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How do I get rid of my desire to have children and to continue my lineage?

I’ve been able to eliminate my desire for succubi and stop fantasizing about romantic relationships but I still have a desire to be a father and at times daydream about having children to raise and play with.

I feel once I rid myself of this want I can truly be content with my existence as a solitary invisible man in this decaying world.


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you can still adopt a daughterfu


realize that even if you have kids, the BEST case scenario is that they get well-socialized and become just another braindead consumer retard. your son will either be an invcel like you because he inherited your genetics, meek personality or mental illnesses. or he will be a beta male that doesn't question anything slaving away at a job for a wife and kids (if he's lucky), or a faggot. your daughter will be a whore or a secret whore, not much variety there. and that's your legacy bro.

none of this seems worth it when you calculate the sheer cost of raising them, having to put up with a bitch wife and her demands, and also all the effort you have to put in to steer them away from bad shit and even then, they might just flip the switch once they hit 18 anyway, like most brainwashed mormon and amish kids do and become even bigger degenerates as if to somehow compensate for what they missed out on.

"continuing your lineage" is just another abstract spook meme. humans are profoundly disappointing and putting it all in on some brats that you have no real control over is retarded. none of it matters when you die anyway.

if you want to have kids because you like the idea of making more little humans, then that's fine. you can enjoy being a father in the moment, but don't delude yourself you're leaving some big mark on the world or that it matters in the big scheme of things.


I dunno if it breaks rule. But I fantasize about a succubus who has a chip for a brain. And we love each other and unlike other succubi she has a purpose to be with me because she was made for me. It's the only thing that keeps me sane. Although I am already insane as today my waitress caught me talking to my imaginary girlfriend. We were talking about the food and taking the car for a spin near some parks. And my waitress was creeped out by me.


always remember to put feart inside normalfags



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Just binge on pessimistic and antinatalist content


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Get off this website if you are not content with being a virgin.


There are plenty of ways to be a parent without biologically siring the baby. Adoption being the most common..

Almost all (not all) men want to raise a kid because it's a primal, ancient biological instinct.
But it isn't something society or nature allows for every succubus or man. In fact, it requires tons of good luck and circumstance to happen.

A great portion of people who want a kid can never have one. No matter how rich or determined. It's a major blessing to have even one baby, yet assholes throw that opportunity away and raise them horribly in front of an iPad.


I am content with my wizard lifestyle. I have no desire to be with a succubus. I just have these fleeting thoughts of wanting to have a child to raise.

Another round of Cioran


because it's not a blessing to have a shit ton of responsibility in your life. Which is why most are neglected.
Why the fuck does it have to be pessimistic?
This. I thought the rules said the same?


Why should you? I mean, you can live with that desire like the rest of males who never get to reproduce.


just understand you're a modern day serf and your 'lineage' is worth shit.

You children will probably have a worse life than you, spare them the misery.


Not being able to, doesn't mean the crippling desire isn't there in the background nagging at you daily.

Especially as you age more and more, and start seeing things like video games or tv shows as meaningless background noise in the scheme of life.

The feeling can be squashed for a while with alcohol or drugs but then it comes back again.
It is painful and brutal to realize you were rejected from the human gene pool completely and nobody wishes to see it continue.

We are still animals at the core. Not machines. Things like this cause immense psychological torture.

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