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 No.62503[View All]

Any type of writing is allowed, from lyrics, to poetry, to essays, and anything in between.

Last Thread:

Some discussion starters for the thread:

>What are you writing right now?

>What's your favorite thing to write about?

>Is there anything important about writing that you wish you knew earlier?

>What literary devices do you implement in your writing?

>Is there anything that you're planning to improve on in your writing?
114 posts and 15 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>I've never played a touhou game
Like the other wizard wrote, don't put stuff in just to pander. If you didn't play touhou then don't write about touhou just for the sake of it, it will feel forced to someone who is a fan of the games.

Sounds good but you need to figure out the plot. You can't really begin working on the novel without knowing what will happen in it, just knowing that you want the main character to be a NEET isn't enough.

>I'm fucked
I wouldn't say that, you just need to figure out exactly what you want to write. I think writing a novel about a NEET is especially hard because it's hard to write something interesting about someone who doesn't leave his room, but it can be done.

>not be shy, people aren't all bad, friendship, accept society.

Pretty standard but I could see this working in a light novel.

P.S. don't give up I'm rooting for you


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>here's the chapter one, (I tried)

chapter 1: Ghost stories

Only the light from the computer screen illuminated the room. In the darkness, a man sitting on his chair spoke to himself:

“Oh…Ai-chan, there you are naked in your sheets”

“I-I’m coming, I’m undressing, O Ai-chan how I love you! Make love!"

Ichiro Kōkan, 20 years old and still a virgin, had just satisfied his primary needs on Ai-chan when suddenly, a noise coming from the window made Ichiro jump. Then, a second knock on the window made Ichiro get up from his chair and go to see what it was.

In front of the window was a little succubus in a dress and a balloon in her hand. It was in the park just below Ichiro's apartment. Nothing could be seen except the silhouette of the little succubus. It was dark and Ichiro wondered what a little succubus was doing outside in the middle of the night, kicking her ball against her window.

For a moment then the little succubus disappeared, Ichiro began to become afraid.

“It’s-it’s a ghost! I'm sure"

Then again a noise was heard but this time it came from the front door. Ichiro slowly walked fearfully towards the door then looked through the peephole. He saw a head with hair hiding the face. Ichiro jumped and fell to the ground.
He runs to take refuge in his bed while imploring Kami-sama to scare away the ghost. Ichiro didn't sleep all night; he no longer knows when the noises stopped.

When Ichiro woke up, it was already afternoon.


Is that it?
That isn't even a full page.


that's it for now


Chapter 1, line 2
>-The little prepubescent succubus who is flawlessly sexy and totally legal and docile due to being a robot is eagerly awaiting me to put my tongue in her bottom
Chapter 1, line 3
>-I am cumming; I will put my tongue in her bottom soon



ok i'll add this sentences
>don't give up I'm rooting for you
thank you very much


more what?

also, I want Ichiro to talk about what happened to him on internet but should I make our protagonist use 5ch or 2ch??


Slow down the pacing a little bit, the entire ghost encounter takes like quarter of a page. I know that this is supposed to be a light novel but even so you are too brief.

This is common writing advice but you need to avoid repetitions. You used the word succubus in 4 consecutive sentences, and it just sounds bad. Use synonyms or restructure your sentences.

>should I make our protagonist use 5ch or 2ch??
I think this is pretty unimportant, the choice will hardly have any effect on the story and it's easy to change anytime. In a lot of things, not only writing, beginners tend to get hyper-fixated on minor details and decisions, which makes them progress very slowly with the main task.

I think your goal for now should be writing some form of draft of the first chapter or something like that (at least 10 pages). You also need to figure out what will be the plot of the book if you haven't done so already. You need lots of trial, error and feedback to write a decent book, and the sooner you have something to show the better.


>here's the continuation

When Ichiro woke up, it was already afternoon. Was what he saw that night a dream? He didn't pay any further attention and rushed towards the fridge.

With his can and cup noodle in hand, he went to the computer. Ichiro after reflection decides to talk about what he saw that night on 2ch.

I saw a ghost last night in the neighborhood across from the park. What do you think?

I heard about a ghost roaming the neighborhood but I thought it was just a legend.

A person went missing this month in the neighborhood. Some say it was the ghost of a little succubus who would appear to take people to hell with her that made the person disappear. Take care


should I make a draft to begin?


You shouldn't be asking questions on how to write. You should just be writing.


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>here's my last ideas and where I want to go (a summary). after that I don't know what to write
Ichiro began to worry when suddenly he heard the sound of a door opening. It came from his house, it was his front door opening. Ichiro, scared, went to hide in his bed.
He heard footsteps coming towards the room and suddenly saw a little succubus in the room and said loudly

“YUCK! It stinks here, there you go, Mako, this will be our landmark!”

Ichiro jumped out of his bed but hit the ceiling and fell back onto his bed.

“Hey, what was that noise, Mako?”

the two succubi looked up and saw a man on the platform.

Ichiro shouted and threatened to call the police or the owner.
The succubus let out a little laugh and said:

“you see, I am the daughter of the owner who owns this entire apartment, which means that I have the right to live wherever I want and I have the keys to each apartment, hehe…”

Ichigo, in rage said:

“What gives you the right to come to people’s homes like that! ?”

“if you don’t accept our cohabitation, I’ll tell the police that you touched us hehe”

Ichigo didn't know what to do and replied:


then another voice, more reserved said:

“Come Erika, we shouldn’t stay here, we’re going to have problems” she said worriedly. Then the two succubi left.
Ichigo hurriedly ran to the front door and double-locked it then took a deep breath, he was less stressed now.

Ichigo came to his senses. After that, succubi aged between 12 and 13 came to him from time to time and teased him about his situation and his love life and the fact that he was a perverted hikikomori.
One day Ichigo will tell them why they chose him over someone else. They will say that when they play in the park at night (in front of the apartment), they see a light every evening. So one day Etika decided to throw a ball against the window to get a reaction from Ichigo. He will say “were you the ghosts? !” to which they will say yes and then make fun of him.


>tried to write a adventure story
>decided to stop procrastination and just pants it instead of laying it out with a outline
>It almost instantly became a horror story
>fuck it lets go with it
>it just gets more and more disgusting and horror filled
>zero adventure elements at all
>it's just a straight horror story now
>was supposed to be apart of a set of stories
>guess they are all going to more or less be horror related now

I swear there is something wrong with my brain. This is yet another reason why I should use outlines.


can you provide?


It's a bit passed half finished.
I am working on the climax and falling action now.
Once it's finished I will go over the full draft with a clean up edit then post it here. Might take a day or two.


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hi, it's the guy who wanted to make a light novel. I stopped. I want to write a cyberpunk book and a fantasy book now


What are some of your
c y b e r p u n k i n s p i r a t i o n s ?


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>blade runner (the book)
>psycho pass
>gits (movie 1 and 2, live action, series)
>matrix and animatrix
>blade runner 2049
>blame! (manga)
>experiment serial lain
>ergo proxy
>akira (movie and book)
>e.y.e divine cybermancy
>texnolyze (anime)
>some what I call cyberpunk musics
>some cyberpunk documentaties and mini movies
I also played 10 minutes of cp 2077 but I don't consider it really cyberpunk


>I also played 10 minutes of cp 2077 but I don't consider it really cyberpunk
Good because it's not. It's just California with RGB LED lighting

Please watch Dennou Coil


>denou coil
I will thank you


>California with RGB LED lighting
lol you're right


are you still working on?


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I want to write a fantasy book. I've started by writing down names first. is it a good idea?


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can I write a book if I didn't read so much books in my life?


that sounds interesting, update when complete plez


I have been skipping any sort of long text I see on the internet immediately nowadays, I just suspect that it has been written by chatGPT. am I wrong for doing this? this also made me question, when people are writing things nowadays aren't they scared of just being accused of simply using chatGPT? writing seems like a dead end to me. I would like to be wrong on this though.


Pretty sure folks can tell immediately when text is written by chatGPT, the ai follows the same routine structure for every piece it writes. Also I suppose it depends on where you are lurking, on the chans I presume there won't be and there never will be the rise of ai written texts.


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I'm writing a dark fanatsy, what do you think of it?

>The ritual

Hook-Moon. They want to resurrect Hook-Moon, the worshipers of Hook-Moon. Assassin and agent of the designs of darkness during his lifetime. Once hunted and killed like a rat while alive, he was welcomed with open arms by darkness and then transformed into a demon.

For some time now, in the Capital, children have been disappearing and we can no longer find them. The required militia and curfew for all residents of the capital so that disappearances can be mitigated. When the militia encountered children, the militia captured them and housed them in prison to keep them safe. Many of them are just people on the streets. The capital does this so that residents calm down. The militia is there to provide a sense of security in the capital.

Lysia, 10 years old, helps her sick parents with her 5 year old little brother, she and he clean the house and make food, then the shopping and finally the laundry.


I like it. Is there gonna be a twist where it's revealed that the cultists have infiltrated the government, using their own threat as an excuse to hold children captive before sacrificing them?


I also written this (I forgot to add it):

"Lysia, 10 years old, helps her sick parents with her 5-year-old little brother, she cleans the house and cooks food, then the shopping and finally the laundry. Every day she repeated these chore tasks. To be able to live and take care of her parents and her little brother, she had to become a prostitute. This made it possible to provide for all the needs of his family."


damn it haha you're smart, you're 90% right! I'm impressed. in fact the cultists are the one who kidnapped the kids to sacrifice them to reseruct hook-moon as a demon


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Haven't written this sort of thing in a while, but then I thought about experimenting with ai designed for it.

It was ok, considering how talentless I was at bringing these sort of things into fruition since I first discovered them anyhow. XP


File: 1721175400795.pdf (5.35 MB, Nobita's (Worst) Nightmare.pdf)

Another one. I certainly didn't plan this one to even see the dark of night.

But that last one hit deep.. ;_;


File: 1721210689035.pdf (2.11 MB, Thin Ice A FoxTrot fanfic.pdf)

Let's just say I didn't reinvent the wheel so much as I redesigned it to fit Evel Kneivel's tires…


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And here's another Doraemon one, a Kuragehime one and a Bakuman one.

Honestly I'm just dumping these here cause this may have been a momentary thing I did that was but the friction that came forth as I finished another project that left me with such a hangover (I can feel it fading away already), and these are just the ones that weren't too random of ideas. To make it simple it was fun while it lasted, but work is like alcohol if being a workaholic is a thing =_=.


are all of these made by AI or written by yourself?


Some are half and half, but most of these I just came up with the idea yet editted it nonetheless (and even added my own bits).
Basically I took heavy advantage of the "what should happen next?" And the "one paragraph at a time" tool
It's amateur but it's fun, ngl.


ok just wanted to know…it's hard to write 'what's next/ happen next' in a story


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A fanfiction I tried to pull through, with help from ai, yet realized that (at least on an emotional level) I was biting on more than I could chew with.
Long story short: it would've had to involve Hobbes from C&H and what I can only describe as Everything Everywhere all at once meets the Fate anime franchise (but with Hobbes as Jobu Topaki/Joy and Susie Derkins as Evelyn, with a bit of Natasha Romanov so it made sense).
Fortunately I know for a fact I wouldn't have gained anything by finishing this kind of work anyway.
Trust me.

Also I wrote what is essentially a sequel to this cringeworthy fic from High School (I even gave it a title that fits the theme) with ai too:


Writing… Another creative outlet in which idiots believe that what AI generates for them counts as their own creations.

If some glorified, politicized chatbot wrote any part of it, keep it out of this thread.


to me, using AI is cheating


>to me using ai is cheating
I apologize.
I forfeit the fanfiction game forever. =_=


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Though do include that with an asterisk in the next writing thread.




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Does anyone have any experience, knowledge etc about the "business" (subculture,"scene" etc) of fanzines, political fliers, independent pamphlet writing, religious tract etc? Im interested in the activity itself…stickers even ,or stencils. Im trying to start small by buying notebooks, taking up pen\pencil writing again, trying to learn different forms of "drawing" the words. I also try to frequent those "old man bookstores" , the well known book fairs and stand-rows zone in my city, and such things.
>pic semi related


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restart another story, I can't help myself


>Chapter 1

Still alive in his mother's womb, the young future wanderer was already showing prodigies in terms of magic.
“He will be born a prodigy under the aegis and blessing of the Gods and of God” said his mother, touching his belly.
She went to bed in her sofa bed

It is customary to give the child's first name at birth. But only the oracle can give the child's first name. His first name and his destiny will be revealed to the oracle when it touches the child.

9 months later, the young magician was born and he was already being prepared for the ritual even though he had just uttered his first cries and cries


My red tongue felt rough against my teeth, it brought back memories of cats in my childhood licking their wounds. A face I didn't recognize was reflected in the mirror. The neighbor's dog whines when it smells me and hides behind its owner. I would have hit the ground cables with a copper hoe and felt my tendons break. I smiled gently because I knew better.

As I left the hall I hummed lullabies, the wrong notes announcing mistakes like syntax. The medicines worked and the tremors stop. I didn't differentiate between real and fake feelings. The mind is like a ship on a misty sea that has lost its course. I lower the chalice filled with blood and pour it into the roots, thick and blooming.

Tar flows thickly in the stream. The rain turned the green leaves brown. Poems have sung about a giant who stretched his arms towards the sky. I travel over the meridian and come back on the red express train. The end result is a self-created wonderland.

Mothers are ashamed and fathers disappear, but children play. They walk in life to the rhythm of Newton's cradle. It was time when the movement of the pendulums stopped and the sky began to whistle. With bleeding eyes, they falter out of the dugouts. Commands fade to a whisper as dirt and splinters overwhelm the senses.

The last letter written in blood, paid for by the next of kin, arrives. We broke the porcelain dishes and bought wreaths with flowers. The ceremony echoed inside the domed building. Trembling fingers are crossed under the gold-framed paintings. A mother falls to her knees near her son and hears the call as the night darkens.


I've read Schopenhauer's essays on authorship and on style, I think people who are interested in these topics should check them out. (https://www.gutenberg.org/files/10714/10714-h/10714-h.htm)

few ideas I want to bring forward: he mentions beauty of the style comes from the idea itself, rather than the embellishment one adds to his sentences or the overall mastery one has of the language. so essentially he suggests rather than trying to perfect your usage of the language you should polish your ideas and those correct ideas will adhere to the right words. as a result better authorship will emerge.

another point he makes is neither writing a lot nor reading voraciously can make you a better author (latter is something at on point I thought was the key). he thinks writing all the time weakens your ability to think considerately and follow your thoughts, and in turn makes you a scatterbrained author. and with reading you can only discover the usage of metaphors and other methods of using language in action. this can teach and allow you to activate your already existing innate abilities accordingly but if you don't have them in the first place reading will do nothing to make a better writer of you.


so if you don't read too much and write occasionaly you can be a better writer?

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