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Im trying to make an imageboard for fun, i got fired from my job and have money for some months so before trying searching a new one ill try to make an imageboard as an small project.
I have little knowledge about coding so idk how this will turn out.
I made a draft using this >https://replit.com/talk/learn/How-to-make-a-imageboard/56787#make-your-own-php-imageboard
but idk how to continue.
How should i continue?
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how does one even install this? everytime i try I get errors and broken. Answer plz


any news?



i can only assume these two things going together means some sort of pedo shit going on


oh wait, I see it's a game, nevermind


>i can only assume these two things going together means some sort of pedo shit going on
What could this possibly mean?
It's an imageboard software running with PHP and Javascript. The "Install" is done through PHP once prerequisits are met and is done in order to create the appropriate databases and tie everything together without the operator needing to move things around or manually rename repeating assets when a new board is added.

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I want to learn afrikaans but there's no websites or apps about it, can someone help me learning afrikaans?
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Just learn Dutch, Afrikaans is like Dutch ebonics


I prefer afrikaans language more then dutch. it sounds beautiful to me, more then dutch


your probably refering to the accent i assume, flemish is way more beautiful then that of main land dutch


out of curiosity why is that? coming from an afrikaans person the language is not widely used anymore, aside from in smalltown SA


I don't know, first time I heard about it, I founded it cool and wanted to learn about it. I hope my answer is enough for you. also, do you speak afrikaan?

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do you like to collect gem stones? do you have some? can you post them in the thread, please? where do you find them?
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I see someone is trying to poke the autist by intentionally being wrong.


could just be ESL confusion, there is a lot of digging in archeology and geodes are literally rocks with gemstones inside


>could just be ESL confusion
I highly doubt it.


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That gemmy is brimstone, as the kids say.

 No.51498[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

This thread will be for discussing all television shows, series and miniseries

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You can't post on a board without mentioning how reluctantly you do so because you hate that board so much? Just about what we could expect from someone who binge watches crappy American TV to get his fill of achievement.


TNG was what got me into sci-fi in the first place as a kid.
It's a good show and glad you enjoyed it.


Dianna Troi was a mistake. Empaths were a mistake. I fucking hated every second that bitch was on the screen. Riker was also a shit character. Other than that it was quite good and enjoyable. I wish they would have done Star Trek Captain Worf. I always liked Worf. The stuff they did later in the series really fleshed out his character and I would have liked to see him as the lead. What we got after that was just disappointing. Janeway wasn't terrible, but just not very interesting as was the show itself. It was like TNG just watered down. Then Enterprise was just shit. I didn't get very far with that one. Couldn't force myself through it.


Oh, and deep space 9 is good. Not as good as TNG but nearly.


I never liked Deep space 9 but I did enjoy TNG and Voyager.

Part of the appeal of Star Trek to me is the exploration and adventure.
Sitting on a space station most of the time just didn't do it for me.

[Last 50 Posts]

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Previous thread: >>25265
>The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy organizes scholars from around the world in philosophy and related disciplines to create and maintain an up-to-date reference work.
>List of unsolved problems in philosophy
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yeah schop was a big fan of hinduism, thou art that. so the will is the universe, and you are the will.

Schop's feelings on the Will seem to me mixed. Like he's not an entire pessimist anti-natalist, anti-life who just completely he hates the Will. He appreciates its volcanic power. And thinks rationality and anything we throw in the Will's way is futile. He thinks art and music are the purest expression of the Will and he doesn't think they are evil.

rationally it would be best to overcome the will, and he sees that as through asceticism not suicide. although his claim that suicide asserts the will, because we hate a bad life, but we dont hate life itself. can be questioned.

so asceticism is rational but rare.

he actually praises poverty as "involuntary trappists", men who have to live like poor monks, even though they didnt choose it. and he sees that as good in its way. easier than recruiting voluntary monks.

"involuntary traps" is like Schop using an early version of the term involcel.


Most of us here who are atheists became so because the world is evil. And this is what Hume had to say on that-



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Schop's system


>schop was a big fan of hinduism
Yeah, a whiny fuckup too sad about >nogf to wipe his own ass will appreciate a culture dominated by those same types of people


Below is a passage from Karl Popper’s “The Open Society and Its Enemies” (1945), Chapter 10: “The Open Society and Its Enemies,” Sect. I.

“As a consequence of its loss of organic character, an open society may become, by degrees, what I should like to term an ‘abstract society’. It may, to a considerable extent, lose the character of a concrete or real group of men, or of a system of such real groups. This point which has been rarely understood may be explained by way of an exaggeration. We could conceive of a society in which men practically never meet face to face — in which all business is conducted by individuals in isolation who communicate by typed letters or by telegrams, and who go about in closed motor-cars. (Artificial insemination would allow even propagation without a personal element.) Such a fictitious society might be called a ‘completely abstract or depersonalized society’. Now the interesting point is that our modern society resembles in many of its aspects such a completely abstract society. Although we do not always drive alone in closed motor cars (but meet face to face thousands of men walking past us in the street) the result is very nearly the same as if we did — we do not establish as a rule any personal relation with our fellow-pedestrians. Similarly, membership of a trade union may mean no more than the possession of a membership card and the payment of a contribution to an unknown secretary. There are many people living in a modern society who have no, or extremely few, intimate personal contacts, who live in anonymity and isolation, and consequently in unhappiness. For although society has become abstract, the biological make-up of man has not changed much; men have social needs which they cannot satisfy in an abstract society.

Of course, our picture is even in this form highly exaggerated. There never will be or can be a completely abstract or even a predominantly abstract society — no more than a completely rational or even a predominantly rational society. Men still form real groups and enter into real social contacts of all kinds, and try to satisfy their emotional social needs as well as they can. But most of the social groups of a modern open society (with the exception of some lucky family groups) are poor substitutes, since they do not provide for a common life. And many of them do not have any function in the life of the society at large.

Another way in which the picture is exaggerated is thaPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Well, I've been on urge to drink for a few weeks now. Tonight's poison is standard beer and "dry sake". The last is not that enjoyable personally but I don't have many options right now. What are you drinking or planning to drink?
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Flavored malt liquor. Maybe strawberry, watermelon, pineapple, or mango-flavored.


been buying and drinking every bourbon brand I can get my hands on for a couple of years now, I'm at the point I'm drinking an entire 750 ml bottle a day. luckily I've worked from home so all the money that went to gas for commuting is going to bourbon, four roses small batch is my favorite stuff. prices been going up lately.


been drinking about 2-3 handles of bourbon a week for about 2 years now. i've tried a lot of bourbons from the cheap 15-40 dollar mark. I kinda settled on benchmark so far, better than most 20-30 dollar bourbons for under 20 dollars. id recommend for a cheap underrated bourbon. used to really like four roses but the alcoholic normfags caught onto that and raised the prices like crazy. pardon my spelling friends as ive also been drinking tonight
was about to post this and saw a kindred spirit, not quite up to a handle a day i can kill it in 2 days. also working from home.


I found curry lentils on my nightwalk at the trainstation. After I crush and ferment it in baking yeast and honey it will taste beery next month but my moms attic could smell footgarmenty


It's not. Poisoning yourself will never count as a hobby but by looking at the OP you can tell he is brazilian. Just check that sake bottle and read the portuguese.

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There is a biking thread and an international travel thread but no road trip thread. Has anyone here gone on a road trip? I know it's practically a rite of passage for most normalfaggots (at least in the US), but I would be interested in getting out and polishing my wizard wand in a different state.

I am planning on hitting the American Midwest and Southwest in Spring. I think intentional settlements like the Padanaram Settlement, New Harmony and East Wind Community would be neat to visit. I'd also like to camp in lesser frequented states like Kansas. Does anyone have any suggestions for either places to see, suggestions for planning etc?
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Did a east coast road trip last fall by myself. Spent a lot of time just walking around small towns by myself, hiking, eat. Slept in my car to keep it cheap. Its nice to have the freedom to pretty much just go where ever you for a little while.


i love america and ive been to 42 states, not sure what part of my post lead you to that belief


probably the pic


What you see as America's positive he sees as America's negative.


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another follow up post and this time asking for suggestions this year, there was a motorcycle riding thread I was also in, the guy with the 650cc yamaha. was doing these road trips in a car, but this year i was able to get a good deal to trade my bike up to a 1600cc vulcan, big cruiser bike, so i think this time it will be a late summer early fall motorcycle trip instead of a winter trip still trying to decide where to ride if anyone has any suggestions i'm based out of florida.

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would any wizzies be interested in a sort of hidden cam livestream of a NEET venturing out and forcing himself to interact with neurotypicals? would that be interesting, I have various ideas for things to do but idk if people would find it interesting.
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If you're using words like "neurotypical" you're a normalfag yourself.

Sorry you had to learn this way :/


Correct, using a specific sound or string of characters as a symbol for an abstract concept determines if you're able to integrate into society or not.


kino actually. if you do this you need to post it.


I can't stand these retarded slang words like kino, based, kek, etc. I'm 30, but I feel like 90.



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 No.41822[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

what language are you learning and what tools do you use to learn it?
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Just consume your usual japanese content, gather words and train it with anki. Guide (this channel has nice content on Japanese learning:

>logout from YouTube account

>clear cache
>click in a Japanese video
>repeat until your feed is flooded
>use auto generated subtitles
>click to auto translate auto generated subtitles (optional when don't understand nothing)
>some Japanese channels has English subtitles
That's how I watch Japanese content and it's enough to understand everything, no need in learning Japanese


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For maximum smoothness you can use a translator (picrel not fully translated) and after some time the auto translated and the English subtitle will get cached and automatically turn on when available. It's good enough to the point I lost the motivation to learn Japanese.



>what language are you learning
>what tools do you use to learn it
netflix,music and google translate
im now b2 and i consider myself pretty fluent this is the easiest and the most enjoyable way to learn languages


read the book, fluent forever by gabriel wyner(sp?) will help a lot.

different language require some different approach, you generally get good return on building vocabulary though.

biggest mistake people do trying to learn a language is they try to learn by latching onto their native language with those ideas, words, thoughts. you need to build an entirely new language from the ground up, that means not associating your new language words to your old language words, you need an intermediary, a translation and interpretation layer far more powerful for the mind, that is imagery and emotion. you need to build your language up from thinking the target language word, and first thing that comes into your mind are images, and not the translated meaning in your native tongue. that is the crux and major stumbling block/paradigm shift required to be proper successful and where most fail with their language learning.

find a movie you know really well, all the dialogue, get the sub and dub for it, play it in background or on another screen. listen to music in that target language, watch videos. have an actual physical good dictionary for that language next to you, do this as a habit you hear a word, you randomly open up and try find it, try find what it means.

language acquisition is making all these little easy habits that add up and require almost no effort, for years, culminating into almost effortless. or you can train hard all out for a couple weeks.months then forget about it and never pick it up again. i tried both, i made the mistakes, and learned, then got better. maybe this can help you if you try it. that book fluent forever check it out.

[Last 50 Posts]

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any wizards into chess too?
it's quite interesting with its unlimited options. a way to escape the bitter reality, as well.
what's your elo rating?
your favorite openings with white and black pieces?
how much time do you dedicate for chess usually?
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play longer
i was 900 a year ago
but when i play longer (= think more) i'm 1000.
i'm likely 500 now.


Queen takes knight forcing rook takes queen. White rook takes black rook mate


idk if its right or wrong as I am new to chess and only 700 elo but what if bishop takes knight then if king moves then he loses the rook or if it captures the bishop then rook can move horizontally to g6 and then king will be in check then you can move your rook to g8 and then black's rook can only move horizontally as its own pawn is blocking it from moving vertically so it has to capture that rook which you can take with the pawn and promote it to queen.


Rg7, Qf6, Qg5 if king captures bishop idk the moves if king moves to the corner of the board

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