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Have ever held a micro-job? if yes what was the task and how much money you'd made from it per day/week/month? was the work easy?
you may had heard of micro-job from the 'amazon mechanical turk' held by amazon.


honestly, If you find a good one its 100x better than being a wageslave and dealing with people.

keep in mind that its not easy to fin a reliable one and the paymend is above average. still, its better than leaving home and dealing with stupid people

freelance is also fine if you have some skills


>freelance is also fine if you have some skills
aren't all drawfags freelance because they price their work on twatter?


Not really, some are employed by companies to do concept art and such. But that is definitely rare.


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i will pay you 5c per post, 10c per thread but they have to be interesting and/or funny.


you're too generous my lord, I can't accept your offer I don't have a paypal account


I do art comissions so yes.


can you post one of your drawings? I want to see how you draw. also, how much do you earn for one commission?


I did for some time. First take into consideration that I'm in the Third World, so just the fact that the payment was in dollar made a huge difference. About the job itself, it may get good but it's not completely reliable. There are times when tasks become available that may give you a total of 50 dollars or even more a day without barely taking time, but they won't last for much more than one week so, and the best ones you can consistently get are less than 1 or 2 dollars an hour of completely filled "work", which is easy but boring and repetitive. You also can't have much attachment to your personal data, I did some tasks that required me to give my personal phone number and then wait for calls where I would record some audio. I know a lot of people wouldn't really want to give personal information to some maybe sketch Russian contractor, but I just didn't care. Amazon Mechanical Turk specifically is not active in my country (I did try to sign in), Toloka and Premise were the ones I used, though Premise involved a lot of outside tasks (going to markets, taking photos of places, etc).


and what was your tasks on tolotek?


Recording audio, watching youtube videos and tagging "inappropriate content", clicking pictures of animals and objects, visiting sites and noting what was asked (such as is there a discount coupon, how much is it for, etc), this type of things. Supposedly I was training AI. There were also some not worth it like transcribing audio, it's harder and takes longer than you'd imagine.


how much you got paid? you were paid per weeks or per tasks?


It's per task. As I said, it depends on the projects available at any given time.


can you give me an example of what you earned a month if you can, please? if you dont its ok. did you quit? do you have a 'real' job now?


It was possible to make something like 200 or 300 dollars a month with 4 hours of work a day. I did quit and move to UX/UI testing. Honestly, out of all the no-qualification self-employed jobs out there, it seemed like testing is the only and best one that might allow for an actual reliable living, though it has a slow start. But I ended up quitting there as well because I got some money from other sources in real life that allowed me to become NEET.


nice ascent 👍, you're now a comfy NEET, the ultimate goal


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Here's an example of my work. I charge about $400-$500 per picture.


damn that's nice, you know how to draw very well, I'm jealous. how many comissions do you have per month?


Are you blind? That's blatantly an AI picture.


Wiz said he did it, people don't just go on the Internet and tell lies.


I got tricked, I'm dumb


I used to go on Mturk while waiting for my neetbux application to be approved. It's basically slave labor. You will never make enough money to survive. The most I ever made on that platform in one month was like $600.

It's probably more sustainable if you're in a third world country where cost of living is super low.


>The most I ever made on that platform in one month was like $600.
did you work every days? for that paycheck?


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Here is a sketch.

It REALLY depends on who I am working with.
I would say the average is around 20-60$ per drawing.
Commissions have ran up dry last year, most of my "commissions" being some sort of scam or "sorry, can't comission you rn but I will keep you in mind when I get the spare cash".

Had many more commissions when my art was worse for some reason.
From what I heard we are going though some sort of economic remission and artists are experiencing some sort of stripper index situation.
Could also be the raise of AI.


ok thank you. yeah maybe a.i will kill artists lmao. what kind of graphics tablet d o you use? I want to start drawing on a tablet. something cheap


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XP pen Artist pro 16 (Gen 2). (I got it on an XP pen aniversary discount)
Upgraded from Wacom One (the older 2016 model)

Neither are exactly cheap options. Doupt you will find many cheap options that have a screen or atleast that aren't complete dogshit. Personally researched different tablet models in the price range like 3 days before making the decision to buy it. GAOMON PD1161 or some other GAOMON product seems to be the economic option but I cannot vouch for it quality to price wise as I never had one of those.
Also if you have any plans to make a living off art comissions, with that time and dedication just become a doctor or a nurse or something and I am 80% serious. Also most are looking for rendered pieces not sketches so learn how to do that early.

Also is 2D porn/nudity ok here? I know no 3D porn but nothing is said about the 2D vareity. Most of my art has usually some ammount of nudity.


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I just want to use it to draw better on ms paint. Look I found this for 50 bucks. https://www.amazon.fr/XP-Pen-Tablette-Graphique-Batterie-Raccourcis/dp/B01ET9EQXE/ref=asc_df_B01ET9EQXE?mcid=3efa56ad0ae33f0990f91f103bd7a355&tag=googshopfr-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=701511851276&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=7466239595838301622&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9055989&hvtargid=pla-471812634470&psc=1&gad_source=1
I don't want to do commission because I'm bad at drawing and the requester demands good skills (like you). yeah you can't post 3d porn, you can post 2d porn but I don't know if its ok on main boards


AI will decimate natural drawing within 6-12 months completely.

Nobody will pay for drawings generative AI can make wirh a higher quality for free in 0,1 seconds using any prompt.


I think you can post your 2d nudes but spoiler it in case


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I am a newfriend apprentice. How do I spoiler images
Once I upload the image I do not get any prompts to spoiler it.


It's on top of the screen, besides the "new wisdom" button. Won't appear on the quick reply window.


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Thanks , have this monster succubus as a reward.

(also I do need to remove all signatures and watermarks from the drawings before posting the, right?)


> monster succubus
Fine word filter , you win…she is a… Lizard-person


you mean a reptilian?
i heard reptilians rule over the jews, and the jews have control over the weather
can you tell her to tell the jews to turn the heat up a bit?
it's awfully cold this time of the year


I tried, she only rules over the agriculture jews.
They are not on the best terms with the weather jews.



I'm on SSI so I'm paranoid about making money, I'm worried they'll take away my neetbux if I make too much money. I think there are rules that I can't have more than $2,000 at any time.


I see. I'm also on ssi (disablebux) and if I work, my disablebux will stop


In my state there's no point because it's all locked down by regulations. Pretty much all you can do is shit like hanging stuff on walls or setting up ikea furniture. Everything else needs to go to licensed contractors.


I am guessing somewhere in the EU.
I am always shocked by the amount of red tape even the most basic stuff over there requires.


Imagine if every business had the equivalent of micro-jobs: like small, carefully defined pieces of work that were useful to the business, maybe standardized so they can easily be reused. None of which would constitute a full time position because the company doesn't want or need anyone full time.

And anyone could just come in and grab a micro-job, do the work, and easily get paid. No hiring process at all needed. If someone doesn't "work out", the chunks of work allocated are so small anyway that anything wasted costs almost nothing and is more than made up for in the efficiency gains from the open hiring process.

Essentially, under this process it might look like this: a cleaner ordinarily wants a full time cleaning gig but they're harder now to come by. So instead of one full time gig, they pick-up 10 micro-cleaning jobs from local companies in a row. The work is listed in chunks and allocated intelligently based on a simple reputation system. Perhaps, optimized to balance supply and demand in a way where the system is sustainable.

The core idea is there would be no interview process at all, virtually no hiring contracts, and standardized work. In place of bureaucratic inefficiency would be an open system for work running on a simple reputation system. Opportunities for scamming would be minimal due to payments done for small divisional chunks. Relationships are both fast to be made and fast to terminate. This weeds out bad employees and bad employers. As they are caught early on in the process.


reminds me of this

tbh i like the idea of the small "quests" that you can do whenever you want, and with a lot more variety than doing the same thing for years and having to show up at cruelly early hours

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