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Disregard Females, Acquire Magic
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During my middle school to the end of my highschool I used to belive that i was better than the people that surrounded me, that I was more intelligent and that they were too emotive and dumb. But now, with 18 years old and on my last year of highschool, i just notice how this thought isn't necessarily true. I'm in this school since the last year and I had finally found people who are interested in things i like such as anime, arts and media in general. People that are intelligent, you can notice this by the way they express themselves, but on the other hand they also had developed the abilities of being social (thus not being weird), being healty and any kind of normalfag hobbies while also being intelligent.

This broke my illusion that i was the only smart guy in the world, or that i was somehow superior to my surroundings. So I was thinking about this and concluded that normalfags are naturally better than me, in some aspects (but not just socially) because the way they interact with the world and people is different than mine, but not in a normal subjective way: they get to talk with people more often, go outside with more frequency, satisfty their own sexual desires by partying and all sorts of things that they do, while i don't.

It's not like my way of living didn't provided me good things, it actually did: i was able to be a more empathetic person (this is also due to me watching Evangelion), observative person and also stimulated my sensitivity and thinking, qualities that i already had since i was younger. I'm not racist like they are, i try to respect people more than them and i don't drink, but… at what cost? Losing things like what its called "youth" by the slice of life animes that i watch, being ashamed of myself, feeling that i don't have a place to belong but my bedroom and my computer.

This maybe is confusing but to sum it up, normalfags have a better life than mine, they act dumb but they actually lived really good experiences which makes me inferior to a portion of them, as oposite to my previous beliefs. They naturally learn rich experiences by being sharing knowledge and
well-being with their peers, while I, as an outcast, doesn't. They will live happy lives, with not so much despair to feel, good jobs, fulfilling lives and all, even if they have to pay the price of being slightly dumber than they would if escaping from the rat race. Normalfags can feel disgusting sometimes, but i think that living as a happy person is living better than my current life.

"Riajuu should explode!" - Hikigaya Hachiman, Oregairu Vol. 01


Odds are you are just a crab



It's not about being better or worse than anyone. Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. There's a good chance you actually are way smarter than the rest of them, but they are better at socialising then you are. There's nothing wrong with that. You can just work on your weaknesses and take pride in your strengths.


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This is exactly what happened to me back then. I realized that I wasnt more intelligent than them, but also more retarded than the average person. I basically cant learn at the same rate that normalfags do, and also lack a general sense of ambitions compared to them. They all look so fulfilled and cheerful, and no matter how many storms come at them, with the power of "just do it" and normalfaggotry (friendships, relationships, life experiences, etc), they manage to get through them.
And so, I became a bum.


You are a kind person who foolishly and needlessly insults himself. How silly. You have a larger soul than they do and feel things more acutely. This disallows you the disguise of cheerfulness they always wear. You have no idea what "normalfags" are actually like absent their wonted social groups. They are mostly cowardly counterfeit creatures. Like wo/men, their currency is the wearing of masks and the telling of lies. They are not true characters in the philosophical sense. We wizards endure so much pain in this life, why do you even think to judgmentally set yourself alongside people who are a thousands leagues below you in real worth of mind and soul? I wish you strength, wiz.


Delusions. You do not feel stimulated, just more anxious and wanting by observing them…

Meanwhile your weirdo part remains unexplored because of social fears, and this might be what holds your potential. Disregard what you cannot have, publicly despise whoever dates an unworthy person, and be sure that all these things you say they do, those so much interesting things are not so just because they did it with a vibe of socialization

If you are a gray, boring weirdo that is what you are, and the most you try to be like what you are not, the worst you go in life.

Dont you feel even a bit of hatred for this situation? This silent, parasitic, influence of them on your mind…


Don't say that! You are better than those niggercattle out there.


This is fairly obvious and anyone who disagrees is on some sour grapes tier cope. Social retardation and isolation is a bigger handicap in life than any physical deformity.


Isolation is a choice. Social retardation is the result of that choice. Someone born crater-headed or with brown skin didn't make any choices to be fucked up in those ways. Yeah, being a social retard has its disadvantages, but why should anyone weep when those who have it did it to themselves?


This is what is happening to me right now.

I am in college, struggling to get a D in any of my classes. I used to think that I was better than my classmates and I had the grades to prove to them that I was. During this whole time, everyone except me were invited to parties, gaming sessions and getting girlfriends. Some of the guys thought I was cool as sometimes I came to school wearing shades then switched them over to my glasses when I got to class, and also because I pwned one of my teachers hard once (it was a philosophy teacher intent on shoving Aristotle's pathetic faggotry down everyone's throat and I countered by saying and citing an alleged historical encounter where Plato and Aristotle distanced themselves from each other, that he was the black sheep among philosophers and that the vast majority of his babbling ultimate does not make sense), but other than that some people thought that I was going to shoot up the school or blow it up, because they found a folder I had with a document on timing devices for bombs. Some thought I was a Nazi, others thought I was a commie, but I was neither. There was a rumor that I was a crab (which is not wrong, but I would not asked any of the succubi at my school out for $1,000,000), but also the I was a fag (which I was not), but I never bothered to dispel them.

Do normalfags have a better life? Yes, of course they do, they fit in with the crowd and are the masses Wizards? No? That is your answer. Mainstream groups are always the most accepted and the opposing side of the groups as well as smaller groups are usually quashed or bound to live a life of misery.


can you enlight me with your knowledge on philosophy?


This is not true and I have no idea why you think the causal link would go in that direction rather than the opposite direction. People can be social retards for all sorts of reasons and that causes them to isolate because if your social interactions are only going poorly for you, why would you want more of them? If you can only leave a bad impression on people, why would you want to associate more with them? People don't isolate out of choice but rather because they are forced into it. It's true that emotional insecurity is one of the key factors that is forcing them into it but that is still against their will and a result of real world interactions with others that give them good reason to feel insecure. Ultimately that feeling is an instinct meant to help protect people. Withdrawal is a response to protect people from social consequences that could be catastrophic for them.


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I have autism, but I feel like if I wasn't obese as a child, I would've been a normalfag. Like, I remember when I was skinny in early elementary school, I had shit tons of friends, and succubi confessing their crushes to me and shit. Then when I got bitchtits and a gut around age 9, suddenly no one wanted to be friends with me, or even be around me. Now, when people would walk up to me to talk, I could tell they were laughing at me behind my back. I got more and more self conscious; constantly sucking in my gut, controlling my breathing around other people, wearing jackets in 100 degree heat in a piss poor attempt to hide my fat. Combine that with already being an oddball autistic latchkey kid, I never had a chance. My hobbies got weirder, my limited social skills deteriorated. I lost my chance at popping a chick's cherry, which really bums me out in retrospect, because I've always wanted to do that. Now I can't without going to jail.
I'm definitely a virgin due to shitty life circumstances, and not by choice. Maybe eventually I'll fuck… but probably not. I'm still hideously obese, autistic and I'm broke. Although I'm starting a new job this week. First job evar, at 21 years old. I'm sure my colleagues will notice my autism right off the bat, then immediately bust my balls for being a social reject and try to get me fired. It took me many months to find a job that would hire someone with no experience whatsoever, and it practically killed me to show up to the interview. If I lose this job, I most certainly will kill myself. I'll purchase a gun with my first paycheck (if I don't get fired before pay-day), then blow my shitty brains out in my car.


I hate the use of this word. It's too rhetorically loaded.
Here's a linguistic experiment for you. Every time the word "insecure" or "insecurity" is applied to a man, wordswap it with the female equivalent term, "unsafe". And every time a female use of the word "unsafe" is found, swap it with "insecure."


if we wound up here it is mainly cause our genetics are fuckin crap, lets not kid ourselves.

bu im extreme case, 2/10 over here


How would someone like u even pas tge intrview? I guess its a minimum wagecuck job huh?


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>I guess its a minimum wagecuck job huh?
Indeed it is, Condescending-kun. Quite literally the only place within a reasonable driving distance that was hiring people with no experience whatsoever. The only actual interview question I got was
>Why do you wanna work here
From there it was all basically like "so how available are you" and I'm like "I'll be your sexy lil workhorse 24/7 honey", and then a week after that I was brought in to digi-sign some shit. Then I had to read a 20 page thing on the computer about sexual harassment, and got hired.


>i was able to be a more empathetic person (this is also due to me watching Evangelion)

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