School sucks
Training sucks
Work sucks*
*But sometimes work must be done or the wizard goes hungry
Simple as that
>>219468I watched a video last night in which the author discussed a recent statistic saying that the amount of male NEETs who also aren't even looking for new jobs went up by 60% in the UK. I think it's a more general trend of men checking out of society as a whole.
>>219475>I think it's a more general trend of men checking out of society as a whole.true, it's a helpless try to say 'we don't like the society we live in'
>>219478the juice ain't worth the squeeze for a lot of people anymore.I wonder what would happen if assisted suicide became legal and available for anyone who wanted it.
The reason men go to work is to support a wife and children. Without that there's not much reason to have a job.
The reason succubi go to work is so they can afford trips to Jamaica, order uber eats, and watch netflix. Men don't have that same consumer brain so they just stay home when they don't have a family to provide for.
It's pretty obvious. We're anti-social and often the benefits of work (money) don't outweigh the cons of dealing with people for 40+ hours a week. The background shame of relying on your parents and being looked at as a manchild seem like a cheap price to pay for temporary peace of mind.
>>219485If euthanasia was fully legal and without much constraint, a sizable minority would jump at the opportunity to rope themselves, yeah.
>>219486This. Work has always been required for those who have something important in their lives to grind for. That something important has always been either a family or some kind of hope to achieve something big. Wizards have neither and thus there's not really a reason for us to work. succubi just have to work because these days a man cannot support an entire family with his own paycheck.
>>219486>>219527the other way around could be argued. Why so many neets are wizards?
Being a neet also lead to less social contact, more rusted social skills, more alienation from normies, less opportunities to socialize, all of that probably increases the likehood of being a wizard.
Loneliness is a cycle, because loneliness is now a stigma, a sign of low value, and people don't care, will not put the effort to interact with someone "weird", the other way around, they will avoid them. So, the more lonely a person is, the more lonely she will become. Its probably a similar thing with neetdom, kind of an egg or the chicken situation.
>>219568should I call an undefined "person" a "he/him"? Because that is what I wanted to say, but I am not great at english and may have defaulted to something similar to my native language, where the corresponding word for "person" is often referred to in the feminine, because of how it sounds, even if the gender is undefined.
What is the correct pronoun here? I quick search in google says I could use whatever.
>>219585You can use whatever, using "she" is not wrong
he should go back to reddit and stay there. I hope there isnt that much of reddit user on wizchan. nevermind
>>219605>>219606That's a succubus.
We have a succubus posting here.
Never let your guard down.
>>219585Ah, so it's just an ESLism, I assumed something different.
'He' and 'they' are the standard neutral pronouns, I would use the former when the subject's sex is likely to be male, and the latter when it's quite ambiguous. Using 'she' just makes you stand out as a feminist (or ESL) and I would only do it when the person's sex is most likely female.
Since you were talking about NEETs and social recluses, 'he' would be appropriate since as we know most of those people are male, females have it very easy with social life.
>>219604t. ESL-enabling feminist
>>219610Either one is fine.
>>219468It is because almost everyone here is a young adult virgin.
Sex comes with being social. If you arent social then you are likely to isolate. If you are isolating yourself then you are staying at home a lot. If you stay at home a lot and are young then you are likely a neet since you haven't lived long enough to actually support such a lifestyle.
>>219605Why did you find her?
>>219625That's genuinely curious, it requires social interaction at all times, while virgins are likely to isolate.
>>219609I really don't understand what's wrong with succubi. why are they flocking to the only place where the type of men they hate in real life take refuge in with each other? are they just programmed by nature to destroy every man made thing no matter what it is?
Low social connection and usually poor social skills make both romantic and business relationships difficult and unlikely to start.
>>219629Its about attention and control.
>>219629succubi lives with attention it's like water and food for them.
in my life i see so many male social circles become shitshow because of succubi.
i can clearly say, in any high quality male social group if there's succubi started to penetrate inside of that group it becomes normie shitstorm so fucking fast.
even if there's full anonymity, succubi changes of that social circle's dna to fully destroy originality and quality of it.
if you want to keep the quality, you need to beware of any succubi interaction.
most putas are as full of shit as a xmas turkey and not half as bright, never worth it…
Isn't it pretty strightforward? We get no positive reinforcement to try and doing nothing keeps winning out over something because the incentive just isn't there. If my father didn't make my life a living hell at home I'd still be LDAR.
>>219486also succubi enjoy socializing more, because theyre more readily accepted in social contexts. its proven both sexes prefer the company of succubi.
>>219629>why are they flocking to the only place where the type of men they hate in real life take refuge in with each other?The Kiwifarms and Soyjack links on that ugly freak's homepage make it clear that she enjoys surrounding herself with subhuman "counter-trolls" who live to defend the world from quirky children, guys who like Sonic, and anyone who DARES to disparage the LGBTQIA2+. Guys and trannies so disparately boring that they need to seek out reasonably normal people like us to live life vicariously through. The entire "lolcow" scene is full of these depressing types that spent all of their formative years being mocked IRL for being faggots so now they try to return the fire by mocking dudes online. Though while their whole school might have been laughing at them, the only people who are laughing alongisde Lolcow farmer types are their own pitiful in-group.
If you catch wind that some nigger is using a Lolcow site, stay clear because he is a mentally unwell tranny.
I can speak for myself. I have C-PTSD from my parents mistreating me all the time which made me a NEET. I am still one and I don't know how to get out of this cycle.
>>219929They make about 73% for each dollar about putting 10% of the work. And top 0.01% of men skee the wealth ratio in favour of men. If you'd like at the bottom 50% most succubi have more wealth then men.
>>219929succubi influence men's spending
normie men spend most of their money on succubi
most money and therefore most work is burned on useless vanities like new clothes every season, decorations, cosmetics, the newest iphone, new cars, etc. - things that don't serve any productive purpose
>>219468>I'm genuinely curious to understand why.Are you retarded?
>>219468The amount of retarded normalfaggotry around us is overwhelming, making the world a dull, miser and dangerous place.
We have particular tastes.
>>219861You would LDAR if your dad was nice? Confused and im sorry for your torment bro
>>219941Yep same here i refuse to work and will burdenmaxx this sick world
I've come to realize this site selects for people with mental and physical illness. It also selects for low IQ neet types who voluntarily choose unemployment. Both are barriers to finding a career or work
>>220106I don't know what to tell you. If I say it's because we're losers (according to society)
,some will tell you they're not losers because they don't kneel to society standards
>>219468Normalfags don't like us, we get the message and remove ourselves from society. That's what most hermits, sages and philosophers have done through the ages. All of them were neuroatypical people who were outcasted by the normalcattle.
>>219929men make money and succubi spend it
>>220106Wrong. Wizard sites strongly select for autism and non-neurotypicality. And that spectrum is very vast from 140 IQ geniuses to 60 IQ mouthbreathers who believe every conspiracy they watch on YouTube.
What they have in common is unhireability, because humans are social animals. Neurotypicals do
not want to be around autists.
There are no other legitimate career paths for autists except programming, and not everyone is interested in that. The other option is odd jobs.
>>222041Bad post.
>Wizard sites strongly select for autism and non-neurotypicalityWizard sites select for men of any background and level of intelligence who have rejected sex. This selection is done through the rules. "selecting" for autism doesn't make sense. Real autism is literal retardation and total adversity to any communication, especially that which is so reliant on nuance and interpretation as an imageboard. There is zero reason for an "autist" (in this case I guess you really mean shy, mentally unwell person) to participate in the hostilities and jockularity of an imageboard.
>What they have in common is unhireabilityMany, I'd say most users here have jobs. Some do manual labor, others earned high positions through education. Yes, some are even self-employed, but their work still depends heavily on in-person communication
>Neurotypicals do not want to be around autists."Booh hoo I'm a victim of society, nobody wikes me because of my autismu" juvenile BS. Nobody wants to be around (real) autists, sure. Most people wouldn't mind working with types like you who are just a little more reserved and not as outgoing as the other workers. Adult life isn't highschool where you're going to be gossipped about and shoved in a locker at your factory job because you give Stacy the ick.
>There are no other legitimate career paths for autists…Indeed, because autism is retardation which requires constant care.
>…except programming, and not everyone is interested in that.Why programming? Isn't a symptom of the less retardy considerations of autism a disposition to creative endeavors? Programming leaves near zero room for creativity and the product of your labor takes much longer to see compared to similar "on my own" hobbies and jobs.
>The other option is odd jobs.So basically autists can't do any work except for programming and… work? This "other option" just nullified your entire post.
You are not an autist. Stop trying to convince users that Wizchan is your idealized, fetishized version of a "wizard site" where we're all socially inept, high-IQ prodigies who are forced in to self-employment by evil normietards. It's perverse. Go to Lainchan or Uboachan if you want to stay sheltered by mass delusions of being in the company of pants-shitting autismo NEETs who have their pronouns in their Github bios.
>>222042>Wizard sites select for men of any background and level of intelligence who have rejected sex>who have rejected sexLMFAO last time I checked I've never been offered sex so no way for me to reject it in the first place.
>Adult life isn't highschoolLOL life is a big high school and you're just a retarded and delusional normalfag.
>>222043>LOL life is a big high schoolthis, normalfags love to play the social hierarchy bully game. last year started keeping and eating chickens, you'd be surprised how similar the way the social hierarchy gets formed compared to people.
>>222041>There are no other legitimate career paths for autists except programmingas a mouth breathing drooling retard, ive had some success in construction but overall prefer neeting
>>222042You really need to go look up what autism is before you launch into a wall-of-text uninformed shit post.
>>222047Do you know what the word "spectrum" means? That means there is a very wide variety of individuals who can function in various ways.
Highly functioning autists can be skilled programmers or in the case of Musk who was diagnosed as an adult, run a business. No.222049
>>222042You are clearly an autist in denial who tries to externalize the condition to "retards" because you're afraid it'll lower your social status.
You're just a regular, run-of-the-mill middle functioning autist and there's nothing wrong with that. Any qualified doctor who analyzed you and your life history leading up to virginity at 30 will come to that conclusion no matter how much you fight it.
>>222046>>222047I hate having to educate willfully ignorant people on something, especially on a website where a large portion of users have the condition which is a huge irony. But here it goes:
Not everyone with "Autism" is like rainman or the person you linked to. It's a syndrome that includes a bunch of related symptoms and people have varying levels of debilitation from it. Terms like "Autism", "high functioning autism", and "aspergers" were all merged into one banner which is now just "autism spectrum disorder" ASD. Since this banner doesn't define social impairment levels some countries have informal "levels" to talk about how impaired someone is with ASD.
Level 1 is the vid you linked – full time care
Level 2 requires some assistance – can live independently with help
Level 3 doesn't need help to live.
Whatever level of impairment someone with ASD has they all are still "autistic" meaning they share traits common with all autistic people. These are things like struggling with social skills, over-stimulation / sensitivity, different expressions of emotions, repetitive behaviors and so on. ASD has a very low employment rate and life expectancy than the general population.
If you're a high functioning autistic life is hell because you're still going to struggle to hold down a job. Probably have other comorbid mental health problems. And you'll appear normal enough to normies to think that you're just lazy. I've actually heard that people with down syndrome get more help than autists do. And have higher employment rates.
>>222051Plus the 3 levels you mentioned have a few sub-levels within them. At level 1 there are people who literally cN't get out of bed or eat without assistance and people who can but it takes them lots of willpower.
At level 3 you have people who can barely mask and people who can slither into the presidents pocket and become their personal aide. And a few levels inbetween.
I mean, if the website is about virginity then most of what goes with virginity also goes with being a NEET:
- schizo, loner, or misanthropic tendencies
- illnesses that prevent social integration
- personal philosophy thats incompatible
- supportive family to allow it
I think it's deeper than that, though. Go back a few hundred years and society wasn't so developed that there was an infinite drip of commodities in every direction. So if you wanted to eat you had to work. But the huge upside is that people actually had a shot of owning properties and land to roam on. But now: everyone lives in tiny boxes. So you're saying you want to get a job? Why? So you can buy another tiny box to live in one day and most likely die alone because modern relationships don't exist.
I think practically what has happened is society no longer needs men, but philosophically its even worse because it no longer has anything to offer men. Men no longer get to be men and do stuff because everything's been conquered, domesticated, and enslaved into hyper-efficiency. And they don't get to be protectors because society fills that role for succubi. succubi now work so don't need a provider. And even if they did they can split that between multiple providers as the new dystopian norm.
>>222053>Men no longer get to be men and do stuff because everything's been conquered, domesticated, and enslaved into hyper-efficiencyYou just summed up the root cause of modern depression and suicidal ideation into a single sentence.