You are not accounting for excess mortality in the male demographic between 25 to 45.
At the age of 25 in the United States, there are 105 males for every 100 females.
By the age of 35 the ratio is 1:1.
5% of a population is a LOT.
If that 5% consisted of Chads and normies then that would mean that none of the things succubi look for in males are markers of health, and that succubi are in fact looking for markers of poor health. Any kind of health, both physical and mental, given the influence of suicidality on excess morality figures.
Virginity does not grant immortality nor longevity.
I think the statistic could be correct. Seems easy to imagine that almost all virgins will by then kill themselves, die from illness or have sex at least once.
>only around 0.3 percent of adults report never having had the type of sex that could end in somebody getting pregnant
>sex that could end in somebody getting pregnant
so they're assuming that 0.3 is gay people? It's over
I'd assume they're counting sex escorts as valid too.
why do you care about that ?
Indeed there are very few wizards and that is true for all of history.
Even guys like Kafka, Descartes, Riemann, Schopenhauer,… are not wizards.
Isaac Newton is one of the very few true wizards
>>220550wonder how many of those had blowjobs and handjobs. probably only 0.0001 never had any sexual contact that includes genitals or even kissing. pure wizzas are rare…
bomper bimpson
Total bullshit if we only talk about males. And it depends on when the survey was taken. Pre-2000s there were few +40 virgins to the point there was a Hollywood comedy about it.
In 2024, at least a quarter of 40+'s are virgins or had sex once so long ago they can't even remember it
30-50% of modern 30-39 year olds
Absolutely true. 99% of the people on this planet have sex. And the fact of the matter is that in most cases than not we the left 1% are inferior to these people. Our inferiorities in lots of areas of our lives combine to make us the losers that we're like working dead end jobs, NEETing, virginity, lack of daily skills, dearth of social skills, bad genetics, bad looks, bad environment growing up, etc. you get the point.
We're a tiny tiny minority who is so small that even if all of us together became super soldiers and tried to pull of something funny, we'd be neutralised in 2 hours. 'tis so over.
>>221103what country and demographic?
among young men (18-29) the virginity rates were already close to 30% before covid
>>221104>since they turned 18>virginitywizzy, i do not doubt you since the amount of teens nakadashing isn't that common (or at least i don't think it is), but that is enough of a reason to discard that graph
>>221104This graph is spoofed the real headline was "The number of men who haven't had sex in past year". there is an updated graph (which I can't find but remember seeing) where the line actually went down a bit to 18%.
>>221120One fifth is still a huge amount, and a lot of men are ashamed of virginity due to social expulsion and ridicule between ages 18-29 so they lie about not being virgins even when in an anonymous survey.
For succubi it's the opposite. They have an innate motivation to *downplay* the amount of sex they've had in order not to appear slutty.
>>221122Agree to disagree on this I guess, most men, like 99% have had sex at least once. They may not be chads. But I personally attend by the OP's survey on this. I understand your point though there's an incentive for men to lie though, but this was an anonymous survey and to reiterate the original headline from Washington Post article was "The number of men who haven't had sex in past year".
>>221126First off, you're a normie who for some sociopathic reason is here to gloat.
Second of all, either the poster above or you, mentioned teens. It's nowhere close to 99% in the generations that were born after 1990, especially for men.
For men born after 2000 (gen Z who are a maximum of 25 years old today), 44% of males neither had sex nor dated anyone. sources or fuck off to 4chan to gloat to NEETs
Wizards caring about this is self denigration. Shut the thread, damn!