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Disregard Females, Acquire Magic
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I have to disagree on the loser concept as voiced here so often.
i have 70+ years as single white boy and man…
i have never married; i have had numerous jobs; and I have lived in several cities and states.
i have never considered myself to be a loser despite many setbacks and unfortunate experiences…
i know what i can do; if i don't I educate myself to be able to do whats required…
i am now mostly blind in one eye; my hearing was damaged by bad medications i can't write due to doctors bungling my right hand in treatment from a fall…
unless you are completely non functional braindead you can learn something useful that will lift you out of your self-hate…
Don't give up; information is free for the taking.
i never married, my friends who did are dead/dying slowly from their BAD choices…
i just say F*** it and keep on keeping on.
i have suffered setbacks many times but always struggled thru…
i am watching friends expiring slowly day by day who were very successful normies with houses cars planes toys that most men would kill for…
Try 27 variant's of dodge super cars as his toys; 3 houses; so much crap he had to buy an extra house with outbuildings just to store his cars and toys…
it was all for nothing; the greedy bitch he married (#3) murdered him for his money homes cars boats etc…
give thanks for what you have, however small and lacking; it could be far worse…


do u have proof of ur age? how about a pic of your hands with a timestamp?


you type like a 12 year old MODS MODS MODS MODS MODS GET THEM OUT

also 100% chance the OP is fake as no 70 year old finds wizchan and this post is clearly fake


dude i have been here from earliest days; sometimes i don't come back for months; i have tried to be the elder wizard to show you all is not lost.
i was going to move to another country, but they wanted 37 vaccinations just to enter the fucking country.
i have so many stupid M*F*** to deal with in my reality that some times i don't show up for months…



im curious, as a middle age now, my philosophy is to make it really long term everyone needs a hobby we can make a lifes work. did you pick one?


>didn't mention being virgin
uh oh…


Archmage is 50+. There isn't even a term for someone who overcomes the psychological and physical obstacles of becoming a 70+ year old virgin.

I propose "Grand Mage" or "Mythic Spellcaster"


It's implied under "never married"
After puberty you stop caring, even more as you age, so you don't feel the need to explicitly state your adherence to rule 1.
I'm glad to shed useless vanity as I age.
God bless you archmage. The nightmare difficulty of this demon world is only suited for us.


You should've said, never had a relationship then.
Your whole story sounds like you had the opportunity of marrying but never did.
>After puberty you stop caring
I am in my mid 30s and still get urges, I wouldn't say I don't care, I still feel curious about all the things I missed romantically, but pretend not to care as a cope.

Honestly, 70yo virgin sounds crazy, I don't know if most of us will carry on for that long, kudos to you man.


all i had to do is watch my friends being dragged down by the bitches they married and going thru multiple marriages and relationships that destroyed them physically and mentally…
And the females i interacted with showed my how truly evil and conniving the woetomen are/can be.
the civilized world is a shithole of lies and deceptions in every respect…
just the thought of being involved with any of theses conniving lying cheating whores is enough to make a thinking man puke…


men get the life sucked out of them, and when there is nothing left, they get dumped
then they find themselves lost, with no direction in life, and depressed because they have nothing to do and no self worth
I've seen enough men have their passions and interests destroyed because attention whores work their tricks to discourage men from spending time and effort on anything but the manipulative bitches


amen and amen…


the very few inter-gendered relationships however minor; were enough to cause me to say F*** it completely and totally…


Have our best desires, elder


>>220787 i took up shooting and gun-smithing if it goes bang i can fix or salvage it…


I want to know what the F*** was in that apple ?



>I have

to disagree on the loser concept as voiced here so often.

Voiced by what users, what looser concept

>it was all for nothing; the greedy bitch he married (#3) murdered him for his money homes cars boats etc…

The bitch that was friends with judge? I think you mentioned it within other thread

>the civilized world is a shithole of lies and deceptions in every respect…

True, but i will let you know this site is deception aswell. From what i have observed 90% (or more) of threads here are made by glowing niggers for purpose of provoking people into reply (any reply) so they can tap their communication.

And the rest of users here arent real 'wizards'

Dont take this site too seriously


Too abandoned a site for glowies. It's just normal wizards posting normal stuff.



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