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I see him being suggested around in loser-ish circles, did your videos ever help you? how do you feel about his content?


Uninterested. I have some video downloading software, so I use it whenever I find someone like this, if I like them I then proceed to give them visits.

He is not fit. Also, he has a video about dating for 30 yr old virgins so, nay-nay.


he's compelling because he does seem to recognize and understand what troubles most young men these days, but when it comes down to solutions, it's just some milquetoast mix of indian spirituality and modern psychotherapy self-help. i've pirated some of his paid stuff and it's not particularly insightful, nothing you haven't already heard before. the only reasons he's so popular is because his content provides some validation for a certain niche of men's problems, but it doesn't change the fact that he just doesn't have the tools to really help you. of course, it doesn't stop him from using his channel to funnel retards into his coaching and self-help programs and sell his books.


Most of the videos I have seen of his are boring, take too long to get to any sort of point, and when they do get to a point that point is rather weak.

As time goes on I more and more prefer scripted or edited content that values my time. Yapping on and on about something that could be summed up in a paragraph is fucking lame.


He looks like he shits in the street.




Is it like Jordan Peterson but leaning left?


>Is it like Jordan Peterson but leaning left?
J.P is fully far-left.




I liked him when he did interviews. There was some sense of catharsis and it was interesting have people open up and feel bottled emotions. Lost so much of thr appeal when he shifted to generic self-help videos.


if you ignore the hindu stuff it's really good.


Some hits and some misses. A lot of his meditation techniques are interesting and somewhat helpful, though I've never been able to stick with any one of them. A few of his takes are reasonable and helpful but I feel like a lot of it is just the usual self-help slop with gamer-wordings and some hindu/meditation stuff thrown in. Also, he's trying to sell you self-help groups with "Healthy Gamer Coaches" (randos who probably also paid him to get that "certification") for hundreds of dollars.


People say the same thigns because it works.

The question is why are you choosing to ignore what works? What are you telling yourself that tries to invalidate the advice before you even attempt to apply it?


who said i didn't try it? i've been desperately trying for over a decade to apply every single possible methodology in this dogshit field and it never works because there is fundamentally something faulty in psychotherapy. there's even plenty of research that shows it doesn't work and people who make a living from this won't tell you about it because it goes against their livelihood and careers. now shut the fuck and stop projecting some shitty strawman every time someone criticizes the holy church of psychiatry.



[x] doubt

Need to get into specifics here if you actually want help


thanks, but i don't want advice from a random dipshit online that cannot relate or understand my problems beyond throwing some platitudes and "you didn't try hard enough bro" at me. sincerely, kill yourself!

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