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I see him being suggested around in loser-ish circles, did your videos ever help you? how do you feel about his content?


Uninterested. I have some video downloading software, so I use it whenever I find someone like this, if I like them I then proceed to give them visits.

He is not fit. Also, he has a video about dating for 30 yr old virgins so, nay-nay.


he's compelling because he does seem to recognize and understand what troubles most young men these days, but when it comes down to solutions, it's just some milquetoast mix of indian spirituality and modern psychotherapy self-help. i've pirated some of his paid stuff and it's not particularly insightful, nothing you haven't already heard before. the only reasons he's so popular is because his content provides some validation for a certain niche of men's problems, but it doesn't change the fact that he just doesn't have the tools to really help you. of course, it doesn't stop him from using his channel to funnel retards into his coaching and self-help programs and sell his books.


Most of the videos I have seen of his are boring, take too long to get to any sort of point, and when they do get to a point that point is rather weak.

As time goes on I more and more prefer scripted or edited content that values my time. Yapping on and on about something that could be summed up in a paragraph is fucking lame.


He looks like he shits in the street.




Is it like Jordan Peterson but leaning left?


>Is it like Jordan Peterson but leaning left?
J.P is fully far-left.




I liked him when he did interviews. There was some sense of catharsis and it was interesting have people open up and feel bottled emotions. Lost so much of thr appeal when he shifted to generic self-help videos.


if you ignore the hindu stuff it's really good.


Some hits and some misses. A lot of his meditation techniques are interesting and somewhat helpful, though I've never been able to stick with any one of them. A few of his takes are reasonable and helpful but I feel like a lot of it is just the usual self-help slop with gamer-wordings and some hindu/meditation stuff thrown in. Also, he's trying to sell you self-help groups with "Healthy Gamer Coaches" (randos who probably also paid him to get that "certification") for hundreds of dollars.


People say the same thigns because it works.

The question is why are you choosing to ignore what works? What are you telling yourself that tries to invalidate the advice before you even attempt to apply it?


who said i didn't try it? i've been desperately trying for over a decade to apply every single possible methodology in this dogshit field and it never works because there is fundamentally something faulty in psychotherapy. there's even plenty of research that shows it doesn't work and people who make a living from this won't tell you about it because it goes against their livelihood and careers. now shut the fuck and stop projecting some shitty strawman every time someone criticizes the holy church of psychiatry.



[x] doubt

Need to get into specifics here if you actually want help


thanks, but i don't want advice from a random dipshit online that cannot relate or understand my problems beyond throwing some platitudes and "you didn't try hard enough bro" at me. sincerely, kill yourself!


I hate him hes not good


yeah he makes himself out to look like one of the "gamers", and like he can relate to "losers", but really, he hasn't been through any of the struggles


I wonder what kind of people watches his video, failes normalfag maybe?


Failed aspies in denial who desperately try to mask as neurotypical and "normal" & constantly fail at it.

That channel is almost tailored for that demographic, which on the internet is huge.


A psychiatrist will rarely tell about holorenic breathing. If they do, it usually involves a nice sum to pay for their mere assistance.

Yet I guess, more than 1 lurker here could seriously benefit from trying such ways.


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I had a very distinct little epoch of watching his content back in 2020 during Covid. Initially he seemed quite promising and I found the meditation stuff useful, but after that Reckful guy killed himself and he started pandering to feminists and other non-gamer types I lost all interest. If he was truly in gamer's corners, he would advocate for male issues and not allow succubi to concern troll about how they have it harder when they absolutely do not. Looking at his channel now I was right to drop him, typical self-improvement shlock, selling courses and books. That's not to say there isn't some useful stuff in there, I'm sure there is, and I had some good takeaways in the past, but it leaves a bad taste.

The only reason he's not a "misogynistic" crab like the viewers he denigrates is because he became a high status doctor, that's it. And now he has a very successful huge business because he carved out such a good niche. It's very easy to preach about "Being Happy In An Intimidating World" from such a position, so I can't take his advice all that seriously. Probably still worth skimming through to extract what good bits you can but keep your adblock on.



Very much this. Self help jocks like him never say how they themselves got out of the hole, probably because they were never in the hole in the first place. And their methods are always vague like "change your perspective", "be happy with what you've got", etc. These may work for someone who's already on his way up, and all these advice do is give a bit of encouragement. People who really need help, need concise, specific instructions on what exactly to do, like get up every day at 7AM, limit computer or smartphone to between 4PM and 9PM, always have a goal in mind before starting to do something, things like that. Specifics, not vague bullshit.


What you are asking for is impossible in the context of someone speaking or writing for a extremely general audience.
Unless someone knows you and your life very personally they can't give such specific advice. Really only you yourself would know yourself well enough to create something that specific.
Which is why it's called SELF HELP.

They give you the outline but you got to fill in the details.


i think it's literally the opposite. Nobody will follow internet advice from a person who says stuff like "i've an exact instruction of what to do for you" because it's dumb. Like it's just not plausible, and you wouldn't limit your computer use or whatever else just because someone said so, you won't have the willpower. The approach of giving you something broad to cling on to and describing to you what your general outlook might be is something that might actually make a difference in the long run.


The way this word has been thrown around for the past 20 years is very annoying.


It's a normal word for a extremely popular hobby.


Not him. But.
>What you are asking for is impossible in the context of someone speaking or writing for a extremely general audience.
Writing for an extremely general audience is often an incorrect thing to do, if your purpose is to help a person who requires help instead of to receive money from many people, some of whom require meaningful help.

Think of the Linux sphere. It is choking on pointless and meaningless beginner's guides and just startings and nontechnical primers, written with the dubiously good intentions of helping initiate windows users into a different OS. There are more guides written by and for questionably literate men on how to install linux with one-click installers than anyone could possibly need to click a launch button. These do not prime people to become linux users. The overflow of beginners just starting out very first steps guides becomes a hedge maze to pass before one finds a solution to any specific and particular midlevel question. In 2012 your problems would be addressable in concise but tailored specifics which search engines would reliably bring to the front, but each beginners guide plants another hedge between the user who needs to apply the .run file for NVIDIA's legacy drivers and the solution to their blinking desktop, and each of those hedges say in bold font "HOW TO INSTALL NVIDIA 1. CONNECT TO REPO 2. INSTALL NVIDIA 3. NO PROBLEMS WITH ERECTION." I cannot imagine that life, health, and relationships are easier to navigate than a well documented open source kernel.
Linux beginners' guides writers will claim up and down that it is not their fault that search engines are consistently and across the board worse now than before and that their guides are being treated as responses to circumstances and questions for which they are not intended. But the only need for another beginners guide was to create an attention and ad income source for an individual person by liberally pilfering information that same end user would have seen from any of the existing sources they would otherwise have reached–no new person is given anything they would not otherwise receive. What was intended was not help, it was graft. By engaging with the world in this way the "altruistic" guidewriter made the world a slightly but perceptibly worse place for everyone else. They may not be responsible for the degradation of search engines but it is directly commensurate with it and were search engines to improve their income and attention would reduce, and it is not in the interests of a beginnersguider to point in the direction of any adequate intermediate or advanced guidance. Anyone who wants linux to be adopted by a beginner has reasons to want that, and that reason is usually to receive attention and praise from an adoptee. I would only trust someone who wants linux to be adopted by an intermediate or advanced user since they would usually want it for a purpose that involves specific process benefits to other people, as per adoption in the server sphere. Likewise I would only accept health guidance advice if it had some specific origin to some specific purpose, such as the reduction in visceral fat and cholesterol levels in men with serum hyperlipidemia. I do not trust health advisors who do not want to "go out into the weeds." We live in the weeds and if our supposed helpers will never venture where we stand then they offer no guidance at all. And if one is going to offer no guidance at all it is preferable to do so silently than noisily.

>you wouldn't limit your computer use or whatever else just because someone said so, you won't have the willpower
If that person was speaking from the specific position to a specific position that is rarely spoken to, shows signs of having an understanding of both of their positions, and can convincingly demonstrate that doing specific things led them from the one position to the other, then it is not say-so. It instead becomes expertise and technique. If someone lacks willpower that is not a problem of generality against specificity, that is instead a specific problem that requires further specific solutions, possibly pharmaceuticals tailored to their specific neurology.

>like get up every day at 7AM, limit computer or smartphone to between 4PM and 9PM, always have a goal in mind before starting to do something, things like that.
You are still being far too vague and generalistic to be helpful to anyone.
There are specifics in play here. Circadian rhythms define neurological and organ health. Your liver needs you to be asleep in dark and needs to start flushing sleep processes involved in fat metabolism as you wake, near to sunrise. Your job will probably require you to wake up many hours earlier than 7, if you commute, and this will cause you to crash and fail to organize your living space on weekends. Push for later hours or choose heart disease related to cholesterol and stress related to your liver cycle. If you are waking well after 9 then seek adjustment to earlier hours, but for other reasons. Your circadian rhythms will be light sensitive but also learning-sensitive and your sleep cycling brain doesn't know the difference between learning a math formula and learning a meme so you will want to cut off the flow of new bright electronics information significantly before your sleep stages start so you have time to consciously throw out some of the mental trash before sleeping.


>Writing for an extremely general audience is often an incorrect thing to do
It's literally the only thing possible to do without knowing the recipient personally.
It's disingenuous to assert otherwise, and down right dishonest to say doing so is a bad thing.

>Think of the Linux sphere

Your long almost entirely unrelated tangent is just time wasting trolling to justify to yourself your irrational automatic bad faith.


It was a word made fun of by normalfags until they claimed ownership of it and now we've ended up with some exploitive piece of trash like the healthy gamer among other things.


No it wasn't, no they didn't.

You are literally just making shit up to be mad about.
What kind of person does that to themselves?


>zoomer doesn't remember when gamer was basically in the domain of the nerds till around the mid-00s


I have been playing games since the 80s.
Try again retard.


>zoomer continues to lie


fuck off retard.


You fuck off. "Gamer" was akin to couch potato or a non-word until the 00s.


I agree, I remember distinctly a time around 2010 when the word "gamer" came into popularity. Me, out of the loop as always, I was wondering what's with all the people on the internet suddenly saying "gamer" as if it's an actual word. It's a similar feeling to seeing zoomer words like sigma, skibidi, fr fr, my ass is bombing, etc. Also all these zoomer abbreviations like sm (so much), fw (friends with). Things that I've never seen before, but zoomers use these in every day talk like they've always existed.

Anyway, my point is, "gamer" is indeed a new word. Before that, there were no "gamers", just geeks, nerds, losers, failures, disappointments, and computer freaks. "Gaming" wasn't a thing, it was shameful to spend most of your time in front of the computer. But now normies took over like they do with everything, and added their faggot RGB gay lighting to hardware, and are calling themselves "gamers". The whole point of sitting at the screen was to get away from social life, but normies do the exact opposite, they socialise over retarded games with voice chat. "Gaming" is just a flavor of their socializing. Much like there were "car guys" who knew shit about driving, but they slapped body kits on their fucking opel tigra because they found street racing cool, probably due to some retard ape movie like fast and furious.

Why am I even writing this? If you know what I mean, you know. If you don't, fuck off to reddit.


You were probably too young to remember

a time around 2010 when the word "gamer" came into popularity

It's much older and was used very frequently before that.
You ether don't know what you are talking about or are bold face lying.


What does lying on a dead imageboard give you? Gamer wasn't a positive word outside of gaming until the 00s.


>What does lying on a dead imageboard give you?
You ask that despite lying being incredibly common here especially when does for the sake of argument.
The simple answer is ego. Ego is why people lie here.
Stop playing dumb. It isn't a good argument tactic.

As far as your insisting that gamer is a new word and was originally derogatory both assertions are stupid to anyone who was interested in gaming before the periods you speak of.
Meaning you are ether comically ignorant or bold face lying.
Years of real world first hand experience trump some anonymous idiot claiming shit that even on the face of it is fucking dumb.


>years of real world experience
You don't have any, you're not even a wizard.


A baseless claim.

Is as compelling as saying you have the heart of a wash man's donkey.


No, it's incredibly likely that you're not a wizard. Not even claiming that you had sex but you're probably a zoomer.


It is incredibly likely that you haven't heard the tale of the wash man's donkey and thus can not refute the claim that your heart is like that of a wash man's donkey.


>continues to digress and lie


It is nether a digression nor a lie.

A rather obscure and obtuse insult, but one who's point is to reflect the structure of your own insult back at you as the nonsense it really is.
Don't like it, then maybe stay on topic instead of making shit up and then defend that made up shit with random baseless insults.


It also should be noted that this long detrail is all because someone got compulsively triggered by the word gamer.

Though to be fair, pretty sure there are only so many opinions about "healthygamerGG" anyway so the discussion was bound to derail someway or another.


>derailer claims it's not him that derailed the thread
As if the word isn't abused like geek and nerd for monetary ends by normalfags.

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