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Argentina is going through hard times, with 100% inflation in 6 months, increases in all kinds of taxes, 45% poverty, and increasing crime. Argentina is a strong country, and any of these things would destroy another country, but we have already gone through many similar crises, but in each crisis the country becomes smaller and has less sovereignty.

Argentina is suffering, and needs the support of all anons.


dont cry for me argentina!


>our country is shit
>but we're good at football
I hope this is an ironic post


Argentina is a strong and large country, no other country could withstand such high inflation without collapsing in two weeks. In Argentina people are strong, and they can put up with all kinds of shit. Look at Diego Armando Maradona, he was one of the best players in history while he snorted dozens of kilos of cocaine, but he was still the best.
The Anglos always stole everything from us, and when some politicians got in the way wanting to nationalize things like the railway lines, finish paying debts with them, or simply improve the economy and the quality of life of the citizens, the Anglos financed the military dictatorships, and thus they destroyed the nation, bombing the capital, kidnapping innocent people, or putting puppets in power.

But Argentina, even with all the shit it suffered, rises up, and one way or another we recover to show that we are superior to the rest. But in our enormous humility, we allow anyone from any country to enter, and feel the glory of what it means to be Argentine.


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Argentina had it all, large industries, a large agricultural sector, and no ridiculous social problems such as racism or xenophobia.
This was always an inclusive country, allowing all cultures and religions to unite into one, embracing Catholicism, and leaving problems of the old continent aside. And leaving the best of each town, whether its food, its culture, or its traditions.


>his only national heroes is a footballer

maybe the real anglo that is holding you back from achieving great things is inside you all along


And then the United States of America struck. How does it feel to live under Monroe Doctrine?


Keep blaming the United Kingdom for your troubles Argentina, and ignore the Americans.


The greatest trick the United States of America ever pulled was convincing third worlders that being part of a european empire was a bad thing.

Argentina belongs to Spain.


It was the Anglos, in general, but there were also many communist parasites who tried to get inside the nation.
The state's war against the communists was much bloodier than the Malvinas, and none of the combatants were Anglo or Soviet. They were all Argentines, including their commanders and soldiers.
The same thing happened when they bombed the Plaza de Mayo, they were all Argentines, but they were suborned under the Anglophile garbage.

Look at this news for example, the largest businessman in the country, and the main financier and partner of the current president, sold weapons to the United Kingdom for the defense of the Malvinas.


>the Anglos, in general

How can you generalise the Americans and the British? They never worked together in South America, far from it. The USA has had a policy of dismantling the UK's overseas empire from it's conception.


The British taught the Argentinians to play football, the Americans don't even play soccer. You cannot group them together.


The CIA played a major hand in Argentina since it's inception.


The Anglos are now going to steal our part of Antarctica.

Argentina will continue to be a very rich country until the 1950s. But the military dictatorships began to issue money like crazy, and destroy industries, making the financial sector artificially financed by foreign lenders more profitable than production.




>the british did this!

You dont have a part of Antartica, if anything Spain does as the rightful owner of Argentina.


If you speak Spanish, you owe allegiance to the King of Spain.


The Yankees acted on their part, and the English on the other, and each followed their interests in different periods of history.


True, but they were always conflicting interests.


It is curious how even today countries like Canada and Australia continue to pay tribute to the King of England.


Argentina's problem is that it hasn't got a right to exist. It is truly a Spanish realm that fell for the American meme of independence (which makes it an American vassal). Argentina was stronger as a part of Spain. The British helped South America get independence from Spain to undermine Spain, the same way the Spanish and French and Dutch helped America get independence from Britain to undermine Britain.

They haven't fallen for American tricks yet.


Why do you think Argentina was filled with Spaniards? They entered into a very strong economic crisis, and they all came here in droves. They were starving, and had no other choice.


Argentina speaks Spanish doesnt it?
The Treaty of Torsedillas also gives Spain a Roman Catholic right to rule Argentina.


They deserve it.


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>They deserve it.


Irrelevant. Spain used to rightfully rule the Kingdom of Napoles.


>Argentina is suffering, and needs the support of all anons.
All countries besides Israel and Ukraine are suffering


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Keeps crying


>Our country is falling apart but this manlet is really good at football


The fact that FUTA-BALLS is any nation's national sport is an embarrassment. The entire sport is just slave niggers imported from Africa keeling over in fake tears and rehearsed agony every time some other nigger grazes against him him. Then the still standing nigger gets a timeout or something so the crying nigger's team gets an advantage. Same with basketball.

When some nigger tries to pull that in pigskin, hockey, lacrosse, or rugby, he gets beat up and then sent to timeout himself. Victories in soccer are determined by who can whine the loudest.
>391x497 with JPEG noise
>>482.33 KB
Learn to computer, newtard

So much epic fail in one post and it's not even bait - you're just so total fail.


I'd kick those if it meant getting slapped by her "red card"


Only a third world brown would consider that a bad thing.


what else does Argentina do other than kick a ball into a goal


based. Argentina will never lose.


you're not going to win the next world cup,aregtinaros


You're coping
Spain is most likely going to beat them in the Finalissima


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Learn to play a real sport


His sport now relies on headline grabbing personal feuds and retarded attention grabbing statements like he’s doing there. Embarrassing. Get the instagram!


Explain how your people eat this shit without dying of some stomach infection.


Lets look at the facts:

>largest population on planet earth
>most variety of religions on planet earth
>most variety of languages on planet earth
>food and cuisine is instantly recognisable the world over
>bollywood films and indian music is instantly recognisable the world over
>has one of the largest armed forces on the planet
>has nuclear weapons
>has a large number of the world's richest people i.e. billionaires and owners of global corporations
>has sent craft into outer space and landed successfully on the moon

meanwhile argentina has…


Argentina is a European country, with great Spanish, Italian and English influence. With free top-notch education, free hospitals, and generally decent people.


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They should play baseball like Japan and the US.



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Indians won


Japan lost


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based curry chads



Toilets. Half of the population of India, 600 million people, don't even have fucking toilets. Talk about a literal shit-hole.

Mean while in Argentina that number is one million over 47 or 2% of the population.


Argentina has a toilet, and a bidet, with hot water, heated seat, and automatic cleaning


>make the thread in lainchan
>make the thread in succubus chan
>make thread in kc
have many racist comments

It's sad how people don't understand Argentine suffering. There is a lack of empathy, affection and solidarity.


>succubus chan
You post on CC?


>It's sad how people don't understand Argentine suffering. There is a lack of empathy, affection and solidarity
argentina acts smug, don't they?


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They are all the ones I know, there is also a Russian and Finnish forum but they require a VPN.


probably because argentina has alienated everyone

hard to think of a more disliked country


Argentina is not just any other South American country, Argentina helped Italians, Spaniards, Germans, Poles, Jews, Syrians, Lebanese and Palestinians escape from war, genocide, and poverty. There was never racial segregation, there was never racism, everyone mixed, and rescued the best of each culture.
Argentina allows anyone to come, settle, and be a citizen, to contribute their culture, and their values, but without forgetting that they are Argentine. It is a country that excludes everything bad, and leaves differences aside.

One day a war may break out in your country, a very strong economic crisis, or you simply want a change of scenery, and Argentina will be there for you.


Argentina is a great country, which shares its greatness with everyone who wants to be Argentine. But being Argentine is not easy, and you will have to go through hard periods of instability, inflation, taxes, changes in government, poverty, to inevitably return to wealth, in an endless cycle that will never stop.
This is not a country for everyone, it is a roulette wheel, which only allows the strongest to adapt. That is why all Argentine immigrants either finished a free degree and got a good job, formed an agricultural business or something related, or succumbed to poverty and went back to their country as happened to many Peruvians and Venezuelans.




Mixing is never good.


it is when it works






When the Muslims arrived en masse, they were forced to convert to Catholicism, their last name was changed to a last name that could be understood in Spanish, and they were told to give themselves normal names, no strange names like Muhammad, or similar shit.


i cant think of a single country in north or south america, europe, asia or africa that likes argentina or sees argentina as an ally


because they act smug


they bleat about being muh italian/german heritage but forget that italy and germany dont care about them and everyone else hates italy/germany


I’ve never even heard of this place


I like Argentina, but given the general trajectory of the country can you really say It works or is working?


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Watching you retards justify Milei with escalating fascist cope is hilarious. Congratulations, you got Yeltsin'd and put a sex-crazed pervert and every Zionist ghoul who promoted him in charge. Coming soon to another country near you. That's how Nazis always operate - shit up a country, gather all the gold, rinse and repeat. Next up - the former so-called "United States" itself. What, you thought you were in charge of this?


Milei is short for (((Mileikowsky))). I think he has the same surname as Benjamin Mileikowsky, aka Netanyahu.


Recently our Minister of the Economy sent 2 billion dollars in gold to some country and nobody knows where it is. Today they raised the tax on gasoline again, the money supply is unstoppable, everything is terribly wrong. It is sad that when the garbage is thrown away there are children in the dumpster.


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This forum seems to be full of Venezuelans, Argentines, Indians, and Brazilians more than Yankees.


If you are implying this, you are the niggerest gorilla nigger to have ever existed.


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You guys are under foreign talmudic jewish rule (just as we are in western europe, and as the americans are in their own country). Maduro is a jew. Milei (Mileikowsky) is a jew. The new female Mexican president is also a jew. Los Judios tienen un gobierno mundial satanico.


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>Me a Nicaraguan reading this post


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It's over


Go fuck yourself, smelly shitskin


are you paranoid?


Every country who relies on taxcuckers without having chances of free selfsubsistance is deeply fucked. You just realizing it.

How could you hide some living space from the normie world, how could you?


>The problem is an old one, but disease and war have given it new life. COVID killed more than 1.1 million Russians, according to independent sources, and the war in Ukraine has blown a much bigger hole in Russia’s working-age population. An estimated 150,000 Russians have died on the battlefield, and over a million more have fled the country since the invasion, either to avoid conscription or to find better job prospects
>Results from the 2021 census are expected to show that Russia has 10.5 million more succubi than men, almost the same disparity as a decade ago
>"Russia saw up to 1.3 million people leave the country in 2022, including many younger and well-educated people in high-value industries," Britain's defense ministry added. For example, "about 10 percent (100,000) of [Russia's] IT workforce left the country in 2022 and did not return."
>The UK Defense Ministry expects Russia to lose 1,000 or more troops per day in the coming winter, saying Moscow will likely keep trying to overwhelm Ukraine in the next months despite difficult conditions
>Russia’s future will be characterized by a smaller population. Russian President Vladimir Putin’s war has virtually guaranteed that for generations to come, Russia’s population will be not only smaller, but also older, more fragile, and less well-educated. It will almost certainly be ethnically less Russian and more religiously diverse. While some might view diversity as a strength, many Russians do not see it this way. In a world with hordes of people on the move to escape war, persecution, poverty, and the increasing impact of climate change, xenophobic political rhetoric sells well


>The State Duma is considering resurrecting a Soviet-era tax on childless citizens. Russian men and succubi without children would pay an extra 3% in income taxes, an extra 5% inheritance tax, and 0.5% more in property tax

I fucking hate this schizophrenic feminist country


Not having children as a succubus is a cornerstone of feminism.. How exactly is taxing childless succubi a feminist policy?


I use 'feminist' for 'anti-men'. Succubi in this country can choose to breed freely, get divroced and receive child maintenance from the state and the father.
>Сейчас семьям за рождение первого ребенка выплачивают 587 тыс. рублей, а за второго — 775 тыс. рублей. С 2024 года размер выплат маткапитала увеличится: за первого ребенка — до 631 тыс. рублей, за второго — до 834 тыс. рублей
(Now russian families are paid 587 000 rubles for the the birth of the first child and 775 000 rubles for the birth of the second. The payments will be increased after 2024)
The average salary is about 30 000 rubles (200 bux)
The goverments also contemplates a new tax on neeting (налог на тунеядство). Тунеядец literally means someone who eats for free, an off-gridder.
>On 2 April 2015 President Alexander Lukashenko issued a decree 'On Prevention of Social Dependency', which included a tax for those categorised "social parasites"

The policy is: if you are a jobless, lonely man go throw yourself into the meat grinder.


Get out of Russia if you can
While you still can I should say


I live in a nordic country and even if the succubi here are generally good looking, they are absolutely terrible fucking people. In these hypermodern countries (Japan, Korea) the birth rate sinks to extreme lows because the succubi just can't stand the men around and they don't want to have kids. Such is the case in Sweden too. Which is a shame because pardon my racist views, nordic people ideally should be reproducing like crazy. Yet because the world is a parallel clown world, that's not happening

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