>>59099although I'm skeptical about it being real, an advanced ancient civilization existing is pretty exciting to think about
I happened to come across the Richat Structure mindlessly wandering google maps the other week and it just blows my mind how I've never seen this before in my entire life. You'd think with all the content aggregators out there one would happen upon it eventually but it just doesn't seem widely shared thing.
This thing looks like nothing natural I've ever seen before and it's crazy to think about this is located on Earth.
>>59083>>59084>>59092call me a dumb redditor but I dont believe these articles are of actual giants since there isnt any photo of the bones they uncovered. However I do believe in one case of a giant human which was found during the 1800's in France where a scientist/archeologist was given bone fragments of a supposed giant by construction workers, he estimated the bones would have to belong to a person that is 11 ft or taller (and it was from the bronze age) and looking at the photos he took of the bone fragments it seems very human, however I dont think this "giant" was the same as the ones described in the bible who could do 1000 backflips, run 100 m in 1 second and lift tree trunks with one finger. I do think this bronze age giant was athletic and probably an amazing hunter during his early years (imagine being 6-12 yrs old and 6'2, you would be better than the adult men) I do think he probably broke his legs and would have lived on a bed for the rest of his life until his death since robert wadlow was 8'11 but had to use a walking stick in order to walk, if he couldnt walk at almost 9 feet imagine someone 2 feet taller (It's also the reason I dont fully believe in athletic giants since human bodies werent made to be taller than 7'4 due to the square cube law and how our blood vessels work although maybe their physiology and muscle are different to the average human which enabled them to be taller than most humans)
>>59100it has been posted before there were older videos from this guy but i guess he reuploaded for more clicks. p much describes why it's the location of atlantis.
>>59095iirc there are documented underwater pre-historical ruins with photographs from divers that only the forbidden archeology crowd seems to have any interest in
>>59119i went into that video thinking haha, atlantis in africa, thats just an eroded geologic dome, what is this gay crap
but so much perfectly lines up with historical accounts and archeological timeframes, very interesting
>>58909>>58911Just in case somebody wants to read the same books I read about fairy beings here are the links
Seres y lugares en los que usted no cree: Guía de los seres mágicos de España: Y otros espíritus masculinos de la naturaleza: if you don’t know Spanish you can enjoy the illustrations. The book about elf’s (Duendes) has a Brian Froud vibe. I know that England and the U.S have a ton of books about the subject (Is weird for the U.S. The only elf or fairies they should have are the ones the Native Americans used to believe in) but in Spanish speaking countries is very hard found books about them, because almost everybody fear them. Nobody wants to write a book about little people who kidnap babies (and nobody knows for what) rape pretty succubi, likes to lose people in the jungles, hide up things (the most inoffensive ones, they also like the play with the kids) and some of them even gather gold like the ones in Europe
Ps: I really recommend the book about fairies “Hadas” in Spanish. The book tells a very interesting story about how the faeries are in fact, the angels who were neutral in the war of Lucifer against God. Not good enough to be in heaven, and not bad enough to be demons in hell, they were punished and exiled to earth. They didn’t seem to care until the 19 century, as I wrote some posts ago. Some of the fairies of this book are literally friendly monster succubi. They will help you if you ask for their help nicely, but they will also kidnap you if they fell horny.
>>59095>3.7 billion years ago.Mankind hasnt been around for longer than about 12000 years. Evolution is a lie.
Hancock, by his own admission, smoked weed 16 hours a day, 7 days a week for 25 years. The man's brain is fried.
Watching him sycophantically lick Rogan's manlet ass on his podcasts is a truly pathetic sight to behold. He has no credibility, a grifter.
>>54194Genetically we think that humans have existed from 100k to 200k years so seeing as to how history only goes back to 10k of course we could have had lost civilizations that were advanced. The obvious issue is that materials break down very fast. It's like that one show about after humans die, after just a couple thousand 99.9 percent of our materials we created will be literal dust. Everything but stone tends to get ruined and fast.
Then there's lizards from millions of years ago too. That's also possible.
About cycles though, everyone knows that but some naive patriot normalfaggot. The average middle ages kingdom died in a couple hundred years, humans need a village to make a man, a culture to make them know how to be human, so you go back to 'caveman days' as soon as you kingdom falls if there's not another one around to dictate behavior. They all fall. The only reason ours hasn't yet is because we are headed away from an ice age. Towards one and the societies all fall of which happens every few thousand years. Less food, less people, less geniuses per year born, less technology, more stagnation, more stupidity, more crime, smaller brains, so you can walk around all day putting the proteins into the legs, etc. It's foolhardy to think that you can just be advanced during an ice age when humans as they are barely keep it together in paradise of which they complain about and make ridiculous rules therein for no real reason other than 'our ice age instincts haven't left us yet, let's be careful/conservative and stagnant/conservative'.
>>58769>No they like ghosts and to summon them!>>54253>check board>hobI'm pretty sure I have to call you out on being schizophrenic with this not being a paranormal board. Or is your hobby silly adrenaline rushes via camp fire bullshitery? Because conjecture over lost civilizations and ghosts are not even in the same ballparks much less solar system as far as I'm concerned. That schizophrenic that watches silly college kid made jewtube videos all day pisses me off in short.
Even if thinking open minded, the ghost, the aliens you see, the angels, they're probably reality glitches from parallel universes from what we know. If not then it's the 'machine elves' doing glitches or doings something important as there's something wrong with your house. Religious pandering otherwise, of which, they all tell you to go forth and prosper and try to make you be quelled in many many ways for the sake of being dominated. No omega male, no maverick, would cater to that.
>>54223Why did this thread take this direction?
The answer is religious culture as to why and that's everybody except maybe weird extreme left winger Asians that kill Abrahamics.
>>59393>12k>evolution is a lieReally asshole?
How many religious wizards are there here anyway and what religion told you 12k?
>>59120Do you mean that tablet that was too deep to be put there for it's age in the ocean?
>>59095Obviously it's possible, indeed, but also obviously the more advanced technology is the more it breaks easily or did you not notice? The pyramids would have been 1 percent of what was made while being surrounded by wooden objects and metals and even batteries we know about. They even say a drill head was there but you're not allowed to touch it that they used to bore those 'impossible holes'. You can't leave it behind because even if it's there some asshole immune to conjecture will say "It's a ceremonial structure" even if it's one of a kind.
>>59119>>59124The majority of volcanic activity is in between the two great continents and there's over 2k islands there to this day in between Russia and Alaska and if advanced humans existed they'd be egocentric enough to place themselves in the middle. Also smarter people always crave the arid regions so it'd be an island that got fucked over by the volcanic activity. No snowing and no 'top society'.
>>59092>>59085>>59084>>59083The bones are only calcium deposit outlines now so if you jigsaw them wrong and also if the animals were eating one another so the bones are rare then a carnivorous neanderthal would possibly have been giant.
Then again I think giants are legal pandering though it'd be cool if some very stable creature survived from days when the earth was newer and more full of oxygen and the land animals were all huge. Lots of them died recently like the Mammoth but an ape could have been giant too. Perhaps the pyramids were built by one of them and they worshipped the near immortal being and called it a god but it was a dumb sort of human so it/they could not read nor wright hence the neat little 'halfway phase' in the written language as though it was made for illogical dyslexics that couldn't remember symbols but instead only sounds.
>>58904The machine elves might be a thing but I don't believe in anything at all ever even if I do like supposing things.
>>58732You'd have to be literally Buddha to see the future. One with everything, at that point you'd be too overwhelmed to have a will of your own of which is the point of ascension. You are everything now, how could you do something when you are everything? So the person would be dead and undead at the same time to do that, dispersed. I think we die constantly though as electricity passes through us all and the ether is a void of souls that fly through everything. Spirit is the fuel and the pain of living but even if we were a rock there would probably be the etheral soul still there but only active in being simpler things that life forms. Less mechanical. No illusion of choice, of which yes it is one.
>>54853Tear the ectoplasm off of Rumpelstiltskin next time he bothers your family, Grimm.
>>54297Stress induced dementia is a thing. The cia have induced it with torture.
>>54855Do you use this word as a slur for people without faith in things? It means life has matter you realize, so I must assume you mean this.
>>54858You are welcome. I hope you enjoy this page about the Ica Stones. This and the caves of Tayos are the only evidence of a ancient civilization. Some will say the stones are just a scam made by the people who live nearby. Maybe some of them are fake, but, how is possible that a village full of analphabets could create carved stones that represent continents, organs, stars, and extinct animals? No.62429
>>62425just smoke some dmt
>>62429if the effect is to make him believe in ghosts, then that wont. i have smoked "heroic" doses of dmt many times and i am still (somewhat) grounded. i certainly dont believe in religions or muh dank machine elves or what have you.
i realize that is probably an overreaction to your short comment, but i meant it more as a clarification with my own experiences.
tldr i also recommend dmt.
if ghosts or paranormal stuff existed you could bet money that science would have found a way to enslave it and use them as some kind of engine or labor. unless you believe that's what circuit boards and electricity and stuff is.
>>54223it's called "collective unconscious"
for example, the myth of the green man, in every country around the world you can find some references to this being.
same for werewolves and other supernatural creatures.
btw, a la verga venezuela, usted ya cojio. no se haga wey.
the scientific method makes this world unexciting and even depressing.
the concept of magic that we all understand is something that "breaks" all the laws of nature, we want all these things to be literally "supernatural" (transgressive)
ghosts, god, love, and all that kind of shit
Whats your guys favorite paranormal experience sharing podcast? I usually like a few but the best for me are "anything ghost" and "monsters among us"
I'm willing to entertain the ideas of ghosts, superpsi, astral OOB experiences and paranormal lite concepts but this is just retarded.
the guy who thinks there is civilization on mars and wrote a whole book about it. Fuck you JRE for introducing dopes to this trash.
>ghost anecdotes
Not falling for that shit this is not /x/ 2012 anymore
fake as fuck
creationist tier shit straight out of the bible
/x/ is for schizophrenics and retarded larpers this is not real
>Peter Haining
This guy is based and read his short story anthologies, I have several of them.
always wish I'd been able to play this one with frenz. Very neat concept
The best explanation for superpsi or ghosts is the body's electromagnetic field that surrounds people inadvertently giving information to others. Or the Jungian collective unconsciousness notion of all cognition being linked at a deeper level and tapped into through sleep. We could run some interesting experiments trying to transfer the human bioelectric circuit to machinery at the moment of death just to see if something risidual remains I imagine. That or it has something to do with our perception of time
The first 2 images are about the of beginning trans shit in the 70s. these 2 were made in the 30s. The last one warns about cybernetics, only a concept for science fiction in the 70s, but a reality today. This guy also predicted the outcoe
>>64812*outcome of the ww2 when it's looked like the germans were going to win
i recently found a video that talked about the queen and the disappearance of 10 indigenous children in canada. it was in spanish, as english is not my first language. she was formally charged and found guilty by an indigenous court in canada. days before the main witness testified, he was conveniently murdered. it is hard to find information about this in english.
> No.64884
>>64878>The order to arrest Queen Elizabeth was issued in 2013 by six judges of the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels.It's not a real court anon. The fixation on MISSING MURDERED ABORIGINAL CHILDREN is literally a grift started by a guy who claimed to be finding evidence of satanic ritual abuse/murder in europe…. he had no evidence, he showed up at various canadian protests claiming to be waving "aboriginal bones", and it was fake as fuck. Can't even remember who it was
Commonlaw does tend to get you arrested or warded
>>58745Benjamin Solari Parravicini was a man from Buenos Aires known as the "Argentine Nostradamus", born on August 8, 1898, who mystically predicted: the rise of Nazism, the arrival of man on the moon, in vitro fertilization, the atomic bomb, the Kennedy assassination, the attack on the twin towers, the rise of Fidel Castro to power, the Falklands War, the Argentine dictatorship, the election of Pope Francis and multiple historical world events.
As a child, this Argentinean prophet had been sent to a doctor's office because he claimed to perceive and talk with elves and other mythological beings, as well as other abnormal behaviors related to the esoteric. But his father gave up trying to find an accurate diagnosis when his son predicted the outbreak of the First World War.
At first, Benjamin dismissed the "doodles" that he himself drew in trance and materialized on paper, events that had not yet occurred. According to scholars of the life and work of the innate seer as Pedro Romaniuk, a renowned ufologist, only on October 25, 1938 he would realize his clairvoyant gift when the same day that Alfonsina Storni committed suicide by going into the sea, he woke up at dawn feeling a smell of sea and seaweed, and a female voice that revealed to him that she was leaving this plane.
However, Solari Parravicini's psychographies were not known worldwide until after the attack on the World Trade Center towers. This is argued by Pedro Romaniuk:
Many call him 'the Argentine Nostradamus', however, the international fame or transcendence came to him after the September 11 attack. Internationally there are certain psychographies that give him relevance, one of the first is the one that says: "The freedom of North America will lose its light. Its torch will not shine as it did yesterday and the monument will be attacked twice."
Some of her psychographies mark the beginning of the feminine revolution: the right to suffrage and new practices in succubi, among others: "succubi will be readers of books, newspapers and magazines. The succubus will be ahead of the man, she will dislodge him. The pants will be hers and the man will become effeminate", says a revelation.
The psychic interpreter reported being abducted by a spaceship while sitting on a bench near the Obelisk. Inside the mother ship, luminous panels and a central tube. There, three blond aliens spoke to him telepathically: "You must preach love…Universe is harmony; we are observing you. We have many chosen ones."
As for current events, according to conspiracists, a Solari Parravicini omen names Putin as "bear terror" along with China - "dragon darkness"-, the Covid as "pests" and Biden under the nickname of "humble democrat":
"Fire, famine, pestilence, death, repeats the righteous campaign that approaches the world, yet the world neither hears nor sees. Comes the Darkness of the dragon that seemed asleep. Comes the terror of the bear that feigned love and brotherhood. Comes the humble democrat, who never was, and with him comes poverty, he without shelter, and with them all the explosions of disintegration. Comes the darkness and then, the light of the South. and the Cross!"
The medium also predicted the Russian invasion of Ukraine: "BEAR SEA. At any moment the Russians will be thrown into their fiefdoms. No one will shake them but their instincts will be alarmingly overridden," he revealed.
As for the future of Latin America, Solano Parravicini foresees a Chinese imperialism in the Spanish-speaking region: "China will be the beginning of the invasive overflow into Latin America".
>>64911i forgot to green text,
>schizo nonsense
every time
>Matthias Stormberger, the cow herder at Rabenstein, Germany, had some remarkable visions of the future in 1830. Mathias Lang is also known as Stormberger in some prophecy circles. Lang was illiterate and had no education, yet he predicted many things like airplanes, telephones and much more. He lived in Bavaria between 1753 to 1820. He made the following predict before World War One:
>"Iron rods will be built and iron monsters will bark through the wilderness."
>"Cars without horses and shaft will come . ."
>"And man will fly through the air like birds."
>“When in the outskirts of the forest the iron road will be finished, and there the iron horse will be seen, a war will begin, to last twice two years. It would be fought with iron fortresses that move without horses.”
>“Right after this horrible war there will come a time when money will have no value. For 200 guilders not even a loaf of bread will be available, and yet there shall be no famine. Money will be made of iron, and gold shall become so valuable that for a few gold coins a small farm can be bought.”
>“After the Great War there will be no peace. The people will rise and all will fight against each other… The rich and noble will be killed. The World War will not make people better but much worse… Tell your children that their children will live to see the time when the earth will be cleared. God will do away with people because there will be no charity among men. Religious faith will decline; priests will not be respected; people will be intent only on eating and drinking; there will be many immensely rich people and large amounts of paupers; great wealth will not endure long, for the red caps will come. People will hide in forests and many will go into exile. After this civil conflict and general clearing, people will love each other as much as previously they hated one another.”
>“Two or three decades after the first war it will come one a Second War still larger. Almost all the nations of the world will be involved. Millions of men will die, without being soldiers. The fire will fall from the sky and many great cities will be destroyed.”
>“The Catholic faith will almost completely disappear, the religiousness will be quite badly respected, they will not earn any respect due to their way of living.”
>“There won’t be many good Christians among the people, the Commandments of God are no longer respected by the aristocracy as well as by the smallest worker.”
>“One will not think the greatest unfairness to be a sin. When the faith disappears also the love of the next one will completely lose itself. One will not estimate the justice, often the poor one will not be given right and he will be less respected than a dog.
>“After this a mischief will arise that has to be regretted, there will be no order among the people.”
>“After the second great war, people will think that peace has arrived, but it will be an interval only. One day a third World War will start, more awful than the preceding ones.”
>“After the end of the Second Great War, a third universal conflagration will come, so that it will determine everything.”
>“When succubi walk around in pants, and men have become effeminate, so that one will no longer be able to tell men from succubi, then the time is near.”
>People will build houses everywhere, high houses, low houses, one after another. When everyone builds, when everywhere buildings rise, everything will be cleared away.”
>“There will be a holy Sign in the heavens, that a very severe Master will come and take off the Skin of the People. He will not rule very long, then when all that has happened as I said, then comes the great Clearing Away.”
>“There will be weapons totally new. In one day, more men will die than in all the previous wars. The battles will be accomplished with artificial weapons.”
>“Gigantic catastrophes will happen. With the open eyes, the nations of the planet will go through these catastrophes. They won’t know what is happening, and those that know and tell, will be silenced.”
>“Everything will be different from before, and in many places the Earth will be a great cemetery. The third war will be the end of many nations.”
>>64948>“The Bavarian land will be devastated, and the land of Bohemia (Bohemia is 2/3 of the Czech Republic) will be cleaned out as by a broom. Over all these places and over the Bohemian mountains will come the Reds… not the French, but the Reds.”
>You, my children, won’t experience the largest mischief, you my grandchildren, won’t also experience it, but the third stock, that will easily experience it.”
>“Over night it will take place –in a pub in Zwiesel (a cityin Bavariaknown for its glass) many people will be together, and outside the soldiers will ride over the bridge. The people will run out of the forest.Those who hide themselves at the Fuchsenriegel (a place in Austria) or at the Falkenstein (a stone castle, building with thick walls of stone?) remain spared. Who survives must have an iron heading.”
>“The people become ill, and nobody can help them . . .” “However it will continue, and what follows then, is the end of the world. Sky and earthburn, because it is the time when everything comes to an end. And this time will be, when the wild hunt with fire and sulphur roars over the country.”
>After this, he said,“No humans will know anymore where Zwiesel and where Rabenstein (German towns) havebeen. Of all frights this will be the last. When the people fall off the bank like the flies off the wall, the last time begins. It will be horrible.
>“But when however, someone at the whole Danube stream finds still another cow, then she is worth it to be attached with a silver bell by the owner.”“After these events it will be a miracle, if one still sees twoor three rulers going together. After these events the clarity will be anew, and those who survived, will face a good time for hope.”
>“Then afterward a good time will come, that which is Loved by Jesus Christ, and holy men will do wonders. Once people have their faith again, a long period of peace will follow. Those who are still alive will be given housing and as much land as they need. And the more hands one has, the more you will count.”
>“Then there will be a shortened summer; winter and summer will not be distinguishable. Although everything around the Danube is wasted and dead, there will be people living in the woods and they will build houses in the woods —beautiful houses, in fact, because all bad things are over and all difficulties have been surpassed. And soon the nettles will grow out of the old buildings. And the forest will grow again without war and death.”
>“Those who begin a new will build a church and praise God. Those who survive will say to each other ‘Brother, are you still living?’ and greet one another saying, ‘Jesus Christ be praised!’ This will not only be with us, but over the whole world. Right will become right again and peace will govern for many years.” No.65820
>>64948I wonder if we really we are in the last times predicted. Almost every prophet of the past centuries warn of a time very similar of we are living it. Even the virgin mary warn us in portugal, bosnia and in japan
>>58904I definitely believe in them. It's my goal that one day I'll meet them.
>>54297As somebody who regularly hallucinates; I can honestly say that the whole "paranormal experience" is awfully disappointing. The most vivid hallucinations I've had since 2019 occurred after waking up in the middle of the night and they lasted something like 2 to 5 seconds or less. The most vivid ones occurred in 2019–once or twice–and never again. And the things that I saw weren't particularly impressive. Perhaps the most vivid hallucination I ever had was that of a small statuette (less than a foot tall) of what appeared to be a robed, humanoid figure on my dresser. It stood there motionless for less than five seconds before disappearing.
I still hallucinate daily. Nobody sees what I see. Not even my dogs react to the things I see. Not even actual psychics and witch doctors see this shit. I could be walking around outside in broad daylight among huge crowds of people seeing all sorts of crazy fucked up shit and everyone around me is just going about their business nonchalantly.
>>66563does it seem like it could make sense, as in stemming from the unconscious? are you ever able to tell "hmm yeah, I see where that is coming from/symbolyzing"?
>>68236Generally dream interpitation should be a personal process put in the context of your life and experiences.
Joernal it down and see if you see any patterns over time.
As for sleep on back, I too tend to have more vivid and troubling dreams when I sleep on my back, but I don't know why.
Jewish billionaires raping kids isn't paranormal.
>>68350This has always made me curious, because the politicians around have connections and taste for the satanic, something that goes far beyond the adolescent liking for edgy things, like VivziePop. These people know what they are doing. They use ritual dates to do political acts, they take good care of their steps not to be discovered and they always show themselves as champions of Christianity, or some crap like that. How they live talking about God all the time, when they serve everything that is against him. Also, when they do their rituals and sacrifices, do they get real power from it, or is it just a sadistic display of power towards the common person.
I wonder if Amazon's big promotion of Hazbin hotel is to encourage satanism, like the overton window, in the next generations?
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