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R: 11 / I: 0
If I didn't visit this website and other doom/emvy spaces I wouldn't think my life is that bad.
Like honestly I wasn't THAT bothered by being a loner, tbh I found loneliness relieving and nice lots of the time. Now I get this mind virus that says that I need a succubus to feel fulfilled, now I get that mind virus that I have to kiss, cuddle and touch succubus's body to feel happy.
I used to think I had lots of time to turn around and find something. But in the internet I read everywhere that it's over, and i'm starting to believe it because people get insane paychecks in IT and shit and I'm here neeting.

IDK I just felt like I had hope before, now I feel like there's none
R: 21 / I: 4

Wizards socialization on the internet

Okay, Almost all of us here barely have any friends IRL, me included (I am sure at least half of us here are fine with that), But what about online Socialization? even the biggest Hikikomoris socialize online, the issue is that I f*g can't relate to people online, even in circles that are meant for "losers" and "outcasts", even if i like many people there and we can somewhat get along, I still feel that I do not belong there and that we live in entirely different worlds, And I do not play online games, nor post in any other imageboard aside of this, I always feel home here, unlike anywhere else online, so it's comfy here, but somewhere like 4trannies? hell no, it really hits when my former online friends are advancing in life and starting romantic relationships and I am left in the same exact place (not negatively) it's when I realize that I don't belong around them and I am only going to relate to them less and less with the time, and I hate it when they try to get me to change my way and try to talk to me about "getting a G.F" and escaping wiz/apperantice-hood so i decide to just abandon them and live inside of my own mind bubble comfortably
R: 164 / I: 10

Do people really not think that ugly people deserve happiness?

I was arguing with some classmate today, who went on about how ugly people shouldn't have kids. And of course I am ugly too. Hence, eventually a wizard.

I don't know what happened to me today but I had almost a sudden change of mine, somewhere down the line of arguing with my classmates, I figured out that they don't give a shit about ugly people suffering. If they did they would do something to help them. Not fucking exterminate them.

It's like eradicating poverty by bombing people or eradicating cancer by shooting cancer patients. I don't know, now, I find myself of the opinion that if an ugly gut gets a chance he should have children. He too deserves all the happiness of having a child.

And who knows maybe due to the randomity of universe the child turns out to be Chad or Stacy. Do you guys ever have a change of mind like this? About a topic that you felt so deeply about?

Like I know my parents are ugly and responsible for my predicament. But I think that both of them have done a lot for me. And while it is their duty to do it. I feel grateful at times.
R: 57 / I: 7

New wave ostracization

>"No one owes you their kindness"
>"No one has to have a reason not to like you"
>"You're not entitled to friends"
>"Thinking people have to like you is narcissistic"

All said by people who haven't experienced a lifetime of rejection, social ostracization and involuntary isolation. All said by people who haven't tried every way possible to be likable, but their autism still showed through.

I hate when normies say shit like this, and their stupid "boundaries" of not "owing people shit" which translated is usually; I'm going to act terrible to anyone I see as less than myself in a way that makes me look righteous.
R: 39 / I: 1

Missing out/Wasted life

After hitting 30 this feeling has been eating me and I don't know how to resolve it. I started watching different youtube channels and it made me realize how much time I wasted staring at a screen when I could be experiencing the world and creating things. The 21st century offers so many possibilities and yet all I did was sit at home play video games and read inane garbage online. Now I always had depression, anxiety, social autism, adhd, average iq etc. that lead to me being an underachiever but nowadays it feels like I was just the right self-help book and meds/supplement combination and some effort away from solving all these issues.

I could start now but after hitting 30 I feel this sense of hopelessness after experiencing aging. I felt like shit in my 20s but now I realize I actually felt good. Now I tire easily and years of sitting made my body feel rusty. I feel like the youth shield is gone and I can't take the future for granted anymore and expect it to make it even to 40. Every time I experience a new pain or sensation I imagine it to be the start of something serious.

How do you deal with this? It feels like modern technology amplifies winners so if you are a loser it feels extra bad because there is such a big contrast between living with your parents and riding the bus and eating mac and cheese and living in a multi-million dollar mansion with a beautiful view and driving a ferrari and eating at 3 star restauraunts.
R: 4 / I: 0
And people ask me, "Who are you to feel superior to everybody else? What makes you think you're better than them?"

Even with all my faults and defects, when picrel is consistently "everybody else", how can I NOT view myself as objectively Übermensch by comparison? What other logical conclusion is there after lining up my mind with that of the bootlicking, lizard-brained masses who bow down before the lying heads on TV time and time again?

If that makes me a narcopathic monster, well then, maybe onus should fall on "everybody else" to get gud and make the choice to suck less.
R: 9 / I: 1

could the mice experiment can be applied to our soceities?

>Maladjusted males, meanwhile, took to grooming all day—preening and licking themselves hour after hour. Calhoun called them “the beautiful ones.” And yet, even while obsessing over their appearance, these males had zero interest in courting females, zero interest in sex.
just like wizards
R: 21 / I: 3
>But between 12-14 percent of adults aged 20-24 have never had sex. This number drops to around five percent for adults aged 25-29, and by age 44, only around 0.3 percent of adults report never having had the type of sex that could end in somebody getting pregnant.
Is the number seriously that low? I would've expected it to be way higher by age 44, at least 5-10%. You're telling me 99.7% of the entire population has had sex at some point by the time they reach middle age? Only a fraction of a percent of people have gone their entire LIVES without ever having sex?
R: 25 / I: 1
how do the fellow wizzies that own a piss bottle stop this wretched rotten egg stench coming from the bottle
R: 23 / I: 3
How do I get rid of my desire to have children and to continue my lineage?

I’ve been able to eliminate my desire for succubi and stop fantasizing about romantic relationships but I still have a desire to be a father and at times daydream about having children to raise and play with.

I feel once I rid myself of this want I can truly be content with my existence as a solitary invisible man in this decaying world.
R: 25 / I: 5
How I life better with autism? I am confused. I need one light. Because my life is boring and empty.
R: 105 / I: 13


Any wiz here that are self discipline monster? Like has really good self discipline or being a wiz inevitable is tied to be lazy?
R: 56 / I: 4


What should I do to maxx my happiness as a wiz? Yes, I'm a NEET, yes I'm 30 years old know, I wonder if there's any content happy older NEET wiz there could share some wisdom.
R: 32 / I: 3

What does it feel being an autist in the third world?

I know they get no NEET bucks unlike first world autists, so it should be way tricker for them to survive, or maybe they can stay in their parents house easily as NEETs, since multi-generational homes are the norm in large portions of the third world, I barely hear anything about autists in the third world.
R: 33 / I: 0


There is a very good chance I will become homeless in the near future, what should I do to prepare and what should I do to survive? I appreciate all your answers and advice, stay strong, my brothers.
R: 66 / I: 3

This place is depressing

This site is really depressing, its users are depressing, and in general everything is bad here. I think this makes men who do not have sexual relations, nor who focus on succubi, look bad, since the first thing someone outside will read will be threads of misfortune and misery. So I ask you, have you never tried to improve and improve?
R: 8 / I: 0

Why It’s Okay to Be a Loser | Taoist Philosophy for the Unambitious, Failures and Nobodies

In today’s hustle culture, chasing ‘success’ is like a religious duty. People push each other to achieve, often at the cost of their well-being, leading to stress, anxiety, and burnout. Society glorifies “winners” and treats “losers” as pariahs, almost as if not achieving is a moral failing. But is this fair? Is being a “loser” really so bad?
R: 14 / I: 0


When I was a teenager I only had few friends at school and would lose them in the summer because I'd never go out with anyone and wouldn't socialize with anyone If I didn't have to(school, classes).
I'd never get anything out of social interactions, they were fun from time to time but I'd get more fun and fulfilling time on my own and I was really happy living like that.
Then for some reason when I got extremely depressed I got this desire that I had to form a special bond and deep emotional connection with someone.
I have a weird and romanticized view of love and friendship so I began looking for people that I can form that bond with, people with traumatic childhood, outcasts, people that are odd in some way.
It's been 5 years and this shit doesn't work, even when I found someone that fits the criteria it just ends up being underwhelming or me being their emotional punching bag while they don't really take it seriously or put any effort into it at all.
I'm a NEET and money's not a problem so I can live pretty well without ever need to work.
But these thoughts and fantasies about finding someone is just torturing me because I know I can be happier without them and most importantly they're not achievable.
Can anyone help me out with this? How can I get rid of them once and for all and going back to what I was before?
R: 15 / I: 2

neet life side effects

I want to start saying I'm a college drop out and have been a neet for 7years long periods of isolation and now it's become noticeable that I have trouble doing basic arithmetic, short term memory issues, can't retain motor skills as well as i did when I was young
Other than dreams I can't visualize images in my head at all or think out logical problems.
I have a lot of difficulty with math even basic transactions counting smaller bills, I would be the type to get potentially ripped off if someone tried shorting me.
I have really shit slow inaccurate reflexes I found it impossible to do those rehabilitation exercises where you spin one finger clockwise the other counter clockwise I find tying knots or wrapping cables hard, can't remember shit in general and need timers and calendar marks for everything. When I did try to cope and channel my energy into normie shit like fps games and let me tell you I had been basically no lifeing the fucking things for about three years 24/7 through middle and high school I barely improved or could make it above anything but a near negative kd.
I'm low IQ in general (84) the zone where you aren't drooling from the mouth but know you are less competent than everyone else and can't name a single thing I've ever had come easy or been talented at.

Any other wizards expeireincing problems from neet life?
R: 21 / I: 2

lazy nigger

who here just a lazy nigger who wish they were proactive and wish they weren't so shy because you were always mocked by what youve done in your former years and hope to have the will to say whats wrong with others?
R: 80 / I: 4

Be honest

If you had been attractive, tall, with a good penis, white and all the beauty standards of the norm where all the succubi are at your feet. Would you still be a wizard or not?
R: 2 / I: 0

Should we pay more attention to this place?

>The Volcel spares pity upon the caged men
>And the Volcel banished Stacy to depths whence she came and went to spare pity upon the caged men and his disciples came to him.
>Said the Volcel: "The way of the volcel is the harder path, fraught with temptation and longing. Yet behold! It is the kinder path."
>And the Volcel spared pity upon the men Stacy had kept in cages, saying thus:
>"Woe to he who would buy gamer succubus bathwater, for his desperation has taken his wits!"
>"Woe to the crab, full of hatred, for he is filled with longing, without hope!"
>"Woe to the porn addicts, for they have lost control!"
>"Woe to the snakes who would ridicule these men and take pleasure in their suffering, for you have strayed from the path of righteousness."
>And the Volcel freed the pitied men from their cages and offered them redemption.
>Such is the way of Volcel.

I couldn't help loving the vibes: https://www.reddit.com/r/volcel/comments/ft52hw/the_volcel_spares_pity_upon_the_caged_men/
R: 24 / I: 0
My mother got sick. Now I can't find a place for myself, I was NEET for several years, worked a couple of times in my life in a big city. But I live in a small one, where there is no work, and now I don't know what to do, they don't really hire me. And the work that is available won't suit me because of my poor health. I hate myself for not having achieved anything by the age of 26, and now I can lose a loved one who made sense in my meaningless life. I hate society, I hate people. But most of all I hate that I suffer because of all this, that now I need money, and I don't even know how to earn it. That I am such a worthless person with poor health and I am afraid of everything in life. You know, the worst thing is not to have no money, but to have no health to earn it. God, life is torture for autistics and losers, why didn't they strangle me with a half-penny as a child?
R: 34 / I: 0

work colleague

how do you deal with your work colleagues? are they cool or annoying? do they know about youre being a wizard? do you talk to them or they talk to you? do you think they talk behind your back and think you're weird?
R: 14 / I: 0
do you refer as one (or more) of these group of people or you don't want to asociate with it because it is full of normalfags?
the categories of which are:
as you can see it is groups from pouplar activity in the twenty oneth century. Or do you prefer to call yourself a wizard only
R: 48 / I: 4
Being skinnyfat is /wiz/ manifest on your body. It's through no fault of your own that it happens: you didn't overeat, nor were you particularly lazy. Rather, being socially and mentally deficient forced you inside, where you moved less and less vigorously than the average normalfaggot child would.

The normalfaggot child, through no skill, hard work, or determination of their own, built a genetically normal amount of muscle over a long period of time just by being outside and moving with their other normalfaggot friends. They ate more than you, they enjoyed the fruits of life more than you, and they worked so much less harder than you— and they were rewarded for it with physical desirability.

The normalfaggot, then grown up, grows arrogant, and thinks themselves special, even though they put no effort into the good things that life and their sociability gave them. With this attitude set, they spit venom at the lazy, ugly, disgusting skinnyfat people.

Fuck this condition.
R: 8 / I: 0
I realized something about myself, I am actually afraid of work. Not like work, but just afraid of getting a job. In the small town where I live (I'm from Eastern Europe by the way). I can't get hired anywhere and I have developed interview anxiety and feel useless knowing that the next time I go to interview I'm going to be sent to hell. I'm just a fucking NEET at 28 and I can't do anything and I don't want anything else in life. I'm so desperate that I don't even go to the store, which I used to do successfully. Normies are the ugliest creatures i hate my life but most of all i hate fucking people
R: 12 / I: 0
I have now turned 30 years old. I have now attained wizardry. I spent years waiting for this moment and now I am witnessing the transformation before my very eyes.
R: 64 / I: 5

Does the anger from decades of bullying go away?

My whole life I was treated like shit both at home and anywhere else. I coped to the extent I could with a mix of denial and dissociation. Only recently, after going no contact with my family and finding some people that seem to respect me to some extent, I have started to be honest with myself and process how much I've been bullied. Any small event or thought will trigger anger which can last from a few hours up to the the whole day. It makes me wonder how much I can truly recover and if I will ever not be angry. If you have any insights or similar experiences please share them in this thread.
R: 22 / I: 2

Which wizard path have you chosen?

are you trying to follow up some religion or some dogmas? like for example, do you read the sacred book of hinduism/budhism or maybe you read about philosophers like marcis aurelius and his book about himself. or maybe you're more of an hermetisim guy so you follow up alchemist dogmas or a free masson and try to figure out what symbols means?
R: 18 / I: 0

the "loser" concept error...

I have to disagree on the loser concept as voiced here so often.
i have 70+ years as single white boy and man…
i have never married; i have had numerous jobs; and I have lived in several cities and states.
i have never considered myself to be a loser despite many setbacks and unfortunate experiences…
i know what i can do; if i don't I educate myself to be able to do whats required…
i am now mostly blind in one eye; my hearing was damaged by bad medications i can't write due to doctors bungling my right hand in treatment from a fall…
unless you are completely non functional braindead you can learn something useful that will lift you out of your self-hate…
Don't give up; information is free for the taking.
i never married, my friends who did are dead/dying slowly from their BAD choices…
i just say F*** it and keep on keeping on.
i have suffered setbacks many times but always struggled thru…
i am watching friends expiring slowly day by day who were very successful normies with houses cars planes toys that most men would kill for…
Try 27 variant's of dodge super cars as his toys; 3 houses; so much crap he had to buy an extra house with outbuildings just to store his cars and toys…
it was all for nothing; the greedy bitch he married (#3) murdered him for his money homes cars boats etc…
give thanks for what you have, however small and lacking; it could be far worse…
R: 60 / I: 10
Why NEETdom is so common among wizards? Even the wagies here had a NEETdom period in their life, why this type of lifestyle is so common among us? I'm genuinely curious to understand why.
R: 227 / I: 16
Is anyone else bothered by how much importance people place on sex?

I can't think of any other desire that you can satisfy entirely by yourself at no cost. And once you satisfy it you don't crave it anymore and might even feel disgust (aka post nut clarity/shame).

And yet because of sex people choose to ruin lives of others and their own, to ruin their health, to spend tons of money, to ruin relationships, to feel depressed and what affects me the most as wizard: also taint media with their horniness. Video games will have clearly cumbrained character design that looks stupid if you are not horny and if you criticize it you get called gay or a succubus. Movies have pointless sex scenes. They can't even comprehend people not being obsessed with sex 24/7. Imageboards are full with coomers shitposting and bitching and not getting laid.

Does no one else see how pointless it all is?
R: 50 / I: 1
Did anyone here fall for the psychiatric medication trap and then recover? I'm off meds, but I hate the emotional blunting.
R: 45 / I: 1

Why do normies love labeling themselves as crabs?

20, 10 and even 5 years ago being called a virgin was seen as an insult by normies. Same could be said about being called "a crab", yet more and more often we see people who have regular sex, gfs and social lives say "they are basically crabs". Is it for attention? Is it some misguided idea that crabism is a mindset? Is it to make yourself feel "superior" to other normies? Same thing have happened with nerds: what used to be a simple demographic, later became a label to proudly asign to yourself (Oh, I'm such a nerd, I just love watching mainstream movies like Star Wars!).

Is there a way to stop it, or just every term loses it's meaning after 5 or 10 years these days?
R: 32 / I: 2

Are we missing out on key experiences?

I lack the "social thirst" and have an avoidant personality so isolating myself felt like the natural thing to do and the only thing that bothers me is how the lack of connections prevents me from having a successful career. With all the drama and the demanding upkeep that comes with relationships I felt like I was doing the right thing but then I read some comments about how the lack of life experience from current zoomer writers results in boring stories and in an argument online I was told my opinion on topics related to society doesn't matter since I am like an alien with how isolated I am and that hurt me at my core. I've shared my philosophy before and got told I need to "touch grass" because it reveals how autistic I am.

Do you think that's true? Are our views on human matters irrelevant? I want to make art but I worry that my autistic perspective will make it speak to no one as my lack of life experience will be visible through it and the ideas I will be communicating are not in touch with what people feel.
R: 45 / I: 3

Can therapy help NEETs?

Do you think psychotherapy can help NEETs to become something better? It's such a common advice out there: go to therapy, it's the best you can do to help yourself, it's your responsibility etc etc. What's your experience with therapy? Do you think it genuinely might help?
R: 51 / I: 1


Fellow wizards, as a 30 yr old virgin myself I sometimes wonder - If you somehow managed to stop being a wizard. What would your life be like? I have talked to ex wizards and they basically say they can't keep a gf for long because they get insecure that they are being cheated on and have no real experience to tell if they are being gaslighted or just from their own thoughts.
R: 12 / I: 2
I am officially a Wizard.

What a strange feeling, I found this site when I was still just a teenager. I remember v9k, the cripple, the chon, when gamergate happened and we caught a ton of shit. Back then wizardhood felt so far away. Hell, I wondered if the site itself would still be around by the time I reached this stage, but here it is and here I am.

Overall I'd say it's been 3.6, not great not terrible like most things in life I suppose. If I had one one piece of advice for apprentices, pick up a sport and stick to it. Not everything requires a group or merely going to the gym and being around a bunch of grunting groids and obnoxious succubi. It's how I've managed to prevent my body from rotting despite bouts of alcohol and drug abuse. Ideally you should avoid those things too.

Oh and, exercise your mind too but this tends to naturally follow.
R: 32 / I: 3

Wizard who's livin' the dream life

is there a wizard here who work from home, has is own house/apartment and earn lot of money and NEETing all day long (almost becoming a hikikomori)?
what's your job?
how did you end up like this?
what do you enjoy the most?
more importantly, how do you get food? do you leave your house or get delivered from someone?
R: 20 / I: 3


I think I grew to understand why normies are so fond of some philosophers whose ideas they do not follow at all, even worse, philosophers that even criticize the cattle mindset actively…

It's a trap to seduce the unexpert neurodiverse who really and deeply understands and agrees with these philosophers while still having traits of failed normie. They lure him into this deceit to mock and deceive him, praising what in depth they hate with demonic impotence.

Or that's at least the vibe I felt from watching comments about some philosophers on the internet.

Ever found yourselves in any situation like this one, wizzes?
R: 32 / I: 0

for good or bad what caused this?

is male celibacy a sort of phenomena that become more common with the time? I am especially looking for the answers of older wizards here, but everyone's are welcome.
R: 47 / I: 4


Hello, fellow wizzies, I'm making this thread with the idea of gathering knowledge about how to maximize well being as a wizard, we all know how hard life can be, specially as a wiz, so we our combine lived experience I thought we could make a "rule for life" on how to better maximize our well being. So, what should every wizard should know?
R: 82 / I: 11
I just came across a post where they said,

>"what is the point of a man if he cannot provide children?"

And now I'm all kinds of pissed off, because I am so fucking sick and fucking tired of these asswipes thinking they're so high and mighty just because they jizzed in a vagina. Oh wow, you've accomplished precisely what every other street-shitting animal on earth can. *golf clap*

These shitstains love to punch down on people like me because the almighty pussy won't select us. They worship their victim-blaming, just world fallacy faggotry all because… why. That they have won the genetic lottery in being enabled to pursue perverse animal lusts instead of being a human fucking being, instead of engaging in higher things?

Was Aristotle a pussy-chaser? Albert Einstein? Isaac Newton? Nikola Tesla? JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH? But oh, I guess these and every other philosopher, inventor, etc. are "pointless" all because children-in-adult-bodies were more interested in inviting "big tuff manly men" like shit-shoveling meatheads and other animal-adjacents into their stinky holes.

No, I personally haven't invented anything/etc AND NEITHER HAVE THEY. WE ARE EQUAL in this regard, but according to their lizard-brained logic they honestly believe they're better than me when they've built precisely zero skyscrapers, invented precisely zero new forms of engines or energy or what-have-you, created precisely zero pieces of art or media, or engaged in any other other higher human endeavor that objectively makes the world a better place for us all.

It's always the socially-rejected outliers like myself who do these things, not them, not any of those leeches. Not only are we the only ones who keep the gears of society running but we're the ones who built these gears in the first place – up to and including society itself!

If it weren't for us, the human race would all still be living in caves and grunting at each other.

It's long past due for you normalcattle to show some fucking respect to the only people on earth who qualify as human beings, you ungrateful parasites.
R: 26 / I: 2

Why are normies so violent?

I'll give you some background, I liked to watch wrestling (scripted, I know) and there have been moments where some crazy fans have jumped in between the ring.

While I don't appreciate acts of violence on wrestler. But sometimes wrestlers go too far, for example there was this fan who once jumped in the ring to attack a wrestler, and when that fan was fully constrained and he presented no threat and was being escorted out, another wrestler jumped in between and suckered punch him.

And for the incident number 2, this guy was trying to beat up a wrestler, but another wrestler stepped in to stop him, like he should've but the thing is he already had him in control, but was still beating him up when he presented no threat.

Like I don't understand why so many people on the internet cheered for this incident, it was clearly the use of disproportional post, and when I made posts about my views on the internet, I was viciously attacked and disliked by the majority of people for not advocating disproportionate use of violence.

I just don't understand what causes people to be like this. And honestly this sometimes worries me about the state of the society as this is a microcosm of how people react to things.
R: 28 / I: 2

Being sex obsessed and viewing things from a sexual perspective.

Since it is something I can't have, and it seems like the end purpose of life is to fuck and reproduce. I have started viewing everything from a very sexual perspective.

I am sorry but I am not able to explain this phenomenon properly but hopefully you got the gist of it.

Everytime I see someone, I know that they have sex, and weirdly in my head I start picturing them doing so. I absolutely detest sex havers. I have a weird inferiority complex with them, I kinda wish that they'd all die in an instant but then I realise that people in my family have had sex.

Whenever I go to a family meet, and see someone's kids, I start imagining how their parents have had sex. How the guy actually left pussy dripping. I can't help but feel anger, inferiority, and curiosity at the same time. It's a weird fucking feeling. It makes me wanna lose my shit and swallow a bullet.

I absolutely detest degeneracy and sex. Everytime I meet someone who is non-virgin, I feel like I am meeting someone from the enemy tribe, and that they are out to get me. Everytime I see them talk to me normally, I pretend to be normal and give normal answers but in the back of my head I feel like I am being subconsciously cucked as I think about them have sex with someone.

I especially hate this feeling when succubi are involved, when I see them do something that they are more skilled than me at, I immediately in the back of my head start seething internally like I am some stupid fucking kid throwing a tantrum.

Since I can't have sex. I feel inferior even to the wizards here cause if you guys are given the opportunity to do sex you will be able to do so, but if I was given the opportunity I wouldn't be able to get hard, do movements, or be able to cum.

All of this makes me feel like a cuck in the back of my head, I pretend to be a normalnigger, but in the back of my head, deep down inside, I am eternally messed up. Whenever I see someone wearing short clothes, partying, or being flirty. I feel an innate urge of great anger and defeat.

I hate that sex exists, I hate that I can't do it, I can't stand the people who do it, I can't stand seeing the fact that there are literal fucking succubi more successful than me at life. I hate it all. I want to burn it all down.
R: 70 / I: 8

Drug addicted loser

>be me, typical weirdo loner type
>"gifted" in elementary school, bullied, no friends, etc.
>chased succubi and got rejected constantly
>dad was hard on me and I felt like he never understood me so I ended up spending most of my time alone on the internet which just made me weirder
>loved reading as a kid, could read all day
>around 4th grade or so, something happens to my brain
>look at the words on the page and understand all of them, yet can't form images in my imagination anymore
>lose interest in reading and spend all my time gaming and exploring 2000's era internet
>fail classes in middle and high school, somehow manage to get through with a 3.0 GPA and bare minimum effort
>at this point I still have no friends or social life
>don't care, i'd rather just browse imageboards all day
>post high-school, fall into a deep anhedonic depression unlike anything I had experienced before
>can't even enjoy games anymore, anime is boring and gay, etc.
>go to bed early most nights or sit and stare at the wall
>tried meditation, learn2code, self-improvement, etc.
>still feel empty inside
>at this point, I was working in an office which I hated so I quit to work at a warehouse
>meanwhile my younger brother is about to finish high school with enough credits to enter college as a junior, has a >4.0 GPA, runs varsity cross country as a team captain, etc.
>prefer wageslaving to NEETing because at least it's a distraction, still living in parents' basement
>at this point I had been taking kratom 1-2x a week since I was a junior in high school
>start to dose daily
>promise myself I'll never use extract, never go above X number of grams in a day, etc.
>break every promise to myself and soon enough I'm only alive to take kratom after work and eat
>discover 7-OH this summer and tolerance gets out of control to the point where I'm eating 40 servings a day
>living check to check with no expenses other than insurance and gas on my truck
>one day i run out and start to WD after work
>extreme fatigue, can't keep my eyes open
>head to the kratom shop but black out on my way there and crash into a parked car on the side of the road
>tell my parents everything and they take all my money, my truck is totaled and they take the insurance money
>feel so embarrassed and pathetic but no idea how to proceed in life
>don't even know why I'm typing this, I just have nothing better to do
R: 30 / I: 2


Recently I stumbled upon the videos of "Bossmanjack", a gambling addicted and a drug addicted too, and very clearly a mentally ill person, the curiosity got the better of me and so I search the internet for more info about the guy, the more I dig the more and more became clear that the guy was brain broken from the get go, I thought at first that his mental illness and addiction was caused by some very shitty environment that he grow up, but no, the guy was raised by a solid family, loving parents and a normie brother, Bossmanjack was trouble since he was a teenager doing drug and petty crimes, even tough he didn't need to do that to survive or anything, the did just to keep his drug habits, that, for me, was a really wake up call to the fact that the genetics we have play a strong, very strong influence on who we are in the end, how we turn out in life in general, sure I don't deny the influences of other factor, but it seems genes are the strongest of them all, that implications made me realize how many of us here are the way we are, the life we have, just because we were dealt a not nice hand of genes to us, in the end is a matter of how to better play with the card(genes) we had, to make the better of it, it maybe hard but there's still little hope.
R: 24 / I: 2
What's the most harsh thing a succubus has said to you?
I was compared to a rat,
I was told I'm a loser not having a girlfriend,
I was told I was a victim
it hurts when it happened
R: 98 / I: 15

This is a hard moment for Argentina

Argentina is going through hard times, with 100% inflation in 6 months, increases in all kinds of taxes, 45% poverty, and increasing crime. Argentina is a strong country, and any of these things would destroy another country, but we have already gone through many similar crises, but in each crisis the country becomes smaller and has less sovereignty.

Argentina is suffering, and needs the support of all anons.
R: 27 / I: 4

i thought we were wizards because we enjoyed this lifestyle

>be wizard
>wake up on a random day in your comfy pjs after a long sleep
>no faggot normies blasting your phone with text messages or missed calls because you have no friends
>comfily make some breakfast, some coffee, sit on PC and watch some comfy content like stock market videos
>play some comfy vidya for an hour or so
>go to the gym get a nice workout in
>go home and cook some comfy meals
>clean your room make it all comfy
>play some retro games on my Famicom and chill for the next 5 hours or so
>night time read some comfy books or manga or something until bedtime
>no spending gay time with gay normies
>no going out spendng money needlessly
>no normie politics
>no gf drama
I thought we were wizards because we liked this kind of life. Why do you fakewizards want to be normalfags so bad?
R: 15 / I: 1

Wall of text by autistic faggot

I've been doing a lot of thinking recently. I suppose this lifestyle lends itself to introspection; anybody posting on imageboards at all likely lives a life replete with free time. Recently, I've been spending a lot of time just sitting in thought or trying to journal/write posts to organize my thoughts. I recently stopped taking kratom after months of high doses daily, and I feel like that shit just slowed down my mind and shut off my internal monologue. Now that I'm clean, my thoughts move so fast it gets overwhelming. I've always been an overthinker, though.

One thing I think a lot about is my early childhood. Occasionally, as I'm absorbed in a task, memories will drift into my mind. Early, early memories that I had thought were forgotten. I feel pangs of nostalgia and indulge in trying to recreate those moments; I have a very indulgent mind, constantly daydreaming and thinking onanistically like a bunch of hipster faggots discussing philosophy over $5 coffees. Sometimes, I wonder if nostalgia is the only thing I can feel anymore.

Since I was 17 or 18, I started to reminisce about the media of the 2000's that I had experienced growing up. I revisited many books I had read as a kid, often to disappointment. Those things that used to be magical seemed shitty and underwhelming, but I still can't let them go. After graduating high school I became intensely depressed. It wasn't that I was suicidal like I was in high school. I just felt dead inside. I was convinced I had anhedonia and spent hours trying to figure out how to fix it.

During that time, I became a warehouse wagie, and the physical labor actually sparked something inside me. While working, I would daydream about getting home and doing things other than just sitting and staring at the ceiling. I started busting my ass just to feel something again, even if it was just brutal exhaustion. I continued this way for two years, lying to my parents about taking online classes. When I eventually came clean, I was forced to enroll in community college. Now, I pretend to go to class and sit in the library browsing Wizchan every day.

Most parents would have made me pay rent or helped me find an apartment if I didn't want to attend college, which I would have had no issue with. Instead I am forced to do this shit. I tried to move out twice before, but my dad showed up at my work and started causing problems which made me feel guilty and come back home to make him happy. After the second time, he took complete control of my finances. They don't realize that I'm just not capable of school, and they still buy into the "gifted kid" narrative, even though I've been an underachiever for the past decade.

The last time I was happy, I was nine years old. I'm afraid I will never be that happy again. All I can do is try to remember. When I first discovered weed, it was almost like being a child again and seeing things for the first time. I bought some shitty delta 8 gummies from a head shop and started eating one every day after work at my shitty office job. Pretty soon, I just felt even worse when I wasn't high, and started becoming more depressed and anhedonic, so I quit. Tried kratom, got that feeling of being so absorbed in something I didn't have to think anymore, got severely addicted, quit. No real desire to go back as it suppressed so many emotions.

I don't know what to do. My thoughts are still so scattered. Hope you're all having a comfy day.
R: 25 / I: 3

NEET life and boredom.

I'm bored all fucking day. It constantly brings my mood down and fucks up my day. I have no games or anime I like (grew out of those things a year or two ago) and there are very few TV shows or films that I can be remotely invested in, I have the same issue with books.

I've tried my best to spend time productively but forcing myself to work pains me and I don't know how to make it stop. I've been learning German on the side for about 10 months but getting up every day and drilling another 10 words into my skull is a tedious and monotonous chore. And with that said, that's all I work on during the day (aside from housework which I enjoy as it kills the boredom).
So, anyone got any good NEET working habits?
R: 39 / I: 2


So, is it possible to be a NEET well into the 40s and 50s? Well all know it's possible to be a NEET in your 20s when you folks are alive, but… they don't live forever, so how a NEET can sustain himself and still be a NEET after their folks are gone? I hate wagiedom, any lucky NEET could share some tips?
R: 16 / I: 2

vagabonds, hobos, streetNEET lifestyle

There's any anon here that lived that type of lifestyle of a hobo, vagabond and streetNEET? How was it? Why is so tied to being a wizard?
R: 18 / I: 6

an end for the feelings of jelousy and envy?

How can I stop feeling jelous or envious of my peers who have countless things that I lack (not speaking about muh sex or circles of friends), I recognize nature, genetics, and luck are not in everyone's favor and people are different hence it is irrational to envy someone else since we are different, you just thrown into this world and the rest is history, I wish to end my Īrṣyā:
R: 42 / I: 8


Have ever held a micro-job? if yes what was the task and how much money you'd made from it per day/week/month? was the work easy?
you may had heard of micro-job from the 'amazon mechanical turk' held by amazon.
R: 4 / I: 0
What finally pushed you over the edge, and did you in?
I spent $300 trying to help a very close friend, and he literally threw it all away into the dumpster, made me out to be the one in the wrong, while at the same time I was planning on surprising him with a gift I had spent $200 on.
So I turned to drugs and accidentally overdosed on DXM, and ever since then all the light in my life has drained away, i spend every day feeling like i'm one foot in the grave, it feels like anemia where i'm constantly light headed
R: 22 / I: 1


So, why being a NEET, shut in, basement dweller, hiki, is always tied to being lazy and underachiever in general? Like, what's the psychological process behind it?
R: 6 / I: 2
>The culmination of Dirac’s scientific career came in November 1933, when he had been awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics, sharing it with Schrödinger. One would imagine that young Dirac was overjoyed to become a Nobel laureate, but this was not the case. In fact, at first, he seriously contemplated rejecting the prize because of the publicity it would inevitably bring with it. But as the British physicist Ernest Rutherford pointed out to him, a refusal would surely create much more publicity, so Dirac reluctantly accepted it. At the time, a London newspaper, the Sunday Dispatch, described the 31-year-old Cambridge professor to be “as shy as a gazelle and as modest as a Victorian maid.” It added that he “fears all succubi.”
R: 51 / I: 3
Holy shit, got this really awful epiphany in the middle of the night, I'm a 30 years old man that never had sexual experience, by now, a man at my age has like maybe 14 years of sexual experience and relationship experience under the belt. I know, sex isn't everything, but still, it dawn on me that I never had some (in theory) fundamental aspect of human experience, or something. Honestly, I just don't know if I'm either sad, mad or just don't care. Feels like a door has closed to me.
R: 24 / I: 3

New wizard

I am now 30 years old. Still a virgin. Strangely, I don't really care about this point, I even stopped wishing for a girlfriend about 5 years ago. I'm completely satisfied with my situation.
R: 4 / I: 0

The Mating Psychology of [you-know-whats]


An interdasting thread.
R: 4 / I: 0


Well, life is complicated, never been good with the opposite sex, truth is I got burned and humiliated when dealing with female, that was in my late teens early 20s, now I'm 30 years old and give up on succubi because of my bad experience, any other wiz share the same experience as mine? I'm a NEET too, somehow after get really burned on particular episode dealing with a particular succubi, I simply give up on things in general. So, what's you experience with the opposite sex?
R: 10 / I: 0

Astral Projection

Has anyone here been able to astral project? I want to go make my own Avatar realm (last air bender not the blue fucks) and have fun being the avatar.
R: 10 / I: 1


My backup plan is completely ruined. In my turd world country, the only way to succeed as a sub-5 male is to be good in academics. I am not good in academics. I had a backup plan in my mind, if all else fails, I will become a taxi driver and that would ensure that I get enough enough to survive.

As things stand, it turns out, I am not good at driving either, I got my license, and somehow managed to clear the test. I think I can drive fine during the day, as I have been driving for 4 years now, but I can't drive at all in the night time. Like I get totally blinded. I have tried various glasses and they don't help either.

The only way to make a liveable earning as a taxi driver alone in my country I would have to drive long routes and therefore would have to drive during the time when the sun is down. But apparently I can't do that.

There are two more things, I suck at parking, I have no idea how I managed to parallel park properly during the driving test. I am really quite bad at parking. The other thing is that my confidence has plummeted because I had an incident where I accidentally cut someone off where I was 5km/hr over the speed limit so I thought that I could change lanes, but turns out I cut off a guy who was speeding even harder and that turned into a road rage incident.

What's worse is that both him and me traverse the same route daily, because I use that route to go to college, so I am afraid of encountering him again, and in a turd world country, these encounters could turn deadly.

All in all, my backup option to become a taxi driver is gone. I basically can't drive at night, and am not good at parking. I am also a slow thinker.

It is quite embarrassing and dare I say it makes me feel unmanly because there are so many succubi in my country who are able to drive so assertively and well, and can even drive in the night. My final option to make a living is gone.

I got my vision checked and it turned out to be largely alright, so I don't wear any prescription glasses but I still have no idea as to how people manage to drive in the night at see at night, even succubi can do it. And nobody likes a guy who can't drive.
R: 18 / I: 3

survey poll

Sometimes I wonder why Wizchan feels so dead. so to find out I decided to create a survey in which we can find out if the majority of Wizchan users are workers or unemployed. and like that, we will know indirectly why there are few posts at certain times
here's the link to the survey poll: https://poll-maker.com/poll5314103x0bDd45f1-160
R: 9 / I: 0

Disregard women and make your album

Something i do when i get bored and it may enchante your own creativity even if you are not interested in making music, just get a cracked FL Studio and Audacity and start in, make random things and discover new guitar solos, beats and more. Just focus on making your own music genra even if you didn't like it. Get a blank cd and grave/burn your music in it ans get a transparent CD case and print you own cover and just add it to your own or you can just post this in public anonymous area like /music/. Its not important to get views its not important to get fame or attention what important is that feeling of the piece you made with your own creativity.
>just dont write music about womens thats ass and you will ended up like Helen Reddy lmao
R: 1 / I: 0

Maladpative Daydreaming

Had a post about this here not a long time ago, how are you wizards doing with regarding to it? Do you suffer from it still? Or do you enjoy it?

What do you Maladaptively Daydream about?
For how long do you Maladaptively Daydream about?

I will share my experience, I daydream for about 7 hours a day. Here's what I daydream about, there's another planet in our solar system, hidden from us through advance technology, and then there are third type of aliens which we know nothing about (and I haven't thought it through), so these third type of aliens destroy our planet as in they miraculously kill 7.7 billions of our people leaving only a dozen of people alive.

Now the aliens from our nearby planet arrive and tell us how we got killed and why a dozen of us survived miraculously, this dozen of people include a few wizzes from other countries, some people that I know. Some people that I have envisioned and me.

The second kind of aliens have two countries on their planet, a crab state and a normie state, where once normies and crabs fought vigorously, after that the crabs managed to craft their own state with advanced tools like AGI, they engaged in genetic engineering, they have a standardised height, they all look good, and most importantly they make biological succubi in bio-facilities. Where they make a succubus specifically for a crab man, while normie state is a third world country of sorts (ironic cause irl I am a third worlder)

I am fucked in the head, I know.

And these people then come to earth to tell us what went through, they say us that they have been watching us for a thousand years and have recorded our history, they share the true history of my country and how it was destroyed by muzzrats and other colonial powers, we talk about history with them.

They tell our dozen of people to live together, and they offer me a same AI companion succubus who later becomes my wife, we have kids, and we live happily ever after.

So it sounds very weird now that I have laid it down, but in mind this is an epic story where I finally get a partner who is not a biological succubus in her head but an AI, she deeply cares for me, she accepts me despite of my Erectile Dysfunction and non-functioning dick, and other wizzes get their succubi and I make friends with the dozen of people and we start our life with the help of another planet's crablian state's aliens and we gradually repopulate the earth as we hope to find what was it that destroyed the lives of other 7.7 billion people on earth.
R: 7 / I: 0


Lil update! I'm that 18-years-old (now 19) apprentice that posted in May. That post was removed a couple of months ago, but I assume most of the people here remembers it.

I'm still a loser aspiring to become a wiz. Nothing has changed. The only thing is that I'm not as depressed as I was before, for some reason. But this is it. I'm still a loser.
R: 1 / I: 0

IT freelancing as a 3rd world wizard

Long story short, I live in what you would say is a penal colony. Fortunately I've managed to get by. But I want more form life and thus, I wish I didn't have to deal with other people on a daily basis, as it is always so troublesome, I think I've always been a schizoid, so I need my space, in my dream life, I would only have to deal with characters on a screen on a daily basis. But I know that this is not how evolution shaped most humans, so at least, I would really like to limit how much time I have to interact with others face-to-face, and some beer money job (for a first worlder) would be a godsend for me.

The minimum salary in here is 250 dollars, that's all I would need to earn on a monthly basis and I have most of my waking time free, I've looked job listings on fiverr and all those other sites but if some anon here knows like a plan for me to eventually earn more (my dream salary would be 500 dollars) programming on whatever language, that would be ideal.

If I don't get many answers here, I plan to look up mostly east asian redditors looking for scraps, just like me and then team up with them. But I figured some wizards could come up with a more helpful plan for me, I think. SQL seems easy enough and I've done hours of exercises, but I don't know if there is some more profitable language.
R: 5 / I: 1

I remember coming across this comic a while ago

To add, I also came across a commentary which told a story about how the other shapes launched a whole coalition to drill a single otherly hole into the wall, and how the circle was in shambles after that.

R: 4 / I: 0
I want to kill myself efficiently without much pain, what's a good way to do this?
R: 14 / I: 0
When the average normie is afraid and shy, and they don't have the balls to talk to a succubus, or even for more important things like getting a job, or opportunities in life other than a simple vagina, they don't do it, Nor will they either, since they are locked in their screens, which covers them from their ridiculous fear. I am not a normie, I lack a complement of normality, too much time locked up posting on image boards rotted my head, my social skills are broken, but you know one thing I don't care, the world eats introverts, shy people, socially stupid people, and I'm tired of being one of them.

Even with everything against me, I will show that I can do it, I don't care if I'm afraid, if I'm not ready, and with multiple insecurities involved, I will prevail in the face of adversity, and I will show myself that I can.
R: 14 / I: 3
I have a small dick, small hands, shitty hairline, big nose, small and horribly misaligned teeth, ugly facial hair when I bother growing it out, and a faggoty sounding cuck voice. Just your typical genetically inferior dysgenic abomination muttmerican who gets indirectly cucked by Chad and Tyrone on a daily basis when they pump and dump all my crushes.

However, there has never been a greater blow to my confidence than being told on countless occasions, by multiple people, that I look like Mister Bean. Typically delivered in one of the following normalfaggoty manners:

"Ayo anyone ever told you you look like Mista Bean?"
(succubus) "Oh my god you know who you look like? You look just like that one guy on TV, what's his name? Ummmmmm, oh! Mr Beam! You look JUST like him."
"Hey man you ever seen Mr Bean's Holiday? No? You be lookin like him doe straight up"

At some point I tried playing it off. "Oh you mean Rowan Atkinson? Yeah I like his standup." (I really don't but I'm trying to get off the subject.)
"I dont know who dat iz cuz, all I know iz theres a dude on TV Mr Bean and you look like him"
Didn't work. The normalfags are completely fixated on my appearance and resemblance to a bumbling retard on TV.

I'm in my 30s now but this has been going on since high school ever since the niggers started calling me Bean, i.e. "What up Bean?"

One day at work some nigger started commenting on my appearance and said I look like someone… I was ready to be humiliated in front of everyone and called Bean once again. Imagine my relief when he revealed that he was thinking of "the guy from Step Brothers" (aka the ugly one.) It wasn't flattering in the least, but anything beats being called Bean.

If you're ever feeling down on yourself, just be glad and count your blessings that you don't resemble "Mr Bean from Mr Beans Holiday" or any other famously ugly person for that matter.
R: 0 / I: 0
Why do the feds waste their time profiling me over a stupid email I sent to Putin's office? I'm just a random Australian citizen with broken teeth stuck at home who got lost in the system.. in an average ass taxpayer. Three times I've been in a psych ward and there's always a guy or a succubus that quotes something from my search history to me… Do they think this is a good strategy to find nuclear launch codes? Why the fuck would I have nuclear launch codes?? Ridiculous. Wasting your time but enjoy the entertainment I suppose. Billions of dollars and wizard grade technology and they waste their time on me as if I was god or something.. lmao. Jesus didn't even exist the calendar is fake and gay. Morons. Positivity only gang gang. Have my exif I don't give a fuck I'm angry because you're wasting tax dollars on me instead of giving me my goddamn jaw surgery and dental implants. Think I'd waste my time playing around with acoustics and 432 resonance otherwise? Jeez.. and yesz they will see this. Feel free to comment some shit for them to see.
R: 79 / I: 39
Are you autistic?

Here's a free test: https://rdos.net/eng/Aspie-quiz.php
Pic related are my results.

I feel that there should be at least some correlation between autism and wizardry. When I tried to apply for a job in military (since that's the kind of job that pays really well even if you don't have a degree) their psychologist told me to fuck off (in more polite terms) and that I could be autistic, but I don't have an official diagnosis or anything.
How about you, Anon? Are you on the spectrum?
R: 8 / I: 0
and so, I decided to speculate tkt about the fact that very soon sex dolls with and artificial intelligence will appear and even now there are neural networks making sex chats. What I want to say is that human females will soon get a competitor. yes, they will be very expensive, but think that we will have a chance for a relationship, even with a robot
R: 115 / I: 12

Wizard origin stories

What, my friend, made you a wizard? Was it ugliness, mental issues, being ethnic or a combination?
The first day of being born I knew it was over
R: 2 / I: 0
What are the chances the change in average height are due to hormonal or environmental factors, in part, and that it's not all down to better nutrition?

Just for an anecdote, me and my brother grew up malnorished by western standards. I had low blood pressure as a child due to just eating the cheapest cereal grains for years. I remember being tested at 10 for low iron levels, and when I stood up too fast I often got dissy. Regularly 'd be hungry at school as my lunches were small. Both me and my brother grew up to be some of the tallest people in town, but we have tall, thin frames. We're both significantly taller than our parents too.

In the 1950s you never really heard of kids going to bed hungry that often in the west, they typically had a solid diet with three square meals and full pantries. That's not really much different to a kid in 1980 or the year 2000. I doubt there's been that much significant nutritional gains to cause increased height since then. Maybe it's an epigenetic change due to the abundance of food? Perhaps, but we know what we eat and how we live is also changing it. Even lower testosterone levels causing delays in when the plates fuse as a teenager could be behind it. People noticed Eunuchs used to be really tall and lean, so are modern people suffering from the same effect?

People say it's sexual selection driving it, with high status tall men being more desired. That might be true before the industrial revolution, but I don't think it's true anymore. The crabs had a source showing it's shorter men breeding more actually (because lower class people are short and fertility is dysgenic). Tall men might be more desired, but they typically don't have more children. So in recent years sexual selection doesn't drive it. Just anecdotally again, being around food banks, you see the people are very short by modern standards and have many children.

We can also look at jawlines and teeth malocclusion to see an environmental impact people put down entirely to genetics for years. You can see in the skeletal record that everyone used to have straight teeth and wide jaws, and that changed around the industrial revolution. People are only now coming around to realize that it's due to changes in the way we eat and live, especially with eating soft foods and breastfeeding less.
R: 18 / I: 1


So, fellow wizzies, what's your history and background? What do you think lead you to your path that you are in now? What do you thinks were the factor that lead you to your life now? Fate or just a bad set of choices?
R: 16 / I: 2

Potential loophole for neethood in adulthood

I've been thinking about this for a while. If you have moderately wealthy parents the best strategy to be a neet long term is not to just keep living with them forever. This is the lowest effort option, but not the best because having wealthy parents gives you another option: Get a loan and start a business by hiring wage slaves.

Being the owner of a business that runs itself because the proper wageslaves have been hired is basically the same as being a neet only you get wealthy as a result. Passive income has always been the key, but let's be honest it's hard to achieve unless you got lucky with crypto or something. Business is a much more surefire way to make money and it can easily become passive for the owner of the business. It's actually more normal for business owners these days to not work than the opposite. This means that business owners are essentially the highest class of neets. Those who own stocks and stuff are similar but you have to have lucked into that unless you can manage to wageslave long enough to build a nest egg. That is too long though. I think the amount of time required to become wealthy via passive income is much less for business than wageslaving. You could earn in one year what it would take you 10 years of wage slaving to earn.

The key is to start something with low capital start up costs. At first you will need to do a lot of work yourself to establish the business, but once it is going, you can just let the wage slaves do everything. If you have parents that can supply or cosign for a 30k loan you could probably start a business. That is enough to hire a couple of wage slaves for several months. Do stuff like advertise your business to get clients/customers. Utilise cheap contractors on fiverr or whatever to do stuff your wageslaves can't do like web/graphic design . Glitz it up, make it look professional. The other key is of course hiring the right wage slaves with the right combination of exploitability/reliability and then finding the most effective way to exploit them long-term. I would say having a business plan is another key but honestly just copy an existing business plan. Business is a game that has already been solved. Just copy whatever everyone else is doing but with a different logo. All that happens is you end up with a slice of the same pie as them.

Like they say, if you can't beat them, join them. If you're gonna be a neet leeching off the largess of society, might as well be a big fat happy leach with lots of money.

Looking for wizback on this line of thinking. Is this, or is it not the loophole to wealthy neethood that I think it is?
R: 5 / I: 1


So, why the majority of wizzies are profoundly racist and right wing even though right winger politicians are against NEETbux and pro work? What type of mental gymnastics justify many wizzies supporting a political instance that hate NEETs and wizards in general?
R: 5 / I: 0
I deleted all my accounts through which I had online dating and friends. I realized that I was alone. The Internet is my window and my world. It's so funny. I stopped listening to music, playing games, watching stupid videos and movies. Now I only have default programs on my phone and only a browser on my computer. You know, I think that my worries are childish or maybe I've just gone crazy with despair. But I still didn't care for several days I was in a bad place, suffering that I had nothing in my life and I slowly began to understand that I didn't need anything. It's just not bad to be alone. The only people I talk to are my parents or when I go to the checkout at the store
R: 14 / I: 0
It just dawned on me that I never really had any chance at a normal life. Despite THEIR careful planning of every detail and influences in the environments I was raised in, I was doomed from the start. I didn't go through the worst of situations growing up, other than the most basic levels of third world poverty and being unlikable and annoying to kids my age, things that for sure didn't shape me into what I am today, if anything they taught me a basic notion of hardships I use to analyze stuff. I always felt detached to everyone and everything around me, I knew ever since I was a kid that I wasn't "normal", and dwelling on that thought most likely reinforced it, but also helped develop my capability of insight which is my main link to this world. It goes beyond not being "normal" in that way as I don't have any real interests or hobbies, the closest thing I have to a feeling of self-realization is using pattern recognition, I used it to understand people growing up, connecting dots and developing a semblance of "adequacy" to have around the few people that liked me, and to use in lesser interactions. The only thing actually capable of stimulating me nowadays ever since people started to stare at me with disgust on the street, rendering me unable of most interactions, is breaking down THEIR schemes, I love it. I feel like I understand every single step of the way they go through with them, the way they set the world against us, they corner us, they kill us with anguish. I do enjoy malice, it's something intelligent animals develop, after all, maybe even the most primitive of intelligent behavior. And I can't help but feel like I was born for that, meant to orchestrate and pull strings to such a degree, if I were to fully succumb to malice. I just can't seem to find passion in anything really, dissecting humor maybe, but it's a rather basic way to employ pattern recognition. Maybe if I was born during a less shittier period of humanity, with an environment that actually helped with my developing, I could have done great things. It's just that way, nowadays they systematically set us up for failure, the only ones capable of fulfilling their potential being those raised outside their bubble of control.
R: 1 / I: 0
hello anons, i've been trying to do things in FL to sound sort of realistic, this is one attempt. this is a personal non-serious thing, nothing in stake here, but please critize it however you want.

R: 23 / I: 4

Even normalfags are better than me

During my middle school to the end of my highschool I used to belive that i was better than the people that surrounded me, that I was more intelligent and that they were too emotive and dumb. But now, with 18 years old and on my last year of highschool, i just notice how this thought isn't necessarily true. I'm in this school since the last year and I had finally found people who are interested in things i like such as anime, arts and media in general. People that are intelligent, you can notice this by the way they express themselves, but on the other hand they also had developed the abilities of being social (thus not being weird), being healty and any kind of normalfag hobbies while also being intelligent.

This broke my illusion that i was the only smart guy in the world, or that i was somehow superior to my surroundings. So I was thinking about this and concluded that normalfags are naturally better than me, in some aspects (but not just socially) because the way they interact with the world and people is different than mine, but not in a normal subjective way: they get to talk with people more often, go outside with more frequency, satisfty their own sexual desires by partying and all sorts of things that they do, while i don't.

It's not like my way of living didn't provided me good things, it actually did: i was able to be a more empathetic person (this is also due to me watching Evangelion), observative person and also stimulated my sensitivity and thinking, qualities that i already had since i was younger. I'm not racist like they are, i try to respect people more than them and i don't drink, but… at what cost? Losing things like what its called "youth" by the slice of life animes that i watch, being ashamed of myself, feeling that i don't have a place to belong but my bedroom and my computer.

This maybe is confusing but to sum it up, normalfags have a better life than mine, they act dumb but they actually lived really good experiences which makes me inferior to a portion of them, as oposite to my previous beliefs. They naturally learn rich experiences by being sharing knowledge and
well-being with their peers, while I, as an outcast, doesn't. They will live happy lives, with not so much despair to feel, good jobs, fulfilling lives and all, even if they have to pay the price of being slightly dumber than they would if escaping from the rat race. Normalfags can feel disgusting sometimes, but i think that living as a happy person is living better than my current life.

"Riajuu should explode!" - Hikigaya Hachiman, Oregairu Vol. 01
R: 10 / I: 2
any other wizards have to deal with manic depression?
I was NEET for a few years, then went to university in 2020 (Eastern European and covid shit wasn't a big deal, also university isn't expensive, parents supported me)
I'm good with computers, particularly web shit (bought domain names and hosting), looking to become self-employed; missed out of crypto shit (bitcoin doubled in value along with NVIDIA stocks), but looking to buy a mining rig.
I started smoking, during elevated phases I could smoke a pack/day, but during low phases I don't touch it at all.
R: 3 / I: 1


Every problem you post about is just a symptom of the genetic deterioration of the population.
Life is too easy, everyone becomes pure trash, everything they do is trash, and they multiply like rabbits with trash mates and the next generation is even trashier.
They have zero resistance to lies because their lives are based on lies.
They need an ecosystem of lies so they can keep up the illusion that their lives have value.
It's a spiral that cannot be corrected. Total societal collapse is inevitable.
Nothing will ever get better until the dysgenics are purged with unrestrained natural selection.

The solution to everything is to collapse society with violent sabotage.
It's going to collapse anyway.
If we collapse it before they are ready to replace us we win. Their hordes of slaves will all starve and they will die because there is nothing to leech off.
R: 14 / I: 0

Why cant they just disappear....

I usually think about wiz being well pressured by society. I mean, social relations like measurment of your quality as a DNA-container, normie-based entartainment and media, etc.
Moreover, in my country there are a lot of shit about duty and self-sacrifice. Fun fact, there is an option to be recruited and die as a virgin on a battlefield. 20-25 years ao there were a lot of such situations. Also, you need to work… I have good university- and self-education in IT and math, but todays job is based on normie tEaM bUildIng(a lot of such shit in our University) and I just dont want to think about the job perspectives.
R: 60 / I: 8


I'm 22, I'm an asshole, and I've basically wasted my entire adolescence being a friendless loser who stays inside and online 14 hours a day. I also don't have any online friends, so I don't even talk to people during those 14 hours.

I've lived like this for so long that I don't even know how to start dating. I don't even know how to make friends. I have tried, but when I get closer I feel that they are somewhat annoying since they only tell their shit, or about things that they like regardless of what you have to say, so I end up giving up trying.

I don't want to waste my 20s the same way. I just want one friend, just one friend. I just want… any contact with someone outside my family, but at the same time I don't want it, and I prefer to lock myself in my thoughts, and although I can extinguish the feeling of loneliness with books, series, work, or learning new things, the reality is that it feels nice to share something with others, even if it is within an anonymous forum.
R: 31 / I: 3

I think I'm ceasing to be a wizard

I think I'm slowly giving up being a magician. Sometimes I look in the mirror and smile at my own presence, one time I was quite excited and masturbated with my own reflection. I think it's too much, and even though it only happens once it is enough.I have never experienced romantic love, but if we define it as acceptance, forgiveness, benevolence and honesty, then that is how I feel self-love. Like an elderly couple with decades of commitment, where everything has already been seen, where there are no butterflies in the stomach or the nervousness of the first date. Also the hypocrisy of some actions such as despising violence, rejecting isolated people, You people have bad qualities of your own, which are unacceptable in others, but not in me. Because I wouldn't be near people like that even with a stick.

What can I say? In my defense, I think this is due to prolonged social isolation.
R: 28 / I: 2

Finally Happened

A couple days ago I became a wizard.

I worked so hard, accomplished nothing, life a piss.

So many years of my youth on toil and I am in a place little better than if I'd done nothing at all.
R: 54 / I: 6

Semen Retention Thread # I

Thread dedicated for those who are practicing abstinence. Share the changes you experience in your journey of self-control and celibacy as you reject porn and masturbation. What you’ve learnt so far about yourself. Your struggles with self-control, and what you expect to accomplish. The numbers of days you plan to go without it and why.

I plan to accomplish at least 5 months without wasting my seed this year and that time I’d squander watching porn I want to use it to improve at digital painting and become better at japanese which have always been goals of mine.

Disregard porn and destructive habits, acquire magic
R: 32 / I: 10

internet wiz hate machine

I fucking hate normalfags. the worst is we can't fight back when we try to hurt them, they act smug instead and we're distraught. insultting them ? it will show you're above them and will spout some facts that shakle your soul.
We are losers, we are punchingbags for them, we're nothing just usless cattle
R: 7 / I: 0

Don't know how to do household chores, don't earn money either, completely dependent upon parents.

I neither know how to cook, clean, or do anything household related, I rely on my mother for that nor do I have a job and earn money. I have flunked college twice that too in the turd world. My mother genuinely and seriously asked me today, what do I plan to do when she dies. And I have no answer.

I am a total loser I tried to turn things around after starting college once but I couldn't complete it second time either. And I live in Asia so flunking out of college once is seen as equivalent of a great failure let alone twice.

At this point I am too despondent to even get out of bed. I don't know where life is going. I don't know how I failed so spectacularly.

I am a total loser. I hope a thunderbolt strikes me and I would be done from the face of this earth instead of giving my parents the pain which they don't deserve.

Are there any people here in my position? Though unlikely anybody is going to be this big of a loser as me. But if anyone is please tell me how to cope.