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File: 1730146479948.jpg (125.53 KB, 1080x1375, 216:275, 1730143539642021.jpg) ImgOps iqdb


The Vatican made a cute anime succubus as their official mascot. What are your thoughts? I'm not a christian but I think it's very cute!
Also there's already porn of her.


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Ruthless. Tasteless. Tactless. Fap fap fap.


pussy too much puffy




i won’t become catholic just cause they have a cute loli mascot. might work on some zoomers tho.


Someone could make a thread about sand and some retard wlll always be there to say "Well unlike me, ZOOMERS only like fine sand"


Seems fucking stupid and like they are chasing modern trends instead of being the bedrock of the faithful.
They should be aiming to have the feel of a timeless institution that is more grand then worldly trends. Instead they are chasing trends and being more and more of the world.



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>Church embraces the "Precious Moments" figure a e s t h e t i c
>Homosexuals call them disgusting
>Homosexuals go to hell


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Why is wizchan giving a shit on what satanic heretic hypocrites of the Kali Yuga are putting in their desks for entertaining purposes?


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Because she cute


I'm not. her puffy pussy looks good playing with it


We're all men, many of us are from Catholic families, and the point of the site is to talk about things. What are you missing?


it's a pedophile thing


It's being posted to every single imageboard site for some reason. I suspect astroturfing might be at play.


being a religious pedophilic conservative is the current cool trend with online zoomer kids, so when some church releases a new little succubus anime mascot it makes sense theyll all be talking about it


It sounds like you are just stringing a bunch of insults and groups you don't like together like doing so holds explanatory power.
What next blame the jews, fags, and niggers?


just look at 4chan dude, that's literally what they like and that why this creation is so popular


>Zoomy zoomie zoomer! Zoom zoom boomer zoomer doom, alt-right zoom even tradcath boom toons! Bummer!


That you are mostly coomers in spite of the horror stories about wizards aging to shit quick as flash, it seems.

I am still disgusted about how many sheeple is not even questioning Catholic church when they obviously live so luxuriously while saying the camel-through-nails-hole thingy. It must some sort of collective psychopathy that drives them to support such scourge.

Shut up, we all know what's wrong with all those to even mention them.


>I am still disgusted about how many sheeple is not even questioning Catholic church when they obviously live so luxuriously while saying the camel-through-nails-hole thingy. It must some sort of collective psychopathy that drives them to support such scourge.
As individuals they take oaths of poverty and don't personally own any riches.
All that wealth is held collectively by the church as a organization.


>Shut up, we all know what's wrong with all those to even mention them.
Appealing to a nonexistent collective doesn't make what was said any less asinine.
So no, I will not shut up.
Make better arguments than namecalling.


we need to bring back atheism, unironically so. Most of the keyed redpid people from 2017 were social darwinists and evopsych types and none of this self defeating we-need-the-based-christians stuff ever applied then. It is a mind shackle that doesn't add value to the equation because the bible fundamentally is not a revolutionary text


Don't care considering that modern-day internet artists fetishize everything that they get their hands on.


I highly doubt porn of this character exists.


I remember when rule 34 was just a joke.


that was their plan


the reason overwatch is popular is exclusively because of the porn. It is really ridiculous


i'm suddenly interested in catholicism, where do i start?


Precious Moments soul vs Vatican AI generated soulless slop


god will be killing us all very soon

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