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Disregard Females, Acquire Magic
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How can I stop feeling jelous or envious of my peers who have countless things that I lack (not speaking about muh sex or circles of friends), I recognize nature, genetics, and luck are not in everyone's favor and people are different hence it is irrational to envy someone else since we are different, you just thrown into this world and the rest is history, I wish to end my Īrṣyā:


The solution is right in front of you, both in the wiki link and from your use of the term "Īrṣyā". Buddhism is basically the practice of removing this, and removing desire in general (as they teach that desire is the cause of all suffering).


>they teach that desire is the cause of all suffering
Such a stupid philosophy


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I do not believe desires are that bad, they just need to be controoled, balanced and in moderation


you do struggle against desires that's how. check out dep there are some quotes there already


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I will see if i can find the quotes general thread


let go of things that don't belong to you


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I have read this thread two days ago, but i did not pay enough attention to some posts, thank you for linking it, i will re read it and read the newer posts


you do a good job of making me feel stupid! i appreciate your skill honestly


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>>218003 Do not think like that, often i skip some posts in the threads am reading or just skim too fast to gasp anything


Become that what you envy and give it to the right person if front of their noses, while denying carefully to others.

The targets of both destination and denial of these gifts should be determined by your stance against these feels of envy. Psychic fights, you'll see…


Is there any podcasts/interiews with him i must listen to?


I think it's pretty much as you say, we're all on different paths. You have to come to terms with the fact that not everything in life is granted or possible to everybody. My disposition made it so that I spent my teens inside playing games and watching anime instead of seeking interaction with peers. Then later in higher education, it took me about twice as long as 'normal people' to finish my degree because I couldn't handle a full course load. Feeling bad about it won't change anything. Wishing it was different will only make the pain worse. It's probably about detachment and acceptance.


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Thank you, Thank you

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