>It got the amount of substance it deserves. no, you don't have any substance and at this point i call your gender into question.
>Especially when every time you in particular pop off about a topic it's just to argue and maximize attention, rather than coherently discuss anything. pop off, attention? that's exactly what a 14 year old female would focus on. you are but a decorated mirror, animated by the attention of other.
>If you are going to go out of your way to format all your post a certain way to be more recognizable that comes with the drawback of people catching on to your nonsense and thus knowing exactly what to expect from you. Which in your case is not much.that's you trying you hardest to resist your training to call it "reddit spacing".
you are a substanceless person, your opinions are not your own, you don't use your head for thinking, you use your head to observe what others are doing and imitate it or condemn it but you don't bother to understand it so when you communicate, you are limited to a low level of perception that to me is so low, it is not even worth discussing. but it is all you have. so there is the problem that what you consider worth mentioning, is not interesting enough for me to read.
i already try to write so that limited people such as yourself have an easier time understanding but i am not gonna pretend that your empty, relative words pass the bar just to calm your female emotions. either include substance or be disregarded. you seem like you are too tired to get into substance and i am not gonna treat you like you are a person of substance. it's clear to me that you have resigned yourself to seek conflict in order to get noticed; which is the social strategy of the ugly and the incompetent.