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[–]  No.220398>>220958>>221010[Watch Thread]

So, why being a NEET, shut in, basement dweller, hiki, is always tied to being lazy and underachiever in general? Like, what's the psychological process behind it?

[–]  No.220399>>220400

you found ways to cheat your body into relieving you from stress and you abuse those cheats

[–]  No.220400

The same could be said about any coping mechanism

[–]  No.220958

>>220398 (OP)
Not getting slaved out there for a world which deserves less than nothing from us.

I knew I had no remedy after reading that stuff about "strategy and authority".

[–]  No.220966>>220969

Relationships, sex, social hierarchy, providing for loved ones is the carrot used to motivate normal people to "achieve" things like money and plebjobs. A NEET has no reason to seek social status etc and so it is no longer a wise thing to do

[–]  No.220969>>220972

Somebody who doesn't want sex or kids still needs to eat, sleep, and stay warm. Somebody who doesn't go partying every Tuesday still may want to test his creative abilities by creating something he personally enjoys. Someone who doesn't slam dunk basketballs on the home court will still benefit great from an active, healthy lifestyle.

Fucking LDAR kiddies and ant-male trolls need to go back to soyjakparty

[–]  No.220972

I agree with all that, but for many people it isnt enough motivation and they remain directionless and dissatisfied. True wizards who can find satisfaction in those things certainly exist, but they are rare. I was also making reference to normie definitions of "underachiever" because metrics of achievement are completely arbitrary and relative.
A happy but poor wizard that gains personal satisfaction from drawing art would be an excellent success to me, but from a normie perspective could likely still be seen as an underachieving failure - the typical definitions of success are inherently linked to antiwizard ideals

[–]  No.221010>>221011

>>220398 (OP)
Protestant work ethic, internalized through being raised in a culture that glorifies working and achieving material success (because it has to in order to perpetuate itself). NEETs, hikis etc break that cycle by not following the programming and "just" being okay with the minimum necessities to live and not working more than they have to to get it, if at all. Shaming people like that for being unambitious is just crab mentality or projection because most people who are caught up in the rat race hate it themselves and might see NEETdom as an escape.

As for why a NEET/hikki might actually be unambitious or lazy, I think many people start out by doing absolutely nothing because they are exhausted from trying to live a "normal" productive life. But after a while it becomes a rut and hard to break out of, like a kind of depression maybe. Once you lose momentum it's incredibly difficult to get it back. Perhaps that's why many NEETs seem like they are just rotting away.

[–]  No.221011>>221012

very relatable
the work ethic is universal across many societies
i would argue people need to chill the fuck out and learn to rest, but the rats seem to enjoy their race, so okay fine whatever, let them be

[–]  No.221012

In my experience many don't in fact enjoy the race. They simply cannot conceive of another way of existing. Older people are already too chained up by their material or familial responsibilities so they have to keep working to finance it all. Younger people get memed into chasing shiny goods and status to feel good about themselves or better than others.
Neither will change anything as they fear social disapproval too much, even if that means living a life they dislike.

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