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Disregard Females, Acquire Magic
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how do you deal with your work colleagues? are they cool or annoying? do they know about youre being a wizard? do you talk to them or they talk to you? do you think they talk behind your back and think you're weird?


Top: soul
Bottom: soulless


people quickly figure out you're a social retard of some kind and they stop respecting you. depending on the age of your co-workers, they might bully you if they're young. if they're middle-aged, they already have families and kids so they generally cooler and don't feel like they have anything to prove. depends also on the environment. office work where you mostly do work on your own and just have meetings and shit, it will be more chill than if you have to do manual labor and quickly coordinate with other people on shit. if you're incompetent at your job, you'll quickly get fired or ostracized until you quit because what people hate the most is when you make their job harder.


>how do you deal with your work colleagues?
Mostly by remaining professional and keeping most communications somewhat work related.
A few dudes have similar enough interest or personalities where occasional small talk about latest pop-culture nerd thing is had, but that is the extent of it.
Oh, and unironically the weather is a frequent topic of small talk.

>do they know about youre being a wizard?

Why the fuck would that ever come up at work?

>do you think they talk behind your back and think you're weird?

As long as it doesn't effect my pay or make my job harder I don't give a shit. I make a point of avoiding gossip. I have low tolerance for such things.


>Why the fuck would that ever come up at work?
well coworker ask if you have a gf, says no, then coworker ask have you ever had a gf, says no, then he says WHAT? you had sex at least right anon? says no
I hate it too because you're put in trouble just for listening to it


Ive worked alone for almost all of my adult life.

Probably why I am 38 and still a wizard. There were only a few years where I actually had coworkers and I didnt talk to them much other than occasionally having lunch with them.


what was your job to get alone all these years?



Software developer for a government contractor. I lucked out in many ways to get int he position I am. Reshuffling happened during COVID and while other people found new jobs I was just like "fuck it, they can fire me. I dont care I have enough in savings to survive at least two years"

But I didnt get fired. I got hired by another company to do the same work but the guy assigned as my supervisor doesn't really giev a shit about me. He has no idea as to what I actually do but he signs my timesheets and I do my own performance evaluations. Apparently people wanted me around and I have no fucking clue why because I dont do shit. I think they just want to say they have someone working on this project but no one cares about it actually getting completed.

Things will probably change now that Trump is looking to trim the fat on federal spending, which includes funding leeches like me. But then again I am a contractor so they will probably just reassign me to another project at another location where I am actually expected to work.


>well coworker ask if you have a gf
I don't talk about my personal life and would just shut down the conversation and change the subject.

You do know you don't have to answer questions if you don't want to.


Not him, but I dont know how to steer conversations like that without it being a disaster



The fun thing about normies is if you stand your ground after a conversation falls apart they will almost always blame themselves for the conversation "being a disaster".
As long as you aren't rude or abrasive about it then you are probably fine.


ok but what exactly should I say if I don't want to answer a question?
>I don't want to talk about it
somehow I feel like that will only bring more questions, trouble and gossip
normies have no moral brakes, they will not stop until they get their dose of drama


How to refuse to answer a direct question without being rude or abrasive? I find it really hard.


My work colleagues are mostly nice, laid back people. That being said they all have very strong opinions on things and everyone seems to know best about everything. They also do not question why we do the work that we do (tech/IT), they just automatically assume that more tech is more better.


Normalfags tend to identify with the group they belong to. If they got a sweet deal for a well-paid job in a torture device factory, they would take it and come up with some justification for why torture is actually good.


>normies have no moral brakes, they will not stop until they get their dose of drama


the problem is the mockery, I don't care telling them I'm still a virgin


Fascinating and true. If you then criticise the torture they take it as a personal attack. They even change to manifest standard characteristics of the normal employee there


>Why the fuck would that ever come up at work?
Imagine working as a D.E., E.I.T, or Mech.D. in a contract for five years. You know your P.E. right down to the number ID printed on his official engineer's stamp. You know his daughter's name. You know how many years ago he was divorced. You know his childhood dog's name, you know the street he grew up on, you could probably answer all of the questions a standard e-mail account asks for to perform a safety reset, and oh by the way you almost certainly also know his personal e-mail account. Because you've worked on projects that require a legally binding imprimatur together for five years, and if you are laid off or quit he will be the one signing your letter of recommendation to your next employer. Do you think he doesn't know you? Or has managed to know you without knowing specific things about you? He's a smart guy. If you think you managed to avoid the right questions, he's seen a pattern to the questions you've avoided.

I wish people on this site would be a little more understanding when a wizard talks about becoming publicly known as a virgin. It is practically never a matter of wearing a goddamned bold fonted virgin pride t-shirt, or of proclaiming it at one's first handshake. It is more generally a matter of one piece of knowledge building on another, and when it is a matter of a single out of pocket awkward comment, that often comes from the normalfaggot side. It is astonishing the amount of stupid shit normalfaggots will say on a daily basis. A married coworker once attempted to rake me verbally because I shower in the morning and he does not. There is not and should not be a moral requirement to be good at verbally sparring with frequently unfriendly people in the workplace.


People don't give that much about random dudes they work with in the real world.
You are ether delusional or trying to stoke paranoia of those who suffer from social anxiety.


why would your coworker be angry that you shower morning and him not? weird


>I wish people on this site would be a little more understanding when a wizard talks about becoming publicly known as a virgin.

You crab idiots are so ashamed that you're still a virgin, and are so paranoid to think that not only does anybody give a shit, but that these evil NORMIES will make your life HELL if they know you've never had a 14 years young succubus clawing at your back as her warm, wet nubile baby hole squeezes tightly around your manhood.

We are all virgins here but you types are the only losers.


it matters unless you can get neetbux, because normies at the workplace, as soon as they find out, go into alert mode
>what's wrong with him?
>is he a psycho or something?
>maybe he has a small dick :—DDDD
it negatively affects life experience and even the earnings
especially if you're not only a virgin, but also a social recluse with 0 friends
no one gives you any consideration, you won't get a raise, your opinions don't matter, because "well what the fuck are you gonna do, loser? who are you gonna complain to?"
living solo means living on extreme difficulty, with only 3 exceptions:
>you were lucky to be born with a good brain and can get a comfy job away from normgroids
>you were lucky to be born to rich parents and they shelter you
>you were lucky to be born in a rich country and can get neetbux
otherwise you won't understand the struggle
it's not about shame, it's about additional challenges that normies and you never had to face


>these evil NORMIES will make your life HELL if they know
Jokes aside, they literally will. Imagine walking into your job and the first thing the boss says is "Here's our virgin boy!" while all the succubi there start giggling and laughing. Another smug coworker will say start talking out loud to everyone about his sex last weekend the moment Monday hits whenever you're around and everyone except you will be impressed with him. Then he stops and looks at you "What's the matter shrimp dick, got something you wanna say?". And if you do come up and punch him in the face they'll all side against you and get you fired. That's the only outcome of letting normies know you're an adult virgin.


>no one gives you any consideration, you won't get a raise, your opinions don't matter, because "well what the fuck are you gonna do, loser? who are you gonna complain to?"
Schizophrenic paranoia.
>living solo means living on extreme difficulty, with only 3 exceptions:
The only downside to living and working while alone is that there's not going to be someone else to cover costs if your job goes awry.
>they literally will
They won't. If people reminding you that you're a virign, and then reminding you that THEY have sex is "hell" for you, then you're a crab.
>Then he stops and looks at you "What's the matter shrimp dick, got something you wanna say?". And if you do come up and punch him in the face they'll all side against you and get you fired. That's the only outcome of letting normies know you're an adult virgin.
This reads like a disgusting homsoexual fantasy of being bullied and kicked by some dude with a bigger dick, you fucking faggot.

Who is tricking you idiots this stuff? Is it thew television? Stop spreading your anti-virgin self-loathing and fearmongering here.


Well I personally have tried the other route of telling it to people and it didnt turn out well, because, no one was shocked or surprised, they basically said "Okay, everyone pretty much knew or guessed already by the way you carry yourself". So by next time it happened to me I said I'll just say I'm a slayer chad as a joke and it was the same reaction "You don't have to tell us we already can guess". So there is no reason to give yourself up for humiliation by normies if you can easily get away with saying the opposite anyway. The only trick is doing this all on day 1.


Do you work from home or something? I vividly remember the day all the newspaper front pages were all about the "Virgin Killer", everybody at work was talking about it. And here's the funny part, they wondering why would someone get mad about not getting sex but what superseded that HOW can someone not get laid. Then they spent the day or two querying everyone's sexual history in a joking way.

Normalfags, fake wizard, assume you have had sex until they are given a moment to think about it.


I can tell from your failed English that you're either from some brown or Eastern European country. What is topical for a single day in your shithole is no reflections of reality in the human world.


yes amerimutt, stay blissfully unaware


Ok newfag. You go round telling normalfag coworkers that you're a 30+ virgin.


I did. Can't allow a hole determine my self-esteem for not being with me.



That is just them trying to express some sense of superiority, I think. It is passsive agressive shit that young nromies do all the fucking time, especially when it comes to sex. They may have had sex only one time in their life but at the mention of virginity they would pile it on as to how pathetic it is for someone to be a virgin simply because it makes them feel superior.


by not interacting with them too much, theyre all drug addicts. theyre probably too busy talking to the voices in their head to talk about me behind my back. sometimes they ask for cigarettes and i tell them i dont have any.


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