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>The Volcel spares pity upon the caged men
>And the Volcel banished Stacy to depths whence she came and went to spare pity upon the caged men and his disciples came to him.
>Said the Volcel: "The way of the volcel is the harder path, fraught with temptation and longing. Yet behold! It is the kinder path."
>And the Volcel spared pity upon the men Stacy had kept in cages, saying thus:
>"Woe to he who would buy gamer succubus bathwater, for his desperation has taken his wits!"
>"Woe to the crab, full of hatred, for he is filled with longing, without hope!"
>"Woe to the porn addicts, for they have lost control!"
>"Woe to the snakes who would ridicule these men and take pleasure in their suffering, for you have strayed from the path of righteousness."
>And the Volcel freed the pitied men from their cages and offered them redemption.
>Such is the way of Volcel.

I couldn't help loving the vibes: https://www.reddit.com/r/volcel/comments/ft52hw/the_volcel_spares_pity_upon_the_caged_men/


wow this is such reddit cringe


Moved to >>>/b/1008005.

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