Holy shit, got this really awful epiphany in the middle of the night, I'm a 30 years old man that never had sexual experience, by now, a man at my age has like maybe 14 years of sexual experience and relationship experience under the belt. I know, sex isn't everything, but still, it dawn on me that I never had some (in theory) fundamental aspect of human experience, or something. Honestly, I just don't know if I'm either sad, mad or just don't care. Feels like a door has closed to me.
>>213969A wizard worrying about entertaining a large amount of guest at their dinner party!
Not gonna lie, this place sounding more and more like it's filled with housewives.
>>213961It's a modern era, these are different times, and life always have been all sorts of fucked up.
You never had sex? it was bound to happen, either through inaction, passiveness, traumas, fears, insecurities(you know which ones), dislike, hatred, all kinds of things that affected you and led you to your current state.
Right now, I actually hate succubi but it's not a virgin rage or anything similar, I hate succubi just as much as I hate life and society.
I spend my time alone as a result
and my hatred is sincere. I don't even think that much about sex and I don't watch porn. I have it kind of easy.
Here is some advice, you should find why you are a virgin. Actually, you should find or try to find an explanation as to why you are the way you are, not just a reason behind your virginity, that's what helped me. Take some time off and find why you ended up as a virgin and make peace with it. Find what really pains you, what you really care about, what are something you can't emotionally live without, mediate a bit, do some introspection.
It is your life after all you are talking about, something that you should take seriously. Make your own decisions and see what works best for you. If being a virgin or rather the lack of sexual and romantic experiences is something that you have a problem with or simply something you wish to change, then go look for those experiences. I mean, you are going to be alone either way, you know? Try what's best for you but never lie to yourself.
>>213970>You conquered the urge to breed>conquered>urge to breedThat's a misunderstanding of what's going on. Do you know or have succubi who want to bear your children so that you have to fight your urge to breed them? I've never had an urge to breed in my entire life so this is a projection on your part.
>You conquered the urge to breed.
>implying urge for sex
>Rule 2 Do not state or suggest that you had, will have or want to have sexual or romantic experiences.
>he's missing out one of the most primal experience a human could have
>If he wanted, he could've done it.
>It takes discipline - innate or cultivated - to acknowledge and quiet a reptilian brain.
Being a neet virgin didn't take any effort of my part. Spending my time in my room instead of going out on the weekends and meeting succubi would actually take a lot of effort and mental strain for me, it would be too stressing, so no, I did not choose to be a virgin, it's rather comfortable and easy to keep safe in my own room using my computer, easy endless dopamine at one click.
You are so full of bullshit and have no idea what you are saying "disciplined"
>my brain wants sex, not me!
um, you are your brain. Do you have some sort of personality split disorder?
>>213978be careful with mentioning rules lest you get banned for discussing this site outside /meta/
>>213982sexual desire is too deeply rooted and is impossible to suppress until old age and even then it might let itself be known once in a while. it's your rational institution of brain whose opinion on sex matters. if you acknowledge your desire but do not direct towards real succubi thus not cultivating your internal crabwers you're a wizard. provided you're consistent, of course. otherwise you're not a wizard.
>>213961>Feels like a door has closed to me.There are prostitutes, if that bothers you. If it doesn't, then good, and you have nothing to worry about.
And you'll be very welcomed here.
Just start saying you did it out of moral superiority, maybe religious reasons. And you get the best of both worlds. You know you couldn't get sex if you tried anyway. But you get the feeling of being morally superior to all other men.
>>213984I am not OP but people need to realize that it's not about the pleasure of sex.
I am practically asexual with 0 interest in sex. I live in a place with legal prostitution but I was always happy just jerking off and felt like spending the effort and money for an urge I can satisfy myself is a waste.
But it's dehumanizing to realize that you are undesirable.
grow some self awareness please then talk to me
>>213992So it's not even about the base pleasure, but you're actually just a failed normalfag that feels bad because he wasn't validated by a succubus yet? That's even worse tbh…
>>213998He never said any of that.
It's just another case of being a reject and unlovable. Man, some of you have it so good you don't know what it feels being a real outcast, unloved and undersired even among your family.
>>213999I can understand horniness, but this belief that you need other people to love you or accept you in order to feel OK about yourself is classic failed normalfag value system. You won't last long as a wizard until you free yourself of such conditioning.
>>214000>this belief that you need other people to love you or accept you in order to feel OKif you'd gone unloved and neglected as a kid you wouldn't be saying that. It's not a system of beliefs. It's a reality that you feel and experience.
> You won't last long as a wizard until you free yourself of such actually has nothing to do with wizardry. Plenty of adult men have personality issues, drug abuse problems, and depression because they grew up in single mother households, without a dad, and an abusive mother. This is something that lasts for a life. Now add to that being a wizard. Shit gets heavy.
>>214001>It's a reality that you feel and experience.It's a belief.
"I'm undesirable" -> "This is bad and my life is horrible and unlivable" -> *feel depressed about it*
A wizard simply doesn't care about whether naked apes are pleased with his behavior or appearance. It matters very little and part of the societal grift is that you get conditioned into believing that approval from your fellow apes is something so precious and required for survival, but in reality, it's just a ghost that you can see through and live more independently.
>>214002you can't easily undo the damage that's done by abuse and neglect. I don't know why you are bringing up wizardry in a matter that has nothing to do with it.
>It's a belief.>"I'm undesirable" -> "This is bad and my life is horrible and unlivable" -> *feel depressed about it*It's trauma but you are too ignorant on this topic.
Shit, if you could fix people by telling them to just be happy and forget about their problems this world would be a lot nicer.
>>214003If you were denied love and approval, you'd quickly learn to live without it. You just grew dependent on it like all the other normalfags. You freak out when your co-workers don't like you or your life doesn't match the cultural ideal of what "normal" is.
I'm sorry, but you will never be a true wizard. A wizard rejects all of these things. And if you can't, that just means you don't belong and you should be chasing the love and approval you so deeply need apparently.
>>214004low effort trolling during christmas.
>You freak out when your co-workers don't like you or your life doesn't match the cultural ideal of what "normal" is.I don't have coworkers. I don't have a job. I am a neet wizard.
>If you were denied love and approval, you'd quickly learn to live without it.No, kids who are denied love and abused by their parents learn to cope through the years, and grow up all kinds of fucked up, some copes are unhealthy, like you wasting your time to troll right now.
I feel bad that your life didn't turn out the way you wanted it to be so that it brought you to this.
>>214005Lol, you can't even believe that there's true wizards out there that aren't reliant on social approval and aren't perpetually caught in some depressive grief over "not being desired". You know guys, it's not the sex stuff that I care about, it's just gosh darn impossible for me to accept that Tiffany didn't think I was a swell enough guy!
It's funny. Half the wizards are out partying now, and half are crying about not being invited and unloved. And I'm apparently trolling for pointing out you don't belong here…
>>214006Not even that poster that you think I am.
You know what's real funny, that you are trolling with inconsequential true wizard shit on christmas, trying to even wrongly gatekeep some strawman you just built.
Being a wizard, I can tell you are one pathetic idiot but you already know that.
Man, I am glad that I am not you. You made your own prison.
>>214007It's always the holidays that bring out the failed normalfags crying about being "undesirable". NYE's going to be fun too :)
sex is just a small part of it, it's all sorts of experience I am lacking. If you think about how fundamental human interaction is and how often people do it the gap in experience between me and them is absolutely mind-boggling. I look at normies and see how effortless it all is to them and of course in reflection it makes sense, if they do something every day over and over while I don't of course they will become naturals at it while I struggle with it. That's only the most basic part of the experience that I lack too, it's all other types of experience also. I have never been in a meeting or sent work emails or even basic things like ride public transport by myself. I don't know how anything works in reality by experience, I only have things that I know about by reading about them or seeing them on TV.
If you've never experienced it, your opinion on whether or not it's shit is moot. Much like your opinion on everything.
>>213961What seems to be missing in these kinds of threads is the horror of being gaslit since childhood about the reality of darwinistic society.
>>214116I don't make such claims and I don't want to be associated with people who do make such claims. All I know is the patterns I've observed in my own life.
I miss being young as well, OP. The doors are closing and once shut you won't have a key to open them again.
>>213973He was just talking hypothetically, I don't see the big deal.
>>214115You mean that it's a doggy-dog world?
>>214115> being gaslit since childhood about the reality of darwinistic're supposed to learn the truth by yourself, wiz.
If you haven't woken up, now's the time!
>>213961It's pretty clearly "don't care" but you haven't come to accept that so much of this shit was always a lie. For what it's worth, I've heard enough horror stories to see that "experience" isn't all that great. All of the "real sex" is in the secret societies and clubs anyway. The "normal experience" was to get the bad news that it was all a lie, and be a sucker - and then be told you were obligated to enter a fake marriage to be a wageslave, and no one was happy with any of it or got anything out of it. When there were no more jobs, because the rulers never wanted us to live, the outcome is obvious.
If you really want to "know", I can tell you - this is something I reverse engineered and a few men have told me - there is nothing you would learn at 16 that you couldn't learn at 30 or even 40. We were given this ideology which said our life had to pass by us, that we were "on rails". That "on rails" life only led to the slaughterhouse, and the people who insisted that is what we should be have laughed that they made us obey that. It's a joke to them.
The point being - I do not believe in encouraging men, but if you really want "the experience", you can go out and try to find it. You'll find "the experience" is regulation rejections, until someone takes pity on you and you get this paltry and sad thing, knowing the whole time that she's probably been to the orgies. The succubi who aren't part of that usually find a man early specifically to have an excuse to participate less / separate themselves from the entire affair. The remaining succubi are either committed to having nothing to do with men, or are retarded succubi who don't have any "experience" to give you. Most of those are afraid, and even if you did fuck them, they're retarded. You would feel icky afterwards, and she will be unhappy, and nothing good can come of that. She knows it, and if are yourself retarded, you'll know it too. It would be better to let her find happiness, and these days the "retarded" succubi are expected to fully sterilize themselves. They do a lot of hysterectomies, and birth control is straight up chemical castration and practically mandated. They push the injections which last years very aggressively, basically treating the succubi they threw away like sex offenders. That's the sort of "experience" you'd get. There's nothing good there.
If you are thinking about the thing you might naively want - the thing most of us would think would be worthwhile - that's something you can build very easily. It doesn't take much to stick the penis in a vagina and learn the rhythm to cum. It's very mechanical and dry. Frankly, what the succubus says isn't terribly relevant. I've heard it described from other men that they just stick to the technique that works, and they have a sense of how to stimulate succubi generally. succubi are never satisfied because they're trained to look for the bigger better thing, especially in this society. But, the "pleasure" has always been overrated. What they really find pleasurable is the backstabbing and humiliation ritual, to mark who is rejected. That is why they glorify this - to specifically mark who is rejected and convince us we're missing out on something great. It's a way to twist the knife in people to remind them humanity will never actually change. Why anyone would find that pleasant, I have no idea. But, you're not going to find a succubus who thinks like us. Those succubi figure out the hard way that it doesn't work that way, especially for them. If a succubus is decent, I wouldn't want to put her through any of that. Better that way.
>>213961Poor thing if you allow succubi making you regret what you are just because you did not fulfill their standards.
They rule you.
>>213961I agree with you. A lot of people here are zoomers in their teens or 20's so they don't understand what's it like to be an actual 30+ wizard. It does feel like you missed out on life. When you see people your age they all look so much mature than you. I sometimes feel like I'm still a fucking teenager compared to most adults. But hey, it could have been worse. We could have been normies with an active sexual life and we could have got the wrong succubus pregnant. That kind of shit ruins your life forever and there's no turning back. There are a lot of normies out there that would kill to be one of us.
There are normies who are baby trapped into relationships with succubi they hate, others have to wageslave like animals while living in poverty just so they can pay child support to roasties who just blow the money on their nails and designer bags. Believe me that being a wizard is not the worst fate you can have as a man.
>>218711Though I always knew about imageboards, I didn't bothered to lurk or shitpost on them until turning 24, because I thought I was too young. Now I am 25 and feel like a 12 years old. It is a pity when that's only about your self-esteem, so I am trying to regress nostalgically into my teenage hobbies/books
>>218718Most people in the world have to wageslave like animals even if they have no family or kids.
The small 0,1% born with inherited houses and stock portfolios is an incredibly privileged small elite.
30s here. Two things I've noticed I've lost since I was a teenager.
I used to be considered funny and be able to make people laugh. I was never a normalfag, but if I was having a one on one conversation I'd have enough observations to joke about and have fun. People did enjoy talking to me. Now even online I'm a boring person to talk to, and just waffle through the same complaints about life.
The second thing I've lost since I've stopped working and became a mentally ill NEET is I now have nothing to talk about when I meet people. I just say I haven't been up to anything, talk about the weather, talk about shit I'm going to buy with my NEETbux and ask them what they're doing. I'm also desperate to talk to people too, I'm exactly like that old man at the supermarket stretching out a conversation about toothpaste. Of course I have some self restraint to not waffle on, but I'm no different.
Sure, as a wagecuck I felt like roping constantly. But since giving it up it's like my personality and my passion for life has been entirely hollowed out.
>>218928Based on my experience, those old things come back. You just need to shed the baggage you picked up over the years and then finally experience something to reawaken your old self.
If I were to give any unsolicited advice, it would be to just start planning for the future more. It is easy to get into a self loathing malaise when you spend years not thinking of anything beyond the immediate. Could be something as simple as learning how to lift and hitting a certain weight target. Just give the brain something to do and plan for to keep it active and positive.
I'm having epiphanies at work as well about everything
>>213961If you can successfully go on no-fap without urges, feed your energies on edging, edging to transmutate. Spit the demon's face and get away with it,
>once and again>once and again>once and againThe "aura" thing. The presence it gives to you. If you find one of those coomers outside there who always say "nofap has zero benefit" you may trigger the fool with your sole presence.
>>218928Ok, man. Who's telling you this? YOu are stil considered a normie by wizchan's standards. Just a failed one, you have all the symptoms.
>wants converstion>despair bcos nothing to talk about>still answers when other normies ask him about his life, which is sort a nosy thing No.220132
>>218928Damn bro, you should start tulpamaxxing. A voice in head can keep you company.
>>220132how do i give myself schizophrenia to have a cute loli voice in my head?
>>220133Abuse drugs, eventually you will have a psychotic episode
>be 30 years old
>possibly not have a college degree
>good economic income
>useful skills
>artistic skills
>worries about something as vain as sex
I understand if you care about love, a couple, friends, a family, things a little more relevant, but sex? Come on.
>>213999>Man, some of you have it so good you don't know what it feels being a real outcast, unloved and undersired even among your to tell us about?
Maybe 1% of men age 30+ who are virgins are so by choice.
I've never had a gf either and I'm sure succubi don't like me
I honestly think it'd be impossible to get a gf as a wiz.
>>222376you can only get one if you have money, looks or clout. without that, there is no reason a succubus would be interested in you, they are primarily parasites that leech off of men and they always pick the best that they can get.
>>222379yeah that's why wizards can't have sex, it's pretty much over. Prostitutes are for subhumans or degenerate sexhavers.
>>222379I have none of the three and knew I'd be a wizard at around age 12.
We're at the point of users describing (and lamenting over) succubi's sexual preferences. "Disregard succubi" means don't talk about them, what kind of dudes they want to have sex with, how much you hate or love them, or really anything else regarding them. Regardless of how you feel about succubi, /wiz/ isn't the place to talk about it. There are several other website specifically for that purpose.
>>222393I see your point, but handing out bans on a site with like 20 active posters seems kind of asinine if the posts are light-hearted sneers at the sheer stupidity of their demands, rather than full-on illegal content or spam.
I disregard them in my daily life, yet they make up 50% of the human population so completely ignoring their dumb shenanigans is kind of impossible unless you live in a monastery.
I mean most of the shitty workplace experiences wizards post on this site are created by awful female supervisors and karens who suck at managing workersz
>>222395>handing out bans on a site with like 20 active posters seems kind of asinine if the posts are light-hearted sneers at the sheer stupidity of their demandsRecently, pretty much every ban issued for crab-like behavior and succubus obsession has been issued to users who don't contribute anything besides that type of whining. Those users either need to lurk moar until they see that no other wizards are talking like that, or they need to be stopped from trying to turn Wizchan in to another in
cel venting forum. I've seen users try to enlighten them and all these wizards get back in return is hostility and more whining over how succubi don't want to fuck dudes with unibrows or whatever. Wizchan has an identity and a unique offering to uphold, so we're not going to let one or two new users ruin that even if banning them means a halved post rate.
>completely ignoring their dumb shenanigans is kind of impossible unless you live in a monastery.But Wizchan, the /wiz/ board specifically, is reserved as a place where discussion about them isn't to be had in any real capacity. If 200 succubi were storming through your street in protest of makeup prices or whatever, you could complain about how they were disturbing your wizard meditation. But when that conversation turns in to how those succubi wouldn't be disturbing you if you were a 6'5", high IQ, not-bald rich guy, the plug gets pulled.
>>222396Those posters mostly seem 16-24 years old to me. They really don't understand the concept of wizardry involving total detachment from succubi.
They're like kids in that regard. To zoomers who are on the path to wizarddom against their will this site is just a diary where they vent their frustration and anxiety.
They need to learn it's time to let go completely. But that could take years before they accept their fate.
The best course of action obviously being them lurking more rather than posting.
>>213973Maybe he’s like Immanuel Kant and enjoys a lavish social life.
>>222408Immanuel Kant was autistic and got rejected by succubi.
>>222444He was an idiot like any other, but still just as outgoing and strove for human contact. That's the opposite of autism.
>>222449He was ugly and awkward but still outgoing. Even in those days that was plenty enough to become an involuntary virgin.
>>222444Actually, Kant had a marriage on the line for him, but for some unknown reasons he dropped it.
>>222504"Subsequent to writing the Critique of Pure Reason, after or throughout it, it is rumored Kant came across an 'unsettling creature filled with errant mystique', and so discomforting was it, that it set him thenceforth always uneasy, feeling troubled. Therefore, begetting a response -a cure- he determined, would require a vigilance and constant mental surety, this later transforming the whole his later life to a maddeningly thorough mechanicity, one down to determining what to do in those mere sparing seconds, that the 'creature' could, and would be, kept at bay. Kant's later life would indeed see a rigidity likely uncontested in history before or after his wake, a type unthinkable for a human to maintain."
"-Later on, it would be speculated, in fact held true to a sparing silent few, that the whole of the critique of pure reason was a double entendre of sort, split into an esoteric and exoteric interpretation, the purpose of which would both be for warning and advise to the initiated, and restriction to the weak, as per the King's orders, he friendly, angry, and afraid all at once of his destructive intellect to this citizen of his. None knows the fashion to which they drew this conclusion except for them and their circles."
He couldn't get married because his mind broke, and would later move away from socializing to idle away thinking and thinking of things none shall ever know.
The fate of all who muse is the same.
>>222507Because kant was a repulsive satanic crypto-jewish midget whose thinking was ripped off from pythagoras. If I remember correctly he even said somewhere that masturbation was a greater moral offense than rape, as masturbation entails an atelic use of human seed. Also he "famously" declared that if an axe murderer at middle night shows up in a german village demanding to know where all the resting members of a given household lay sleeping, the categorical imperative obliges the besought porter to speak truly. Such a man constructing such arguments can never be esteemed sane. He was also one of the first "philosophers" who argued for a world-government (because he was a prussian jew steeped in lurianic kabbalistic thought). Notice the saturnian one-eye symbolism in his principal portrait, the shading over his right eye?? The taking seriously of kantian thought may be conceived a certain symptom of an intellectually lessened humanity.
>>222508Well put. For those same exact reasons, it was to be that the military under Frederick William were instructed to monitor and foil Kant's rule in Königsberg university, what essentially transformed to a shrine unto his own, a place full of fervent students who would deify his teachings and elevate Kant to superhuman, near godly in fact, position. Furthermore, becoming the object worship of so many a people would so inflame him as to encourage Kant to almost develop a personal doctrine of his own, an entirely new religious order, a philosophy to unite mankind under one worldview, likely no doubt in pursuit of that world-government you mentioned… and thus were armaments wrought, for rumors of such kind had to be dealt with accordingly. It was only after this that the university would be a strictly time controlled environment.
Quite a lot of philosophers throughout years 1700-1900 were all taken away by rather unnatural forces. Perhaps all of them were. Only the ancients were free of the serpents tongue, and so their philosophies would kernel to human spirit something hopeful, if not mirthful, all while being greatly informative.
But as time would tell, the 18th and 19th century sophists would win, and so being the case, the world would steer to the clutches of the lunatic beast which escaped their brains and materialized to steer reality toward destruction. The worst thing is, as years and years compounded, it became impossible to subdue this creature since the pagodas of abstraction it surrounded itself in were infinite in number. You can't refute and make transparent what's wrong to a doctrine with a thousand others in it, structured in a way so full of nonsense it doesn't even make sense anymore, yet retains enough of an impression to conjure such illusion. Its impenetrability and verbiage vomit, deceit, lie, mixed truths, has set a gate protecting it and ensuring the status thereof in this world ruled by pilpul.
>>222508>repulsive midgetImagine shaming or insulting men for their height.
Nigger you think like a succubus.
>>213969Why even bother with cooking? I don't. I live off canned food (forcemeat, fish, beans, peas), cereal corn flakes, fruits and peanuts. I fart a lot and my shits are nasty a lot of the time, but I don't really care. Cooking only makes sense when food is prepared for several people at once because the amount of effort it takes to make a single portion is almost the same as the amount of effort it takes to make four. It doesn't sound like you enjoy it, so you're just wasting time.
>>222516>Why even bother with cooking? > the amount of effort it takes to make a You can cook all the food you will eat for a week
You're a retard.
>>222516Cooking takes no energy and time at all. I guess as someone living off of added sugar and preservatives you probably don't really have any energy though.
>>222516Being a wizard doesn't mean you need to be an unhealthy slob.
It literally takes me 10 minutes to cook up half a pound of meat sauce or fish and some rice or pasta, and while I wait for those to finlsh I can saute or slowly stir fry a bunch of dark green leafy vegetables. Or if I feel lazy, put the greens in a blender with some avocado and banana to make it tastier.
I instantly feel less healthy, alert and more depressed if I don't cook with fresh whole foods and use preservative filled or processed junk.
fresh meat and frozen vegetals mix
throw it on a pan
cheap, easy and healthy
that's all it takes, yet niggers make cooking seem like some great difficulty lol
I keep a written journal about recorded log of lies to appear normies to the rest of the population I interact with such as when I used to live overseas I had X relationships and Y frequency of hookups and tell folk it's just not the same to get a succubus in the country I currently live in.
The burden of lies makes for the lack of the rest, I try to value what little advantage I have in life regardless not much but enough by me.
>>222536I achieved everything I have today (which is a quite comfy existence) by lying to normies. It's the only way to survive properly for us.