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Hey Wizbros I'm not even sure how to preface this. Is it just me or does it feel like people are rude to us for no reason other than the crime of simply existing? Wtf man I'm so sick of people treating me like I fucking have Leprosy I don't do anything to illicit such Vile hatred from these sadistic psychos. I try to be kind and respectful but it feels like that just makes it worse. I Just needed to get this off my mind…. Am I the only wizard here that puts up with this? Anybody else have similar experiences?


Yes. But it's because I'm very ugly.


Yes, Moroccans are way too fucking rude for no reason because you're better than them in matter of looks or status
That's why i stopped going outside


I work retail and cycle in the US, so yes, lol.

Just existing on a bike causes some people to rage for no reason despite not doing anything.
Especially dudes in lifted pick up trucks.
And certain shoppers feel like they can vent their totally unrelated bullshit on me since I am lower in the social pecking order. Then get shocked that I just wordlessly walk away the moment they get rude. I am payed to put shit on the shelf. I am not payed to be swore at by some Karen because we don't sell some online influencer brand I never heard of.
Thankfully it's company policy to kick rude customers and that wagies are under no obligation to endure abuse. We aren't allowed to swear and be rude back, but we don't have to sit there and take it ether.
But I work the night shift and never work customer help desk so I don't have to deal with the worst of it.

The bike thing is legit scary sometimes though. Like one literally rode up on the sidewalk just to freak me out before speeding away with his middle finger raised.
Like seriously, did a cyclist fuck your mother or something, what the fuck dude.


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