>>64324Is this meant to be sarcasm? Either way I don't think you are aware of the recent changes that have been made since the greatest black man to ever live died of a fentanyl overdose. They are setting the bar a lot higher as far what sends a person to prison and how long they are kept there. Have you heard that in some places minors aren't prosecuted for stealing cars? Guess what happened because of that, there is a new trend of minors stealing cars, who would have thought?
don't care
stop making every damn thread about your /pol/tard whining ty
>>64319It really is, I've been trying to save up to move. It's hard when rent and bills takes everything you make and it's still not enough. I've had to resort to freelancing and selling off personal items that I've kept over the years. If it wasn't for all of the "nostalgia" that's been rampant over the last 7 and some years I would be in some deep shit. I don't have any friends or family to rely on either. Not that it really matter, you can't trust most people in today's time. Way too rare to even find a like minded person outside of dedicated spaces online. Not like there's ever going to be a fucking Wizchan meet up and who the fuck would even bother with that shit. We're all shut-ins who hate society.
>>64336It's relevant to the topic, stop complaining about /pol/ every time you see something that makes you uncomfortable, besides, no one goes there anymore.
>>64345slopes/inclines, stairs
>>64345Weighted bag would work. I carried 50 pounds worth of supplies when I went on a long canoe trip, it's a workout.
>>64345rucking is underappreciated. If you max out your speedwalk and hold it you'll burn about as many calories as if you were running
Spring is arriving, weather is warming up enough to start enjoying crisp bright days before it gets too warm and humid in the summer.
>>644878km/h is not walking
>>64490running is just walking but fastly
>>64492average speed is 4km an hour so…. maybe 7?
>>64492Incorrect its an entirely different form. If you run like you walk you'll sacrifice stamina and eventually injure yourself
>>64494>sacrifice stamina and eventually injure yourselfstrength is built through struggle
>>644934km/h, yeah for LITTLE SHIT KINDERGARTNERS maybe
>>64495>strength is built through strugglethats not a reason to disread proper running form
>>64495>4km/h, yeah for LITTLE SHIT KINDERGARTNERS maybesomeone who not only doesnt walk, doesnt run, but is probably an overweight hormone take (troon)
brag faggotry and uncalled for hostility is just what this thread needed
I prefer cycling, i like feeling wind in my face and being able to travel much faster and further, and judging by how much sweat i produce while cycling, i can confidently say that it is a more rewarding form of exercise.
I can't walk around my neighborhood because it seems like 1 in 10 houses has their stupid mutt out in their yard without a leash. I've been chased by so many dogs it's unbelievable, dog owners destroyed this place and now I only ever see people go outside if they have a dog with them to scare off the other dogs
>>64506I would kick a dog if they chased me, and if they bit me I would shoot if they are more than 30/40 pounds.
>>50416I love walking. I wake up around 5am and go to a 1 hour walk at 6am. At 5pm(sometimes at 6pm) I go for another 1 hour walk. Sometimes I walk for 2 or 3 hours, depending on how I'm feeling. Today I decided to run, but after 10 minutes I was so fucking tired I just went back to walking. I want to be able to run for 30 minutes nonstop, at least, just to have some goal in life.
>>6451110 minutes running is an unironically great amount of stamina for a novice runner. I think you will be doing 30 minute runs in no time at all.
>>64502ok. there is a bike thread.
Enjoyment isn't the only form of reward, hedonistic simpleton.
>>64514>>64519As Protagoras says, 'Man is the measure of all things,' although I am not certain how many men are emitted as an effluence from cycling.
I often go to the forest, it's very fun and free in the forest, in the forest I'm a friend of foxes, mice, moose and wild boars, it's a pity that it's difficult to build relationships with them
When I'm out walking at night and there's a car driving past, I have to fight off the intense desire to flatten myself to the ground or hide. Don't know why.
Used to enjoy going to a nearby park less than a mile away, but my sanity was slipping back then…. Nowadays just thinking about doing so makes me fear possible consequences and as a result i'm physically inactive. Gained 70 pounds from schizophrenia meds…
I usually walk in place or around my apartment just to get some movement in without the need to leave the house. Just to tick a box to say I did something today.
>>50416A couple times I went and walked on the side of a highway where I live, no sidewalks here. I don't do it anymore because there isn't much to see and nowhere to really go.
>>65639is it common for people to walk there where there is no sidewalk? it would make me anxious standing out like that as a pedestrian, besides all the ruckus and danger that come with sharing the road with speeding drivers
it's something i have come to hate: when you step out of urban areas you've got towns that are a few miles apart, but it's practically impossible to just walk there. sometimes there are dedicated bicycle lanes and pathways and that's it.
but nobody cares since it's so commonly accepted. this is what makes rural life so repulsive to me. every little town or hamlet is like a small island
I have started rucking. 8km / 5 miles with a 20kg/ 44lbs backpack, 2 times a week.
I don't recommend doing this if you've been sedentary for a long time. It's good to work on your leg strenght, flexibility, and back strenght before starting this.
>>65308Me too but I also have akathisia from Vraylar. Too bad it's the only med that truly helps me
Walking in nature indeed is nice, it is one of the few activities that give me joy. Even better when there is nobody around and I am in solitude with my thoughts.
I want to get back in shape so I am going to get back into hiking.
I have been sitting down for so long that my feet actually hurt from walking long distances so I've been walking every day for a week and the pain is starting to go away.
Sometimes I walk around the city and mark on openstreetmap various buildings, stores, landmarks. It's a fairly unknown city so the map is pretty much blank.
>>68739yeah, are you an aussiefag?
>>68740yeah, most of my life i lived a few hours from there
>>68741its nice up there, there any other good trails there you know of?
>>68742I didnt go out much so i dont know. I regret not visiting there. I wonder if it would be a good place to live since the climate is cooler on the mountains
>>68743thought the same, its a lot easier to breathe up there
>>50416Love walking in the woods. Sometimes I go for an hour, sometimes less. Luckily I live rurally so I usually don't encounter a single other person on my trips. I have some busted up hiking boots that I need to replace once I have money, I'd like to get some minimal trail shoes. I had some Nikes a long time ago where you could feel the little stones and shape of the terrain as you walked, I want that again. I usually don't take pics unless I remember to bring my old digicam.
I have been walking 3 hours everyday since October since I'm currently a NEET it is the best way for me distract myself and when I get home I normally take a nice hot shower lay in bed and nap for 2 hours.
Honestly I have seen a good different on my physical performance and body but the best to come out of this is really just not being so angry at the world so often. I love walking
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