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Disregard Females, Acquire Magic
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Did anyone here fall for the psychiatric medication trap and then recover? I'm off meds, but I hate the emotional blunting.


I fell for it a bunch of times out of desperation but never stayed on any of the dozen different pills they gave me very long. The only way you can even notice that antidepressants and antipsychotics aren't sugar pills is some combination of getting fat, sleeping 14 hours a day and your dick going numb
The only psych meds that work at all are benzos but those have obvious downsides


When I was forced to sit still for hours and hours for school I was given ADHD meds.
When I stopped going to school I stopped taking the pills. Only took a few days to get back to normal with no long term ill effects.

When I was a little kid, like 10 or so, my doc gave me lovox for the off label use of insomnia, but I fucking hated it deeply so never took it consistently unless physically forced by my well meaning but misguided mom.
Turns out that giving that drug to me during the cusp of puberty might have been a factor in why I developed gynomastia.
So that sucks.


I took the SSRI 'Sertraline' for a few months before deciding to it was CIA lobotomy pills that needed to be avoided at all costs. Now I have been drinking lions mane mushroom tea and eating healthy instead.


I don't know about 'recover,' I'm a slightly nutty guy that's off his meds. But yes, very much alive, and prefer it to being an unresponsive stump out in public.


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Dunno if its a matter of personal differences in brain chemistry, but i don't understand why people are so against SSRI and SNRI
They are very mild, they gave me a false sense of satisfaction and the desire to self-harm was lower, with the side effect of feeling stiff and dream-like and lower libido. I didnt like the effect so i stopped taking it after a few months.
But, its way, way less powerful and damaging than ethanol, which billions of people take daily.
If anything is a lobotomy pill, alcohol is, but in a liquid, non-tabboo form


alcohol lasts a couple of hours and it is discouraged. It's a fun temporary thing with positive effects, hence why people willingly take it recreationally.
People who take SSRIs must change their consciousness 24/7 for months or years, and are pressured into it by authority figures. This leads to people like myself looking back at a long period of my life as being stolen from me. You get disorientated and find it hard to even remember your baseline consciousness when taking something all day every day.

>But, its way, way less powerful and damaging than ethanol

I disagree. Data even shows that people who drink moderately are healthier than those who do not, due to sociability correlations and the social lubrication effect.


>low-level nausea is my middle name
>my first name is apathy
What is Apathy Low-Level Nausea's last name? This is very importnat


I dont take any drugs but still dont remember any weekdays. The only memories from this year was My Ff7 rebirth playthrough in March and metaphor refantazio last month. I also started rope skipping but its More of a good Habit


I'm forced to take them the psychiatrist would literally send the police to my home if I don't show up, as result of antipsychotic medication I have cervical dystonia and sexual dysfunction


>The only way you can even notice that antidepressants and antipsychotics aren't sugar pills is some combination of getting fat, sleeping 14 hours a day and your dick going numb
>The only psych meds that work at all are benzos but those have obvious downsides
>But, its way, way less powerful and damaging than ethanol, which billions of people take daily.
Except alcohol actually works, while SSRIs are placebos.

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