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/wiz/ - Wizardry

Disregard Females, Acquire Magic
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File: 1737042215962.webm (5.21 MB, 350x420, 5:6, Ph̵̡̧̹͕̮͘͝o̶̪̝͓̓̉͆͒͂͜t̸͌̕….webm) ImgOps iqdb


What finally pushed you over the edge, and did you in?
I spent $300 trying to help a very close friend, and he literally threw it all away into the dumpster, made me out to be the one in the wrong, while at the same time I was planning on surprising him with a gift I had spent $200 on.
So I turned to drugs and accidentally overdosed on DXM, and ever since then all the light in my life has drained away, i spend every day feeling like i'm one foot in the grave, it feels like anemia where i'm constantly light headed


in what he spend the money on?


i just bought him enough groceries to last him for months, snuck it into his kitchen with the help of his roommate to try and suprise him with it because he was in so much debt that he was turning to our church for help with food
and the next week i found out he threw it all out in a rage, and he talked to me like nothing happened
it made me absolutely mortified because i had spent all that effort and work just to wind up hurting him more
i'm only a college retard and that money i spent on him was more than half what i had saved up
i was just so worried about him, i didnt want him to go without paying rent or starving himself or something


what a asshole, you're fault for hanging out with a normalfag


It's painful experience, but at least you learned not to trust people easily, i am sure this will distort your ability to Trust others, for Good and bad.

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