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I'll give you some background, I liked to watch wrestling (scripted, I know) and there have been moments where some crazy fans have jumped in between the ring.

While I don't appreciate acts of violence on wrestler. But sometimes wrestlers go too far, for example there was this fan who once jumped in the ring to attack a wrestler, and when that fan was fully constrained and he presented no threat and was being escorted out, another wrestler jumped in between and suckered punch him.

And for the incident number 2, this guy was trying to beat up a wrestler, but another wrestler stepped in to stop him, like he should've but the thing is he already had him in control, but was still beating him up when he presented no threat.

Like I don't understand why so many people on the internet cheered for this incident, it was clearly the use of disproportional post, and when I made posts about my views on the internet, I was viciously attacked and disliked by the majority of people for not advocating disproportionate use of violence.

I just don't understand what causes people to be like this. And honestly this sometimes worries me about the state of the society as this is a microcosm of how people react to things.


they're also violent/angry online


Ego, stupidity and mob mentality. Normies tend to clump together with the goal to destroy other normie clumps and become the strongest normie clump around. This is also why the two-party system is so successful and popular in USA. At some point values, ideals and goals don't matter anymore, all that matters is Us vs. Them.


I would argue autists's cricles are way more aggressive and toxic compared to normie ones, just compare the Chans to Facebook


in this regard the difference between chans and facebook is that facebook is much more moderated
there is a lot of aggression on normie chans like 4chan
not so much aggression on wizchan, except for a few normies on a crusade to call local anons retards


>disproportional post
*disproportionate force
Basically what I am saying is even though fans who crossed and trespassed into the ring were wrong there was no need to beat those fans once they were constrained and being escorted out. The incidents that I am referencing are the once where Dash Wilder suckered punch a fan who assaulted Bret Hart, and Triple H brutally destroyed a fan who tried to assault Stone Cold Steve Austin.

I apologise to bring this normie wrestling drivel here on this website, but I was just trying to make a point in how happy people are when they see disproportionate force being applied.


you are asking us to spot the differences between a japanese and a korean


I kinda have to reject your premise on the face of it.

The vast majority of noormies aren't violent and a small minority of wizards are violent.
Being violent isn't a normeie/not normie thing. It's a human/animal/living being thing that can't really be pawned off entirely on whatever group you don't like.
Every person when faced with the right combination of circumstances has the capacity for violence. You, me, the little old lady down the lane, everybody.
It's simply a aspect of life, of reality.

As far as your shower thoughts.
You are seriously questioning why giant dudes on all of the roids would dish out a educational beat down on some retard who is fucking with their job/pay check while also showing them extreme disrespect?
Are you actually retarded or just pretending to be?
It be like asking why bouncers would intentionally knock some tiny guy out with a full force punch then literally throwing them in the gutter for slapping them.

And yes, you rightly were mocked if you pretended to be so retarded as to not understand why someone who played stupid games and fucked around, found out what the prize was.

I think you are just playing the fool for negative attention.


I understand what you're saying. However I just think that disproportionate violence is bad. I don't disagree with beating up the guy.


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>However I just think that disproportionate violence is bad
Did he die?
Was he crippled for life?
Then it wasn't actually as disproportionate as you probably think.
Then again I think you are now pulling pic related thus I am taking you even less seriously, which I didn't think was possible.


the people in this world are losing all sense of empathy towards each other lately


You probably won't believe me but people have probably never been more empathetic in all of human history. Which really says something about how fucked up human nature actually is.
The past, even the not too distant past, was brutal.


I mean, unless all of y'all are vegan, I don't see how you're any different than normies? You subject animals to huge amounts of violence as well, for your pleasure

Neurotypical normies enjoy schadenfreude and abusing the weak. Be it bullying, or whatever. But, so do most people, including loser virgins. It's just that their victims are different. They're victims are pigs cows and chickens.

I always found it so funny, ironic, and a tablet hypocritical from people moralizing about how violent and evil normies are, and yet they did the same thing to animals

This happens in various other crab groups online. I can never take such criticism seriously, when they are basically guilty of the same thing

The hypocrisy of it all is quite unbearable


I thought you were permbanned?


>playing the fool for negative attention
oofy doofy


what chan? because 4chan is no longer for autists.


>4chan is no longer for autists.
It never was


99% of the userbase is a normalfag


Yes, it's definitely autists committing the murders, rapes, robberies and generally engaging in acts of aggression out there. The fact that you equal violence to "saying mean things on the Internet" just goes to show how far removed you are from it.


>Yes, it's definitely autists committing the murders, rapes, robberies and generally engaging in acts of aggression out there

only a small % of normies do those things. most normies do not. but most normies and most imageboard dwellers do those things to animals. humans are not the only victims of such treatment. i dont understand why i have to remind people of this every single time on every single imageboard, crab forum or reddit, when the topic of violence comes about and people love virtue signaling how much "morally superior" the are compared to the average normie

its unreal how delusional you have to be to think that only normies do this. if you arent a vegan, you do this to animals. no different than someone who lights dogs on fire for fun.

if you are going to try to virtue signal and moral high-horse on how much morally superior you are to normies, your horse better not be standing in a sea of moral-failure shit

infact, most humans are moral trash. philosophical misanthropy is perfectly justified. autist or not. dont delude yourself, now


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Even besides animals, most wizards are unironic racists who regurgitate /pol/tard slurs at other wizards. See how much flak Indian posters get, it's pathetic.

This is a place specifically for downtrodden misfits and even *they* still have to punch down. Goes to show that being a "wizard" effectively means nothing, as much as I like to imagine there's an unspoken camaraderie here, there really isn't. If anything "nerds" might be more hostile to their own kind than normalfags are.


yeah, like, its funny to see these people try to look down on normie's moral character when their own is so pathetically trash

thats why posts like this are important; to REMIND the users here who like to virtue signal about their superior moral character, that, no, their moral character is greatly wanting

>This is a place specifically for downtrodden misfits and even *they* still have to punch down

you mean to tell me people here are virtue signaling hypocrites? haha… :^)


why do you consider indians besides animals though


What does this even mean?


I think he means why he put indians on a pedestal over animals


leftoid avatarfag preys on giga autist's inability to understand the nuances of ethical issues


A sane mind won't give a damn about slurs, buzzwords or /pol/ tier dialogues. You just sound like leftie

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