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Disregard Females, Acquire Magic
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My backup plan is completely ruined. In my turd world country, the only way to succeed as a sub-5 male is to be good in academics. I am not good in academics. I had a backup plan in my mind, if all else fails, I will become a taxi driver and that would ensure that I get enough enough to survive.

As things stand, it turns out, I am not good at driving either, I got my license, and somehow managed to clear the test. I think I can drive fine during the day, as I have been driving for 4 years now, but I can't drive at all in the night time. Like I get totally blinded. I have tried various glasses and they don't help either.

The only way to make a liveable earning as a taxi driver alone in my country I would have to drive long routes and therefore would have to drive during the time when the sun is down. But apparently I can't do that.

There are two more things, I suck at parking, I have no idea how I managed to parallel park properly during the driving test. I am really quite bad at parking. The other thing is that my confidence has plummeted because I had an incident where I accidentally cut someone off where I was 5km/hr over the speed limit so I thought that I could change lanes, but turns out I cut off a guy who was speeding even harder and that turned into a road rage incident.

What's worse is that both him and me traverse the same route daily, because I use that route to go to college, so I am afraid of encountering him again, and in a turd world country, these encounters could turn deadly.

All in all, my backup option to become a taxi driver is gone. I basically can't drive at night, and am not good at parking. I am also a slow thinker.

It is quite embarrassing and dare I say it makes me feel unmanly because there are so many succubi in my country who are able to drive so assertively and well, and can even drive in the night. My final option to make a living is gone.

I got my vision checked and it turned out to be largely alright, so I don't wear any prescription glasses but I still have no idea as to how people manage to drive in the night at see at night, even succubi can do it. And nobody likes a guy who can't drive.


carfags would all get the wall of flame in a wiz society
normshitters are just too lazy to learn teleportation magic


Sometimes cars can be cool though, like you take a look at Nissan GT-R, I bet you would have a change even though slight in your opinion.


I hate cares and will never drive.


How do you travel then? What about end to end connectivity?


Sounds like you have night blindness (nyctalopia).
Personally not much of an assertive driver either tbh.


Thanks. I will look into nyclatopia. And I will also have my Vitamin A levels tested.

My major gripe is that I can't parallel park and that is actively ruining my fantasy life, I am (or was) a massive car guy but realising that I can't drive a car properly broke me to the core. It makes me feel so unmanly. All of the games that I have played, all of the dreams I have dreamt, the car magazines I have memorised from front to back, only to realise I am poor at parking the car.

My specific gripe is that I can't parallel park properly, today in my turd world country where parallel parking isn't usually done, I saw two cars with some space in between, I thought I would try for the first time in my life to parallel park. And what made the situation so tense is that in my third world country someone had a BMW. An expensive car in the third world be all means.

And it was one of the two cars, I tried parking in between both of them. And thank God I had my younger brother with me. I asked him to step out and tell me when I am gonna hit a car. And I was about to hit the beamer behind, I almost didn't hear my brother's voice. Until he jumped upon the trunk of the car to tell me and I just managed to stop between a hair's breath between my car and the beamer.

If I would've hit the beamer, I would've been in generational debt, and what's worse is that I am dependent upon my parents financially so they would've had to pay for repairs.

The reason it's ruining my life so much is because when I see European cities or San Francisco or NYC, my dream cities as a third worlder, most of the people there park their cars via parallel parking and I feel so inferior knowing so many people can park this way. I will never be able to get a licence in first world countries because I can't parallel park. It's actively ruining my life. Cars are everything for me. I want to travel in them, do things like travel route 66. Drive up and down in San Francisco. See the Golden Gate Bridge and so much more. But it turns out all of my dreams have went to trash.

I know it sounds weird to say this and would sound equally weird to hear this but I am suicidal because I can't parallel park especially after today's incident.

If I met God and he offered me a wish, I would wish for him to grant me skills that I can parallel park with.


No thanks we're full


Aye, thanks for the hospitality kind first wolderino.


Thanks for the cheap shitty shoes I suppose


You're welcome!

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