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I am not sure where to post it so I guess I will go with lounge? I don't watch movies, tv shows or anime anymore, I do it rather rarely. Browsing internet is not entertaining either most of the time and besides I would like reduce my time on the web anyway. That basically leaves me just with playing video games and hobbies. But I don't feel like always spending time actively. Sometimes I would like to just be passive. That's where usually most people watch something or browse funny images. But I am looking for some kind of alternative. So far I came up with

listening to websdr
watching some live streams from real world like feed from ISS or junkies in Philadelphia

and that's it.

Can you help me and suggest something else? Basically I would like to just sit down, relax and look or listen to something that is non-fiction.


Podcast and music?


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Music no but podcasts sounds like an idea. What are some interesting podcasts? I only know about joe rogan and lex friedman


The Fall of Civilisations podcast is pretty amazing in my opinion. If you like video games I can suggest the long videos made by PatricianTV.
They can just be listened to, no need to watch the video itself.


Perfect Guy Life


Oh and most people here, despite being abused by society time and time again are too meek to do anything anti-social, but being in a similar boat of having lost interests in most passive distractions while not having in it me to work 16 hours a day, my hobby since this malaise set in is to just go into the city and start conflicts with random strangers. YMMV.

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