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File: 1736858691523-0.jpg (99.63 KB, 800x986, 400:493, Dt2Iji_WkAA6Mfc.jpg) ImgOps iqdb

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 No.316710[Last 50 Posts]

The other thread already hit the limit. I like to collect pictures that i found, so fell free to post anything you like


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Salvator Rosa, Bob Peak and John Blanche


Ugly shitlib cartoon.


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I feel terrified of space.


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and I feel terrified of them aliens, I know they're a joke these days but oh man


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Maybe, but i only watch it for libby and his mom. andrea is a bitch


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guin saga


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this look really cool. where these images are from. they look like something out of ogre battle


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I searched image of guin saga in japanese and found them here
here some more


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Thanks for posting this. I usually don't like fantasy art coming out of Japan, except when it's something closer to reality.
These drawings were made by Yoshitaka Amano, I remember in the early 2000's this style was popular.


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amano's style is gorgeous and 2000' style was better then todays' anime. same for western comics


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glad you like


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You are rigth. Fantasy and science fiction used to look better. I dont know it is because of people used to have soul back then or it is because people know how to do their thing, or at least tumblr and xitter dint exist to hire talentless hacks from there who only care about the story and the art if its just a reflection of themselves and not windows to new worlds full of endless adventures. They call it therapy writing.

The firs pic is Elric drawn by Frank Brunner, the second is the logo of my favorite tabletop rpg, changeling the dreaming, drawn by Tony DiTerlizzi. You can see the Brian Froud influence, with mach pefecrtly with feeric themes of the game. The last one is john cobb, the most obscure artist i know. it is very difficult to found some of his works, you will have more luck screencaping the pdfs than finding some of his art on the internet. This is the only pic i found in a twitter account dedicated to post old tabletop rpg art


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>I dont know it is because of people used to have soul back then or it is because people know how to do their thing, or at least tumblr and xitter dint exist to hire talentless hacks from there who only care about the story and the art if its just a reflection of themselves and not windows to new worlds full of endless adventures.
I think I know the answer, read this


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That's sadder than it sounds. People like Vivziepop who never learned character design and the rest of the modern illustration and animation crowd are not the problem, they are just the symptom. And those who know their stuff, use it for things like this.

I haven't played in roll 20 for years and I've started to see the modern panaroma of role playing games. I'd rather not have done it, it's so depressing.


I fucking hate this stupid hipster art style of the first picture. The casual anthromorphs in regular clothes, the lack of any shading, everything looking so dirty with these muted colors and deep blacks. Popular among gay retard failed artists around 2016. It's like a splinter cell of the normal Calarts terrorist organization


i like it a lot


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Then you must be a stupid hipster gay retard failed artist from around 2016.

Thread cleanse.


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File: 1737878930598-2.png (730.05 KB, 397x2024, 397:2024, Vaporchart.png) ImgOps iqdb

Why have the purple and blue colors become so popular in media? What do they mean?


3 reasons.

Vaporwave and related visual styles are/were fads.

"Bisexual lighting" is popular with the rainbow people.

And they are complementary cool colors in the color theory sense.


>Bisexual lighting
oh no
i googled it and wish i didnt
one time i complimented a guy's semi-faggot colored cup at work and now the people at work must think im a faggot too


>now the people at work must think im a faggot too
you are, i can tell by your writing and your story


File: 1737909660210.png (1.55 MB, 1064x983, 1064:983, smug asuka.png) ImgOps iqdb

i can tell by your familiarity of faggots that you are a megafaggot


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You should probably relax.
Take a load off


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I never meant for my post to start insulting people. I just wanted to make a comment on the sorry state of fantasy today.


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i dont know what the "honk honk" is intended to mean


>He doesn't know


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i dont know either


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Range Murata


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This one looks. I have a lot of bookmarks of artist i like, but im too lazy to start saving the images. Besides, this piece of shit laptop only have 37 gb of space in my hard disk


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All the fallen is awful. Is full of real pedos.


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american days!


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A fucking dog killed one of my cats in the morning


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I remember this thing. It was posted on /co/ very often in the 2010s. I always thougth it was about a bunch of magical crackheads who went to a magical adventure in search of more rocks and mixes to smoke


rip mister meow


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>I always thougth it was about a bunch of magical crackheads who went to a magical adventure in search of more rocks and mixes to smoke

You're not far off


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Are you for real? That's pretty sad. Sorry for your loss.


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Thank you for those kind words. At home I have 2 cats and in front of my house I have 2 cats, at least until that damn dog killed one of them. I liked to believe that she was the sister of the other cat across the street, because they had similar fur and because they seemed to enjoy each other's company. She had been stopping at the door every day for 2 weeks to get food from me and was already letting me pet her, because at first she was afraid of me. What pains me the most is that the damn dog grabbed her and left her dying to just kill her in a horrible way. Not even the neighbor could take her away. It is not the first cat that dog has killed. Does he have to kill someone to be put to sleep.

None of the cats posted is her.


race of the dog?


Stray mixed with pitbull


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it explain a lot


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I don't mind if someone likes lolis, as long as they know that they are fictional characters and situations that should not be brought to reality. Most of those people should be harmless, I hope. What I do care about is believing that they are the biggest problem, they are diverting attention from the real monsters, because no one goes after the big fishes, when everyone knows who they are.


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That Squirrel looks really cool. Maybe someday, someone will create conan like character based on this squirrel.

Whats the name of the artist of the last pic. It looks like an argentinian artist, but i could be wrong.


name of the artists


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I am unfortunately unable to provide the name of any of the artists
They were not provided when I saved the pics myself so they remain a mystery to me


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Cool Mind Flayers

That house is a Jomon one or one of those russian shelters for winter.


Never liked Marvel, but this cover looks really cool, it match with almost everything.


Have some Spook Drawn by Virgil Finlay.


Dont worry, i will use image search. Thanks for this conan drawn by Barry Windsor Smith, is my second favorite conan artist, Enrique Alcatena is the first.

This other artist i post are Phillipe Druillet and Bruce Pennington, if someone have a folder of this artists.


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Always loved Druillet's work


why american comic artist don't find inspiration from european comic artist, do they?


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Those guys in the last pic really look demonic, bitchiepop should learn of this artist.

This is the art of the first edition of Aquelarre, a spanish tabletop rpg


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Glad you like it. The Illustrations of the first edition had a magic that the second one lost completly, even if they were made by a guy who used to do erotic and porn comics with a medieval setting. He also make a comic named Bathory, some say its make crossed looks like a joke, i dont know because that kind of stuff is disgusting to me


more of the death comic?


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Theres a few more pics in some of the aquelarre first edition books, i have screencaps of all of them in my other hard drive, but i have to get a job first to get a new pc. I cant do much with this crap of laptop.

The firs pic is the art of the second edition of the game, it depics a peasent paying the royal taxes to a jew. The second one is John E Cobb, the most obscure artist of white wolf, even in their forums dont know anything about him, the last one is a cute Jenny in the exo skin drawn by Brokenlynx


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Heres some of the art of the third edition. They changed the artist not so long ago, it is fine, but not as good as this one


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I cant believe i posted these pics in 2017.


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Raulo Caceres. The most evil and sickest artist i ever seen. He makes shadman art looks like holy art. You had to be a special kind of sick fuck to do the art of a crossed comic and that one about erzabet bathory. Dont search for it, even lookingat the thumbnails seems wrong


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nice imitation of the underrepresented romanesque manuscript art. the sword blades are a miss since they look like type xviii or xv which are later and do not fit with the otherwise accurate armor and shields of warriors of the late 12th - early 13th centuries.


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Fuck this guy who hates birds, birds are awesome and beautiful


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I respect it


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The artist of the second pic was the best in drawing forgotten realms in the TSR years of DnD. Some people tried to fuck him on twitter just for drawing sexy drows with black features. Being fair, real underground elves would be albino white with big eyes


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can I have the dolphin pic without the white writing 'chip' please?


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Sorry wiz, il do it if i could, i found it in a twitter about 2000s aesthetics.

So, if doctors start to prescribe fentanyl is good then.

Never liked hulk or marvel, but this is very funny.


its ok


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What are exactly the second and the third pics


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The second is Prodigy frontman Keith Flint, the photo taken behind the scenes of their video for the song Firestarter

The third is just a cool thing I found online, although it does bear a resemblance to a certain Zoalord from the manga Guyver: The Bio Boosted Armor


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Thanks. For a moment i thought it was a behind scene of that awful adam sandler movie about the son of an angel and a demon, basically, preacher premise made dumber. The second one looks like a panel from a marvel comic, whent they were good.


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I really miss pre renderized images

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