My only advice is for you to get into lifting or better boxing, martial arts, kick boxing, etc, it will help you to vent all the negative "energy" inside of you
I'm sorry you're in pain. I will say this though: you will recover to the exact extent you believe yourself capable of recovering, no more no less. Actually physically separating from the source of the abuse is the most important step, and you seem to have already achieved that. What's left for you now is how to psychologically manage things you've already been through. And this course is wholly within your own choosing. However maintaining the positive mentality that you can make a full recovery is one of the wisest things you can do. Also remembering that it is not your fault for having been born into a painful situation surrounded by cruel people will help you to remove any guilt or self-criticism you might feel for the things you have suffered. Lastly I wouldn't trouble myself with asking "will I ever not be angry" because anger is the correct healthy response to injustice, and you shouldn't necessarily be trying to get rid of it, but rather to handle it and engage with it in a way that doesn't overwhelm you.
>>220564Why did you get bullied?
My problem with being bullied is that technically all the reasons I was bullied are still true. I'm still ugly, I still have no personality, etc.
I feel like when most people online talk about getting bullied it was for some noble reason because they were too special or awesome and everyone was jealous of them.
Hey yeah I was bullied, though only for a few months before I changed schools. Was angry too, and I had fantasies of revenge. What helped me move on was understanding the bullies' perspective. It was their way of unloading their own anger and hopelessness, and I just happened to be there, weak and vulnerable.
>>220564I just turned 39. In my case it still gnaws away at me deep inside. I still experience rage and fury as opposed to mere anger at the flick of a switch and it's tiring as all hell.
>>220564I hasn't gone away for me, though the fact that you at least have found some people who respect you, should make those scars heal, maybe I don't know for sure.
>>220568you get bullied because you're weak and vulnerable that's it
>>220564Get ripped and go after someone that still bullies whoever outside there. Your soul is calling.
Be sure you are not seen, nor surprised by occult gear of the enemy.
I know the feeling well.
I was a rage filled person for most of my childhood and early adulthood.
Part of this was due to abuse and bullying.
The process of healing that rages is something that you have to be proactive about.
I found zen writings and the stoic book called On Anger, both helped me a great deal in focusing more on the present instead of ruminating on the wrongs of the past.
Sometimes you just have to accept that shit sucks and life is unfair so you just have to deal with it and move on.
Every once in awhile anger still gets the better of me, but I am better at not feeding it until it becomes rage, and not holding onto that bitterness and resentment that linger after the heat of anger fades.
>>220564Why is bullying so prominent in the West? Why can't teachers or parents there just smack the bullies across the face and keep going with their lives? I have legit never faced bullying in my country despite being the shortest, brownest, and ugliest kid in my class, its like everyone instinctively knew that you don't make fun of someone for no reason. And quiet kids were just left alone, that's all. But bullying, teenage pregnancies, hookup culture, short dresses, lack of manners are making inroads as slowly my country westernises.
>>221904Bullying is a big problem in the East too, like Japan.
Take it out on cats or small animals
>>221906Kill yourself, motherfucker. Killing innocent being out of revenge because someone, not those being itself, done something to you, you're cowards and should be hanged in public square.
>>220564Source on pic, bro?
>>221905It's pretty rare in India. I think people in the West try to reach bullies that bullying is bad but here we don't necessarily teach them that bullying is bad but we do teach them that if you're gonna do it you will be beaten by your parents, by your teachers, have a ruined character certificate, and will be expelled. Parents out of fear of getting their child expelled just beat the child to submission. So most kids don't bully not necessarily because bullying is bad and they are good humans but because consequences are so great. Although these days as parents relax kids have started bullying, doing drugs, having sex, teenage pregnancies and all the ailments of the other cultures.
>>221908I have severe depression and was mistreated all my life and I love animals. That guy is just a low functioning sociopath.
>>221908Life’s not fair, there’s no right or wrong, cats or small animals don’t deserve to be tortured but neither did this guy or any else who is suffering, so who cares, take the anger out on cats, life is trash those animals are better off dead just like us
>>221906I really hope you are just baiting.
>>221916You're just a coward retarded that thinking that killing small innocent animal is somehow justified because ANOTHER person fucked you over, it's either to after that person or just move on with your life, instead of going the cowards route and taking on person and people weaker than, you you should be torture and killed to get a taste of your own medicine.
>>221919I wa already tortured an killed, why should cats be spared of this? It’s pathetic seeing people that were abused by society still trying to play the role of the good guy and still trying to fit in a world that hates them
>>221920Hate humans who fucked you up. Not animals who would likely save your life if you were in trouble.
Animals have a much purer soul than most humans do. Hachiko was just the tip of the iceberg.
(If you don't know who it was) No.221926
>>221925Animals are immoral and evil too, dogs eat their owners when they die at home, penguins kill and rape their own females, even the youngest ones. The only reason why you think animals are pure is because they can’t hurt you since you’re bigger than them. They show you their nice side because they can’t abuse you, but if they could you would realize they are as cruel as any other creature in this fallen creation
>>221926No, with the right creation, and certain breeds, the dogs can be vary innocent and nice towards people and other things, you're a nigger that probably think all dogs are like pitbull dog nigger that attack everyone, neck yourself you subhuman nigger, the hallmark of a better being is compassion towards things beyond itself, you're a low IQ nigger that live like a feral animal and should be put down.
>>221927Completely missed my point A2 English level Indian, you’re too fucking retarded to comprehend the fact dogs or small animals aren’t altruistic perfect beings, they simply don’t attack you or mistreat you because it’s in their best interest, but like I said, even the smallest breed of dogs will eat your Indian face and tiny pea brain if you passed away in your own mud hut, dogs don’t love, they don’t have values and they don’t feel empathy, those are all human constructs we apply to animals
>>221927Agreed, people who mistreat and abuse animals are subhuman
>succubi as the main image
>>221928You're are a nigger, there's literally neuroscience studies show that animals do have some form of emotional comparable to humans, you're just a low IQ feral nigger that should be put down.
>>221928Dude, get tested for ASPD, your thoughts are not normal. You are completely deranged.
Mammals and other social animals do have emotions like humans do, but
>>221926 still has a point.
>The only reason why you think animals are pure is because they can’t hurt you since you’re bigger than them.This is true. Animals aren't inherently pure, and the reason we tend to see them that way is because we are so many orders of magnitude more powerful than they are that we stop taking them seriously. We behave the same way with children. When two kids are fighting at the playground, we don't take the situation seriously and we de-escalate things easily, because even if the stakes are high in the children's eyes, we as adults know that the stakes are actually low and that the energy and passion the children pour into it isn't warranted. But if its two grown men fighting, then our monkey brain gets activated and suddenly everyone gets tense, because then the stakes are at our level.
You could imagine an advanced alien race looking at our full-grown adult squabbles and treating it the same way, because their higher level of mastery of reality would make them view our wars and tragedies the same way we view a kid stealing another kid's toy at the playground, or a dog barking and chasing after squirrels. We would probably find their response to our situation dismissive and condescending, some sort of galactic tap on the wrist.
Just look at chimpanzees, they are cruel sons of bitches. I've heard about this case of a guy who brought cake to one of them in a zoo, but didn't give cake to the others, and they jumped him and tore off his face, dick and fingers. They had enough intelligence and empathy to put themselves in that guy's shoes, understand that he's a primate like them, built similarly, and that he likely values his face, dick and fingers, like they do, so that's what they went after, not to kill him and eat him, just to teach him a lesson.
>>221933My thoughts are very normal, why is it so outrageous to point out the fact human-animal relationships are the equivalent of paying your bullies or random people to be your friend and then saying “omg that person is so nice and pure hearted they are always kind to me” well no shit, you’re paying them, same with dogs or cats you’re giving them everything and in exchange some of them don’t attack you, how is that true love? you’re literally purchasing their kindness. It’s such a fake parasitic relationship. And again, try being an animal on their size bracket or smaller and see what dogs or cats will do to you, they would stop being so “nice”.
Human relationships are very similar, a boss who has a kiss ass employee will only see their nice and kind side but only because he has power over the employee, but that doesn’t mean anything. Same with animals, they are evil too and they won’t show you that side since you’re 10 times bigger.
>>221935Lol jilted cuck takes out its frustrations on animals
>>221936Yeah so?, it’s better than trying to take out the frustration by making snarky comments on the internet
>>221937I hope a pitbull decides to take out its frustrations on you
I remember when I was a kid in school I once sat and burned ants with a magnifying glass, an older kid came up to me and shoved me and told me to stop, I thought he was just being an ass but I thought about it and decided that it may have been messed up after all to burn them
>>221934Stop confusing ape species with other animals.
Sapient apes (which includes homo sapiens and chimps) are violent unpredictable predators who also enjoy torture.
>>221941this, human and monkeys have the psychopath genome that make them violent creatures
yeah, but learning to let go of the past and push forward is a skill. Dont stress about it because people hold onto shit, its just what we do
>>221942how come tigers, foxes or bears didn't evolve to roam around in packs and skin toddlers alive or kill their species members just for some temporary amusement?
why apes? why did us apes evolve into a sociopathic species? you are a sensitive wizard, please do not watch that video)
>>221950He’s just flipping that monkey around, don’t see how that’s sadistic, plus look up George Murray Levick’s findings, penguins do similar and more cruel things that involve rape
>>221950Just another night at the 7-eleven 😂
>>221950A lot of juvenile retardation in your post. Are you underage? I remember thinking posts like yours were worthwhile when I was 14. It's nostalgic, but annoying to put up with.
>how come tigers, foxes or bears didn't evolve to roam around in packs and skin toddlers aliveBecause that's inefficient. A living prey is a screaming, thrashing, and biting prey. A quick kill is more practical.
>or kill their species members just for some temporary amusement?They do, and this "temporary amusement" is a reward for protecting one's area and pack from a competing pack. The animals that aren't driven by the pleasure of defeating an enemy and protecting their own, are animals that go extinct.
>why apes? why did us apes evolve into a sociopathic species? >us apesWe're not all niggers here. If you want to get in to evolutionary instincts being passed down to us, then you should at least be savvy enough about where we come from to know that
bonobo are closer to humans than chimpanzees are. Bonobo are non-violent and communicative.
>Hello RedditFor one, that Reddit is for sadist fetishists and succubi who get off on the suffering of animals. These people are groomed by society, rotten on drugs, and twisted by their unnatural lives to the point of conflating fight-or-flight responses to danger with the rush of themselves successfully hunting or being bred by force. For you to link it here is to taint the entirety of Wizchan with fat succubi goon material. Secondly, you're looking past the natural hierarchy and instincts of these animals. Monkeys that big can and will steal food from the apes, gang up on them, and even attack and eat the young. The chimpanzees need to keep the monkeys out even if it means they must kill the ones who get too close. These apes don't have weapons so bludgeoning the competitor is the most appropriate course. There's no senseless torture for amusement or drawn-out killing for some satanic thrill; you're completely imagining that. Thirdly, "
(if you are a sensitive wizard, please do not watch that video) is pitiful. We're all grown men here, and nature's competitive violence shouldn't be of any bother to us - especially given the relative tameness of that video. Yes, we can sympathize with the monkey, but we must also sympathize with the baby chimp who the monkey would have either killed or starved of food. Two animals that are tuned to fight for resources are fighting for resources, and one lost.
>>221953>monkey evolution thingbut uhh wouldn't monkeys learn more from lower life forms by investigating them? causing them to uhh, hehe "glitch" from the pain? no?
>bonobolast i heard, the bonobo are gay, cucks, and cringe
the bonobo should be ground to a paste, until non of their shameful matter is left
>>221954Wizchan is an English-only board, dumbfuck
>>221951Just watched it. Right as the thing tries to clutch grav at some nearby twigs, the chimp literally snaps his arm in half.
Kind of interesting how pure sadism is inbuilt into apes.
>>221953Let's be real. That little thing 5 times smaller than thhem posed zero threat and was already limp and nearly dead.
That chimp literally engaged in torture.
I lived in arctic conditions with all kinds of predators around and they don't do this even to prey animals let alone their own species.
>>221959>Right as the thing tries to clutch grav at some nearby twigs, the chimp literally snaps his arm in half.Death is the goal. Should the invader escape, it will only come back to terrorize the chimps further.
>I lived in arctic conditions with all kinds of predators around and they don't do this even to prey animals let alone their own species.Wolves kill and maim wolf pups, and foxes. Bears fight to the death and attack young. Moose trample fawns and bash eachother's brains out. You have never lived in arctic conditions - you lived in front of a screen in a house that itself was surrounded by arctic life.
>Kind of interesting how pure sadism is inbuilt into apes.That's not in line with the definition of sadism.
>>221960>That little thing 5 times smaller than thhem posed zero threatIt posed significant threat to the young chimps, their food supply, and the peace they need in order to raise infants.
>and was already limp and nearly dead.It was fighting the chimps for what they had probably 30 seconds prior, or else it never would have been caught by such larger, slower beings.
>>221963No, I hunted and fished for sustenance in Alaska but I moved from the rural area to Anchorage because I got paralyzed.
There is an immense amount of free food in the wild.
Any wizard who wants to live in solitude and can handle rural life should try preparing wild food at least occassionally.
Being realistic, not everything though. There are things you need a market or pharmacy for no matter how Kaczynski you go.
>>221965Didn't you post a photo of some scrap when you were larping as a blacksmith and someone figured out you actually live in Florida?
Whatever, no one is interested in your gay roleplaying or jackassery.
>>221967Close. That was "boyposter" who someone found out went to a specific college in Florida because of his shitty opsec when posting his gayly painted fingernails that showed a college-owned laptop. The Alaskan coincidentally posted pictures of his own gayly painted fingernails too and then a user found it was the same camera being used to post pictures of various places throughout Anchorage, which were then used to triangulate his rough location. His claims about how he walks at 5+ MPH and then him saying how long it takes him to get to WAL-MART and Value Village were used to narrow down neighborhoods. Then satellite imagery was used to find candidates for his back yard based on patio stone arrangements. Street view confirmed the basement windows to be a match to those visible in his "blacksmithing" (polishing Cold Steel brand hammers and blades with sandpaper) photos. Voter registration confirmed him to be a democrat (dogfucker). He was made aware of all of this.
This isn't even /insurgency/ shit this is just two gays being really annoying and letting random people online know their exact location. It's all going back to 2019 too. Imagine how epic it would be to go to Perrine, Florida and Anchorage, Alaska and beat these two silly with a hockey stick. One would be all like "Aaah mommy help me hmm wait no this violant man kind of looks like dad now it's turning me on" and "Aaah *shits pants* my shortened leather whip thing is too heavy for my cornchip arms to swing too bad I consider guns to be useless for defense*. I want to make them both squeel so hard for poking more holes in this ship's hull with their gayly painted fag fingers.
>>221968I think I been on here too long that all this petty drama actually makes sense to me and I remember most of it.
>>221967Like 968 said, that was someone else. Never even heard of him.
Guy made a thread about him getting bullied.
Niggers here are talking about putting themselves below or equal to literal animals who don't have an ounce of morality.
>>221968Man this thought of doxxing makes me very uneasy, I used to post on an imageboard and revealed so much information about myself that with some external input someone can connect the dots and reveal my identity and have me killed. Stay safe online everyone except you on the internet is your enemy and will doxx you for fun and have you killed.
>>221977Plenty of was spoken already about the bullying part, the best for him is better his on life and move on, unless he lives near his bully so he could do some revenge or something, the best for his mind and peace is to move on and get a better life for himself.
>>221979True. Although it's better we advice OP on how to move on really.
There's methods in psychology to deal with horrible memories. Maybe worth looking into.
>>220564As far as I know, no.
>>222008IDK, what do you expect. I can't administer therapy to an anonymous person on an image board (and most people on this website really do need therapy. Myself included.)
I feel like when people post threads for advice you expect someone to magically solve every problem and then act like you've pointed out some great flaw when they don't. Again, almost everything that works well takes effort which is the opposite of what people want to hear.
>>222001How pointlessly vague.
>>222009What would be expected would be to actually name said methods so someone interested could research treatment farther.
But you were just throwing unhelpful shit at the wall and now getting butthurt that people are pointing out how pointless your input was.
This is a imageboard for men.
If you want to be a catty bitchy succubus then you are going to get made fun of.
>>221912I think what you say about Indian culture has to do with it not being that big. I am from Argentina and while bullying is not necessary the norm it is a very big problem and can be very harsh. And the thing here is that teachers won't do absolutely anything, or even worse they may reprend the bullied person if he defends himself. I think this lack of consequence and punishment is the reason it exists here. Also students don't get any kind of conduct file ot something that can affect their future. You can be a literal criminal, even a murder, if you're underage and you'll enter university, get a job, etc. The message is "do whatever you want, there's no consequences" and as such that's the outcome. It's truly depressing
>>220564This is what allows you manipulate or grind those mental issues you cannot get rid of willingly or in a normal state of consciousness. science we do not possess, to drastically improve all the mental misery often plaguing our kind
We are weird, we require weird stuff.