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Disregard Females, Acquire Magic
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What is it that makes them attract such a particular kind of man and allow them to spread the messages they do?
How have certain images, cultures, rationale, and atmospheres come to be synonymous with them?
Have they been beneficial to you, advantageous, or ruinous?
This is wizchan after all, among the final frontiers of this kind, so anyone here has probably experienced a tremendous share of imageboards of all kind everywhere, becoming a veteran of sort.


no need to be consistent i guess
no need for a constant identity, a personality, just let the thoughts flow
allow yourself to be self-contradicting at times


You must be strange too, OP. Or else you wouldn't be here.


>What is it that makes them attract such a particular kind of man and allow them to spread the messages they do?
The anonynimity is a big factor. Unlike most other places, there is no social capital to be gained, no identity or reputation to build, so people don't use them for the same reasons they use the non-anonymous platforms, and they draw a different crowd because of that.
>How have certain images, cultures, rationale, and atmospheres come to be synonymous with them?
They appeared just at the right time on the internet to take root and foster a specific culture.
I'm sure if 4chan had opened in 2009 instead, it would have never achieved the same level of peculiarity in people's eyes.
And there is also the whole japan/otaku influence they still carry, which made them a bit odd from the start, but nowadays I don't think that's a major factor.
>Have they been beneficial to you, advantageous, or ruinous?
Little bit of both. Probably made me too desensitized to certain things, but there are pros and cons to that.


This. Particularly the focus on message only at the expense of username and status circlejerks strongly appeals to spectrum people.

That's why full neurotypicals generally hate and despise imageboards.
To them it's very important to see how many people up/downvoted you, who shared your post, how many followers or subscribers you have.

Your value as a contributor to neurotypicals comes from those status factors. The content of your message itself is pretty irrelevant to them as long as you don't go full Ww2 nazi on the readers.


>Inb4 someone redditspaces about how imageboards are for AUTISTS, who can enjoy them because they're better than FILTHY STATUS-DRIVEN PLEB NEUROTYPICALS


Oh damn I got ninja'd


are YOU a filthy normalnigger?


Wizard ≠ "spectrum person"
"Spectrum person" ≠ wizard


admit it, you remember shitting your pants


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The best thing about imageboards might perhaps be the worst thing about them, and this is when anonymous posters veer into tangents -like above- , which sometimes will have nothing to do with the subject matter.
So a thread about spring anime 2025 will become a thread on the politics of Prussia, and a subject on car engines will become a thread on how the connection in Yotsuba and Azumanga was always apparent.
I now patiently wait for this thread to become a thread on Touhou.


don't try to distract anyone with that bullshit, anon
tell me about the one time you shit your pants
was it warm?


Rather warm, yes. Had my diapers so it's not like it was a problem. Now tell me about your story, normal scum.


For me imageboards are the best way to socialise for more than a decade.

I tried all manners of forums, social networks and non anon imageboards but I grew a hate for them which I cannot describe with mere words.

I'm glad this place still is a float. I always have an anxiety where the rest of them had a poster affluence as big 4chan.


Imagine your life is so shit you need to come here to feel better.

You're not a virgin, yet you feel the need to invade the space of those who are to "feel better".


I am 100% a virgin of the purest, handholdless kind.
I just wanted to get this >>222526 autist in denial to admit to remembering shitting his pants. Whenever autism is mentioned, he keeps repeating that no one here is autistic, and that "real" autistic people are drooling retards. In one thread he said that autists have a thing for shitting their pants, and ironically, he admitted to it. If anything, he is the normalfag for caring so much about not being labeled autistic, on an anonymous imageboard where identities don't matter.

Come on buddy, admit that there must be something very different about a man, for him not to end up having sex one way or another. That's a sign of significant neurodivergence.


It is. I confused you for that other poster you were quoting.


>and ironically, he admitted to it.
LOL i need to see this


Asynchronous and Anonymous. Not pseudonymous like reddit and forums. What other communication platforms are there that share these two characteristics? I am unable to think of anything. Those two characteristics reduce anxiety and allow people to post in a more truthful way.

Additionally, no upvoting means that unpopular opinions are not emotionally punished as much, and unpopular posts not made less visible. Actually an unpopular post could get even more responses and reactions, so they can generate more reward chemicals in the brain. Platforms with upvoting train people to write what is popular, in a very strong way.

As a result of LLMs and more sophisticated spam attacks this type of communication will only become more and more rare


I like the anonymous nature of image boards opposed to forums. Also, the static nature is comforting, there are no instant replies or notifications or anything awful from the modern internet.
I would prefer image boards to be without images (which is ironic) and only text-based, but text boards are irrelevant now.


Newsgroups became irrelevant because an imageboard is superior. There is the rare occassion where a visual point alongside the text is necessary and can't be reliably communicated in text only.

Of course hyperneurotypicals go even further and want to get rid of both, and just want to see someone saying their point in-person (which is why Tiktok has a billion users).

Also, normies are generally appearance over substance. They will only believe someone if they are beautiful/handsome or if the background of the short Tiktok video looks like they are wealthy. Ugly people get little to no views and shares even if they have correct information and the "influencer" spews pseudoscience.

Imageboards do not have usernames, user statuses, downvotes, upvotes, follower counts, view counts, they don't grant any automatic advantage to good looking or rich people, and each post is purely about conveying a point. In essence, they are completely incompatible with the normie world and their psychological mechanisms.

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