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20, 10 and even 5 years ago being called a virgin was seen as an insult by normies. Same could be said about being called "a crab", yet more and more often we see people who have regular sex, gfs and social lives say "they are basically crabs". Is it for attention? Is it some misguided idea that crabism is a mindset? Is it to make yourself feel "superior" to other normies? Same thing have happened with nerds: what used to be a simple demographic, later became a label to proudly asign to yourself (Oh, I'm such a nerd, I just love watching mainstream movies like Star Wars!).

Is there a way to stop it, or just every term loses it's meaning after 5 or 10 years these days?


yeah because it goes mainstream and then normalfags and crabs use the word and modify it to fit their point of vue


if you can't have sex any time you want with whomever you want, you're basically an invcel. only like the top 1% of guys are immune to this label, the rest settle for what they can get or cope with having nothing. it might seem funny but even married guys can be invcels since the wife puts out like once a month, or stops giving their husbands sex entirely (see r/deadbedrooms)


The word in.cel seems meaningless then.


involuntary celibate -> being celibate involuntarily -> not getting sex when you want it

it's just what the word literally means. you could be a invcel with a gf or wife, you could have had sex many times, but become invcel during a certain period. it could also be your entire personality and describe your entire sex life. perhaps it's more like a spectrum of invceldom.


Yes, but instead of the actual meaning, normies have hijacked the term to mean ugly men who hate succubi.

They don't understand they themselves might very well be the thing they mock (íncels) due to being in a sexless marriage for the 5th year against their will.

Normies twist and turn terms to avoid social shame and status degradation. They are primitive tiktok chimpanzees.


>if you can't have sex on the spot with whomever you want, then you are basically in the same category as asocial avtistic permavigrins
This is a retarded view that only ends up watering down the "in-cel" label. The definition is that it is a person who can't get into a romantic or sexual relationship in spite ofdesiring to. That is all. It doesn't mention anything about the frequency or quality of said relationship. If you have an ugly gf then you are not an incael. If you have a wife who is sexually active only once a month, you are not an incael. Thinking otherwise would be as retarded as thinking that having to wait till dinnertime during work is "basically a famine".


found the normie who changes meaning of words to fit what he believes it should mean.


You can be in a relationship and still have 1000x less sex than single person (or even no sex at all) against your will.
It is celibacy.



Crab terminology is not welcome on this website, hence the wordfilter. Fuck off. The terminology never made sense at all. Why arent those evading the wordfilter being banned?


i think its a matter of age because ive never heard this irl and i only know older people
i mean zoomers are faggots


Words change with time and depending on the community using them. To most people, a crab is a misogynist low-status male, that's it.


Celibacy is not well-defined because sex is always a temporary event. How long do you have to not have sex for for it to count as a period of celibacy? It is a fact that there is no universal answer to this


celibacy as it's properly defined, is voluntarily abstaining from sex and relationships. so involuntary celibate was always a retarded misnomer. you start being celibate from the moment you want to be one, but invcel implies that your sexlessness is something that happens to you. for how long? no definitive period, but people will say once it's seen as sad and pathetic. how long of a period are you willing to admit? couple months and it's just a "dry spell", but couple years and people might look at you like a creep, what's wrong with you that no wuhman wanted to sex you up? must be doing something wrong!


Voluntary is when monks, clerics or laypersons make a celibacy vow out of their own free will and gain happiness from it.

Involuntary celibacy is when a weird ugly redditor weeaboo spends ages 18-30 trying to hit on succubi with precisely zero results, besides being told to get lost.

There are other subsets of involuntary celibates too, like somewhat autistic or eccentric men who would like to have a family or relationships, but are virgins at 40 because they are physically unattractive and have weird mannerisms.

The site rules say anyone who is a virgin past 18 qualifies, but I think there's a big distinction between a monk choosing it for life vs. a failed normie having it forced down his throat against his will.
The latter are just men that zero succubi alive feel any attraction towards.


>monks, clerics or laypersons make a celibacy vow out of their own free will and gain happiness from it
this doesn't happen anymore, monks are just homeless normalfags these days or beaten down chudcels

being unattractive, unable to get a gf, and still wanting a relationship doesn't make one an inkcel as these things are both a product of our time and also in our nature

only 50% of men throughout history ever reproduced, does that mean that the rest 50% that didn't are all voluntary celibates? it's retarded to assume that they were anything besides just sexless normalfags

same way it's retarded as fuck to assume any virgin who wants a relationship or a gf is a crab or inkcel


"crab" is a newspeak made up word

Wizard is an ancient word and it means a man who has achieved 30 years of age without sex


can we change the word filter? i dont feel crabs did anything to deserve the hate

Mr Krabs was a good man, and a steadfast employer


>being unattractive, unable to get a gf, and still wanting a relationship doesn't make one an inkcel

Yes it does. Highlighted keywors per your post: "Wants a relationship or sex" but no succubus wants it with him.

That's involuntary celibacy. That's not a wizard who chooses to live without succubi in his life.


succubi don't find any wizard qualities attractive, it's possible to be a volcel involuntarily because no succubus would find us attractive,and to be a voluntary crabcel you could be attractive but choose to not engage succubi out of fear


>To most people, a crab is a misogynist low-status male, that's it
This is a common trend.
>in sel
I saw normies (on noncel boards) use this word mostly to disparage a simp.
>failed normie
Le quirky sexhaving normalfags are called failed normies on r9k.
Crab isn't only the wordfilter. If you turn every 'crab' on wizchan into 'in sel' it will seem very awkward / meaningless.
When being a crab will be normalized, they will invent a new label for 'a guy I don't like'


yeah every society needs its boogieman and in a matriarchal rule-by-vagina society such as the one we reside in the boogieman is whoever succubi dont like - ugly, antisocial men


also narcissistic normies never wonder why there is such a boom of lonely, unhappy men nowadays
all that matters to them is that they are doing better than le crabs, so they ridicule le crabs to distance themselves from the "losers" (makes them think they are winners)
normies have absolutely zero uncoditional compassion, and yet they call losers selfish for not being aggressive, competing predators


There were "do volcel wizards even exist if no succubus alive wants them in the first place" wars at the start of 2024 on wizchan and it got half of the 20 people posting on this website banned.

I'd just leave the subject at that and move on.

Technically, even the ugliest most hideous socially inept man alive can choose to be a volcel (for example he refuses to engage in homosexuality with very ugly gay men even if he had the chance to do so).

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