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/wiz/ - Wizardry

Disregard Females, Acquire Magic
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I am officially a Wizard.

What a strange feeling, I found this site when I was still just a teenager. I remember v9k, the cripple, the chon, when gamergate happened and we caught a ton of shit. Back then wizardhood felt so far away. Hell, I wondered if the site itself would still be around by the time I reached this stage, but here it is and here I am.

Overall I'd say it's been 3.6, not great not terrible like most things in life I suppose. If I had one one piece of advice for apprentices, pick up a sport and stick to it. Not everything requires a group or merely going to the gym and being around a bunch of grunting groids and obnoxious succubi. It's how I've managed to prevent my body from rotting despite bouts of alcohol and drug abuse. Ideally you should avoid those things too.

Oh and, exercise your mind too but this tends to naturally follow.


Happy birthday
I will become a wizard this year too
What sport do you do?


Yeah, this site has been around for a surprisingly long time. I found it in my early 20s and I'm now in my mid 30s and still reading it daily.

To this date I haven't found a better platform, even if the user count is low. It's also one of the few (the only?) old school 00s style imageboards with sage, noko and zero extra frills.



For me it was cycling/bike riding. I got to explore my immediate entertainment while staying in shape. But I suppose any endurance sport will do. Cutting alcohol at least for a while was pretty crucial too.

Yep. This place has remained one of the few outlets of "old" chan culture.


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Congratulations wizzie. Still got four years to go myself. Same as you I've been on and off this site for almost 10 years. I like how calm it is here, usually.
I guess life will just continue to slowly crawl on by. Are you doing gratitude journalling? I found it helps with finding joy in small everyday things. Many people here seem depressed so I think keeping your mental space healthy is important too.




Well you've endured 30 years of brutality, hope you keep on continuing to improve your life.


reached 30 some couple of months ago.
i remember browsing this chan in my 20s, 4/r9k/ when it was the virgins' hideout, 8/r9k/, 8/v9k/.
i knew i was destined to a wizard life when i was 12.

kinda miss the old internet.


I want to hold up this wiz cat with chop stick like I will eat him. He is a good wiz cat.


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I haven't used this place in nearly 10 years but I recently became a wizard so I decided to visit


i was bullied by this one kid who i really wanted to befriend by the age of 4 or 5. one of the things he told me in a rude tone is how i would never marry. i dreaded the thought of being an adult anyway.

one thing that i was pondering and i dont think it deserves its own thread is whether our level begins at 0 or 1. once a man is 30, is this a level 1 wizard?


I say wizard is a prestige class.

Technically level one but you have levels in other classes before getting here.


I would agreed. Others on here would often call themselves "lv 27 apprentice" or some such. It makes sense to me that you only get to be a lv1 wiz after leveling up your apprentice class to 30.

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