>>56480Totally and 100% ok.
>>56583>GIANT MALE BODY PART!lol americunts
i hate cartoons but i watched superman red son yesterday, no surprise that "it was too cartoonish" is my biggest complaint. i hated the art style and handwavy explanations and asspulls but enjoyed the basic plot and idea of a soviet superman
>>56616Dude that was the least for "cartoony" cartoon you could go, I bet you will go crazy with the shit posted on /b/
>>56616it changed a lot of stuff from the comic
>>56616>hates cartoons>still watches cartoons despite hating them>complains that he hated it>on in a thread about a subject he hatesWhy do people do this?
And why is it always cartoons that bring out such people?
Do people go to the anime threads just to point out how much they hate anime?
>>56621>Do people go to the anime threads just to point out how much they hate anime?yes actually
>>56623>>>/test/Don't do that here or any of the other surface threads.
>>56621"i hate cartoons" is just an exaggerated opinion based on what little cartoons i've watched as an adult, it doesn't mean i cannot watch any cartoons. it doesn't mean i automatically know i'll hate future cartons. it looked cool so i gave it a watch, and i didn't hate it overall, only some aspects of it.
>>56621>Do people go to the anime threads just to point out how much they hate anime?yeah it's very common
>>56436I finally got around to watching Wolfwalkers today. Unfortunately I had to torrent it because I'm not gonna pay for Apple Plus or whatever it's called just to watch one movie, I'll buy a physical copy if they ever make one just to support Cartoon Saloon though. It's a fairly basic retelling of an Irish folktale and it drags on a bit towards the end but god damn it's probably the most beautiful animated film released in the past 15 years (eat your heart out Spider-verse).
>>56625I love Xavier its one of my favorite shows
>>56625Not a fan myself.
Just didn't find most of the jokes funny.
It also isn't very nice to look at.
>>56625my all time favorite adult swim show. nearly every single line of dialogue is layers of jokes.
>>56625wish it was online in quality HD
>>56813>Amphibia(I know sacrilege lol)How is it compared to Craig of the Creek?
>>56630I dropped it half the way. Dunno, i've seen too many of this cutie nature vs bad humans shit, predictable.
And jesus fuck this every time:
>Oh father give me a minute and i'll explain every~>NO YOU LISTEN I LOVE YOU SO MUCH DO WHAT I SAY NO TIME FOR THIS CHILDPLAY LETS EAT RAW FISH AND SLEEP WHAT A LIFE>eat your heart out Spider-versenah, that one was more appealing to the eye
First ep impression of the dragon prince is pretty negative.
I fucking hate when CGI uses limited inconsistent 12 frames a second animation. It makes my eyes hurt and there isn't budgetary reasons to do it.
You can tell it really wants to be anime but isn't too.
And it is already off to a anti-human pro-nature hippy dippy bullshit in even the opening.
Saving graces is most of the characters are kind of likable so far and their interactions are stock but serviceable.
First season only has 9 ep so I will at least watch it that far before giving my final judgment but I am not impressed with what I have seen in the first ep. Maybe it gets better but I am not holding my breath.
¿What happened to Thurop Van Orman after CN cancelled Flapjack? That show was the weirdest thing Cartoon Network ever had.
>>57183Why do you keep doing
Stop it.
Does anybody here have a thing for obscure animation? Things like old stop motion shorts and soviet animation. It’s like watching cartoons from another universe. I think there’s 2 stop motion shorts of the hobbit . The first one is J. R. R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit (1966) and the other one is called Skazochnoe puteshestvie mistera Bilbo Begginsa, Khobbita. Try with “Russian Hobbit”
>>57571Maddie, maddie, maddie!
I just read a news report on RT about Disney rejecting scripts because they are not enough inclusive, even if the scripts are great. I don’t know is this is true, but it won’t surprise me. I wonder if CN, nickelodeon, Netflix and the other streaming platforms do the same. Political correctness is gonna kill everything, from cartoons to music, and even history and literature. Someday some people would say Shakespeare, Cervantes and almost any other writer is a white supremacist because their works are not inclusive.
>>57838Other major networks (unrelated to cartoons) have been doing similar shit for years.
Like rejecting shows that are "too male focused" so threw away a sure money maker that was the show Sylvester Stallone and Doth Lundgren were pitching around like a couple years ago for that reason.
I think it will effect cartoons a little less because it is easier to superficially change characters during the pitch/writing phase unless it's based on some source material.
>wah, there aren't enough coloreds fuck it, they are all anthro monkeys now, you happy.
>wah, that's racistNo, everybody is a monkey in the show now. It's equal monkey with no human races like planet of the apes or something.
>Are you mansplaining my own feelings?>I feel it's racist so it is and I don't have to explain myselfI can't mansplain because I identify as a masculine presenting trans succubus.
>oh no, sorry for misgendering you>Such a brave succubus, I guess we can give you a shotOr something along those lines.
I just want more action shows with good animation regardless of the politics of the people or companies involved, but SJW types tend to dislike such shows because they appeal to boys, who they hate and require talent which they don't have.
>>57927Those shows always inexorably include that shit because we need something that the norms and succubi can understand.
>>57928Not when they have good world builders/writers.
There are more then a few shows where the other world is actually otherworldly and doesn't have whatever is hip with the age demo inorganically shoved in.
>>57977WHy ATHF ever got axed is beyond me especially wit how the show matured over time I mean just look at the last few seasons it was amazing
I hope the movie is not just a shitpost like the first movie was it was pure trash I could not enjoy since leaving my very early teens
>>58154actually really good
i was thinking this would be a good reference tool for artists, something that lets you pose the face with expressions like that. im sure it already exists though
>>58158I mean it is literally a in house reference used when you have several teams working on a project.
Something similar to additional references included with character bibles.
Base expressions that the animators and riggers can reference while keeping things on model, which Disney pays strict adherence to the vast majority of the time.
The process of animation is almost as fascinating as the end work. At least to me.
>>58226Thanks for sharing this.
I read in Wikipedia about a sequel of Labyrinth who is going to be made by Marvel Studios. I wonder if they will use puppets or if Brian Froud is going to do the designs, and who is gonna write it. I really hope Trevor Jones will do the ost again. Jareth will not be the same without David Bowie, is really a shame he died without acting the character again. Neil Gaiman in The View from the Cheap Seats says, there’s a version of Labyrinth of 3 hours of length, I wonder if the Jim Henson Company will release that version for the 40 anniversary in 2026.
>>58363I wouldnt expect too much from it, I watched their castlevania series and it started out ok, following the real events, but quickly went out the window. They basically rushed through the entire main story of castlevania 3 so that they could start doing OC shit, which was unsurprisingly, shit. They even fucked up the Bloody Tears cover in the battle with dracula and made it feel so weak and dramatic when the original was deliberately powerful and energetic. They portrayed dracula as some washed up fool when in reality it should have been like Jojo vs Dio tier levels of epic. I can't forgive netflix for fucking up so bad.
>>58363I strongly suspect they will bait and switch.
Starting off playing to the fans to get merch sells going then halfway through go full progressive.
Not that I even care. I was into he-man when I was 4 and 5 but by the time I was 8 I lost interest in anything to do with he-man. Had too much dead air and the world never felt all that interesting. It wasn't a place I could imagine adventuring in. So once I got over
>Cool sword makes guy strong when catchphrase is saidI was over the whole franchise.
Maybe if they really do something special with the world building and fix the pacing problems that the series has always had then I might get invested. A pretty art style isn't enough to convince me that it won't be lame.
>>58375At least from the trailer it looks they’re gonna focus on the fight scenes, which I think could be a good direction considering the original’s combat was basically he-man transforms and smacks skeleton upside the head and that’s it. Though it was pretty hilarious seeing them try and make orko of all characters look cool.
>>58365>Summer Camp IslandIt's peak globohomo. It belonged alongside violence, treason, and incest as soon as it casually presented the concept of someone having two gay fathers as so normal that nobody even questioned it. Good riddance.
>>58383As someone with two gay fathers, thank you. This shit is cruel and deserves eradication.
Sageru for off topic though.
>>58383>>58384Can you not be a /pol/tard here.
Have some…
Sturgill Simpson Presents Sound & Fury | Clip: Ultra-Violent Anime Madness | Netflix Anime
>>58363>>58364Same animation studio as Castlevania?
>>58442>>58443That animation wasn't made by the Japanese and is therefor not anime, no matter what the dykes at Netflix call it.
>>58446Nice, still have to watch season 2.
>>58444It is literally made by Japanese people in Japan by a Japanese production company.
Why are you lying?
>>58449Finished S2
Could be interesting, but I can already see (politics thread) finding its way in to it somewhere. Too many humans of color in that intro.
How many cartoons based on fairy tales exist? I only Know the Storyteller and a French cartoon called tales of Broca Street. I think there was a show called Fairy Tale Theater, and other based on one and one thousand nights but, it only counts as a cartoon if they use puppets.
>>58728>How many cartoons based on fairy tales exist?What makes you think anyone could even know that and give a real answer? There isn't a fully complete listing of every cartoon ever created and the most comprehensive ones aren't categorized by if something is based on a fairy tell or not, meaning that someone would ether have to do so manually or create a sorting program to do it.
What I am saying is no one actually knows and that is quite the big ask.
content anonmage here (heh just made it up).
im going to list some cartoons i watch in no specific order.
>Dr Katz>Duckman>Undergrads (the tech character is apex wizard).>The Critic>Aeon Flux>Mission Hill>The Oblongs>Venture Bros>Moral Orel>Mary Shelleys FrankenHole>>56450>kNDbased knd enjoyer
ill add Ahhh Real Monsters thanks for the reminder
>>56625>Xavier Renegadei never got into it
>>57977>Venture Bros MovieHoly Fuck Yes! No.58748
>>56601i'm a hamburger, but even i hate most americans because they want to inject politics into FUCKING EVERYTHING.
i want to get back into watching cartoons again, but most "modern" ones are so full of politics that if i hear some blue haired faggot whine about "inclusivity" or "diversity" one more fucking time then i'm gonna be fedposting the local dnc hq
>>56625great fucking show. my brother and i autistically parrot XRA at each other to this day.
every friday night i tell my sister how its actually taco tuesday
Victor and Valentino is worth watching? Compared with El Tigre, I think is full of wasted potential. Manny and Frida were two little motherfuckers who always make plans to steal or destroying things. Miracle city was a cartoon version of the Mexico DF, a hell of a town for people of the U.S and even for his own citizens. In Victor and Valentino almost everything is so polite and mild.
>>58858I haven’t watched tv in about 5 years but my PC broke this weekend and I’m trapped in a hotel, so I decided to watch some. And holy shit, all the modern cartoons that are airing are the same as victor and vinny, that is to say boring with incredibly wimpy and milquetoast characters. So no, it’s not worth it, and neither is anything airing.
How good is the prequel of Dark Crystal? I discovered the show thanks to a video dedicated to Brian Froud. I think it was canceled because of how expensive was doing just one episode; maybe cartoons are cheaper than puppets.
>>58902Puppets aren't cartoons or animation.
Ask the thread about tv shows.
>>58854Wow, I haven't listened that song in years. I always found that video pretty cool, but I can see why some kids could find it scary back then.
By the way, here are a few cool "creepy" stop-motion movies:
>The Secret Adventures of Tom Thumb>One Night in One City>Pied Piper No.58912
Those cartoons produced by Steven Spielberg (Tiny Toons, Animaniacs, Pinky and the Brain and Freakazoid) are genuinely good or is just nostalgia? Speaking of that, are their reboots really good or the writers are using the same felling?
>>58912Haven't got around to watching the reboots but if you don't mind the dated references they are really good. It isn't just nostalgia.
>>58912Most are pretty good, but they aren’t as universally classic as say, the old looney toons.
>>58968It's netflix so what can you expect? Not that I'm completely clean of pairing robots together in my head fanfics, but actually putting it in to a show? lmao
>>58906>Puppets aren't cartoons or animation.Yes they are. Puppets are inanimate objects that, when moved, create an illusion of life. In other words, they are animated.
>>58902It was good, but it will leave a void in your soul when finished. Some people fill that void with The Barbarian and the Troll, I know I did. It's a comedy and some of the humor is "cheesy", but it's campy fun. It's the one modern Nickelodeon original I can think of that doesn't appeal exclusively to kids with ADHD
>>58968>They don't have genitalia and don't sexually reproduce, don't have romantic relationshipsThey're just appealing to the franchise's main demographic No.58979
>>58977Fuck all the way off.
>>58979I will not. Give puppets a chance, wiz.
>>58983Why the fuck do you keep shitting up the thread with things that aren't cartoons?
If it isn't a cartoon it doesn't belong in the cartoon thread.
Fuck off.
Dealt with the same bullshit with some retard posting anime in the thread.
It doesn't belong in this thread.
You know full well it doesn't belong in this thread.
Get a life and stop.
Tried watching Xico's Journey
Oh god is it a stinker. Cheap, ugly, stupid, and paced poorly to be boring.
Worst yet it is even more in your face with it's dumb eco/political message then FernGully. Very obnoxious.
You can probably also tell it's one of those thing made for children by someone who bearly interacts with children kind of thing from the writing and overall structure.
Just dreadful in every regard.
1 out of 5. Don't waste your time.
I had skimmed over a Family Guy episode called "Brian's Play", and honestly, a bunch of missed opportunities.
Brian makes a play, it actually goes well so Stewie makes a play in a day, Brian reads it, gets real jealous, tells Stewie the play's bad and eventually tries to destroy it. Stewie finds out, tells him off spectacularly. In another rendition of Brian's play (where everything is still going well), Stewie rubs his success in Brian's face by saying he's going to Hollywood. They both go, some playwrights or something insult Brian's play without knowing he was the playwright, Stewie gives up on his play to make Brian feel bad, end.
So many missed lessons here and so many missed character growth opportunities. I feel like Brain was kind of an idiot lying to Stewie and trying to destroy the play but Stewie rubbing it in made him a dick. Him giving up on the play doesn't make him any less talented or a bad friend.
So many different lessons like how Brian's play was actually a huge success compared to his book, "Faster than the Speed of Love" ever was. No readers vs a huge crowd of people. A huge improvement and that affection he said he wanted. Brian's play was also praised very highly by critics. Him getting jealous is totally reasonable if not for Stewie being a genius already. As for those people who insulted his play, just ignore them. The lesson could be to focus on improvements instead of what you want to be in the future. So sad he let other people get in the way of his dream. By the way, obviously he was letting the reviews get to his head. Still, it's just another opportunity to tone down Brian's crappy personality traits and develop him as a better writer and person. In the end, it was one development and a bunch of take downs on his character. I wish he could have accepted his dream coming true and finally coming to peace with his writing or something. He's been a drunkard because of his "inability" to write for a while.
>>58968Why. It’s not only Netflix, is every network now. Why every cartoon needs to has his own gay or dike character? Those people exist, but it seems forced that almost every show has its own gay couple. The most forced one I know is Luz and Amity from the owl house. Amity develops a crush on Luz only in a few episodes, even if she hated her before. Also, I can´t stop noticing Amity dyes his hair just the same color Dana Terrace used to dye his own hair. Maybe is a coincidence.
I don’t care if a character is gay; the thing I can’t understand is this
>X character develops a crush on another character of the same Gender
>Y character also has a crush on the X character. Even if he/she used to have a crush for a character of the opposite sex.
>Now they are a couple.The only thing I know where one of the characters shows anger or disgust for being kissed by a character of his same sex is the last issue of Miracleman written by Neil Gaiman. I know this thread is for cartoons, but this was the only example I know
>>59298I hear it's good but still haven't got around to watching it.
I also heard it got canceled, so that means while it was popular with adult/older animation fans actually children probably weren't wild about it and it underpreformed in the numbers or in merch sells. Shame since streaming in theory should open the way to shows with a older audience should still be able to find their place and get funded.
Maybe tech will keep progressing so that it will get even cheaper and easier for small teams to make quality animation on really small budgets.
>>59298I hate this annoying trend of pretending this dumb doodles are somehow transformed something "serious" and add "lore" and "psychological" bullshit, it is an embarrassment, in the end is just ugly stick drawings for fat american children.
>>59497good bye alaskan crab
Enjoy your bucket alone
Finally got around to watching Fire and Ice by Ralph Bakshi.
Holy shit does it look great. While the plot is a bit thin everything else makes up for it. It is also the best use of rotoscoping I have ever seen, and proof that it can work if you have a talented team that knows what the hell they are doing, even if some of the action felt "floaty" at times.
Also Teegra is painfully hot, even blowing most anime succubi out of the water. Bonk me with the horny stick all you want but "god damn she fine" is all I got to say on the subject.
Anyway it is a great looking film and overall a good action/adventure/fantasy film all be it a bit on the simple side.
I highly recommend it.
Will be the Calarts style still a thing in the 2020s? I wonder what will be the style of this decade. Or maybe the bean and worm face will be here forever?
>>59712Let me ask you this, can you even name a show currently airing in that style?
>>59685>Also Teegra is painfully hot, even blowing most anime succubi out of the water. Bonk me with the horny stick all you want but "god damn she fine" is all I got to say on the subject. my brother
sword and sorcery shit from the 80s will always be awesome to me
>>59723Amphibia, Big City Greens, We bare bears, Centaur world, Craig of the Creek, etc.
>>59737How is We bare bears, Centaur world,Craig of the Creek, Big City Greens, or Amphibia calarts exactly?
The only thing visually similar about them is related to color use, which may have more to do with the tools used then style.
And as far as I can tell most/all the people involved in the production of those shows didn't actually go to California Institute of the Arts, nor is the typical "calarts style" employed. It would be great if you could actually define exactly what you mean by "calarts".
>>59739If you can't or won't see it then there's nothing I can do.
>>59740If you can't or won't explain yourself or even the basic definition or description of the thing you take issue with then a discussion on the topic is impossible.
Define your terms and explain yourself.
>>59741I can.
>>59739Bean mouth, thin uniform lines, little to no shading, simplistic geometric shapes, mere circles for heads and for eyes, stuck in 3/4th view, disregard for anatomy and perspective.
>>59744Would you describe We bare bears, Centaur world,Craig of the Creek, Big City Greens, or Amphibia as fitting this description?
Or any other currently airing show for that matter?
And does it even really matter when even movies like Iron Giant are/were called Calarts as a putdown.
I just seems to me to be a useless term for whatever trend in American animation someone personally doesn't like. So the meaning changes as taste and trends change, but it's always a generic insult and it rarely has much to do with California Institute of the Arts in any way.
>>59745Why are you so hung up on cal arts? It's just a term for the style at this point, no one cares about the shitty art school.
>>59746You are the one that brought the topic up and wanted to talk about it.
What the hell do you mean why am I hung up on it?
Why are you so hung up on it?
What the fuck?
>>59747I mean the word. You're here arguing semantics when there is a clear style presented that you ignore.
>>59748>there is a clear style presented that you ignore.There isn't at all
How do any of these look even remotely the same?
All are called calarts and none of them are stylistically similar enough to make whatever the fuck you can't seem to explain obvious.
The term is pointless and you don't know what you are talking about. You just expect people to somehow just know what your personal definition of a non-word is and act like it has ever had descriptive qualities that anyone has ever agreed on.
And for what reason?
Even if calarts had a coherent and agreed upon meaning, which it doesn't, it doesn't seem to mean much if things can vary so wildly in apparent and it isn't a indication of quality, labor, or talent on the part of the creators.
So in the end you can functionally swap out the word calarts and change the meaning of
>Will stuff I don't like but can't explain why still be a thing in this decade? I wonder if stuff I don't like will be the style of this decade. Or maybe ways of doing a face I don't like will be here forever? And the same amount of information was conveyed.
>>59751I want to know where you ever saw anyone accuse iron giant of being calarts shit.
>>59753That Retard who made Ren & Stimpy used to call the faux-disney look as "Calarts".
When I say Calarts I just meand "the modern simplistic, geometric, flat style western Animation has had since the late 90's"
Calarts isn't actually a specific style or a useful descriptor.
>>59763Whenever i see calarts mentioned it is in reference to the art style of specifically 1. Adventure time or 2. Steven universe. This guy
>>59744 gave a good definition and even a meme that illustrates the point and for some reason we are still discusses what it is.
>>59764And to what end?
What is even the point anyway?
>>59769Regardless the vast majority of the info presented is legit.
>>60091>>60099>>>/test/Please stop.
This thread isn't for this.
>>59848Funny, it's today that I've woken up with that tune stuck in my head.
So is there the original animation (i.e. the porn 'toon itself) somewhere on the net? I haven't been able to find it anywhere. I imagine it would barely have any value as fap material for me, but should be curious due to its viral/meme effect at least.
>>60128I’m pretty sure it up on e621
>>58986Thanks, will watch it. The trailer reminded me of White Snake, another Chinese feature-length animation. It was also okay in general and better visually, guess I can recommend it.
Honestly, I salute China seemingly beginning to excel at animated filmmaking recently. This is good for the fans in itself, but since the suicidal West wants to turn its film industry into yet another dumpster fire, it's 'beggars can't be choosers' for people.
>>60130I really do need to get around to watching White Snake. It looks good and it's been on my to watch list for years.
>>60135Do they still dump most of their stuff on newgrounds or have they finally moved on from there?
>>60135I thought it was minus8.
>>60135i like the porn one better
even the music was better
Its been bugging me how the OP for a thread specifically for "animation related stuff from places that aren't Japan." 2/3 images in it are from Japan.
>>60258Japanese animation has been quite influential for decades, now.
>>60258It was posted due to the content and point because it's talking about animation as a whole as a medium of expression.
Seems there's another "animation strike" happening in America. Let me make this clear; if you don't know how to physically draw action scenes, in full motion, you don't deserve your cushy Hollywood animation gig. They act like they deserve anything more than what they get for doodling storyboards, something completely useless in the long run when everything is puppet rigged by koreans. Inhouse animators broke their wrists to make art. These cunts act like they're too good for making shitty newgrounds animations, which is what their skill level equates to.
>>60353quit trying to flame.
>>60407Oh look, more jap shit where it doesn't belong.
There are dozens of other more appropriate threads to post this yet you choose the one where it's off topic.
>>60410i thought a white guy made it though
>>60416>There are dozens of other more appropriate threads to post this yet you choose the one where it's off topic.Not having this derail argument again.
Fuck off troll.
>>60725It's interesting to see the culmination of these ex-Newgrounds guys' careers. They've been trying to break into the industry professionally for about a decade, now.
>>60725>>60726These newgrounds and youtubers are funnier and more clever than hollywood writers.
>>60729Maybe, but they suck at networking, logistics, and organizing large teams so it's rare they get far.
Animation is usually a large group effort once you get to the point of producing tv or feature length projects.
There are rare exceptions but most of those exceptions didn't come from newgrounds.
The main problem is the solo/small team workflow and tight community that causes the best success in the newgrounds and youtube short form content format don't translate to the large group networking, organization, and delegation skills necessary to make it in the mainstream. So it's rare for them to breakthrough unless they basically remake themselves to fit the shitty hollywood scene. Often losing the creative and unique things that made them stand out in the first place in the process.
I was never into Transformers, not even the animes, but remember really liking Beast Wars when it came out. Re-watched it now. The first season was very disappointing, all the characters and their actions were excessively dumb, and it didn't even had a point, every episode the Maximals would do something dumb for no actual reason and be outdumbed by the Predacons, just to lead to five minutes of them shooting around each other, not that it would make any difference because when they landed a hit it was of no consequence. I know it's supposed to be just a pretext to sell toys, but that's not an excuse. But then came season 2 and it was absolutely amazing, great overarching plot, character development, several memorable moments, I'm glad I didn't drop. Season 3 dumbed down back, I don't know why they didn't keep the tone.
The Maximals were very uni-dimensional, either boring or annoying. Cheetor and Rattrap were too annoying, and I hated Silverbolt so fucking much. The "nonono if you kill bad guy then you bad guy" is stupid and got old fast. The Predacons were much deeper and better worked, even the ones that changed side. My favorite character was Dinobot, and Waspinator was legitimately funny. The power scale doesn't make sense either, one episode the character gets a new form and defeats everyone at the same time, then next episode he just gets inactive after a single shot. And some things were overdone like "shot from the back while being inattentive on the battlefield" and "crushed by a boulder that was behind". I will still try Beast Machines though, never had the chance to watch any of it when younger.
>>59752The oscars are worthless garbage, especially when it comes to animation.
>>60725I thought it was an ok show thats been extremely overhyped by people who have a parasocial relationship with the people who made it. I'm glad these guys are getting their shot rather than some dime a dozen LGBQT animation twitter psycho but the cult of personality shit around it is so obnoxious and i don't think the show is good enough to overshadow it. They're obviously still finding their feet so maybe season 2 will be better.
A general distaste for the Walt Disney Company and its practices had solidify Nickelodeon's motivation to limit size and avoid feeling "corporate".
All of this was thrown out the window after Spongebob premiered.
>>56436I've watched all of Helluva Boss, and, I watched Hazbin Hotel. For being a gay cartoon with equally gay characters the animation is high quality and its overall very enjoyable No.63110
>>63106pozzed trash looks like shit, you are talking out your ass.
Finally got around to giving Hilda a chance.
3 episodes in so far and my first impressions are it a little slower and more relaxed in it's story telling then I would prefer but the characters are endearing and world is very interesting.
I am eager to see more. I just hope that them moving to the city doesn't begin dog-whistling "the message" or have things generally go to shit.
What got me interested is the otherworldly shenanigans. If it becomes another Steven universe I am fucking out.
>>60135What happened to Zone after that? Hes still with the skulgirls dev team
>>64879age-restricted… does the teaser look as bad as the thumbnail suggests
>>64880It's bad.
old show with new characters
(the new characters are all INTERNATIONAL and they're the smart voices of reason)
new jokes
(about iPhones and Instagrams)
White man
>>64910Thank God that woke garbage they tried to pass as anime is over only the frog one is worse.
>>65157will hear no hateful talk about comfy frog show!!
im watching samurai rabbit: the usagi chronicles
the plot is fucking shit (young wabbit guy wants to become strong and fight yokai) but its very visually pleasing to me.
which cartoons are the closest to anime. i need stairs to even reach the slippery slope of cartoons
>>65181Avatar The Last Airbender, Teen Titans, Samurai Jack, Ben 10, Batman The Animated Series
>>65182damn. i already watched those growing up. ill have to check some sort of cartoon database and just search for specific tags that would interest me i guess
>>65162>>65163It looked like ass since episode 1, "Calarts and mud" the series.
>>65182Samurai Jack is overrated as fuck, how is that shit even remotely related to Anime visually? the mc looks like the scientific from the power puff succubi.
>>65203it does have big eyes, and the unique, stylistic, experimental art direction and animation is more commonly seen in anime than in cartoons, it is also heavily inspired by Kurosawa which is something that applies to many anime as well, there are plenty of similarities so it's a fitting recommendation for someone who is mainly into anime and looking to broaden his horizons, it's a show about a wandering samurai for
fucks sake
>>65203>>65205learn how to speak english
I started watching Sonic Prime. I swear to god, they're trying their hardest to make Rouge the Bat the cutest character in the series. Compared to Amy, she's designed to be way more feminine and cute. Out of the three versions of her, it's been a home run each time. Amy's cute as well, but it's obvious they're going in a different "art" direction for her character. I'm was never really attracted to her in the games. I'm just pointing out that they're trying extra hard in this show. It's working.
>>66441I used to do stop motion animation when I was a kid, but haven't had the space to build a stage in my adulthood.
Now I am a full time RVer so it's pretty out of the question.
If I was to try and take up animating again I would have to do it digitally.
>>66541Yeah Bruce Timm did too much weird stuff, using the same DCAU designs, when everyone just wanted more DCAU. Now Kevin Conroy is dead.
Also the opening scene was a weird scifi version of rape
amazing digital circus is cool I enjoyed the pilot. I love hand drawn animation too and stop motion
Binged watched the first season of Helluva Boss.
I didn't expect to like it but I do.
Still not sure if it's legitimately good or if I just have really shit taste and a soft spot for edgy bullshit but I had a good time watching it.
I guess I should give Hasbin hotel a shot too, even though I didn't enjoy the pilot anywhere near as much as I did for Helluva Boss, but maybe the actual show is decent. Regardless I have season to left to binge so I can use that to rince the bad taste if I dislike HH.
It's funny how edgy you can be on youtube when you are popular and funded outside of google ads.
>>66642I'm not that into it but i can appreciate how well made it is.
I just started watching this again and love it but it was weird in one episode they threw in a joke about the writer of the comic Crimson chin is a "40 year old who lives with his mom" I'll still watch it but it's disappointing normalfags felt the need to deride hikkis/basement dwellers
>>67422I thought of it as a joke at the expense of how unappreciated creatives in the comic industry is.
Most work for poverty wages. The few that aren't broke make the bulk of their money outside the traditional comic industry.
>>67422you seem to have missed out the joke. Following Timmy's response to the actual Crimson Chin, the latter asks if he despite living with his mom the writer made a lot of money, and he is met again with the same answer, "he lives with his mom" it's obvious why this is funny.
Any decent new(ish) toons out?
I feel like I am getting farther and farther out of the loop of whats going on as far as modern animation because Ii don't watch tv.
>>67418basically all the cartoons I watched while I was a child were shit. I don't even know what I would rate the highest. The first 3 seasons of spongebob were really the only thing that was actually good. That and futurama, but I didn't watch futurama until I was older. Fairly odd parents was probably one of the less shitty ones
>>67418>>67433I was more of a cartoon network and normal network tv kid for the most part so I didn't get that deep into most Nick shows.
That said fairly odd parents was ok to me, though like most really overly long running shows a lot of the later ep were pretty hit or miss.
Of Butch's work I much preferred Danny Phantom as I loved action focused shows.
>>67459Angel dust has the same problem as blitzo, where their entire humor is just being sexual/swearing and they try really hard to have these "deep" moments that don't feel deserved or matching the tone of their character.
I like the plot too, but it seems like they are leading us on without telling us any of the rules of the universe.
>>67460I'll second this. It's okay for these characters to have depth and whatnot, but Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss are at their best when they don't get all sappy/sentimental.
>>67469It's probably why my favorite character from HH is Niffty.
Just a uncomplicated funny gremlin used for gags. I actually hope they don't try to "add depth" to her character because they are kinda bad at it.
I am really enjoying Xian Ni (renegade immortal) for some reason that is somewhat hard for me to explain. It's kind of hard to follow because of shitty story telling and it doesn't really have any strong characters, but I love it. I guess I am a sucker for loner characters who are OP. It has really cool visuals. Next on my list of anticipated weekly airing shows are probably Fanren Xiu Xian Chuan, Tunshi Xingkong, and Doupo Cangqiong. After that one tier down are Nitian Xie Shen (2023), Shen Yin Wangzuo, and Da Zhu Zai Nian Fan.
>>67471While I have been impressed with some Chinese animated films and shorts I personally have been disappointed in every series/show I have given a chance.
>>67472Which shows did you watch?
>>67473>Romance of the Three Kingdoms (2009 animation)It was pretty boring, the animation had issues, and I ended up dropping it before reaching the end.
>Wanderings of San Mao/Story of San Mao's Vagrant LifeIt was just below average to me and I didn't find most of the humor all that funny. It's also long as fuck so I also dropped it.
>Black Cat DetectiveWatched it to completion but it just was of low quality and not all that interesting.
>The Adventures of Little CarpOddly enough had a dub vhs tape with a few ep of it. Fell like it was for babies so wasn't interested.
There are probably others I am not remembering.
>>67475Well no wonder you didn't like them if they were all that old. Chinese animation has really come a long way since then. You should give some modern shows a shot. I watch almost exclusively 3D CGI shows because I prefer them to 2D as it is more immersive, particularly the sets which are far more realistic looking than the people most of the time. It takes some getting used to but can be worth it. If you want to stick with 2D there are still some decent quality shows. For example, Biao Ren: Blades of the Guardian. That was very nicely animated and had some very compelling scenes.
Has there ever been another show like avatar the last airbender? By that I mean a western show that did an anime style fantasy production? Seems like western cartoons are mostly shit and don't take fantasy seriously, but Avatar was pretty good. I wish they would do something like that.
>>67571There are plenty of western fantasy animated shows and films.
No none were "anime" like as avatar was as deeply Asian inspired besides maybe kung-fu panda.
Maybe give Jackie Chan Adventures a shot. It's Asian, fantasy, and has a strong martial arts focus while being of decent quality.
The writing isn't as good as avatar but the animation is arguably better imo.
>>67572>Jackie Chan Adventures is set in a world which magic and supernatural forces exist but are unknown to much of humanityThis is the exact type of shit I fucking hate with western fantasy. They just take the normal world that already exists and insert things that don't exist into it. It's buffoonish. I know there aren't dragons or unicorns or whatever in the real world so it is completely immersion breaking to put them in there. You have to actually create an alternative world for the fantasy to not be shit and lazy imo. Avatar was a great example. Magic was integrated into the world. It is a believable "alternate world". Western fantasy has a fetish for just inserting magic shit into the normal world and I hate it. That is the main reason I stick with Japanese and Chinese stuff (not that they're immune to this either, but on the whole they do a pretty good job). It's interesting that this trend actually seems more true for western cartoons than other media. It's not like western media is completely lacking actual fantasy worlds, but I just can't think of any good cartoons other than avatar that have them.
>>67573>things that don't exist into itmagic DOES exists normie
>>67573You are absurdly ignorant and seems to just be trying to just be inflammatory.
Magical realism, Urban fantasy, and other such things are and have been appart of the the fantasy genera for all of human history in all cultures world wide.
It isn't unique to the west.
Second, "western fantasy" has lots of high fantasy with other worlds and the like.
There is no "fetish" for inserting "magic shit" into the normal world any more then any other writing trope or theme.
It's like you are just trying to be vulgar and willfully ignorant to get a response. It's disgusting.
> It's not like western media is completely lacking actual fantasy worlds, but I just can't think of any good cartoons other than avatar that have them.You don't know because you are willfully ignorant, rude, and dismissive.
Why did you even bother posting in this thread other than to desperately try to start arguments?
>>67573The only thing buffoonish is your response.
>>67577You're the one being rude you fucking asshole. I'm just talking about my personal preferences. I'm allowed to have those. Go suck a dick. Also if western stuff is so full of high fantasy, give me some examples of cartoons exhibiting these sorts of settings like I was asking for instead of just saying they exist and insulting me for saying I couldn't find them.
>>67583No one is doing shit for a cunt like you.
Fuck off forever.
>>67575>normiemagic is big with the normies. millions of 35+ succubi are into alternative medicine snake oil, stones, talismans, tarot, astrology.
>>67901Yeah, looks like crap.
>>68121Can you maybe rephrase?
I can't figure out what that sentence is supposed to mean.
>>68128Hey wiz do you have a bluray rip of Where the Dead Go to Die? Looks really cool. Can only find dvdquality. thx.
>>68129I free stream videos, I don't direct download or torrent videos since I only watch things once or twice in a decade.
Or in otherwords, no I don't have the Blu-ray rip, sorry.
I find it funny that the first thing people think when they hear someone's last name like "Fox" is the animal.
With that logic I guess Muriel from Courage the Cowardly dog is a Vi-racist and a Vi-white Vi-Supremacist, given the secret ingredient she puts on things, kek..
The only people I know who are active watchers of cartoons and don't just watch anime are either:
- adult furry artists
- adult leftists
- diagnosed adult autists
only weird af adults
do kids even watch this shit?
>>68177> people I knowWow, you know people, like in real life? Amazing!
>diagnosed adult autistsYou got me there.
I ain't a furry or leftest though.
>only weird af adultsThis whole site is arguably for " weird af adults" so…
>do kids even watch this shit?Yes.
>Hazbin Hotel Season 2 has been the subject of widespread leaks several months before its supposed release.
>Assets related to Hazbin Hotel Season 2 leaked long before its (yet to be specified) release date.
>Various images, animatics, and storyboards from the upcoming animated season have all made their way online, quickly taking hold of the series' rabid fanbase.
>The leaks seem fairly widespread, appearing on places like Reddit, TikTok, and various social media platforms. They all seem to depict unfinished work from the series' hotly anticipated upcoming seasons.
>One of the most head-turning of these unfinished assets includes early animatics of a new song set to debut in Season 2.
>The source of these leaks has yet to be confirmed, and with a release date for Hazbin Hotel Season 2 still not being announced (despite word that it is "pretty far" into production), it could be some time before audiences find out where these leaked assets fit in the series.
Fuck this show and fuck Vivziepop. But i feel sorry for the people working there.
>>68286I thought it was ok and I don't have strong opinions on Vivzie.
Both are 3 out of 5 if I was to put a number on it.
Not as bad or as great as some people make them out to be.
>Kyle Carrozza, the creative mind behind Cartoon Network’s “Mighty Magiswords,” has been arrested on two counts of child pornography possession. The arrest took place on the morning of Thursday, June 20th, in Burbank, California, by the Burbank Police Department. This followed an investigation conducted by the Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force.
>Carrozza faces charges under California penal code 311.11(a) for possession of child pornography. Additionally, he has been charged with an enhanced 311.11(c) charge, which applies to individuals found knowingly in possession of at least 12 videos or 600 images of child pornography. If convicted, Carrozza could be required to register as a sex offender. The severity of the charges could result in either a misdemeanor, carrying a penalty of one year in county jail, or a felony, which could lead to up to five years in state prison.
>Carrozza is best known for his work on “Mighty Magiswords,” an innovative animated series initially released through the Cartoon Network app. The series featured Prohyas and Vambre, sibling warriors who embarked on various quests armed with unique, whimsical swords. “Mighty Magiswords” gained popularity as a digital hit before being greenlit for a full series, running for two seasons and totaling 92 episodes. Although removed from Max, the series remains available for purchase on digital platforms like Prime Video.
>Beyond “Mighty Magiswords,” Carrozza has worked on various other projects, including contributing to “The Fairly OddParents: A New Wish.” His creative contributions to the animation industry have been well-regarded, with many fans appreciating his unique style and storytelling approach. Carrozza’s arrest casts a shadow over his career, leaving fans and colleagues grappling with the stark contrast between his professional achievements and the nature of the charges against him.
>The animation and entertainment community have been shaken by Carrozza’s arrest. Many fans and colleagues are struggling to reconcile the beloved creator’s professional accomplishments with the serious charges against him. Social media has been abuzz with reactions, ranging from shock and disbelief to disappointment and anger. Some fans have expressed their dismay on platforms like Twitter and Reddit, questioning how someone with such a public and celebrated career could be involved in such a crime.
>Industry professionals have also weighed in, emphasizing the importance of separating the art from the artist. However, the severity of the charges has prompted some organizations to distance themselves from Carrozza. Networks and streaming platforms may reevaluate the availability of his past works, and future projects involving Carrozza are likely to face significant scrutiny.
This guy has a blacklist of people who drawn R34, even in their on twitter accounts. But his same moral standarddont apply for real kids. The fist person who spoke againts him was ang vondra, who was working in magiswords as a storyboarder
>>68306I remember watching a saberspark video about that guy.
Dude actually looked like a creep so it didn't surprise me, not that I even care about CP, but hypocrites getting their comeuppance is a bit satisfying.

>Youmacon guest, Kyle Carrozza, is accused on X/ Twitter of egregious acts of harassment, stalking, and defamation against a fellow colleague leading to dire consequence. The victim, Ang, is reportedly in a life-threatening condition due to the relentless actions of this alleged abuser. Yet, Youmacon censors and silence hundreds of warnings.
>Kyle Carrozza maliciously accessed private and sensitive NSFW vent artwork created by Ang, a disabled animator, featuring the cartoon character Invader Zim. Using his influence, Carrozza purportedly orchestrated Ang's termination from employment and subsequently blacklisted them within the industry through a deliberate campaign of slander. Furthermore, he reportedly subjected Ang to public humiliationby disseminating this private artwork among their coworkers and acquaintances, all while fabricating damaging falsehoods about Ang's character.
>The consequences of these actions have been devastating. Ang has lost vital health insurance coverage, critically necessary for their health. The medical treatment required is not only exorbitantly expensive but also demands specialized care, making it tragically inaccessible. Ang's life hangs in the balance due to these circumstances, while Kyle Carrozza's alleged actions continue to shield him from the accountability that such severe offenses demand.
>What adds to the gravity of this situation is the concerning silence from Youmacon. Despite the community's outcry and warnings, Youmacon has reportedly ignored and censored hundreds of comments alerting them to this issue. Furthermore, attempts to directly contact Youmacon seem to have been met with futility, as they can no longer be reached, leaving concerned individuals without a means to address this serious matter.This guy fucked up a terminally ill person life. Just for some r34 pics of invader zim
>>68326Was interesting as a pilot but not so sure the project will go anywhere.
>>68407I watched a little bit of it, but eventually lost interest due to it being ok but not great, while also having a ton of ep.
>>68439Hard to tell yet.
With indies making money to continue production on a reasonable time line isn't straight foward and most projects lose tons of money or don't even get off the ground.
Animation even with current tech is really expensive and labor intensive.
Even big players are having a hard time cracking the profitability code.
>>68439What's up with Image? As far as I know the creator-owned politics that was promised is still in effect, even after McFarlane getting fucked over them.
>>68441So thats why they have to sell plushies and keychains to fund their projects.Anyway, i thinks is better to sell merch than have to deal with executives,corpo writing or worse, AI doing all the work. I wonder what will be the future of animation with AI producing content lack of soul, if most of the modern cartoons have soul.
>>68442I was thinking of how they steal some of the things Neil Gaiman wrote for spawn and the legal battles he had just for having the rigths of angela.
>>68443Angela, Cogliostro and Medieval Spawn were Gaiman and McFarlane co-creations, Gaiman didn't even care about them until McFarlane refused to let go of the Miracleman rights he believed he had acquired after the Eclipse Comics' bankrupcy.
>>68456There is a whole board to discus stuff exclusively from japan.
Think of this as a containment thread for all other animation so it doesn't taint the anime threads.
>>68502>Why netflix cancel good ideas like this, and dont cancel shit like big mouthTo be overly reductive, money.
Big mouth is cheap and gets lowest common denomination views.
It's safe edgy crafted for today's teens.
It's basically the modern incarnation of a show like Beves and Butt-head.
Bone is one of the best American graphic novels ever created and not doing it high quality would unleash a shitstorm worse than all their other bad adaptations put together. They wouldn't be pissing off nerds into something mildly obscure. They would be pissing off normies on mass. You got to think, the color version of the comic is published by scholastics and thus is in every library with a children's section including every single scool library in north America. So it would cost alot to make fans happy but isn't a sure top 5 mega hit. Normally they would change around stuff to get esg (aka put a chick in it and make it gay) money to make it less of a risk but such a strategy doesn't really work for a IP like Bone.
If it was a traditional network they could lower the risk by getting merchandising rights as well as use ad revenue and dvd sells to double dip, but Netflix kinda sucks at that kind of thing for anything other than stuff that is already a mega hit.
Funding high cost animated series is in a hard spot currently. The industry is still trying to figure out a new model that is reliability profitable.
>Following the big post-merger Max content purge, the shutdown of classic toon streamer Boomerang in September and the elimination of full episode streaming through in August, Warner Bros. Discovery has dropped more Cartoon Network seasons and shows from its Max streaming offerings. The shutdown of other streaming options were accompanied by a push to move users to Max (existing Boomerang subscriptions were transferred to the general WBD platform).
>The New Year is less than happy for nostalgia seekers looking to stream early seasons of Teen Titans Go!, which recently celebrated its milestone 400th episode, as well as Ed, Edd n Eddy; The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy; Static Shock and more.
>>67459The sjow has a lore that could have been written much better. Just with the story of Charlie and his father they could have made an edgy lost paradise of our time. Instead, the characters are walking sex jokes, the most disgusting of which is angel dust. The characters swear and curse everytime to make it sound funny. The characters are not developed in the best way possible and just because some of them cry at the end of the season doesn't make the show look any deeper.
I still feel sorry for the people who work on the show, who see their jobs in jeopardy because of the leak, but I feel even more sorry for them for having to put up with vivianne medran's latinx.
>>68554Angel hare isn't meant to really carry a religious message, it's something inspired by and in the same genera as analog and mascot horror. It is a horror subversion of a religious cartoon
It's a bit like complain ChuckECheese doesn't have as deep of lore as 5 nights at freddies or something.
They have dramatically different goals and are in totally different generas for totally different audiences.
>>68505>safe edgyIt's kids masturbating anally. If that's safe edgy, why do I have to beat up like 16 dudes every time I go out in my embroidered babyfuck robes?
>>68559Back when MLP were popular a ton of the fan animations were totally cute and wholesome.
It's just the fucked up and lewd ones tended to get most of the attention outside of the fandom for obvious reasons.

>Veteran Disney and Pixar Animator Faces 40 Years in French Prison for Child Sex Abuse
>Bolhem Bouchiba, a veteran animator known for his work with Disney and Pixar, is currently awaiting trial in France on serious charges. Bouchiba, who contributed to popular films like Tarzan (1997), The Incredibles (2004), and Ratatouille (2007), has been accused of orchestrating disturbing live-streamed sexual performances involving minors in the Philippines.
>Bouchiba is an animator who worked at Disney and Pixar for decades. Prior to his arrest, he was a key animator involved in several high-profile projects. At Disney, he contributed as an animator for key characters in The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996) and Hercules (1997). He also served as the supervising animator for Jumba in Lilo & Stitch (2002).
>In addition, he worked on Oscar-nominated shorts for the studio. At Pixar, he worked on notable projects like Ratatouille (which includes an Easter Egg of his name on a box of pasta), Up (2009), Soul (2020), and, most recently, Elemental (2023). For Dreamworks, he also worked on How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World (2019).
>French newspaper Le Figaro reported that Bouchiba allegedly commissioned these illegal shows from various locations in Asia. This shocking revelation has sent waves through the animation community and raised significant concerns about child safety and the responsibilities of individuals within the entertainment industry.
>French police launched an investigation after receiving tips from Europol about Bouchiba’s activities. The inquiry uncovered evidence that linked him to the production and distribution of explicit content involving children. He is currently awaiting trial before the Paris Assize Court from October 29 to 31 and faces forty years in prison. Le Figaro states:
>“The number of remote sexual abuses, particularly sadistic, could reach a thousand according to investigators, on succubi aged 3 to 15. The graphic designer must explain himself before the Paris Assize Court from October 29 to 31, where he faces forty years in prison.”
>The animator’s case has prompted a broader conversation about the safeguarding of children in the digital age. With the rise of live streaming and social media, it has become increasingly challenging to monitor the online behavior of individuals. Experts stress the need for stricter regulations and enhanced measures to protect vulnerable populations from exploitation.
>Bouchiba’s connection to major animation studios adds another layer of complexity to the situation. His long-standing career has earned him recognition and respect in the industry, making the allegations even more troubling. Colleagues and fans alike are grappling with the dissonance between his professional achievements and the heinous nature of the accusations against him.
>The upcoming trial is set to attract significant media attention. Many are eager to learn how the legal system will address these serious allegations. Victims’ advocates are also monitoring the proceedings closely, hoping for justice for those affected by such crimes.
>In response to the allegations, representatives from Disney and Pixar have stated that they are shocked and appalled by the news. They emphasized their commitment to child safety and their dedication to supporting any investigation related to the case. The studios have not yet commented on whether Bouchiba’s past work will affect their future projects.
>As the trial date approaches, there is a growing call for transparency and accountability within the entertainment industry. Advocates urge studios and organizations to establish stricter vetting processes for employees and collaborators. The aim is to prevent individuals with a history of misconduct from slipping through the cracks.
>>68563>there is a growing call for transparency and accountability within the entertainment industry. Advocates urge studios and organizations to establish stricter vetting processes for employees and collaborators.Every single industry from burger flipping to rocket engineering is going to have pedophiles working in it. As an animator, his contact with child actors was probably non-existent. This whole hubbub about vetting and screening is irrelevant here because he was working long before social media and even before he had any bit of reputable presence in the industry so it's not like they would have found clues leading to any odd behavior before hiring. Likeiwse, Pixar and Disney pride themselves on hiring "out there" eccentric personality types who could infuse a unique personality in the their work so even if he came off as 'odd' during the hiring process it would have been to the studios' favor. Finally, wanting to see young succubi naked is normal.
Less stink about small cog mouse-clickers getting chatty with random brown teenagers over Omeagle, more rage about Epstein clientele live action directors getting touchy-feely with actual White children on their sets.
>>68563It's a company that approves of slavery, genocide, and many other crimes against humanity.
A bit of kiddie fiddling isn't suprising or even that uncommon.
That said I have long since stop giving Disney my money. The only thing they have gotten from me in almost 10 years is contempt and bad talk.
>>68593The second season is one of the best things in the history of Western animation, though I don't really like the other two (or Machines).
>>68595could you recommend the best transformers series, and also the movies. The only movies that seem to be loved by all are the g1 movie and transformers one. What's wrong with machines, some seem to love it and some seem to hate it.
>>68679>A thread for those who enjoy and wish to discuss animation and animation related stuff from places that aren't Japan.>from places that aren't Japan.>I found a Japanese stop motionYou ether can't read or are trolling
I made a wiz cartoon go check it
>>>/b/1006294 No.68693
>>68690Personally didn't like anything about it.
Didn't find it funny, entertaining, or enjoyable.
The fact it was picked up by a major network kinda annoys me.
>>68693I thought it was some cartoon gem but it turned out pretty blant
>>68687r/markiplier is to blame
Finally got around to watching The Amazing Digital Circus.
Really put a smile on my face through the whole run time. I really like it and wish the project well. It's great.
>>68724>>68725>>68726God fucking damn it.
Why can't you be normal?
>>68727this isn't exactly the place to say that
>>68729This also isn't the place to lust over some raggedy children cartoon character like a degenerate.
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