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File: 1727897439832.jpg (313.13 KB, 801x521, 801:521, supermarket.jpg) ImgOps iqdb


supermarket is a miraculous place i believe. they have so much to eat. food as well as stuff that people eat that i wouldn't call it food necessarily but culturally it is considered food by many.

how much of the food do you consider "ok to eat"? all of it? half? only a few things?

they have fresh plants that easily perish, well they used to, now they spray them with some kind of coating that prevents them from perishing for weeks. they also sell plants that are shelfstable for many months.

they have baked goods (that's process grains), again some fresh, some shalfstable ranging from weeks to months.

they have candy, that's processed sugar, which is isolated from plants in the factory.

they have animal products, most perish easily so they keep them cool. milk mostly from one species and then the dead flesh from several species. some processed animal products (cheeses, butters, milkshakes) and some stuff that is basically a mixture of everything processed like pizza or lasagna.

they also have a section for snacks like nuts ranging from natural, to slightly spicey to heavily processed and right next to them they sell complicated highly processed potato chips and stuff that is even more processed; basically human food pellets at this point. like animal feed for humans. that's what i consider pasta. pasta is human cattlefeed; is just highly processed grains but they also sell less processed grains.

last thing i can think of is the frozen aisle. they sell frozen versions of many foods and they sell a lot of processed convenience food like what i believe to be one of the most dangerous things a human can encounter: the frozen pizza.

ridicule me all you want, being unconscious about food is dangerous, even when i was younger i mostly succeeded in not eating terrible but now that i am older and never stopped looking into it, i can see the difference in me and people who did not give a fuck and ate terribly. i am never tired. i can work all day and it does not phase me. i never get sick. i can completely rely on my body to perform, it is a well maintained dream manifestation machine that asks very little of me and only gives all day, and i love it and it loves me back. some people are sick all the time and they hate themselves and everybody, they get bitter and they seek conflict all day and their emotions have them by the balls and keeps dragging them into problems and that's completely optional.

it all boils down to how you behave in the supermarket. what do you consider food. what do you put in the cart, what do you shake your head at and leave in the store. that's so important. don't take it lightly wizzards, the key to your wellbeing is how you behave when you push that cart or carry that little basket.


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have you tried writing a book? you have good process


well it's called super for a reason.


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>dead flesh
Why word it like that? Are you a vegan or some sort of buddhist new age hippie etc?


>I guess he thinks meat is murder?

name a way of looking at it in which it isn't.


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Not being a new age liberal hippie cultist who thinks animals are equal to humans?
And not being an ESL who doesn't know the difference between "murder" and "killing"?



mental gymnastics


"Dead flesh" is the healthiest thing to eat.


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What mental gymnastics? You're the one doing mental gymnastics.
The English word "murder" means an intentional and unlawful killing of another person. You would only call the killing of an animal "murder" if you:
1) Think that animals are equal to humans.
2) Are bad at English and don't know what the word "murder" means (as opposed to just "killing").


then what about the people who outhink, outlive and outperform you who don't eat it? you probably disregard that by pretending they have better genes, genetics today is what gods were yesterday; a way for idiots to scapegoat their way beyond cause and effect to believe whatever their childbrain has sponged onto.


>What mental gymnastics?

just everything you say and believe in as well as the ideas you base it on. you are what i imagine a person turns out to be that is frequently raped.


>then what about the people who outhink, outlive and outperform you who don't eat it?
This is a cope, all vegans have are poorly done nutrition epidemiology studies


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>just everything you say and believe in as well as the ideas you base it on.
I still don't know what the fuck you are talking about…
>you are what i imagine a person turns out to be that is frequently raped.
…Ah, so you're a complete schizo who fantasizes about other men being raped. Understood.


you're gonna respect mainstream medical doctors and psychologists after how they behaved during covid? that's stockholm syndrom, that's you siding with your own opressor. i'm not gonna read it, i generally know what they are trying to convince the public of, i don't need to know the specific details. nutrition research is ultraprocessed food marketing documentation.

doctors generally don't know that much about health, their job is treat diseases. a doctor worth respecting would do nothing else then teach prevention.

i already don't respect you, what makes you think i'm gonna respect your dumb sources. you need to be able to make sense using your own words or stfu. if you don't understand it enough to put it in a sentence, i'm not gonna wade through your swamp of nonsense sources to look for anything good.

it is nothing but a waste of time to talk to you. i know everything you know plus the things you don't know. i want to hear from the person who knows stuff that i don't know. i wanna hear from the smart person who knows more then me who i can look up to, not to you village fool.

you said nothing to account for how the people who are objectively more able and healthy then you are. if what they eat is so bad then how come they are superior to you? how do you make sense of that.


>take your meds

see you never had anything to say in the first place.

>everyone who believes something i don't is cwaaaAAAaazy!

ya shhh little bitch shhhh everything will be allright.

btw. you believing pills make people better to the point that they are the basis for your frustrated insults reveals how little you understand about human health.

pills don't make people better, but you know too little to even understand that.


>humans have been eating animals since ever, but because some people who say that meat is good lied about something else a couple years ago, that means meat is bad
Unhinged AND retarded. Would you say that the sky is green if doctors said that it's blue?
>see you never had anything to say in the first place.
True. There's not much to say. Animals (including humans) eat other animals, that's just a fact of life. Just the way there's not much to say about the sky being blue.
>takes the "take your meds" meme literally
You prove yourself to be unhinged and retarded yet again.


>You prove yourself to be unhinged and retarded yet again.

if you really believed that you would not talk to me, so that's just you escaping into illusion again.

listen bitch, you have not said a single interesting thing, you just repeat your grandfathers worldview at me but i already know that world view so you are nothing but an advertisement nobody want to see.

you need to learn to carry your weight in a conversation and start to demand less and provide more. you come to a thread and insult and provoke and should your drunk idiocy but you don't say anything that is interesting to others. you are too heavy to be carried, go carry yourself.


*shout your drunk idiocy


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Nice meltdown. I'm typing this as I eat a steak with bacon and eggs and drink a glass of milk, and there's NOTHING you can do about it.
Please starve yourself to death eating grass and soy supplements.


>Nice meltdown

carry your weight and say something interesting, you have been nothing but an asshole.

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