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So, why being a NEET, shut in, basement dweller, hiki, is always tied to being lazy and underachiever in general? Like, what's the psychological process behind it?


you found ways to cheat your body into relieving you from stress and you abuse those cheats


The same could be said about any coping mechanism


Not getting slaved out there for a world which deserves less than nothing from us.

I knew I had no remedy after reading that stuff about "strategy and authority".


Relationships, sex, social hierarchy, providing for loved ones is the carrot used to motivate normal people to "achieve" things like money and plebjobs. A NEET has no reason to seek social status etc and so it is no longer a wise thing to do


Somebody who doesn't want sex or kids still needs to eat, sleep, and stay warm. Somebody who doesn't go partying every Tuesday still may want to test his creative abilities by creating something he personally enjoys. Someone who doesn't slam dunk basketballs on the home court will still benefit great from an active, healthy lifestyle.

Fucking LDAR kiddies and ant-male trolls need to go back to soyjakparty


I agree with all that, but for many people it isnt enough motivation and they remain directionless and dissatisfied. True wizards who can find satisfaction in those things certainly exist, but they are rare. I was also making reference to normie definitions of "underachiever" because metrics of achievement are completely arbitrary and relative.
A happy but poor wizard that gains personal satisfaction from drawing art would be an excellent success to me, but from a normie perspective could likely still be seen as an underachieving failure - the typical definitions of success are inherently linked to antiwizard ideals


Protestant work ethic, internalized through being raised in a culture that glorifies working and achieving material success (because it has to in order to perpetuate itself). NEETs, hikis etc break that cycle by not following the programming and "just" being okay with the minimum necessities to live and not working more than they have to to get it, if at all. Shaming people like that for being unambitious is just crab mentality or projection because most people who are caught up in the rat race hate it themselves and might see NEETdom as an escape.

As for why a NEET/hikki might actually be unambitious or lazy, I think many people start out by doing absolutely nothing because they are exhausted from trying to live a "normal" productive life. But after a while it becomes a rut and hard to break out of, like a kind of depression maybe. Once you lose momentum it's incredibly difficult to get it back. Perhaps that's why many NEETs seem like they are just rotting away.


very relatable
the work ethic is universal across many societies
i would argue people need to chill the fuck out and learn to rest, but the rats seem to enjoy their race, so okay fine whatever, let them be


In my experience many don't in fact enjoy the race. They simply cannot conceive of another way of existing. Older people are already too chained up by their material or familial responsibilities so they have to keep working to finance it all. Younger people get memed into chasing shiny goods and status to feel good about themselves or better than others.
Neither will change anything as they fear social disapproval too much, even if that means living a life they dislike.


The social contract has been torn to shreds and used as toilet paper by humanity as a whole. There is no loyalty to or pride in ones community, family, etc. You're not lazy, attempting to overcome this is simply impossible, inhuman. If you were to do anything aside from give up, or go randomly kill any and everyone as an alarm to things being truly broken, you'd be a retard.


I'd say that's because it's a form of retirement. All they see is wasted muscle. Unexploited resource. This is frustrating, so they berate it and craft this image. Like a verbal fumigation. If you're choked out by this and leave your lifestyle for fresh air, you're caught and exploited.

Ambition is poison, attachment is poison. None of us are healthy, but some of us are a lot sicker than others. If you can be NEET with minimal vice, without falling for the needless toil and hollow faux-spiritual masturbation of improvement, you can be very close to what healthy looks like. Though I don't know what kind of person is able to live like that. Weakness is too common.


Unfortunately that's only possible in a select few Nordic countries which represent 0,10% of the world population, unless you were born independently wealthy.

Everyone else on this hellplanet is bound by wageslavery and "improvement".


Earth is a magnificent place to live.


It isn't for most humans. Mostly because their forefathers were too greedy and dumb and overpopulated most areas.

It is good for a few animal species - as long as decent humans throw the people hunting them to extinction in prison (or stop them from making animal habitats into apartment complexes, giant cattle ranches and palm oil fields).

If you purely mean the scenery and landscapes, sure.


This wiz gets it. I often marvel at my rural landscape and take joy in it. But I know if some degenerate were to find some kind of metal or rare earth here (((they))) wouldn't hesitate to tear it up. It seems like those of us who cherish and appreciate this world (nature, not human society) are doomed to watch as the rest rapes and pillages it for the sake of short term profits.


Yeah I too am starting to understand how overpopulation causes this industrial nightmare. More consumers means more money can be squeezed out of the earth, but it has to be done more efficiently, and on a larger scale too. Say you produce cutlery - for a thousand people you can afford to produce them more slowly and put more care into your product. But if you have hundreds of thousands, even millions of potential clients, you will want to produce as fast as possible. Where previously you could craft nice, maybe even beautiful engraved spoons that could be handed down to next generations, you are now producing the most profane stamp metal pieces of shit. Not sure if this illustrates my point, but what I mean is that there is no beauty in survival at the lowest cost possible.

There is really no reason for many if not most people to reproduce, other than their animalistic pleasure of filling a cunt with cum. I used to be full of hate for new world order stuff and people like Klaus Schwab and Yuval Harari, but now I see that this rate of human reproduction and exploitation of Earth is really not sustainable. If the powers that be don't gently sterilize the population, we'll be back to the stone age.


Yeah I mean I'd rather live on earth than mars for example.


That is pretty much exactly what drove Unabomber over the edge. He got enough of industrialization and moved to a very remote log cabin and lived there in peace for years living off the land.

Then the county in Lincoln, Montana decided to run a highway right in front of his home and started taking down the forest. He just went berserk and started mailbombing all kinds of companies involved in deforestation or who pollute the environment to an extreme degree.


t. the demiurge


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Yeah I am pretty convinced we will see complete economic and probably a lot of ecological collapse within our lifetime (complete ecological collapse will happen but only after we're dead I think). The last estimates I saw was that we had about 30 years worth of oil left and we're already starting to tap into the hard to get shit because we used up all the easy reserves, hence off shore fracking and so on. At some point we will reach the point of diminishing returns, where a barrel of oil worth of power will only be able to extract a barrel of oil from the earth. Then it's going to be game over as everything is built on this card house of easy cheap energy.
And this is just the purely economical side of it, the cascading ecological effects will also be insanely bad and will probably drive human kind close to exctinction, if not wipe us out completely. We had our chance and we wasted it but I weep for all the species we are dragging down with us.

I think we could see many more Unabombers in the future as younger people realize what their future entails and become more and more radicalized. Maybe this is wishful thinking but I do hope that the ceo shooter was just the first of many to come.


>I think we could see many more Unabombers in the future as younger people realize what their future entails and become more and more radicalized. Maybe this is wishful thinking but I do hope that the ceo shooter was just the first of many to come.
It is all going exactly as Ted foresaw. Memes about him have spread very effectively over normie social media, even tiktok, despite all the algorithms obviously being designed to prevent exactly this. The time for his ideas is coming. It is incredible what he achieved. It has been shown so clearly by him that violence can spread ideas to millions of people


The insurance shooter guy killed someone who is personally responsible for causing a number of avoidable deaths comparable to upper ranking nazi officers in 1930s Germany, purely for financial gain.

Unabomber targeted companies mostly based on their environmental impact. His home did get ruined by roadworks but there was no implicit killing (except of the forest ecosystem).


I realize the difference between the two. I meant more broadly "small", regular people fighting back

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