to work. i originally thought you could just pass the username/password with the url and from then on supply requests with whatever cookie or authorization info it returns for interacting with the rest of the site. not so


Serious question to wizzies who know how to code: Is it possible for a nearly 30 yr old to still learn valuable coding skills?

I'm really getting into Html and python atm and I think I'm able to pick up on stuff when I'm not being too lazy.


learning to code isnt too hard. the hard part is joining another team and contributing and interacting with others and using the same tools as them, having a boss, doing reviews, fixing other peoples stuff. im guessing. i read about the sctra stuff that programmers and coders do for a their jobs and it doesnt sound fun. anyone can just learn programming though, as long as BASIC variants still exist


Yes, but I recommend getting into javascript because browser integration, runs it in browser console, runs in extension, runs in bookmarklets and runs in userscript managers like Tampermonkey, allowing to get used faster because is visual and can be used to solve your daily browser problems. E.g: redirecting Youtube to CloudTube.
var url = window.location.hostname
window.location.hostname = url.replace('www.youtube.com', 'tube.cadence.moe')

Some sites you can get userscripts:


Javascript is a really ugly language. The only good thing about your advice is there is a lot of software in node community. But it would be far better to learn Python (as a first language) and then learn a niche tech stack like Nim, Go, or Rust if you want a job. Nim is actually a fucking beautiful language, too.



Yeah, I used to love coding but then I started doing it as a job and now I hate it. Sometimes I think about quitting my job and moving back in with my parents but it's hard to say no to 300k.

Maybe I can find another job as a "junior" dev where I have to do less bullshit and can just chill for less money.


How the fuck am I supposed to feel confident in applying for jobs. I have an IT background but I fucking hate it,and find it suicide inducing. I've been learning webdev on and off for about 2 years. My js is pretty solid, and I'm learning React with FullStack Open. Like, is there a minimum amount I need to know to even have a chance at a job?


Just apply for the job.


Aso net core Mvc

Spent like 5 hours yesterday screaming at the screen because my viewmodel was empty when i tried to update it on it respective post controller. After a lot of stress near the deadline i figured it out. The viewmodel wasnt getting anything because i put a name attribute for my select so it was appearing on the Request.Form array but not on the view model.
Good damn Microsoft fuck net core its a terrible language. Why in the name of good you got select tag helper, dropdown list and other stuff that deserves the same porpuse but it just have different names with minors differences. its confusing and annoying as fuck when you try to google a error but half the solutions doesnt work for you because they are in razor pages or in .net 4.7 or whatever the hell those idiots just build out of nowhere just to disccount it after 2 years.
Im so dick of .net and i dont even wanna try dealing with xamarin, universal forma IOT or any stupid useless shit the envioriment has to offer.



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I added a togglable title only view to wizchan.
It shows the number of newly added replies to each thread since you last visited.


>Tab characters are not allowed in Ren'Py scripts.
>#if c == u'\t':
> #raise ParseError(filename, number, "Tab characters are not allowed in Ren'Py scripts.")
u cant tell me what to do, fartsniffer


how would you go about reversing the reflection from a curved surface? for example a sphere… i think you'd have to raytrace, but in reverse? like project the reflection's pixels values to a curved 3d surface representing the mirror in the image

is there software for this or is it a good opportunity to just make my own tool


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like this for example. if all you had was a 3d model of the blob mirror, and the reflection from its surface


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>Absolute data is specified as the mouse's actual x-coordinate; relative data is specified as the number of mickeys moved. A mickey is the amount that a mouse has to move for it to report that it has moved.

i saw references to 'mickey' and thought wtf is a mickey? then as i typed in "windows mickie mouse api" in google i realized the joke and it made me laugh


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OK guys, I need advice on opsec\privacy\anonymity
give me the most exasperating, detailed, psychotically paranoid advice possible on this. books, youtube channels, bitchute, anything.
im even willing to buy specific items, machines, etc


What does this have to do with programming?


its related
you take issue? I asked for cybernetic opsec and security


Not on topic.


I reject your admonition


Man's just asking how to secure his closed-source code from prying eyes in open-source club. It's an important topic. Look what happened when Mario 64 was cracked by no-good hackers. Suddenly Luigi is confirmed. We still haven't recovered.


Seems pretty definitive. The rabbit hole is endless though, I can't even answer your whole question


I haven't done any programming for a while, I don't really care ablit programming languages, libraries, frameworks, text editors, all that shit.
But I still have some interest for it, I remember having fun doing some stuff.
I thing I should read TAoCP.


similar boat, i get an idea for something and quickly throw it together and then im done for like a month because i have no more ideas. and people say idea guys are worthless… once you know how to do something, new ideas are crucial. maybe i need to write down my thoughts throughout the day.


Little update on my situation.
Nothing has change and I'm still in the same place. I'll try to comeback with something next week.


used chatgpt for some video editing today. what i wanted was for a list of fiels and videos to be overlaid such that 1.png goes onto 1.mkv, and so on, with adjustable transparency and duration for the overlaid image. it took maybe 5 minutes to get what i wanted which is very cool. im not a fan of windows batch script syntax so this is nice

>I have a list of video files, named 1.mkv, 2.mkv, etc.

>I also have a list of images, named 1.png, 2.png, etc.
>All the files are located in the same folder.
>I need a FFmpeg command that will overlay the image files onto the video files, with transparency.
>1.png will be overlaid onto 1.mkv, 2.png will be overlaid onto 2.mkv, and so on.
>I am using Windows 10 and the command and syntax should work for Windows 10.

>for %%a in (*.mkv) do ffmpeg -i "%%a" -i "%%~na.png" -filter_complex "overlay" -codec:a copy "output/%%a"

this works but the image just completely replaces the video. i ask for a duration for the overlay, as well as a transparency amount for the overlaid image

>for %%a in (*.mkv) do ffmpeg -i "%%a" -i "%%~na.png" -filter_complex "[1]format=rgba,colorchannelmixer=aa=0.5[trans];[0][trans]overlay=duration=5" -codec:a copy "output/%%a"

this seems like it should work but it seems windows doesn't have this duration option so i ask it for something else

>for %%a in (*.mkv) do ffmpeg -i "%%a" -i "%%~na.png" -filter_complex "[1]format=rgba,colorchannelmixer=aa=0.5[trans];[0][trans]overlay=enable='between(t,0,5)'[out]" -map "[out]" -codec:a copy "output/%%a"

this works, each video begins with the respective overlaid image, and the transparency/duration is adjustable. however the audio was discarded

>for %%a in (*.mkv) do ffmpeg -i "%%a" -i "%%~na.png" -filter_complex "[1]format=rgba,colorchannelmixer=aa=0.5[trans];[0][trans]overlay=enable='between(t,0,5)'[out]" -map "[out]" -map 0:a -codec:a copy "output/%%a"

this works perfectly


I tried to follow some books which show step by step how to make a web app. The problem is that most of them don't explain anything or the code is not working. Now I just follow the documentation and hopefully I'll be able to do something on my own.


Lately I've approached programming like this. Instead of expecting a book to give me the knowledge, I just read some simple code, try it out, read the docs for the language, and so on.
Programming books should be banned.


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Dear esteemed wizards, could you kindly recommend a good and inexpensive laptop preferably less than $610?


It's a geeniebopper (genius brained nigger). Should have gotten an ice pick lodged inside their skull already, but the USA government is against Equalization and Heritability Reduction of Intelligence. Lenin's Lobotomy Procedure makes babies scream at the top of their lungs and cry for nigger mommybrains.


>set looping a-b points
>crop it to the exact area im interested in
>repeat to fill the rest of the space on my screen

this + "view minimal interface" once each video is set up to hide the ui
i cant believe other people do this lmao


A Thinkpad X1 Carbon Gen 6 can be grabbed refurbished for around that


That seems like a steal, but I'm hesitant to buy a refurbished laptop in my third-world shithole due to the prevalence of scammers. My cousin stole my Parker pen, which was a gift from my late grandmother, during her funeral. Although this incident is unrelated, I'm concerned that I may be scammed if I try to purchase a refurbished laptop.


Reasonable, I've been scammed on laptops recently. If it's local scams you fear you could probably get something off eBay from a less tolerant country, if you can afford the import fees.


Mental gymnastics : today i wrote sql, wrapped in java, wrapped in SQL as XML (liquibase)


First time into programming, i'm learning Python.
I wonder if you can do cool stuff with it, (like web dev) or should I just drop it for another language.

Anyway, since i'm a novice, i think it's better if I stick to one course until the end.


It's not bad for beginners, very easy to set up and get running. You can basically do anything with it, but since it's an interpreted language, it has some performance limitations. I wouldn't worry about that at this point since once you learn how to program, you'll learn different languages and tools and use the best one for the job.


>has some performance limitations
the AI/ML/academic faggots don't seem to care about that at all. python is basically the language of research papers. i wonder why. ease of use + libraries… maybe this is all tht really matters for people


the actual performance critical stuff is usually written in c/c++ and then python just calls functions from the DLL.



i have the idea to feed a story into stablediffusion one word at a time, and use 50 of the previous output as img2img input so that it blends between the two images. and then time it all together with a tts recording of the story

for example
image 1: once upon a time there lived
image 2: upon a time there lived a
image 3: a time there lived a wizard
image 4: time there lived a wizard who
etc to the end of the story

i have not used stablediffuion by command line yet, always a gui. every time i tried to install commandline stable diffusion i miss some requirement and it doesnt install and it's a pain in ther ass. i am wondering if i can just hack something togther using the stablediffusion installed by these gui versions. basically using the gui to install and get sd working, and then bypassing the gui and calling their install directly with prompts

i would love to do the tts via suno-ai/bark but i cant get cuda/pytorch working so it uses cpu which takes forever, also there is no continuity between voice styles when i last tried it. but if those were fixed it would be great


haskell has the problem that basically half of default things are literally broken. String is broken, List is fucking inefficient and so on. And to get haskell to be performant in a wide range of cases is actually far more challenging than one would think


File: 1685969436781.jpg (326.89 KB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, haredi fliphone.jpg) ImgOps iqdb

I need advice on how to wipe out everything/make a blank slate of my PC and cellphone ,and also, Im moving to a new house so I need advice on the wi-fi and internet thing.
My need and goal is outmost privacy, independence and anonimity.
>How do I -by myself- wipe out everything and start anew?
>Are there any portable devices that provide internet, or any way at all to go online without dependning on a provider or company?
>If I only use my cellphone for internet, and I "hang on" public wi-fi…is that still traceable? do I have to PAY even if I cancel all phone services and payments, as Im, indeed, going to do soon?


Try a VPN when you are finished


Honestly my goal is to stop using the internet altogether. I still want to delete all my online traces, presence.
thats why Im lurking all my (I fucking hate them) HS classmate´s fb accounts and trying to take down all the photos where I appear.
I use the FB report function of "I apepar in this photo and I dont like it".
And so on, I try to delete all my cyber-traces and footprints…


>highschool classmates
jesus christ i dont know how long it has been since i've thought of that. probably never. you have an unhealthy fixation on this shit


>>Are there any portable devices that provide internet, or any way at all to go online without dependning on a provider or company?
This question is… absurd. Achieving privacy online is incredibly difficult and requires understanding of what the internet is. I suggest you start with the basics and engage in some sort of a long-term educational process, since you seem to be very far from where you want to be and have no foundation


why would you bother to give this poster a serious answer


because guys come to imageboards to chat, not to bicker and pout about said chatting


Wrote a little wrapper for grep to make searching for multiple strings per line quicker and easier. It only works for two strings right now though.


i would have just used regex for that, you can have as many capture groups (matched strings) as you want


i have a cymk jpeg. in image viewers such as nomacs and even firefox, it is very saturated and this saturated color image seems to be the 'correct' version, but i hate it. in windows 10 file explorer (thumbnails), and old image editors without color management features (paint.net), it appears with 'dull' colors which i find infinitely more appealing

i have tried stripping all the metadata, converting to srgb, removing icc profiles, but i can't obtain the 'dull' version that windows shows me, at least not via command line… i can simply open it with paint.net or clipstudio paint, and simply resave it as jpg and it will appear 'dull' everywhere, which is what i want, but i want to be able to do this in bulk and i have no idea how to do this. what kind of conversion is paint.net and clip studio paint performing to obtain the dull image? every fucking online service and commandline tool and shit makes it become saturated. fucking color bullshit

none of these convert it into the dull image correctly

exiftool -r -icc_profile= test.jpg

exiv2 rm test.jpg

magick test.jpg -colorspace sRGB -intent perceptual test2.jpg

magick test.jpg -strip test2.jpg

from PIL import Image
image = Image.open('test.jpg')
image = image.convert('RGB')

i'd post the image but it's porn so oh well


File: 1686863747530.png (1.73 MB, 1920x705, 128:47, 1686863726.png) ImgOps iqdb

Magick can alter saturation multiplicatively.


that's not what i mean, it's just… there's a way windows and older image editors are converting from cmyk to rgb, and it results in a dull image, which is what i want. but i cannot for the life of me replicate this conversion, they all end up 'correctly' saturated. i thought there was an embedded icc color profile but i've stripped everything from this god damn image, it's purely a result of the format being cmyk and nothing else

i will probably just desaturate it until it matches or something, i don't know what else to do. it seems like such a hack but i can't figure out how to produce the dull variant via commandline, because all the other editors and stuff produce the exact same dull image, which means they aren't just arbitrarily desaturating, they are using some method. i thought it was just a result of ignoring the color profile but imagemagick doesn't seem capable of converting to the dull variant. i've tried all 5 profile intents as well


I don't know any solutions, but I know what you're talking about. When I view raw image formats such as DNG and NEF in Windows' default image viewer, the thumbnail and LRF version is quite saturated and contrasty (REC.709 space??) but the full image upon loading converts to what looks like the D-LOG color space captured by cameras pre-processing.

Maybe just desaturate you entire screen with your GPU's control panel? Or through the monitor itself? NVIDIA cards may even be able to apply selective color settings on a per-application basis, which might work on windows 10+ as the newer "photos" program uses DirectX so your GPU might be able to alter its windows as it would a video game.


i figured out the image is utilizing adobe prophoto rgb colorspace, but windows explorer is not color managed and interprets this as plain rgb or something and it is desturated. while incorrect, i strongly prefer the desaturated version that windows and other programs show, instead of the overly vibrant and saturated correct version that color managed photo viewing apps show me

still haven't been able to figure out how to convert from this color space, but i did figure out i can desaturate, lower blue channel, raise red channel, and then lower contrast to achieve something similar

if i change my gpu or display, it will affect everything, but only these images are bad. id rather just find a way to fix them before changing how everything displays


can’t you just tag the images as SRGB so that color managed renderers will emulate the "wrong" behaviour?


i have tried all sorts of things, but no i can't figure out how to simply render it as rgb or use the wrong colorspace, which i imagine non color managed stuff like windows is doing. at this point im considering finding very very old versions of image libraries or something with commandline to see if it can produce the effect

i want this incorrectly desaturated version because it paradoxically shows more detail, at least for my monitor. the saturated one has horrible color levels and looks like a mess


can you link a sample image?


File: 1687404765819-0.jpg (418 B, 40x30, 4:3, crop.jpg) ImgOps iqdb

File: 1687404765819-1.png (2.78 KB, 160x60, 8:3, ClipboardImage.png) ImgOps iqdb

sure, but i had to crop it. curious how it will appear on wizchan. the to left half is how it appears (incorrectly) via windows and old stuff. right is how it appears in photo viewers, gimp, probably photoshop or anything adobe, web browsers, etc. i don't like the right… tldr to convert crop.jpg into the left, such that it appears that way in a photo viewer, that's my problem atm


Wizfrens, what's the best text editor for Windows?




Notepad++ (or VSCode if you don't mind telemetry/analytics and Electron).


VSCode is pretty nice out of the box and looks/works the same on all platforms. Loads of extension and themes you can install to fit your needs.


I gave up on functional programming and moved to C. I keep digging downward through the abstraction layers, learning about baremetal C and assembly (kernels, microcontroller firmware) straight down to analog electronics. My knowledge still feels surface-level.


ima give Go a chance, see how it feels.


I lied I don't have much to do with computers at all but I got nice digits.


ffmpeg.exe -i video.mkv -ss 110 -crf 30 -preset veryfast -vf subtitles=video.mkv:si=0 video.mp4

i had to hard encode subs to make anime playable on my old phone, this is what i used
ss 110 skips the first 110 seconds, skipping the intros
crf 30 is really low quality but significantly reduces filesize
preset veryfast just speeds up encoding
-vf subtitles=video.mkv:si=0 is a filter to hard encode the subtitles from video.mkv, using the 1st(0) subtitle index (english) - you look at streams by via ffprobe

the problem i had was trying to map select the video, audio, subtitle streams while also hard encoding them with a filter, in one pass. i still dont know how to do this, but this seems to select the right audio and video streams without specifying it, leaving only the subtitle stream necessary to specfy, which lets you filter it since no mapping is done. it is simple but i spent an hour figuring it out. i really wish someone posted this to the stack overflow thing regarding converting mkv to mp4 and retaining subs


what am i even supposed to do with programming

i learned a language (atleast, the fundamentals of how it works) and thought it was gonna be a great hobby for an autist like me and i could put all of my time into it, but i half assed what i finally wanted to do with it in the first place and now i cant even get the motivation to even do any more of it. 90% of the time youre just staring at documentation and googling stuff and i cant be bothered when i dont even know what i wanna do with it anymore.


you write programs

>what programs do i write?

you use your computer and when you notice a problem/inconvenience that you're having, you write a program to address it


what if you make 2 node types, one for hosted instance and one for central authority?


learn to draw pixels in a window and play with graphics algorithms anon, graphics can be amazing


learn 2 inject code so you can fix all of your favorite games

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