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 No.53500[View All]

I honestly haven't put any effort in gardening this chili plant, I just placed the seeds in the pot with dirt and this how it turned out a few weeks later. It's pleasuring seeing it growing day by day and im looking forward eating the chilli once its red.
It has such incredible calmness to it..

What are the small things that gives you some joy in this 'life'?
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Something tells me you are being retarded on purpose as bait to derail the thread.


Fan-films that are better than the official versions.


Isn't that the fundamental principle of Stoicism kek


No, it is more like a really shitty version of a postmodernist deconstruction, which in its self aims to isolate words from context to destroy meaning.


You're the one who said context gives things meaning.


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pigeon in a parking garage


I'll wire you half a bitcoin if you eat it raw


ok, pls sens monie


you need to post evidence jabronie


sned bonies then i wil eat the dead cat




Ballet with Bicycles


Mission: Impossible Season 1, Episode 1: Pilot

Briggs assembles a team that includes a master of disguise, a femme fatale, an electronics whiz, an incredibly strong man and a safecracker.


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video games are cool

meeting people who are just as insane as me is awesome

seeing a 2d loli smile brings me unspeakable joy

music validates me and my struggles

so, essentially, being autistic as fuck has saved me from dying!


Made a ham sandwich for dinner. Sourdough, cheddar, lettuce, tomato, onion, mayo and mustard. Wasn't aware just how much onions really elevate a sandwich to the next level.


I hate this


Playing my favorite game (Cluedo)


cooking and eating




Reading books even of normalfaggot creation because their fake morality buttthurt can help find interesting historical figures like this guy :https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manuel_Santa_Cruz_Loidi he even had a flag with a skull very cool the attempts of the moralfag in the book to make him look evil only make him more fun to imagine a priest removing norms left and right and regardless of gender unlike average white Knight soldiers lol


even though i am retarded and have a hard time doing it due to bad memory. i retain nothing


If you retain nothing then it could easily be argued that you aren't actually learning anything.


I built a raised pond and recently I stocked it with 50 goldfish and 6-7 koi. I enjoy just going out there and watching them swim about. Feeding them is fun too.



Do you mean expand?
You've triggered them.


Imagine how pleasant it could be to not learn anything after a certain point. You would be able to read a book over and over again with only a vague sense of familiarity. Take biology as an example. What if every day you wanted to learn about mushrooms or Pre-Cambrian organisms and you could feel the same joy and wonder at how strange life is? Yes, it would be difficult at first to emotionally grasp that one was retarded, but once you accepted the fact, you could plan ahead to keep enjoying everything life throws at you. The world would truly be your oyster.


Go get a full frontal lobotomy if you want to live like that.


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started some plants for a patch in the backyard and some pots on the porch. mostly okra, tomatoes, lettuce, broccoli


>seeing a 2d loli smile brings me unspeakable joy
You were supposed to be a father by now


You can get $50 drones from Target now.


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I know. Isn't that cool ?!?


There are small and faint, but still noticeable moments of joy when my ears catch an interesting song for the first time, or after having forgotten about it

Internet radio, the twitch music category, and my YouTube playlists are good friends


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I don't do it for fun but I remember passing this fox in the car at 5am.
I thought I saw it move as I drove past. I walked back to it after getting home but it was definetly dead. I stood there looking at it for a little while, it was sad.
I remember seeing a mating pair of foxes that had both been hit and died next to eachother. That bummed me out too.


Why? Was he "supposed" to get raped into it taking your logic into account?


Took me far too long to realize that small pleasures and victories in life are just as important as the big pleasures like degree, car, house, etc. This was highlighted recently when I finally figured out how to repair a small hole in a floor tile, an ugly clip had been visible for years, but I coincidently saw some putty that was the same color as the tile and had a brainwave. Pleased with it, best improvement I had done in a long time.


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Just because you don't touch succubus doesn't mean you can't have kids through machines.

Take the surrogacy pill.


My first batch of baby shrimp have now grown up to the point where you can start to see eggs forming inside of them. I started with 10 shrimp about a year ago and now I have several times that number at least.


Is this a moneymaking venture?


lol, nah. They live in a 1 gallon bowl on a shelf next to my chair. They are about the size and shape of a cooked long grained piece of basmati rice. They are just pets for my entertainment. They mostly live off the algae and bacteria growing in the tank. Supposedly as time goes on I should feed them less and less so that they don't overpopulate and just create a stable colony. I have only fed them about 6-8 times since I got them and I never feed them more than a piece of food as big as one of them is. Now I just do it every few months but they are still breeding quite rapidly so I guess there is plenty of bacteria and algae to eat in there. It's kind of miraculous just how easy it is. As long as they get enough light for the algae to grow you basically don't have to do anything. The algae can produce enough oxygen for them to live off of so you can even keep it sealed to avoid moisture loss. I have a piece of seran wrap over the top of the bowl that is loosely fitting. I think it is a good combo of moisture retention and gas exchange because I can see gaps where air can get in but most of the moisture condensates on the film and falls back into the tank. If I had a timer for my light it would be completely maintenance free but since I live in my room I don't find it hard to turn on and off the light every day.


>What are the small things that gives you some joy in this 'life'?
when there is new Yu-Gi-Oh! cards revealed


I feel like The Book of Disquiet is the quintessential wizardly philosophical musings


Writing. But not like writing stories or anything fancy just writing itself. I have a decent collection of nice fountain pens and just the act of having the pen leave a line of ink on paper has always made me happy ever sence a kid. Don't understand why.


I need to find the pic but I came across roadkill fish on my island. Not even like from a flood or near the shore. Show how a fish got run over in a parking lot and dried out.


I kinda feel the same way about clicky mechanical keyboards.
The feel and sound of using it is satisfying in of it's self to me.


tiny solar panel in the window and LED grow lights.



> to calm myself and relieve the loneliness

Check out Bonsai. It's the whole point of it and it looks beautiful.


> calm myself and relieve the loneliness

I think you're expecting too much out of gardening. Unless you have a shit ton of plants there's not really much to do.


Vulgar normalfart. Plants are the only friend a druid needs, and one is often enough.


ahh yes, the tidiness emits motivation and a mood of deep focus as well. Very comfy to sleep in a clean room.


idk looks kinda stupid

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