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Has anyone here been able to astral project? I want to go make my own Avatar realm (last air bender not the blue fucks) and have fun being the avatar.



Sounds fun. Report back if you manage to do it.


Tried once but failed, it's like a veil of reality I had to break through or something. It felt intense near the breaking of this fabric I just stopped, I had a panic attack during that moment because I felt everything around me was small and I was a giant force orbiting around a small object of my body. Never doing it again.


i managed to do it a couple of times after a ton of effort, but they didn't last very long, unfortunately. then i stopped trying for some time and i'm now back to zero. not very motivating to get back on it, but i gotta do it.

it's awesome to experience. it was like waking up in an alternate reality. just being somewhere that is nowhere in this physical world is amazing on its own.


I tried doing the gateway tapes for a while but couldn't get it to stick. From what I've heard it takes a lot of mental conditioning and preparation before you can try to astral project.


That's because the feeling of leaving your body is the same as when you die so you subconsciously remember that feeling from dying in previous lifetimes. I've gotten to that point then gave into the fear and stopped a couple years ago, but I'm going to try to step onto the other side now.


how did you guys learn how to do it? Do you just listen to the gateway tapes and that it or do you have another method. I'm really interested in this subject.



kinda accurate. ive done it as a child instantly and i didnt really feel anything when it happened. all seemed normal. maybe cus my ego hadnt formed yet fully. as an adult ive had a few near OBEs. the closest i got i felt like i was in a void and the outside world was fading away but it was kinda peaceful and pleasant. knew i was about to exit then i wussed out.



those tapes suck. here what worked for me.

total silence, during the day or night but make the room dark. smoke weed or get yourself into a fully relaxed state. get good at doing yoda nidra/body scans. listen to the CIA hemisync beats on youtube (not the goofy tapes) then just do a body scan and after 10 mins your mind will be humming a lot. like your whole being is started to vibrate. this is sometimes accompanied with bodily vibrations but not always. eventually youll feel like you're gonna exit and just do it. imagine yourself doing it. thats common advice but for me i just allow it. dont force anything and get your intellect out of the game.


I have experienced astral projection many times before, but it usually happens when I’m not actively seeking it.


What is it like? I don't think I've ever experienced it and I'm curious.

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