My only advice is for you to get into lifting or better boxing, martial arts, kick boxing, etc, it will help you to vent all the negative "energy" inside of you
I'm sorry you're in pain. I will say this though: you will recover to the exact extent you believe yourself capable of recovering, no more no less. Actually physically separating from the source of the abuse is the most important step, and you seem to have already achieved that. What's left for you now is how to psychologically manage things you've already been through. And this course is wholly within your own choosing. However maintaining the positive mentality that you can make a full recovery is one of the wisest things you can do. Also remembering that it is not your fault for having been born into a painful situation surrounded by cruel people will help you to remove any guilt or self-criticism you might feel for the things you have suffered. Lastly I wouldn't trouble myself with asking "will I ever not be angry" because anger is the correct healthy response to injustice, and you shouldn't necessarily be trying to get rid of it, but rather to handle it and engage with it in a way that doesn't overwhelm you.
>>220564Why did you get bullied?
My problem with being bullied is that technically all the reasons I was bullied are still true. I'm still ugly, I still have no personality, etc.
I feel like when most people online talk about getting bullied it was for some noble reason because they were too special or awesome and everyone was jealous of them.
Hey yeah I was bullied, though only for a few months before I changed schools. Was angry too, and I had fantasies of revenge. What helped me move on was understanding the bullies' perspective. It was their way of unloading their own anger and hopelessness, and I just happened to be there, weak and vulnerable.
>>220564I just turned 39. In my case it still gnaws away at me deep inside. I still experience rage and fury as opposed to mere anger at the flick of a switch and it's tiring as all hell.
>>220564I hasn't gone away for me, though the fact that you at least have found some people who respect you, should make those scars heal, maybe I don't know for sure.
>>220568you get bullied because you're weak and vulnerable that's it
>>220564Get ripped and go after someone that still bullies whoever outside there. Your soul is calling.
Be sure you are not seen, nor surprised by occult gear of the enemy.