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If I didn't visit this website and other doom/emvy spaces I wouldn't think my life is that bad.
Like honestly I wasn't THAT bothered by being a loner, tbh I found loneliness relieving and nice lots of the time. Now I get this mind virus that says that I need a succubus to feel fulfilled, now I get that mind virus that I have to kiss, cuddle and touch succubus's body to feel happy.
I used to think I had lots of time to turn around and find something. But in the internet I read everywhere that it's over, and i'm starting to believe it because people get insane paychecks in IT and shit and I'm here neeting.

IDK I just felt like I had hope before, now I feel like there's none


it's over, wizkid. the best you can hope for is a tulpa if you don't have aphantasia and low iq.


It's not as much a mind virus as it is your millions of years of biological evolution telling you to replicate your genes like all your ancestors did.

The subject's been done to death on wizchan, tbh.
It's a very strong urge to "get" a succubus and have children, but not only can the impulse and urge be subdued with time, it's not even a fate all men get to experience.

For me it was the strongest between 25-35 and then my biological clock as a male kind of just fizzed out.
I realized there is literally 0% chance I'm ever going to have children of my own let alone take a succubus of any kind out even if I wanted to, because I'm so ugly and weird.

Nowadays that urge very rarely rears its' head in the back of my mind and I can just tell it to go away. I am never going to have kids or date anybody.


its kinda funny because all you have to do to turn that mindvirus off is going outside and using your eyeballs.
Have you ever seen a man that wasnt eventually becoming miserable when having a succubus attached to him?
thats like the fate of 99% of normalfags, they get cucked, they get cheated on and they get their normalfag hearts and brains broken by roasties.
maybe 1% are living the fantasy where everything just works fine but its so rare, with these odds you might as well play some megamillions lottery every week expecting to win.
Biologically speaking its all a trick to make you a provider for a roastie, work yourself to the bones for roastie and kids and better keep your roastie wife happy otherwise you get the whip.
is that really the best way to live? I dont think it is.


What is the best way to live? what can make you happy?



me personally?
for me happiness is having as little responsibilities as possible, not being chained to a job or a roastie and not having any type of "debt" to anyone, not to society or any persons.
and indeed 100% of my time belonging to myself is what gives me the most happiness. I need all that time to indulge in hobbies that interest me, to sleep whenever I want, not having a schedule that was made by someone else for me etc.
so what makes me happy is having the Freedom to do what I want and most people could be happy with that too but normalfags get pressured by society and their dicks to load up on as many responsibilities as possible, they need that job, they need that roastie, they need that kid, they need that debt to finance that new car and they need more stress, eventually it all comes crashing down on them like tower 7 in freefall.


Nah. My cousin is a chad normalfag, and he not only gets free vacations from his girlfriend but she also pays his food and bought him a car. Going by looks scales he is at least 4 points more attractive than her. They have 2 kids and he doesn't have to buy any of their food or diapers. She's fairly wealthy.

That's one way to kick biologys ass and not become a cuck provider, but it completely depends on birth luck.
I don't know if he fucks hotter succubi on the side or even has permission to do so.

That guy actually gave me his old PS3 and a ton of games, so he's a good normie in my books.
Though a lot of it is boring neurotypical stuff like Fifa and NHL which I have no interest in, I only play RPG's and epic fantasy.


are you independent? do you have money to live on your own?


>Going by looks scales he is at least 4 points more attractive than her
probably has a microdick and had to settle for the uggo.
>he doesn't have to buy
>She's fairly wealthy.
how is that good in your book? hes basically depending on her financially. he isnt free.
just another slave, if he doesnt do what the roastie says she cuts off the money.


The point being humans are weird creatures and have all sorts of arrangements and dynamics.

There are also men who trade looks for wealth. But ai do agree it's pseudo slavery just like insta succubi livingnwith ugly men for gifts and vacations.


How did you manage that? What do you do for a living?

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