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So, is it possible to be a NEET well into the 40s and 50s? Well all know it's possible to be a NEET in your 20s when you folks are alive, but… they don't live forever, so how a NEET can sustain himself and still be a NEET after their folks are gone? I hate wagiedom, any lucky NEET could share some tips?


if you have an illness that prevents you from working, then yes you can be a neet after your 40s and 50s


It's possible to survive on bux?


yes, but I don't know no one who's in this situation


OP didn't even suggest whether or not he's aware that different countries have different bux standards. OP doesn't deserve a reply.


tell us wich country you come from


Not sure why you think age has anything to do with it. If anything getting government assistance is easier as you age.
I'm in USA, late 30s. Out of high school I told my doctor I'm depressed and don't want to do anything and I've never needed to have a legit job in my life.



Care to explain in more detail, please?


I second this notion.


Save enough for 10 years, invest it and live the rest of your life without working.


Are you on SSI? I cant imagine you get it just for dep


This is as useful as saying "let them eat cake" or telling a homeless person to just buy a penthouse.

99,9% of the world population can't earn enough money in 10 years to live off the interest and in western countries that number is still around 95-99%.

The problem is not people being lazy. Most of the world works 8-10 hours daily and sometimes even on Saturdays.
The problem is low wages. Wageslaving is the worst way to get money in this world.

The best ones are crime and owning a business, then intentionally skipping on taxes and other public liabilities (like dumping waste into nature weekly instead of paying a waste handling fee)


God teaches us that we should work in this life. Work is hard but it builds character and brings us closer to God because laziness isnt good for our souls


this. It is said we are created for three things: Labor, love, and leisure. Work for God, love God, and rest in God


There is no God. Live life how you want to.


Repent while you still can


The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.”
They are corrupt, they do abominable deeds,
there is none that does good.

truly pride is the 1st sin. oh how foolish it is, to treasure the fleeting instead of the forever afterwards. to live how you want to… is to choose death!


"Death's vastness holds no peace. I come at the end of the long road. Neither human, nor devil… all bends to my will."

Chapter 4, Book 3. Ouroboros destroyed


If you inherit money or retire, it's easier. On disability, they really move to kill you off by this age. Life expectancy is below 50, and you'll see more lockouts and shaming. They really hate anyone over 40 who isn't one of "them".


40 does seem to be the magic number when those without money are being increasingly seen as a blight on society and someone [[they]] wish were dead.


>They really move to kill you off
Tell us more about this, please.


The average life expectancy for an autistic adult male in the United States is 36. Primary cause of death is seizure, second place is suicide. I will not spend any time debating the efficacy of the medical establishment in balancing the tendency of autistic adults to develop seizures later-in-life with the tendency to prescribe neureleptogenic medication (and the question of whether or not it really is neuroleptic or if neuroleptics just tend to be the ones to take them.) That's too complicated. But there are a lot of places this conversation can go, such as "is the lifespan of an autist reflective of not surviving past the lifespan of his generally older parents?" so I'm not 100% clear on what you want to be told about. Do you just want links to the relevant research papers?


low quality trolling, using invented statistics.

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