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Recently I stumbled upon the videos of "Bossmanjack", a gambling addicted and a drug addicted too, and very clearly a mentally ill person, the curiosity got the better of me and so I search the internet for more info about the guy, the more I dig the more and more became clear that the guy was brain broken from the get go, I thought at first that his mental illness and addiction was caused by some very shitty environment that he grow up, but no, the guy was raised by a solid family, loving parents and a normie brother, Bossmanjack was trouble since he was a teenager doing drug and petty crimes, even tough he didn't need to do that to survive or anything, the did just to keep his drug habits, that, for me, was a really wake up call to the fact that the genetics we have play a strong, very strong influence on who we are in the end, how we turn out in life in general, sure I don't deny the influences of other factor, but it seems genes are the strongest of them all, that implications made me realize how many of us here are the way we are, the life we have, just because we were dealt a not nice hand of genes to us, in the end is a matter of how to better play with the card(genes) we had, to make the better of it, it maybe hard but there's still little hope.


Last I checked nether of his parents smoke crack or compulsively gamble.

Him constantly making bad life choices have basically nothing to do with genetics and everything to do with him being a hedonistic idiot crack head.


He is a hedonistic crackhead because he brains was configured to behave that way, there's no evidence of environment playing a role on who he became, at max you could say that the parents should have put him in a psych ward for being emotionally unstable and a crackhead


His genes didn't make him smoke crack.
His genes didn't make him be one of the worst lolcow gamblers. Your assertion that his genes predetermined the state of his life is fucking retarded.
His bad life choices are the root of all of the bad things he does and the cause of the bad outcome.
He is responsible for the joke that is his life. Not his parents, not his genes, not fate, not god, not satan, just himself.
He doesn't even have any genetic issues that would lead to behavioral issues. It's just bad choices compounding over a lifetime. Mostly to do with substance abuse and gambling.

As far as his brain being the cause. He is the one to choose to fuck up his brain with drugs. He was the dumbass who willingly picked up that crack pipe.


You're ignorant that doesn't even understand how genes works it seems, go read a book on behavioral genetics, you're spewing non sense, you think his decision were made magically in a vacuum or with some form of self capacity of free will without any influence, if you believe in that then you are extremely delusional


Nigger, you saying that he's something outside of his own genes, are you dumb? Genes do form a person and his brain, that does affect his behavior.


There are a ton of behaviors that originate from genes. Identical twins who were adopted to two different cultures thousands of miles apart have had 99% similar life outcomes, hobbies, favourite foods and even the same pets.

Or for an example from the US, the Jim twins.

>Both Jims had married twice. The first time, they married succubi named Linda.

>When this didn’t work out and they divorced, they met (and went on to marry) succubi named Betty. Both Jim Lewis and Jim Springer had a son, and –I’m sure you saw this coming—both gave their boy the same name, James Alan (or James Allan in Springer’s case).

>Both Jims were heavy smokers, drove the same car (a Chevrolet) and had similar jobs in security (Jim Lewis was a security guard, while Jim Springer had been a deputy sheriff).

>They even took vacations at the same Florida beach. Neither man knew any of these impossible facts about their brother, however, until Lewis, aged 37, decided to try and get into contact with his twin.

They didn't just lead practically identical lives - their brains were structured to even gain dopamine from certain names and the way they sound and behaviors like smoking heavily.


Dunno if this is related to thread, but I just met my dad a few years ago, at 28.
I know we look the same but man.. we have the same exact mannerisms, we talk the same, move the same, laugh the same, everything the same. When we met we chose the same clothes too: Light blue jeans and a green cardigan. It’s weird as hell to me.

He left when I was 2 days old to another country. He even likes old emulator games like Snes and PS2 like I do (I spent a great deal of my 20s playing them).

Makes you feel like we live in some bad simulation. He even has the same comfort food as me, a Subway sandwich with melted cheese and steak. We've both been eating it weekly.


It would be relevant if dude's parents were crackhead explosively angry degenerate gamblers, but they aren't.

Turns out that bad choices can be made independent of genes.


Are you some sort of retard that confuses genes for the human equivalent of hard coding, and that genes predetermin all of someone's choices and actions?
The simple reality is praxialogy.
Man acts.
Fate is a spook.
I have read up on genetics and their effect on behavior.
There is no smoke crack gene, lol.
He wasn't programed by his genes to go smoke crack and gamble.
Do be ridiculous.




His brain is wired in a way that he seeks experience that lead to use crack and gambling, he's choice wasn't born in a vacuum without any type of influence, you speak like people are self moving with all information with with deep introspection, you know that not true, go back to Mises Institute, you believe in non sense that not even empirically true, that just libertarian non sense.


So the argument that you really are going with is that he was genetically predetermined to be a crackhead?

I don't want to strawman you.
Is that really the argument you are going with.
That choice isn't real, men do not act, and that genes in totality dictate behavor?

Again, if I am strawmaning your position then please clarify your position.
>you believe in non sense that not even empirically true
That fits better with your misunderstanding of genetics then anything else posted in counterargument.

There is no emperical support for predestination.
Meanwhile several branches of emperical science are based on the fact that men do in fact act, and that people are capable of choice.

You are just very poorly arguing for determinism by saying genes, without understanding nothing in genetics supports your apparent argument of determinism.


Not evidence for free will, you're wrong, you're a libertarian that believe in magic


Yes, he was predestined to be a crackhead, there's no sugar coating here, he's brain is fucked up from the get go, he lost the genetic lottery, also, free will is a myth, people believe in the idea that people somehow are self moving soul that could do anything possible, when the reality that we have restrictions upon our physical capacity and so mental as well, deal with reality and stop believing in Mises he was wrong no serious modern economics that the guy seriously


Are you predetermined to samefag bad arguments?

I can't take you seriously. You are ether a troll or insane.


I think someone like that would've needed a strong environment that steered him away from those substances and actively prevented such behaviors from becoming engrained. We are all biased towards certain things and away from others. Some is nature, some is nurture. Change is possible but only within what's available inside your genetic wheelhouse.
We act and make choices only within a range of prior influences. Can someone who has been raised as a religious zealot just choose to stop believing in god? He only has that 'choice' after sufficient counter programming from outside and only if he can combine non-dogmatic information with a certain amount of self reflection.
Our ability to choose is more limited than a lot of people think, that's what I believe.


You flat out deny the entire field of modern behavioral genetics because it doesn't agree it your worldview, you prefer to believe in a lie than dealt with reality of the world, I just can't take a person seriously that just doesn't believe that genes influence behavior, that just straight up science denialism because you don't fit with your libertarian world view.


>3rd times the charm
>wait, he hasn't instantly responded, let me go again
Yeah, you are just a troll and attention whore.

Enjoy circle jerking with yourself.
I am out.


I'm not either that guy, you just create a spook in your head, lmao, like I said you prefer to believe in a lie that is make sense to you than to deal with a messy complex world, you're probably either very mentally simple or I don't know.


File: 1738507089861.jpg (359.33 KB, 1079x814, 1079:814, schizo_meltdown.jpg) ImgOps iqdb

Get a load of this schizophrenic retard


That guy really was dumb, he was like "no bro, I don't believe in almost 100 years of studies of genetics influence people behavior because I believe in praxeology", the dude really believe in some political economy bullshit because make he feel good or something, and not going after on how the world really works and then work it out from there, that just whoe retarded conspiracionist boomer thinks, no evidence in the world makes then update their beliefs.


I mean I called im a retard but at the end of the day he also just has these opinions because of external influences and what not. Like you say, evidence doesn't make people change their minds but I'm also the same way - if someone were to show me evidence against genetic determinism I would be sceptical. We're all just meatpuppets, best we can do is try to have some self awareness.


Like you said the best is be self aware of our own nature, realize of how we works, and then work it out our weakness, be more open minded seek the truth instead of something that feel good to us, it's important but critical thinking can be learn, I'm read a critical thinking book because I want to be a better a thinking and finding how the work really work


Dude was fucked from the get go, not much could be done unless the his parents went ultra rigid on him or placing him on some addiction and mental health program


You do realize genes can skip multiple generations? There are black people with green eyes whose only green-eyed ancestors lived in the 1700s.



whats stronger than genetics is your environment, we are all victims of it.
think about it, before this guy could ever even form in the womb his parents were already taking medications, getting vaccines and eating slop.
after he was born he got circumcised because thats normal over there, then he got 20 or so childhood vaccines which are filled with all kinds of trash.
he grows up on a diet of goyslop and they silence the baby with a bottle and things he can suck at, this ruins his facial structure.
further malnourishment prevents him from growing tall and his brain from developing.
From there he is fed decades of Propaganda.
and thats how you create an ugly drug addicted retarded gambling loser.
maybe in a different environment he wouldnt have turned out like this.


File: 1738810774464.jpg (682.49 KB, 2877x2331, 137:111, Gi20fJCasAAE4he.jpg) ImgOps iqdb


People in ancient Rome frequently had gambling problems. There were gambling dens in every nook and cranny when you went outside.

The horrible quality food average parents eat and provide for kids, medicine traces, hormone disruptors etc. you mentioned in 2025 only make the situation worse.

If you add to that mixture a person who is genetically prone to gambling, they were screwed the moment they were born.

The only saving grace for someone like that would be birth into an Amish or savage society which has zero amenities or possibilities for vices like gambling and actively prohibits it from all its' members.


They don't. Which is why the 4channer purposefully picked California for that picture and not Nebraska or Montana.

California has rapidly become the high tech hub of the planet. It's no secret most top programmers, software architects, engineers etc. are autistic.

In Silicon Valley alone, autism is 14x more prevalent than elsewhere in the country. Guess what most people make a living in when in Silicon Valley? Software development and tech projects.

On that note, which state is Silicon Valley in? Oh, California.


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