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File: 1736744820466-0.jpg (156.36 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 525235634.jpg) ImgOps iqdb

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post your pajeet memes in this thread. Lately there has been a ton of new memes, posted all over too not just on chans but on social media as well


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a few more


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indian succubus cheated on her indian husband with a white guy. The indian guy is NOT happy, LOL


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Since when did AI slop get classified as a “meme”
It just proves the dead internet theory to be real


pajeets aint sentient, tho


>literally shitposting

Can you just fuck all the way off to wherever the fuck you came from and stop actively making every place you go worse in every possible way?


yes, indians fucking ruin everywhere, their mentality is so dirty and corrupt


One might think that wizards who have been ostracised by normies will sympathize with the bottom of barrel but I guess it's about pushing people down below more down. It's over for me there is no place on the internet where an India crab like me would hang out. Now before anyone suggests Indian websites, people there are normies to the max. And just like normies in your country, normies of my country have sex, so I don't fit in with them. I guess I'll go back and keep talking with ChatGPT.


it's just one or two assholes who enjoy schadenfreude
but to be honest, I can understand how some can get fed up with ">tfw no gf in India" posts
we get it, being poor in India sucks, but what response do you expect? no need to keep bringing it up every few days
post about something other than being poor in India, and you'll be fine


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