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 No.47407[Last 50 Posts]

do any wizards like tea? specifically loose leaf teas? if so, any specific blends or varieties you like/recommend?

i recently got into gongfu brewing and it's pretty much the only thing i've been thinking about these days. i found this hole in the wall tea shop in the chinatown in my city and purchased a shou pu'erh tea cake that i've been picking away at.


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I make a lot of tea but i've become lazy these last few months and just drink my dad's cheap ass coffee which is terrible.
When I do get around to brewing I always use loose leaf. I don't trust tea bags iv heard they have fluoride in them. But if I was in a pinch I would more than likely use em.

So ya that's enough blog posting. I have two favorite loose teas and they are both kinda basic bitch but whatever.
I tend to make either green tea or yerba mate. I like yerba because of all the xanthines in it. Also I think it tastes pretty good. My favorite green tea by far is gyokuro from japan and no I'm not a weeb japan seems like a horrible place to exist.

Also when it comes to yerba if you get the wrong kind it can promote mouth cancer I guess. This has to do with how the 3rd worlders would dry it over log fires thus showering the tea in carcinogens or whatever. That kind of tea rarely makes it into popular markets so no need to worry.

I don't drink yerba the traditional way because its a huge waste of effort despite the fact I own a sick bombilla. You can buy this pretty large bag of mate for like 8 or 9 bucks on amazon so give it a try.


Are you brazilian/argentinian/uruguayan? i wasnt aware that mate was popular in the 1st world.. anyways it is a really dirty habit, like smoking, only poor people do that here. I recomend you to drink traditional tea


where do you get your gyokuro?
also i've heard a lot about mate but i've never tried it.

it's getting more popular with millennial, more hip demographic but it's not really a big thing, at least in my city.


That's why I brought up the mouth cancer thing. It can be a gross dirty habit but if you obtain quality tea and just brew it normally it's nothing like what they do in the far south.
The "traditional" way to consume it kinda is gross & silly not gonna lie. But ya it won't fuck your mouth up unless you get the version I was talking about being dried over campfires. I'm up by lake michigan in the us btw.

It's all over the internet but I visit a local tea shop so I can actually smell the tea before I buy it to see if its good or not. I would recommend you do the same as everyone is different when it comes to taste. If that isn't an option try amazon.

>it's getting more popular with millennial

Fucking hipsters indeed. When I visited california they sell the dominant commercial brand of yerba mate in a can literally anywhere with a fridge. It's good stuff don't get me wrong but it's more soda without fizz than tea.


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I drink a lot of tea, mostly ginger tea and black tea


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Cruz malta is not quiality yerba man, it cost 2/3 usd the kilo here.

Quality yerba is canarias, if you are serious about your mate you should try this.


I love sweet tea does that count?


I agree Cruz is very entry level which is why I brought it up. I buy a different bag of mate from a local argentinian store when I need it.

Cruz is by no means bad though, it gets the job done.


you can talk about it if you'd like. to my knowledge the base of sweet tea is the generic black tea blends you usually see in lipton iced tea and stuff like that.


i got into this in my early 20s because i liked the ceremony and subtlety of it. 1-0 years later I only drink strong black coffee, 2-6 mugs a day


>do any wizards like tea?

The grocery store sells boxes of no-name black tea for $1.30. There's 100 bags inside. When I gotta go somewhere I just rip open 5 or 6 bags, pour them into my mouth and chase it all down with a glass of water.

It does the job.


I love a nice mint tea to relax. Because I am so sensitive to caffeine I have to be really careful about the timing(among other factors) when drinking normal tea or even green tea. With herbal teas that don't have caffeine I can have one whenever the mood strikes me without having to worry about other factors or what time it is, and mint tea is my favorite of the herbal teas.



I got a mint plant to do just this, but its dying, sadly.

I also drink black tea like >>47439
does. Cheap tea, 100 bags, about 6-7 bags, but with hot water. It's pretty good, actually. I also sometimes do iced tea with it, but not sweetened. I could do sweetened though, if needed. About 10 or more bags per liter with a long steeping time. It's okay to drink, but it's not pleasurable.

I'm also interested in ginger tea and yerba mate, but I seriously don't drink tea versus soda. I like soda too much to replace it with tea. Tea is pretty weak compared to soda, even with 7 tea bags.

I want to make a lot of strong tea to drink, or either drink it like old chinese people who don't care anymore. That being, tea steeped constantly in hot water that's being tipped off when necessary in a portable container. I don't see why it's looked down upon, it's so awesome to drink tea whenever.


i like herbal teas and own dozens of bags of weird plants ive procured online, nothing drug, but im too lazy to make the tea. at best i can do it a few days and then its months before i make any more


>mint plant dying
where are you growing it? they have grown like weeds for me if i put them somewhere with a lot of water. i used to have a big pot containing mint, and the mint would be sending shoots from holes in the bottom kf the plant. so after a week i could move it somewhere and those shoots would take hold. i covered a swampy yard with the stuff afterayar or so



Do I need to drown it or something? It's outside right now, getting 100% of the sunlight of the day, and it's spring, so it's not even that cold outside.


the sunlight thing is probably more the issue if it already has enough water, try putting in someplace thats shaded



I drink buckets of tea every day. I prefer chinese white tea, japanese rice tea and indian black tea with lemon and bergamot. It's funny because I live in the most intensely coffee-drinking country in the world and sometimes it feels like I'm the only tea drinker.


do your fellow murikans ever ook ook and beat their chest when they discover your gurly tea drinkin'?


almost every country in europe drinks more coffee than the us does, he is probably scandinavia.



They look at me like I'm an alien from space. Like how can someone not drink coffee. It's like a basic human need to them, like oxygen.






I’ve been drinking Taiwanese Mountain Oolong. I forget the name but it’s pretty good.

I also drink smoked Black Tea because it gets me ‘tea drunk’ but I think it might just be some cancer related thing.


anyone still get buzzed on tea???
I used to get absolutely ripped on a couple tea bags but shortly thereafter it became like drinking water. I wonder if it's normal or part of my growing tolerance of things in general.


I'm gonna step up my tea game by one notch. I have been boiling my water and then steeping my tea leaves without any external heat, in a tea cup. The result leaves to a warm, almost luke-warm, tea some times. Other times, like with black tea, I can actually have it pretty hot. To combat this problem, I will have to, sadly, boil water with the tea in it at a consistent temperature. That's actually easy. I will not enjoy cleaning another pot though.

Other tea improvements I could make is a more varied type of tea and loose leaf tea. I think loose leaf would be more expensive though, even with the consideration of re-using some of it. I don't drink tea daily, so re-using might be out of the picture. It also costs more upfront and I can't really buy it at a store. I don't live in a city. Compare this to my cheap black tea, which is like, one to two dollars per 100 bags, which could last like, almost two weeks if I drank tea every day, once a day. I would have to do some calculations on the price of tea per liter vs soda per liter. For bagged black tea, it is a lot cheaper to buy it and even just add sugar, I would bet. I think it was like, 2 dollars for four pounds of sugar. It's an amazing deal in itself, and cheaper if without sugar.

On variation, I have the mint plant doing well, and I could always, ironically, buy ginger, which is probably more expensive. Hibiscus is for sale too, as a plant. It could be possible to grow that in bulk from one plant, but I don't have any specifics. I could do green, chamomile, etc. too. I'll experiment more with the temperature first. I'm not made of money.


what tea does that to you?


was it a green oolong, or was it roasted?

you should try out a gaiwan. it requires more tea leaves when steeping, but you get more tea out of it, and stronger tasting no less. there's some online vendors with really cheap teas and gaiwans if you're interested in experimenting. a 100g pack of loose black tea and a cheap gaiwan can run you maybe $18 total (pre-shipping), and that's at least 10 liters of tea.


> I don't trust tea bags iv heard they have fluoride in them
Tea has fluoride in it…


I drink orange pekoe daily. When you ask for just "tea" in canada thats what you get by default. I grew up on it.


Adding to that: going to the united states and ordering tea at any place is weird. They bring you a big selection of different tea. We have variety here but like i said "can i have a tea?" Just means orange pekoe here



I like black tea


I'm mostly a fan of green tea, black tea, and ginger if I'm feelin' frisky.

Have yet to try earl grey.

I recommend putting milk in it. It's actually not any more different than with coffee and even has a chai tea sort of vibe.


jasmine is my favorite kind, I don't get anything special though, I just buy whatever box of it I see first at the grocery store, I used to love peppermint as well, but I'd rather have jasmine


Anyone simply drinks tetley's here? Simple, with no milk.
Been doing this all my life.
3-6 cups a day.
Don't care to try other stuff, am content with it.


I like tea, it's the only thing I drink besides an occasional kombucha or some alcohol.

Usually I just down cups of english breakfast, early grey, or chai throughout the day.
Occasionally I'll have green tea. Sencha is pretty good although the taste weirded me out at first. Jasmine is also good.
Before bed I'll usually have chamomile or peppermint.

Generally I just buy some brands I know at the market, however occasionally my parents will send me some from Europe. There was one really good Darjeeling tea they got me in France, I forget the name of the brand though.
Barry's Irish tea is also really good, I liked it better than any english tea I've had.

I've never tried loose leaf because I'm too lazy to deal with it and too cheap to buy quality stuff that would actually make enough of a difference in taste.


I used to order tea regularly from import websites. But after I joined some tea of the month clubs I rarely order much.
The tea clubs I get are white2tea and Global tea hut. Global tea hut has an interesting magazine as well if youcan handle the hippie new age shit in it.


I enjoy green tea and oolong tea. I've been making ginger tea from scratch lately and it's got a lovely flavor.

Simply raw ginger (minced, not the powder), turmeric (i do use powder for this), lemon juice (doesn't have to be fresh, I use the stuff in the little bottle), and honey to taste.

Put all that, using whatever ratios you want, into boiled/very hot water, and let it sit for, oh idk, 5 minutes?

Then filter it into a cup and enjoy. It's a bit of work, but well worth it. It provides a very sweet/spicy tea.

Also, I do brew my own Kombucha (say what you want, I like the stuff) and one time I used Yerba Mate to brew it and it was simply the greatest drink I've ever made.
Unfortunately, good Yerba is 1) expensive and 2) hard to come by. Fuck Amazon, I won't use it.


white2tea disturbs me with it's "humour." I'm not for traditionalism and orientalism in tea, but branding with memespeak is off-putting enough to make me never try their teas, despite how good they might be


>In Japan, the term "Russian tea" is used to refer specifically to the act of having black tea with a spoonful of jam, whether added into the cup or placed on the tongue before drinking.
>The typical choice is strawberry jam, but not exclusively so.


Do you put milk and sugar in your tea, I find it makes it a nice desert drink better than hot cocoa. I've even tried it on green and herbal tea


I put stevia in my tea every time, I tried milk too but it doesn’t go well imo


anyone make chai?

I make mine with 2 cardamon pods, star anise, cinnamon, ginger, and sometimes sage and cloves. Plus milk and sugar. I find that it's difficult to make it taste really good consistently.


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drinking tea is for t*rks.


J have stepped up my tea game and have managed to make GOOD green tea. Not too hot, no fishy smell, good taste. Also, I am now boiling the water with the tea insread of steeping the tea in hot water. Now, my tea is consistently hot. No more cold tea.


Jasmine tea is so relaxing to smell. All tea drinkers should try it at least once.


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not exactly TEA, but i drink a lot of jiaogulan. it has a sweet earthy taste and almost smells like seafood, super weird but not bad

i'm guessing the people in china prepare the stuff by throwing it on the ground to dry because it's always so fucking dirty

looking into growing it myself because plants that vine are my favorite things in the world


I'm trying to wean myself back onto brewed tea…as in not eating the physical tea itself like a fiend, but I hate bitterness.

I used to add milk and sugar and a bit pf vanilla extract but that got boring. Do you people know any good sweet tea recipes? I'm talking about the actual tea plant.


Green tea is actually sweet if you do it right. Remember, 3 grams of tea to each 100ml of water. The water can't be boiling otherwise it becomes bitter. A minute, minute and half of infusion is the perfect time I find.


>Green tea is actually sweet if you do it right
Urg… I ain't talking about the sort of 'sweetness' that only some tea connoisseur can detect. I mean sweet like friggin candy.

Gotta have my nectar.


I see wiz. I guess you could make green tea, freeze it, use a mixer to turn into a smooth-like consistency and use it as topping on vanilla ice-cream.


Just put a bunch of sugar in it.


Well, I said recipes, so I mean more ingredients than just sugar. Something like a tea cappuccino. You know?


How about one for traditional southern sweet tea.

>Take pot and boil up some water

>Take four or five bags of Lipton or other name brand you can find at the normal market
>Throw that in the pot
>Turn heat down and let sit for ~10 min
>Pull out bags and turn off
>Leave to cool a bit until very warm but not scolding
>Pour in about 1/4 of a bag of sugar and stir
>Add a few squeezes of lemon juice
>Fill a pitcher with ice
>Pour tea over ice
>Add more ice until pitcher is full
>Carefully mix
>Chill in fridge until desired serving temp
>Give final stir before serving
Enjoy your diabetes

You should look up tai bubble tea. Seems like something you would like.


another passive aggressive reply…..
I guess stepping outside the box offends the tea coterie


I put stevia into my tea


That isn't passive aggressive.
That literally is how southern sweet tea is made in most households.

You make overly strong "normal" tea, add in too much sugar, then you dilute the fuck out of it with ice to make it normal flavor.
It's tradition that it is always made in large batches that way because it was always made for the whole family.
But if you think you too good for traditional sweet tea then you can fuck off and look up your liquid candy fancy pants tea on your own.


Do you guys also put a bit of grinded black pepper in your teas?



It's been a long time, but that actually worked. Now it looks like reeds though. I've failed it, personally. I'm lazy, and I want to burn it to put it out of its suffering. Before that though, I'll try.

I'm also going to try finding supermarkets for tea like some have suggested and I will try ginger tea as well.


getting into the fall season i'll probably start on tea again, with my weak lungs, its the only thing that lets me survive winters in the basement


yeah, whatever
Chai uses pepper. If it's in a sweet, milky tea like chai the added fragrance is nice but the flavor is a little acute for me. Almost acidic. I usually avoid it.


I did some ginger tea now, and it was pretty good. At first, I did about a tablespoon of ginger to my usual tall glass with some agave to start. Then, I did one with a lot more ginger with, honestly, less or similar agave? I also put in some lemon juice in there.

Next would be the same thing, ginger tea, but unsweetened with other spices. Also, in two days, I'll look for some whole teas at some local supermarkets.

I might also just use amazon, but baby steps, I guess.


How do you prepare the ginger?


you should try using crystallized ginger and/or dried lemons


I used to drink tea but I just learnt that it is full of fluoride. It sucks it out of the soil. So I'm going to stop unless I can find some that is grown in particular conditions to prevent fluoride



Peel and cut into small strips. The increased surface area increases the amount of flavor.


What will the difference be?


I tried using crystallized ginger yesterday, as per your recommendation. The ginger taste didn’t really come through and it was too sweet.


Not him, but I personally almost always made ginger teas with ground ginger to exelent results.
That said fresh minced ginger is potent and wonderful. Personally never cut it into small strips unless I was making a medicinal decoction(concentrated "syrup") rather then a infusion (tea).


I got some un-bagged tea, I guess. It's Ceylon tea, and I used a teapot to brew it. So, right now, I'm trying to get experience with teapots and using tea without bags. I'll need to read how to use teapots, since I've actually just been brewing it with just regular water in a pot. Personally, the pot works just fine, but there might be a reason to use a teapot. Probably because a teapot has the ability to keep warm and its similar design makes it easy to use a teapot cozy.

Does anyone have multiple amounts of tea? I got 500g for $7, so it'll last me a long time. I believe tea oxidizes in the air and loses its taste, so I'm wary of that.

So, in this journey, I'll learn how to use a teapot (in multiple ways probably), get a tea cozy, and probably get another teapot for myself. Also, I'll work on my tea brewing technique for loose teas. Finally, after getting another tea, or a sampler, possibly, I'll experiment with more teas.

In the tea I made, the Ceylon, I made it in a few different ways. First, I just winged it. Seriously. I just put the tea in the pot after looking into it a bit, even when the water wasn't even boiling, and just did it. The tea went through fine, but I forgot, or didn't know, the teapot had no strainer in it, so there were tea leaves. The next few batches, I managed to filter the tea and boil it at a consistent temperature instead of winging it. I boiled it lower than what I did for the first batch, which was a rolling boil, something I never do with black tea. Even though black tea calls for higher temperatures compared to something like green tea, I don't want a lot of bitterness, so I managed to get it to a regular boil for my last batch, and it turned out fine. My father actually tasted it too, and he said it was either too weak or just right. I consider that a great compliment, seeing as he said it was nearly right. I've been winging it with water and tea ratios as well. I fill up the teapot and put different amounts of tea each time. Last time, it was measured strictly by teaspoons, the measuring tool. Now, it's just a regular spoon.

From the method, onto the tea and how it was served. The first few batches were just hot teas, nothing special. I've experimented with making it a cold, or iced tea. First, I tried ice, milk and sugar to a hot tea. It sucked. It was watery. Then, I tried milk and sugar with a hot tea, which was actually great, and finally, I took the remainder of the tea, now cold, mixed it with milk and the agave I had before. Agave, I do not like. Ew. I have it with me right now, and my side hurts from drinking it. It's weird since soda is super sugary, but this specifically hurts me. It's probably as sugary too, but it might just be the agave. The sugar did not give me these problems.

That's it for now. I'll keep on learning. It looks like the OP and perhaps others would know more about this than me, since you're using loose leaf teas. I would assume you know how to properly brew loose leaf and bagged teas, have the equipment to do so, and overall, have tried more teas than I have.

Next post will be a lot shorter unless anyone wants me to keep posting my progress like this.

Also, I found >>47408's tea in the same store I found the Ceylon tea, so that might be another one I try next other than samplers.


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I drink a lot of loose leaf tea and I just use something like this (pic) with a simple mug. I simply add boiled water and let it sit. This way creates minimal dishes to wash. I eyeball how much tea leaf I use. I like my tea super strong and bitter and don't add anything besides vanilla occasionally.

You sound like you are overthinking things.


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I get the best results with a tea press. Pic related. The tea tastes quite differently when done with a press. I recommend everyone to try it and see if they like it better than using a strainer. I sure did.


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>The tea tastes quite differently when done with a press
I find that hard to believe wiz. Isn't that literally just a sieve in a slightly different shape?


No. If you use a sieve, a lot of flavor is left in the leaves. You use the press to squeeze that flavor out.


brewed some old ass mugwort, i can't even remember how many years ago i ordered it. tastes way better than it smells


Are you using it for dream purposes?


no, worms


From one sage to another, Gyukuro or you're a nigger.


I got some roobios from adagio, and while it was good, I don't like roobios as much as I used to, so I'll be trying for more loose leaf tea. I'm going to expand my taste and instruments again for better tea.


I want to get back into tea. Any suggestions? How do I brew gongfu style?


I got matcha tea and a bamboo tea set for the matcha for Christmas. I think I've also gotten an eletric kettle, so I'll do something with those soon.


i have a bunch of gyokuro in a washi tin, also got shincha and fukamushicha

gongfu is really relaxed and simple. basic idea is you just steep for how long you feel like it, and your guidelines for steeping will be based off your preferences and past experiences. gaiwans are pretty cheap are really simple, you just have to learn how to hold them in your hand without burning yourself.

for tea, if you wanna try black teas, i'd recommend mostly black teas from yunnan (also called dian hongs). they're pretty tasty, and if you get a good batch they can taste like cocoa. rule of thumb is around 6 grams per 100ml of water, would usually look like a third way up your gaiwan with dry leaves (unless your leaves are shit and all crumbled). i recommend a temp of 80-85 C. usually successive steeps are longer, and the hotter the water, the shorter the steep. first steep (after a quick rinsing steep with hot water) is generally between 10-30 seconds depending on your preference/amount of leaves/etc.

if you like more mellow or bitter flavours resembling various produce, i'd recommend green teas. my personal favs are anji baicha and bi luo chun, but in general i prefer japanese greens, which you wouldn't brew gongfu. rule of thumb is 3g/100ml and 80-85 C water. it's been my experience that you don't get as many steeps from greens as much as other teas.

white teas are really varied, parameters span the whole range between green and black, depending on the type of tea. really, it's up to your preference for how to brew it, just experiment with what you like.

if you want to get into puerh, that's a completely different post.


The store I go to doesn't have sugar cubes for sale. Just a box of packets and a bunch of artificial sweeteners. The artificial ones burn my tongue. I don't want to buy sugar packets though. It feels cheap and ruins the experience. I'm going to have to find somewhere to buy them…


At some point a few years ago I came upon a tea which would practically end my hunger and calm me.
I used to drink like 4 a day. Lost like 10 kilos without suffering.

I cannot find it anymore. Does anyone have any idea of what I'm trying to find ?


i drink Uncle Lee's Organic Green Tea.
they sell it at my walmart for $4 for a box of 100 tea bags.

i was concerned with the cheap price, but it tastes fine and it has an extremely high caffeine content for some reason. i drink a half liter of two tea bags and i'm shaking from the caffeine. it's very cool.


I can chug a pot of thick coffee, where the filter is filled halfway up, and almost not feel anything.

Is that tea of yours gonna work on me?


the strongest caffeinated teas are probably at most half of a cup of coffee, so no


but you're getting fucked up from only two tea bags, so is the tea highly caffeinated, or is your caffeine tolerance just low?


>I can chug a pot of thick coffee, where the filter is filled halfway up, and almost not feel anything.

It is more that yours is just way too high for it to be effected by non-artificially enhanced teas at this point no matter how strong their caffeine content is relatively speaking.

Coffee has more caffeine then tea, and you already can drink large amounts of strongly brewed coffee and feel almost nothing. The only step up caffeine wise is energy drinks and pills at your stage of tolerance.



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For me it's mainly Lipton Earl Grey, packet of 100 bags. I'm a lazy fuck and it's very convenient to flip on the water cooker, pour a cup and throw a bag in there. Occasionally I get some loose tea, my favourite so far has been a fine ground Ceylon whatever it was called. It would be cool to get deeper into it but the whole tea ceremony thing seem to require buying so many items for preparation.
How do you guys store your teas btw, once a packet is opened flavour and fragrance tend to go away quite fast, the first few bags always taste the most. Using a metal box now but I feel like I should try getting some air tight jar or something instead.


i like to drink tea while doong stuff, but i dont like making it. i usually just take portions of caffeine pills otherwise ill get a headache at the end of the day. instant tea might be suitable for me idk


Teabags have flouride in them

I just recently learned this, so a heads up to you tea wizards


The fluoride comes from the tea leaves. Don't know why he mentioned teabags specifically.


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This is good. It's the best loose leaf tea at the local grocery store at least. I want to get into a bigger variety of teas and tisanes but I struggle for NEET reasons.


Any tea recommendations?


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for me


This brand is terrific in general. I like their decaf black tea. The flavour is really strong.


never drink a jasmin thea that infused too long, the boiling hot water masked the taste but afterward i realized how horrible it was and it made me wanna puke.


Never boil the water for jasmine tea wizzie. Remember, jasmine tea is just green tea, Heat the water until large bubbles start to form at the bottom of your pot and use it at that temperature. Here's a wiz video to explain the whole thing.
(it starts at 6:40)


nice. was thinking about doing a similar thread. I just spent all my money on teaware and shit.
I especially like the flowery oolongs



>How do you guys store your teas btw, once a packet is opened flavour and fragrance tend to go away quite fast, the first few bags always taste the most. Using a metal box now but I feel like I should try getting some air tight jar or something instead.


Try that.


>Here's a wiz video to explain the whole thing.

ngl, a wiz video on tea reminds me of cocoa wiz all those years ago.

So I think from what I've seen, I'll try Earl Grey tea, maybe >>53006's chai recipe, and matcha?


Man I forgot how much I love mint tea.
Really need to get some more the next time I am at the market.


Buy a mint plant in a pot. Pluck a leaf every few days. Put that leaf in a cup and pour hot water on it. Freshest mint tea ever.


Can someone recommend me one of those tea infuser mug things? I was wondering if they were a meme or it's worth the $30 to spend


The ones that allow you to make loose leaf tea on the go?

Or is it just a normal mug with a tea strainer that comes with it?
Because you can get a basket strainer that works about the same and fits mugs you already have.

Like do you have picks of the product you are talking about.


You can get those steel tea strainer for around a bug a piece
Otherwise I would recommend trying grandpa style brewing where you just drink directly out of the mug/glass with leafs inside and pour new water in when it's around a quarter empty
It only works with teas that don't tend to get bitter like green tea.


Pu'er Babi boi, classic, fuck wet pilings


I bought a mint plant for mint tea.


But then the leaves get in my teeth, i don't wanna look like a grandpa with teeth leaves :(


Grandpas are cool though.


Just be sure to keep it in it's pot.
Those little buggers can take over whole yards and not in a good way if you let them run rampant.


I prefer drinking black tea nowadays. Here are some teas I tried (names from the online shop):

* Earl Grey: very flavorful, and a pleasure to drink, but I prefer a more neutral black tea to drink regularly because the flavor gets old
* Assam: a little more special taste than Ceylon Orange Pekoe, and stronger too
* Ceylon Orange Pekoe: very neutral black tea
* Lapsang Souchong: smokey flavor, very nice smell, very different from normal black tea, doesn't work well with sugar
* Keemun: his one has a bit of a green tea vibe
* Yunnan: and this one has a bit of a Pu Erh vibe

I usually don't add any spices or condiments, but often add about one spoon of sugar per mug.

I brew my tea in a mug in a tea strainer. I pre-warm the cup quickly with hot water, and brew two teaspoons of tea for two minutes.


I like nestea


the instant tea shit in the jar? I used to buy that all that time until a year ago

why can't I find jars of nestea instant tea in any big name grocery store around here? what happened?


I recently learned to appreciate ripe puerh again.


You should look into semi and post fermented teas
There are also a lot of "black" oolongs out there.


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Where do you get your tea?
Local dealers here are quite expensive and the quality leaves to be desired.
this place sells some solid tea
all puer cakes I got were genuine.
They are propably lying about leaf grades and such, but the maofang and longjing I bought there also tasted pretty genuine. Due to the low prices it's good if you're getting into tea. I recommend getting the 35pcs tea assortment first.
Next I want to try some more expensive oolongs from taiwan sourcing.


because they use the cheapest tea you can find in there and the leaf is completely cut, it releases the contents in a completely different way


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all you need is this.
you can hang it in a glass brew gongfu style



contains some useful information regarding tea


try mixing some dried fruits or flowers. most tea shops now sell this kind of mixes.


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What's a manly tea drink?


probably rooibos, it looks like fucking mulch and has little sticks and shit in it


ripe puer


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it's literally composted tea and the brew is a thick heavy liquid that tastes like old lake water
it also has sticks and shit in it


Having tea grampa style.
Just put the leaves in a cup. Pour hot water over it, then just drink it without giving a fuck about straining it.


assuming you're talking about puerh or whatever right



I got some tea containers finally. Even the biggest ones I could find, about 6 inches tall five in diameter or something, was not enough for the massive amount of herbals I got at a store. I have about 5 containers. The price was quite small for the product, but the shipping was as much as the product itself. I will probably get more later and establish a tea cabinet.

My next plan is to maybe get more varieties of tea and containers. I still have tons of herbal stuff that I barely drink. Despite everything, I drink mostly herbal teas since there's no caffeine. I'll try to change that.


I like the roast oolong and lapsong souchong


i like all kinds of tea but im so fucking lazy as it is i never make any i need a bathroom and a water source in my room or something to overcome this


You can cold brew tea pretty effectively, just have a big jug of room temp water that you put the tea in and let it steep for a while. I've been doing this ever since the weather got warm, I just put the jug in the fridge overnight.


Just made my first cup of loose leaf tea.
Damn, it is so much better then tea from a tea bag. You really can taste the difference, yet it takes the same amount of effort to make.


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Got a new shipment in.
Didn't realize whole leaf was going to be so much bigger than the stuff I had before. I'm going to need new bigger containers.


I think the next tea I am going to get is some hibiscus.
It is like a floral cranberry flavor that I like but haven't had in a long while.
It's good for you too, which can be said about most teas if you don't over sugar them or whatever.



I got some hibiscus a while ago. It's good cold but I hate it hot. I had it one time hot and my teeth were sensitive for the rest of the day. Tea has never done that to me before. There are recipes from Jamaica that uses cold hibiscus for punch and other flavored drinks. It's pretty good with sugar too.

Gonna get some Rooibos and maybe some kind of white tea or Oolong.


I have some peppermint tea bags and loose leaf. When you brew the peppermint, what color is the tea? With two pinches per four cups or water, the water gets really yellow for me if I use a dry loose peppermint. For the bags, it turns brown. Weird. I've stopped using the loose leaf just in case.

I've gotten peppermint, Hibiscus, and Chamomile flowers from an Arabic store nearby. I might get some from an online store to check for quality differences.


Mine comes out yellow for the mint I have.
I suspect that it would come out brown if the leafs were oxidized before or during drying.
I think it's probably fine as long as it smells and looks fine, but I would sift and examine a small bit to be sure there is no contamination.


how much mint are you using?

i would look into growing it if you are buying it once per month or something. you just put it in a big ass pot and it will manage to grow like a monster


That pound will probably last me a good 6 to 8 months even with regular drinking.
I am good on mint tea for awhile.



I think I did like the bag better than the regular mint. It's been a while though.


I now have 70 tea bags of Rooibos, two twinning containers of white tea, and I think 100 bags of different mixed teas. It's all pretty good now. I even have a chai mix, black tea, ginger, cardamom, etc. Maybe one day I'll make actual chai lol.


Does the premium tea from tea leaves people are buying have a better taste than the flowery stuff you can buy in a grocer?

Does the ritual and receptacles make the tea taste better?


Define premium, because my broke ass sure as hell ain't paying for those truly expensive $100+ a ounce teas.


I just drank some of my loose leaf tea I got. It was actually a nice tasting, clear yellow brew. Not bad at all. I'm probably going to move onto sampling teas and tea brewing methods now that I've gotten all teas I've ever wanted before. My collection has grown large.


70 bags of Rooibos
Two containers of white tea
One half container of peppermint tea
Two different Echinacea teas


Black tea (DEAD)

Gonna get some Oolong. Also going to try different tea qualities. I have a lot of herbals because I don't like caffeine very much and I like my tea quite strong.



I mean loose MINT tea. Sorry.


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>do any wizards like tea? specifically loose leaf teas? if so, any specific blends or varieties you like/recommend?
coca tea. It helps me with my anxiety and to breathe better.


>a stimulant that is more powerful then caffeine helps with anxiety
If you say so dude.


It's also an analgesic and it contains no caffeine.


>a simulent more powerful then caffeine
I didn't say it had caffeine in it. I said that it is more powerful than caffeine.
Also it only works as a analgesic locally/topically.
So it might numb your mouth but it generally makes anxiety worse.


> I said that it is more powerful than caffeine.
Sounds like you've been misinformed because I can assure you it's not near as powerful as coffee(that'd be nice). Coca tea being a stimulant does not mean it exacerbates anxiety symptoms, it has a relaxing effect and wakes you up. Where are you getting this info?


>it has a relaxing effect and wakes you up
That is contradictory.
>Coca tea being a stimulant does not mean it exacerbates anxiety symptoms
That is exactly what it means.
Please look up what a stimulant does and how it works on brain chemistry.
>Where are you getting this info?
Text books from collage mainly, but I could spam internet links at you for hours if you don't believe me. This stuff is very well documented and well known.
The active component is basically cocaine, btw. Just in smaller amounts then the street drug.
Also it has been known to make asthma and lung conditions worse not better.
So all of the reasons you are using it are counterproductive.

I mean it's your body and mind. Enjoy it if you want. But it is making your conditions worse, not better.


First you said it's more powerful than caffeine proving me that you don't know what you're talking about and never had any coca tea in your life. Second, not all stimulants have the same effects on people. You're kind of applying a general principle to something specific.
>Also it has been known to make asthma and lung conditions worse not better
>it is making your conditions worse, not better
coca tea is completely harmless. Again, where are you getting this info.


that's fascinating, I always wanted to try the leaves when I read how peruvians use them to help slave away all day on the mountains


Depending where you live you can probably only get the ones that have been decocainized.



>it's not completely harmless unless it has been decocainized.
your source denies your claim:
>there is little information available regarding the pharmacological or toxicological effects that result from consumption of coca tea.
>To this day, science still focuses on understanding cocaine, rather than the many other active compounds found in coca
>The bulk of toxicology research is based on the pure isolate, cocaine, from coca leaves; therefore the extrapolation to the toxicity of whole coca is somewhat limited.
>There are over a dozen other alkaloids, such as benzoylecgonine, ecgonine, tropacocaine, hygrine, cuscohygrine, and nicotine, that exist within this plant.
>A toxicity study performed on rats found that the alkaloids benzoylecgonine and ecgonine methyl ester did not produce toxic manifestations when infused at rates that were found to be toxic for cocaine.
>In fact, 30- and 60-fold higher doses of these alkaloids were necessary to produce any neurobehavioral changes, which ultimately proved to be mild.
>Benzoylecgonine did not prove to be lethal even when given in doses greater than 100 times that of cocaine
>Apart from alkaloids, coca leaves also contain:
Minerals (iron, phosphorus, calcium, zinc, magnesium)
Vitamins (vitamin A, vitamin B2, vitamin D, vitamin E)

>However, there is some evidence that other compounds in coca leaves may be helpful with altitude sickness, decrease hunger, and ease pain


The tea obviously isn't harming that anon. Second guessing him won't make it so.


Stimulents including coca tea don't treat anxiety and make it worse, and it doesn't treat lung issues, it makes that worse too.
So yeah, he is just going to have to find out the hard way that it is indeed harmful for the things he is using it for.


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>I am going to ingnore everything that is bad for my argument
>I will focus exclusively on anything that I can maybe kindasorta interpret as not being totally negative
>none of it supports the claims I made of it being good for anxiety or lungs
>focus on one of the alkoloids in isolation and ignoring the other harmful ones like cocaine and nicotine


I have seen that face many, many more times than I care to remember.


He drinks it, you never have, he reports experiencing a therapeutic effect on those things from it, so empirical evidence says you're wrong.


> it's not completely harmless unless it has been decocainized.
>Stimulents including coca tea don't treat anxiety and make it worse
why are you so persistent on being ignorant even if your source denies your claims of coca tea being harmful?
-As mentioned in the toxicology data, medical and physiologic effects in the literature concentrate on the pure isolate cocaine. As outlined above, coca is quite different from cocaine, including common dosages and safety profiles. Local use patterns of coca are also quite different from that of individuals using the purer isolate, cocaine. Because of this, it is thought that cocaine studies have limited generalizability to coca.
-The bulk of research has been conducted on the cocaine isolate rather than the fourteen other alkaloids known to be contained in the coca plant. This has led to a paucity of scientific knowledge of whole coca along with any potential medicinal effects that it may have.

You can't just say that something is harmful because it's illegal in USA. What's more funny is you think is more powerful than caffeine, where is your proof of that cause I can assure that you're talking nonsense. You can't prove a single claim, thanks for wasting my time.


So your argument is simply a argument from ignorance fallacy, while actively ignoring all evidence to the contrary.

You are like the shills that claim vaping is harmless despite it sending people to the hospital regularly.


>actively ignoring all evidence to the contrary.
only there's no evidence to the contrary. You just played yourself.


I drink Yerba Mate but only the unsmoked, "green leaf" low-dust varieties.

Beyond mate, I like kenyan estate black teas, and chinese green oolongs. As I've grown older, I have less & less of a taste for green tea, guess I just got bored with it. idk.



You aren't funny. Just stop shitting up the thread.


It's almost if you were trying to derail the thread by acting ignorant. Tell me where in those links says that coca tea is harmful or more powerful than caffeine. It says right there that they don't know and that coca=/= cocaine.

Next time don't talk about things you know nothing about.


I wish i liked tea. Im a massive coffee snob since my brother in law moved in with his expensive coffee machine. Cant stomach instant coffee or even subpar beans anymore.
Can a teachad give me some pointers on tea? How can i learn to appreciate it?


It says clearly in all the links that it has cocaine in it so yes it is cocaine.
It doesn't magicly not have the effects of cocaine unless the cocaine has been removed.
And several of the sources point out the negative effects.

Your link does not support any of your claims about health effects such as it being a treatment for anxiety or lungs, meanwhile my sources clearly state it makes those things worse, and you are just using a few selected lines to justify your argumentum ad ignorantiam.


makes you wonder why drug lords bother to process cocaine when they can just sell someone a leaf


>it has cocaine in it so yes it is cocaine
>coca leaf is cocaine
Way to you prove you don't know what you are talking
>As outlined above, coca is quite different from cocaine
it's your link btw not mine, you shared it only to contradict yourself

Way to waste someone's time. You can find some evidence to my claims of it being good but if you won't bother to read the links you share what's the point? I'm done with you.


You’re not going to convince these cocaine addicts that they are addicted to drugs better to just leave them ignorant


>You’re not going to convince these cocaine addicts that they are addicted to drugs

there's no reports of addiction to coca leaves because surprise surprise it's not cocaine.
Caffeine is also a drug btw and it's in tea and coffee so I guess everyone on here is a "drug addict". Again, another retard who doesn't know what he is talking about.


the fact that you so ravenously defend your cocaine habit is proof enough for anyone




Cocaine is the main alkaloid found in coca plants

Did you even read the link you just posted
very first line of the components section.

Mechanism of Action
Increasing adrenaline and noradrenaline levels
Cocaine blocks the normal signal transmission of dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine, causing them to build up in the brain

Now why am I highlighting those.

Cocaine is a stimulant drug that speeds up brain activity, which can worsen anxiety.
When the effects of cocaine wear off, people routinely experience anxiety as part of the withdrawal from the drug.
If someone has a cocaine addiction along with an anxiety disorder, they should seek treatment for both conditions at the same time since addiction and mental health often affect one another.

It is time for you to cut the bullshit.
Just because it makes you feel good (from the cocaine) doesn't mean it's good for you. In fact it is bad for the things you are using it for.
Your only argument is one relating to ignorance.


Bet your drug test would say it's cocaine.
Also there are reports that it's addictive. So you are ether ignorent or lying.
In 1952 the WHO Expert Committee on Drugs Liable to Produce Addiction concluded that “coca chewing comes so close to the characteristics of addiction … that it must be defined and treated as an addiction” and advised this to the Commission on Narcotic Drugs.

But maybe you want first hand experience since that is the only thing you seem to take as valid.


Someone can find "reports" on absolutely anything in existence calling it addictive, deadly, etc, particularly everyday things, while the reality is almost always far less dramatic. By the way that's the same WHO spearheading a pandemic hoax at the moment, so consider the source. Anyway, none of that's going to stop anon from drinking what he wants and you know it, you just crapped a ton of needless drama and name calling on an innocent thread to show off how intellectual you are again, punctuated with some latin you googled no less. Bravo, fuckwit, you win.


>there are no reports
>find reports
>waaah that doesn't count because totally unrelated thing I pulled out of my ass
You are more bitter than over-steeped tea.


>retard affirms coca leaf is cocaine when his source denies it
>links cocaine addiction even though coca leaves aren't cocaine
>he keeps calling it cocaine even though the studies he linked deny it
> there are reports that it's addictive
>“coca chewing comes so close to the characteristics of addiction … that it must be defined and treated as an addiction”
That study from the 50s has been proved to be false and your other source contradicts it. Do you realize that you posted one study from the 50s and another from the 2010s that denies everything in it?
>the team members' professional qualifications and parallel interests were also criticised, as were the methodology used and the incomplete selection and use of existing scientific literature on the coca leaf. Questions have been raised as to whether a similar study today would pass the scrutiny and critical review to which scientific studies are routinely subjected.
>coca is quite different from cocaine, including common dosages and safety profiles.
>Local use patterns of coca are also quite different from that of individuals using the purer isolate, cocaine.
>Because of this, it is thought that cocaine studies have limited generalizability to coca.
>the coca leaf, when consumed in its natural form, does not induce a physiological or psychological dependence, nor does abstinence after long-term use produce symptoms typical to substance addiction.
>It is worth noting that there is no evidence in the literature to support habitual whole coca use causing addiction or withdrawal physiology in contrast to that of cocaine users.
it's totally like cocaine even though it says right there it's not, way to make an ass of yourself.
All you have are studies on cocaine the drug, not coca leaves. You cannot extrapolate, it says right there it's quite different, so why are you so persistent on being ignorant?


Now you are just flat out lying to the extreme.
It's clear you give no shits about what is true or facts if you are willing to lie to that degree.
Go fuck off and be a crackhead somewhere else.


>you are flat out lying
Read what your source says next time and you won't make a fool of yourself. You are retard if you call coca leaves cocaine even when your links say it's not, you don't know what cocaine the drug is apparently.
are you claiming coca tea and coca leaves are now crack?


Repeating a lie doesn't make it any truer. You are bold face lying.
And I am calling you a crackhead because you are acting like a crackhead.


Tell me where is the lie, in the source that you shared denying your claims that coca leaves are cocaine? Who should I believe, you saying coca leaves are cocaine, harmful and addictive or the study you shared saying it's not? You can't even admit you're wrong on things and like a typical ignorant normalfag are now making use of adhoms.


Even cocaine isnt bad unless you abuse it like a retard, who cares


Repeating a lie over and over doesn't make it any more true.
You know exactly how you are lying.
Utterly contemptible.



>unless you abuse it like a retard

So he's going to be dead by the end of the week.


tell that to yourself who keeps calling the coca plant and its leaves cocaine when they're two completely different things for anyone who isn't an utter retard like yourself.


And he just keeps going.
With the same bullshit forever.


ignorant retard who thinks coca is the same as cocaine bumps thread one more time after being proved wrong with his own links


No matter how many times you tell the same lie doesn't change reality.


Are you gonna keep derailing the thread saying coca is cocaine and harmful? The data you shared says otherwise
>coca is quite different from cocaine, including common dosages and safety profiles.
>Local use patterns of coca are also quite different from that of individuals using the purer isolate, cocaine.
>Because of this cocaine studies have limited generalizability to coca.
>the coca leaf, when consumed in its natural form, does not induce a physiological or psychological dependence, nor does abstinence after long-term use produce symptoms typical to substance addiction.
>It is worth noting that there is no evidence in the literature to support habitual whole coca use causing addiction or withdrawal physiology in contrast to that of cocaine users


And still lying, this time while cherry picking out of context quotes from a research paper.
Your desperation and deceptive behavior knows no bounds.


since 2 years ago now I've been drinking chai regularly, I just use a bag of it though, it is harder than other teas to get consistent though, I actually have to make sure I dont put too much or too little water and make sure there is enough room for the right amount of milk but it is really good I think even though it gives me a bit of anxiety more than jasmine


Anyone use a french press for making loose tea?

So far I only been using a cup strainer thing to make a single cup at a time, but I also don't want to go the full tea set route.


My glass single serving tea brewing cup broke so I decided to get a press anda few normal cups.

If I just want one cup I can still use the stuff that came with the single serve kit with a normal cup, but if I want more then one cup it won't be a pain in the ass relatively speaking.


Does anyone have recommendations for loose leaf green tea?

I am getting a little bored with orange pekoe and black/red tea in general.


Yerba mate


That isn't green tea.
It isn't even related to the tea plant.


Green tea is made from the buds of camellia sinensis, the tea plant. It is 100% a true tea.


Oh wait read the post wrong, ignore me


This is tea thread or green tea thread?


are you intoxicated?


I got sunflower jasmine tea, the red canister. It was almost 7 dollars, super cheap. I heard the Sunflower brand was like regular Chinese restaurant tea so I decided to make a trip to get it from a local Asian store. The taste and scent are pretty new to me, but I'm glad to have gotten it. I really need to try tea samplers and get some different tea supplies like a tea ball strainer and another teapot. I assume if you're making something like a loose black tea in a teapot, you'll want to take it out after a few minutes to reduce the bitterness. I've also seen teabags put into the teapot to brew for customers, who pour the tea at their leisure. I'm not sure how to do that.

Look towards Japanese green teas. They have tons of styles and teas based on oxidation.


Are there any risks to developing a caffeine addiction? I started drinking high caffeine content coffee and I was wondering how much it would hurt me


Are you afraid more of developing a dependency of just health consequences of caffeine consumption? For dependencies it can be quite a problem and people do get addicted. As for actual health effects I don’t think there are many, and if they do exist they seem subtle. Increased heart rate and blood pressure are some, but it’s hard to prove a cause definitively with a substance that is usually consumed in small amounts. As long as you aren’t hammering energy drinks and espresso all day it shouldn’t hurt you.


headaches when you dont have enough caffeine. impaired sleep. the majority of the world has a caffeine addiction so you're probably fine joing them


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I tried out Genmaicha (Green Tea with Roasted Rice).
It's pretty good, has a tasty slightly savory flavor that stimulates my appetite.

I think next time I brew it I will try it with a little bit of milk, since I think the cereal flavor will pare well with the creamy smoothness of the milk.


Added a bit of cinnamon to my tea during the brew. Turned out really nice. Kind of a "holiday" flavor. Great with a bit extra sugar.


I've had licorice tea. Tasted so sweet I checked if there was any sugar in the bag and there was none, after a quick google search it turns out that it is what it normally tastes like, which is not something I would have expected from an herbal tea of any kind… Anyone tried it?


Yeah I used to drink it a lot. It has a nice sinus clearing effect. Concentrated star anise is available if you want to make anything taste lie licorice


Cheers. To be fair I seldom feel any kind of beneficial effect from the herbal teas I consume. It's more about having flavoured warm water really… I have tried chamomile tea for its alleged effects on sleep and I have never felt any different after having taken it…


I've never had pure liquorice tea, but herbal blends with it as an ingredient. I find its sweetness to be almost overpowering and the way it seems to linger for such a long time around where the back of the nose and palate intersect mildly unpleasant.


it is super potent, I find teas that use more than a small amount are disgusting, but the right amount can make a nice flavor combined with other elements


I have had blends with very small amounts in them but never by it's self.
Might give something where it's more dominant in the blend a try but I doubt I would like it by it's self.


is there any herbal tea that works in room temp or cold water? i guess you just leave it in all day?

heating up water is too annoying

i used to have some rooibos 'red tea' i think it was called and it was sweet. not a fan of actual tea bevause of the caffeine


I will be honest.
That doesn't even sound like tea at that point.
Why bother with tea at all?


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Is Ginger Drank a tea?


You could get a mint plant. It won’t be expensive. Then just pick off a few leaves, crush them up a little bit, and drop them in the water. Leave it for a bit and you’ll have refreshing cold mint tea.


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It is as much of a tea as those hot apple cider packs.
Which is to say not a tea at all.


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both are tasty though

one does one stand on this graph/chart/sheet? Some guys here mentioned drinking matcha


tea comes from a tea plant, it’s not just a random name, if there is no tea in it then it’s not tea


The chart is funny in a absurdist kind of way, but no don't take a obvious joke seriously.


What about rooibos tea? That comes from some African bush. I guess it would be like herbal teas: Tisanes.


the taste? like i said i loved roibos and i also made my own jiaogulan. i would still do it i'm just too lazy to heat water


I am asking why you don't just buy stuff already made if you are too lazy to make stuff.

Why make "tea" at all when you can just buy it if you are too lazy to do the basic step of heating water?


it's too expensive to buy drinks. i drink water to save money. tea is really cheap if you make it yourself though, it only requires water, and it tastes really good. i guess i want to solve the problem of tasteless water whiel still not paying much


I tried a new kind of green tea called White Monkey. It was the first time I've ever had trouble with brewing. The instructions on the packaging said 180 F for 2-3 minutes while for green tea, it's usually, 175 F for 2-3 minutes. Also 1 teaspoon for 1 cup of water. I ended up doing 175 and maybe 2-3 teaspoons in a cup of water. All measured out in the beginning to test their way of tea preparation. The first tea ended up being light like white tea with no colored liqueur. At the end, I managed to get a light yellow liqueur, so I made some progress. I think next time I'll purchase more tea instead of a sampler to do more tests.

Tea was nice of course. It had some fruity tones to it that almost but not really reminded me of Jasmine tea for some reason. That being, Jasmine tea has the taste of the Jasmine flowers/essence while this tea had a fruity aroma and taste. I think I'll try a smoky tea next. I'm too scared of Gaiwans to go there yet.


You have running water
You have tea
You presumably have electricity
You clearly have time

Just make tea then.
Why the flying fuck can't you heat water?
Using the fridge for 12 to 48 hours is easier than 10 minutes to heat water for you? Both involves putting water in a container then waiting. How is heating water the step you just can't bring yourself to do?

Nevermind that you seem to not want to use tea at all yet keep pestering the tea thread.

Go get some flavor aid or other cheap powdered drink mix and fuck off already.
You don't want to use tea, you don't want to do the process of making tea, and you don't seem to get why people in the tea thread would find your request for spoon feeding of a solution to your self imposed non-tea problems as annoying.


who would be annoyed by my initial request for an alternative tea preparation method? since half the people here probably have depression, where minor inconveniences like this seem like insurmountable obstacles, if anything it's a highly relatable struggle. the very reason hot water heaters exist is because heating water on the stove was too much effort. shame me if you will, but i think even hot water heaters are too much effort.


Don’t know anything about your conversation but you can fill a container with tap water and teabags and just place it out in the sun for a while and you’ll get nice tea


>Making tea is too much effort
Then fuck off of the tea hobby thread. You don't belong here as tea isn't your hobby.
>But muh depression
Seem to have enough viggor to try to butt into a place you don't belong.
Or if you must post on /hob/ then fuck off to the cooking with depression thread.

It's like someone coming to the movie thread and complaining that the pictures move to fast so could someone explain how to watch something frame by frame with the duologue on a separate page they can read along with.

Go get some cheap powered drank mix and leave.


That only works with the right weather conditions. Otherwise it comes out weak or skunky.
It also still relies on heating w


im not sure how price efficient instant or powdered drinks are comparing to making tea yourself, but i thought it doesn't taste as good. if you are seriously recommending instant tea and not just dismissing me i am open to suggestions

this is what i was thinking though, if heating water is necessary, just do it in bulk very infrequently. ie cook up pounds of tea bricks in a huge pot, then just store it in like a water dispenser so one can flavor their water anytime they want with a tiny concentrated amount of my brewed tea. that way they only need to heat water tea once every… who knows how long

going this route i think cooking is necessary, a lot of tea looks disgusting and almost dirty in dried form. that's also perhaps a big reason why they make sun tea by steeping it outside, i guess so the uv can kill off bacteria


Just buy an electric kettle…


>and not just dismissing me
That is exactly what I am doing.
You don't have this hobby so you should leave.
How blunt do I need to be?


i like tea and herbal drinks and have grown few varieties over the years in my own garden, i've been using my own plants for at least 8 years. mostly types of japanese green tea, and i've tried homemade matcha, herbs like sinicuichi, zacatechihi, jiaogulan, and i've made floral teas from local plants in my region, not counting just experimenting with parts of plants that aren't typically even used for tea. i still have a tub full of various leaves and stems that are dried out. i don't care what you say at this point, you believe tediously making tea everyday is somehow necessary to enjoy tea, but i think only consuming it is. the very first sentence in this thread asks simply "do you like tea?". yes i do. the very first reply is someone that admits to being so lazy they are drinking instant coffee. i don't know why you are behaving like a snob but it's pissing me off


>can do all that
>can't heat water
Fuck off troll


>i don't know why you are behaving like a snob
It's called gatekeeping sweetie
Poser anti-fans who don't actually like the thing come in and try to change/destroy the thing then leave once they are bored.
That is you. You are the anti-fan infiltrater poser who is coming in to fuck up something you don't care about.

Also I 100% Don't believe anything you said in that your post.
Words are cheap and your whole deal is that you are far too lazy to actually make tea. So obviously you would be too lazy to do all that shit you are lying about.
After all, making a cup of tea is "tedious" in your words. So gardening, harvesting, and processing teas and herbs is just absurd.
You are a lying poser and you don't belong in this thread.
Fuck off.



Iron Goddess of Mercy is outstanding oolong tea.


I've been enjoying some cold brew tea for the summer. Less flavourful than normal brewing however.


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Get "Té de 7 Azahares" ("7 Blossoms Tea" in english), it tastes like heaven and it helps you with anxiety in case you have it. Add a bit of evaporated milk for maximun flavor.


I got some green Tea at a Vietnamese store some time ago, but I've yet to try it. I'll probably end up drinking a lot less tea than the average connoisseur. I can't really get myself to make tea or anything at all these days. I also find it hard to try new things. Still, I might be able to read a book about tea every once in a while, so I can probably talk about that when I finish a tea book. I do a lot more black tea than green tea, and I usually use a lot of tea per cup, so samples don't seem viable.

I do like tisanes though. Rooibos is by far my favorite.


Just tried out poring tea from cup to cup to cool it down.
It's really fast, only taking a few seconds to cool the tea to a drinkable temperature.

Anyway, does anyone have any recommendations for a loose leaf tea sample/multipack?


I know this was posted months ago but…is there a story behind that name or did they use a random name generator to come up with it?


I have finally found somebody who likes tea here! In my opinion the oolongs, especially from anxi are the best, they usually have some awesome taste and smell, similar to honey or lilac, also they give you some kind of chilling effect. IDK where do you get yours, but if you are from Europe, i suggest moychay(maybe there are better ones, I just have it near me and I know they dont sell you some overprice as “tibetiian wisdom tea” or something.)


I think of them as infusions. Otherwise, the liquid in a can of kidney beans can be called coffee.


I missed the taste of sage tea. Finally, I got some sage, and it's great. I put in just enough that it flavors the water, but it isn't too powerful. It's really refreshing. Also, I got some lemon verbana, and that's pretty good too. I have enough tisanes for a long while now.


>sage tea
That sounds unpleasant.


ive been gongfuing a lot of jasmine oolong recently, its the better oolong ive tried so far


It might be an acquired taste. I first tasted sage when it was cold outside and I was in the middle of my playthrough of Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor. The associations with the tea made me nostalgic for it, so I kept drinking more of it. Eventually, I ran out and had to get some new sage tea. It's from a different company though, and doesn't color the water as much. Also, it comes in bigger branches.

I use sage tea on its own, but I also combine black tea with sage or with mint. I love black tea with mint. I do about a teaspoon of black tea with a teaspoon of mint. It colors the tea green on the sides. Azerbaijanis also flavor their black tea with cinnamon, rosemary, mint, and more. I tend to flavor my black tea the way it is in inspiration from Arabic teas. Mint adds a cooling and sage adds a heating, I think is what they say.


I'm going to try azerbaijani tea making now, but without a samovar. I have one, but I don't want to use coals or anything. It was more of an impulse buy if anything. I have everything else to start making azerbaijani tea except maybe their specific black tea, but I can get that really easily. Also, I don't have rosemary, but I do have pretty much all the other herbs they use. I've been watching videos of the tea making process, so I'm confident I'll do it justice.


ive been drinking a lot of black tea. i really enjoy its full flavor. i assume the fermentation process allows water to get in and pull everything out, it works well. if i got deeper into it, then i would definitely go loose for darker teas

perhaps your problem isn't that you are too lazy but that your setup isn't conductive to heating up water. you should consider like an electric kettle. it takes about as much effort as pouring water and a basic one only costs like 10 dollars


i think it was just a pain having to go upstairs to do everything, but i'm in the process of creating a kitchen in the basement among other things

what i ended up in the year or so since, i just make extremely concentrated tea/brews. i then pour bits of it into my water bottle. basically like those drink flavor squirter things. it works pretty good, i think even when the kitchen is done i'll continue it


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Me too, I can't imagine a day without coffee


>hey anonymous

Back to 4chan


I love Moroccan mint tea, drink it weekly with some biscuits. Delicious!


should share some pics with us next time!


the thread interested me so i ordered some loose black teas off amazon, specifically lapsang souchong and kopili assam because guides online really recommend them to people interested in black teas. id say kopili assam tastes like an extreme of what youd expect black tea to taste like from pouches so id recommend it to anyone. lapsang souchong is more interesting so ive been drinking it much more however. it almost tastes like a broth, very smokey flavor, like smoked salmon type smokey, its an experience. i imagine it would be excellent to use in soups


i learned that the tea plant, camelia whatever, can survive winter perfectly fine. and i want more plants that aren't simply destroyed every year by cold. i will try growing some. anyone does this?


To the tea mixing anons, try camomile and black tea 1:1. Both cheapo bag and moderately priced looses works. I liked the herbal astringent bitterness back when I drank. Anyhoo, cheers.


Mostly just Earl Grey without anything.


Made a nice tea here with Elder berry, Dragon berry, Valerian root


I'm having a cup of this mix now and it's really good thank you for sharing!


I have been enjoying matcha power accompanied by various fruit flavorings. It is expensive though!


i remember trying matcha years ago. it was disgusting and the flavor wasn't even good. i've had actual grass taste better


It is an extremely popular flavor in Japan. You just have pleb tastes or didnt brew it properly - it needs to be whisked and boiling water is too hot


yeah i whisked it with hot water. i think i used too much powder for a single glass. i'll google for some real ass japanese person making it next time probably


I hate tea and tea drinkers they are crabs. Volcels drink coffee.


Volcels need to pee faster tha crabs who are waiting for the toilet in a queue


As a wizcoded truvol crabpilled sigmacel, I decree that both coffee and tea, with any capacity of sweetness or dairy, is a worthy drink for a wizard who is thirsty.

Unless you use soy-based lighteners. Those turn your orbs in to little gemstones that resonate at a feminine frequency.


I've heard of that combination. I think it's pretty alright. Although, my chamomile is probably a year old or even older by now.

In other news, I've decided to try herbals from Celestial Seasonings. Their Raspberry Zinger and Country Peach Passion is pretty good. Their blueberry is very strong for one mug, and is okay if it's diluted a bit in a tea pot. It also smells like blueberry pancakes, for some reason. Their Orange and Spice is pretty smooth and has a delicate flavor. It's probably one of their best next to the Raspberry Zinger.

On actual tea, I still drink black teas like Earl Grey and Lady Grey if I find it. I like Lady Grey a lot more, but Earl Grey's still a great choice. I want to get into Moroccan mint tea, but I'll need fresh mint, which means growing some, since stores around me don't sell it. That's the only thing preventing me from making Moroccan mint tea, pretty much.


Yes, its possible to developed caffeine addiction, I had a huge caffeine addiction when I was young, I would get headaches if I didnt drink coffe and I had trouble to sleep. Its not that hard to lose the addiction, you just need to reduce the quantity of coffe that you drink. Also, avoid to drink coffe at night


I dont like to put sugar in my tea, but I do like tea with milk


I got for christmass a big 1.5l thermos and more often than not I start my day with making shitload of tea that I'll drink by evening. Highly recommend.

Lately I've also been experimenting with masala chai and I had a great time. I'm not a fan of just tea with milk, but this combo is delicious, definitely try it out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8fQAxZahx_U

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