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I think I grew to understand why normies are so fond of some philosophers whose ideas they do not follow at all, even worse, philosophers that even criticize the cattle mindset actively…

It's a trap to seduce the unexpert neurodiverse who really and deeply understands and agrees with these philosophers while still having traits of failed normie. They lure him into this deceit to mock and deceive him, praising what in depth they hate with demonic impotence.

Or that's at least the vibe I felt from watching comments about some philosophers on the internet.

Ever found yourselves in any situation like this one, wizzes?


I don't discuss philosophy. Nice bait.


You're literally a normie larping in this website the'


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wtf is that pic
are you retarded


oh yea.


This is what oldfag / millennial versus newfag / zoomer looks like.


And who's newfag there?


OP here. Pls tell me more about these zoomers. I do not have firsthand knowledge bout them, despite knowing the meme


I've witnessed this, yeah. One moment they'll proudly boast reading pessimist philosophy and these great thinkers but then if you actually bring up any of their pessimist ideas all they come at you with is the most tripe facebook-quote feel-good platitudes you've ever heard to the point it takes a few seconds to gauge whether this is their genuine opinion, yet it is.
So then why did they read all that? Why do they tout them as great thinkers? I haven't a clue.
Do they just accept the philosopher's status based on how their work is treated in academic context and conclude it must be important writing even if they don't see eye to eye with even a word of it, not even in a way that deepens their own, contrary view on the world? There's no questioning, there's no engaging, there's no rebuttal nor agreement. Then what is even retained but the plain text? Nothing but the ability to recite it.
Deeply puzzling. I don't believe these people are malicious however, it all seems too flat for that. Malice has either passion or mischief behind it, I've detected no such vitality.

Maybe when we consider how the average person engages with something else abstract like music, we can find an equivalent behavior. An appreciation for the already pedestaled works but without any of the personal understanding and affirmation of the work's position. Maybe it's the same pattern found in certain reactions to contemporary classical? Going against their every notion of what makes beautiful music, yet forced to respect it due to international recognition by other intellectuals. Who knows, really. I wonder if we're not guilty of the same behavior somewhere ourselves.


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I like philosophy but I don't understand what philosophers were trying to say in their book. you may call me a pseud, but I'm a philosophy amateur


I do not believe for a second that their thought process is long and elaborated enough to the point they intentionally make a trap like that, even if it does work like a trap.

They are posers. Saying that they read and respect philosophers is just signaling that they are intelectuals, they don't really understand or respect these ideas at all, so if you try to have some actual discussion, the normie programming kicks in, they see you as a loser and start spouting the bullshit they have been trained to say.

Pretending to respect the "authority", the "experts" or great thinkers in any field (be it philosophy or anything else) is just basic normie programming.


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i am a wiz philosopher. after isolating from society i spent years ardently and incessantly searching for the truth. i thought i found it in a kind of nihilistic materialism, but i didn't know how utterly lost i was. i think it might have been this passionate, sincere, disinterested searching for the truth (regardless of my incompetence and actual failures) that attracted the attention of some kind of benevolent transdimensional entity. regardless of the reason, this entity revealed the ultimate truth to me in the form of a mystical experience. i then used my own skills in philosophical reasoning to put the truth contained in that experienced in words, concepts, and chains of reasoning.

i naively expounded this at length in some online places, including here, trying to share with others this ultimate truth that had been revealed to me, keeping to myself the supernatural means through which i had gotten it, and making it look like just the product of clever reasoning. but no one understood it anyway, and the only reactions i got were confusion and anger, or suspicion (because some thought i was trying to bewilder or impress others with my writing). it was like the escaped prisoner in plato's allegory of the cave who is then killed by the other prisoners when he returns to tell them the truth.

now i bide my time in the material world, in complete physical isolation, until my body, the anchor chaining me to this prison, rots and i can finally be free in the afterlife with my loli wife (2d).


>lolicon philosopher
O grand wizard, teach me the way


please tell me the truth

Its possible that I will not understand too, I don't want to waste your time, so just give me a short version, if its too much trouble


just try to follow their arguments


>please tell me the truth
Not that dude but, basically:
"Life is suffering."
That's it.
Have a nice day.


>trying to share with others this ultimate truth that had been revealed to me,
share it again in this thread


I need to stop coming to this place.


This happens to philosophy and almost every damn thing coming from them. Remember the Hidden War meme.


>Remember the Hidden War meme.
the one about Duende and Guende?

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