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For the longest Time i had none other than my Parents to share my problems with and they Would Always say stuff like:
"Everything Will be alright, just be positive"
And for The longest Time i believed that was bull shit, to think our thoughts could influence reality and our outcomes in life, and lately After another conversationv with my father where he said the usual stuff of "everything Will be alright for you as Long You remain positive and optimistic"
I thought to my self why don't i become positive and optimistic just in order to relieve my present anxities? even if maybe it's all dogshit and the universe is indifferent about your thoughts and such, but of course when you are a life Time pessimist, it's not easy to change your mindset, even if it's just wanting to delude my Self.


basically the law of attraction.


If you focus only on achievements, you will be unhappy. Instead, be curious and enjoy learning about yourself, your talents, and what doesn't work for you.
Taking the path of least resistance is actually pretty good, despite what the sigma grindset indoctrination wants you to believe. That doesn't mean you can succumb to brain rot and doom scrolling. A minimal, but organised life.


I am a NEET with severe autism, so there is no such thing to my life.


I can understand not finding optimism appealing, but you can still approach life from a new perspective.
I found spite to be a powerful motivator for me.
I've had people tell me to my face they don't believe in me, so I work hard to spite them.
It's not a positive mindset really, but it gets me moving.


Which anxieties are ruling your soul right now?


life after my parents die and the end of NEETdom.

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