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Disregard Females, Acquire Magic
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I'm bored all fucking day. It constantly brings my mood down and fucks up my day. I have no games or anime I like (grew out of those things a year or two ago) and there are very few TV shows or films that I can be remotely invested in, I have the same issue with books.

I've tried my best to spend time productively but forcing myself to work pains me and I don't know how to make it stop. I've been learning German on the side for about 10 months but getting up every day and drilling another 10 words into my skull is a tedious and monotonous chore. And with that said, that's all I work on during the day (aside from housework which I enjoy as it kills the boredom).
So, anyone got any good NEET working habits?


Nothing. I'm the same. Hobbies are for normgroids to virtue signal to other normgroids that they aren't losers, they're hip, they're "in", they follow pop culture, they watch the latest movie, they're a DIY expert, they love hiking, photography, collecting toys. Not me, I never had desire to do those as I realized normies only do hobbies to be social and make friends and put themselves above others on the hierarchy.


>Hobbies are for normgroids to virtue signal to other normgroids
Ah, post 001 of the thread and we're already on track for a "real wizards just lie down and rot" trolling scheme.


The alternative to rottmaxxing is ratmaxxing. Meaning you live like a little rat that's happy for a little bit of cheese from the garbage. "I won $5 in lotto bros" this wiz is a WINNER mhmm uh huh "the tomato's i bought are real fresh" huuuuge win for the wiz again born winner here. It's a cope for midwits.


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You know there are ways to alter your state of mind simply using the awareness; mindfulness. A development in understanding of your personally held perspective's on life might go a long way for you. Think about it… How is you perspective upon life and experience affecting what you are able and not able to do, and how can you re-context these perspective's to experience this way of living you desire?


same as you. all I do now is browsing imageboard and youtube all day and thats all


hobbies are overrated and they get boring rather fast. most people never have the freedom for extended periods of time to pursue their interests to the full extent and become disillusioned about them like NEETs do.

it's looking bleak for the future as I've ran out of things I want to do and new ones aren't coming to replace them. at least back then there was upcoming PC games to look forward to. not even materialistic desires are interesting to me because consumerism is in this pathetic, cheap, unappealing phase. only momentary reliefs from boredom I have is browsing the internet and daydreaming.


>It's a cope
Being happy and appreciating nice little things isn't a "cope" you blackpiller dumbass


It shows to others you are already defeated and willing to settle for anything that makes you even a little happy - aka dead inside. When you are in that state it is of course a hard cope saying you enjoy living. You've given up on going above and beyond and people will just see you as a simpleton that's easy to be taken advantage of. False hope is only rewarded by bad karma wizbro.


>I'm bored :((((

it's literally just a skill issue. can't find anything good to watch? get better at looking and finding the things that entertain you. start from the media that you know that you like and figure out why you liked it and then seek out these "features" in new media. when it comes to books, start with what makes you curious, questions you want to answer, problems you want to solve and figure out, or maybe just certain moods and vibes that you want to explore and resonate with you. this gives you a compelling reason to want to read a book that would contain the solution, or the hint to it. if you want a crude example, consider porn: you're not going to ask strangers for recommendations, you're simply going to remember what got you aroused last time and seek more of it out and develop your tastes further as you gradually discover your specific fetishes and fascinations.

your problem is basically that you don't know what you enjoy, so there's no roadmap on what to do. no one can tell you who you are, you have to discover it for yourself. every suggestion someone else gives you is based on their own perspective, so it will always be a miss and there is no point on forcing it on yourself.


buddy if you can appreciate the small things you've won the game. there is no more carrot that society or anyone can dangle in front of you, you are actually intrinsically content with where you're at and what you've got. everything else is a hedonic treadmill.


>it shows to others
>people will just see you as
Have you ever considered real freedoms? Freedom from the opinions of others?

Being internally satisfied and able to appreciate small things is simply an incredible, desirable thing that we can work on despite all else. Even in a prison cell it would be something to work on.

Separate to that is the issue of our relationship to the world. It is not clear to me what to do about the dissatisfying state of the world. I often feel that i want to reject it and fight it somehow, but how? I don't know.


Best comment on here.


The best solution to this is weed for me. It resolves my anhedonia and makes things more interesting. Seems to sustainably keep working for 10+ years


Being bored of your interests is a classic symptom of depression. But this could also just be you realizing that you're unsatisfied with your life. Look up shit life syndrome. It's not a real illness but doctors use it as a term to describe a number of symptoms that are related to complex socio-economic phenomenon i.e. having a shit life.


I dishearten easely


You and me both. I think the world is horrible right now. Worst economy I've been alive to experience so far. Even turbo normies are having trouble. Why wouldn't it be even harder for wizzies.


wizzies who are rich and those with a good job live peacefuly, but poor NEET/hiki/freeter wizzies may have a shitty life


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At this point I would unironically prefer to be a wage-slave, at least it keeps me occupied, distracted AND gives me some income instead of being a broke NEET slowly dying from boredom.


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I always envied NEETs, autists, and Wizards who have an interest in math and could get enjoyment from it, it's basically infinite and accessable "fun" if you have the right hardwired mind for it.


I have no special interest.


I hate consuming media, I just spend most my days sleeping, and the waking hours on Doomscrolling, going on rides with my bike keeps me sane.


The worst thing is when the extreme boredom leads you to developing bad habits like over eating or gooning because there is nothing else to do.


>developing bad habits like over eating or gooning because there is nothing else to do.
I already am


I'm like this with programming. I'm furiously scribbling notes about it on a daily basis.


Do you consider sleeping as a hobby?

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