My mother got sick. Now I can't find a place for myself, I was NEET for several years, worked a couple of times in my life in a big city. But I live in a small one, where there is no work, and now I don't know what to do, they don't really hire me. And the work that is available won't suit me because of my poor health. I hate myself for not having achieved anything by the age of 26, and now I can lose a loved one who made sense in my meaningless life. I hate society, I hate people. But most of all I hate that I suffer because of all this, that now I need money, and I don't even know how to earn it. That I am such a worthless person with poor health and I am afraid of everything in life. You know, the worst thing is not to have no money, but to have no health to earn it. God, life is torture for autistics and losers, why didn't they strangle me with a half-penny as a child?
How poor your health really is? What is the issue? What are these places that can hire you, but are unsuitable?
God, I'm such a nobody that even among them don't give a damn about me
>>219636I have poor eyesight, a bad back, varicose veins in my legs, gastritis and bad teeth. Problems with the vascular system. but the worst thing I have is a genetic disease, tremors in my arms and legs, they don’t really bother me. but if I work hard, I will become disabled in a couple of years
>>219633>But I live in a small one>I hate society, I hate people>1728026693602.jpgStop aestheticizing beehives, succubi, clothing brands, and energy drinks
>>219644NEETbux ASAP. Good luck.
>>219647I'm from Eastern Europe, it's very difficult to do here
>>219645I don't care about succubi
>>219648Difficult, not impossible, if you really doesn't have another way then, unfortunately, get a le job.
>>219648There's isn't much options, start searching how to get NEETbux in your country, the process, law and everything, gather medical proof of your condition.
>>219644Some of these things don't make working impossible. I am not sure how to say this, but I cannot help but too feel that you are mostly making excuses.
Life is suffering ,so is working anon.
If your back, cardiovascular and genetic problems (what the fuck is even that, parkinson?) are really that bad that you can't work, you could maybe get neetbux, otherwise you either suck it up and get one of these garbage jobs or become homeless.
>>219633Do you have section 8 housing programs? I'm sorry this happened, I'm well on my way in your shoes btw I try to forget about it but, fuck me
>>219681I don't know what that means, but thanks
>>219633>not having achieved anything yetThis is normalfag mindset: if society was worth, things would already be ready for us to use and produce from them yet instead everything has to be done from scratch often against the odds that this very society supposes for us all, and very much inclined into doing things we hate to impress people who do not give a damn about us, for whom we are mere pawns, num ers, clowns, puppets. This is just a cage world, do not blame yourself even for a second.
I wonder if Human Design is not so useful to others as it was to me: to stop anxiously applying for demonic jobs had been better for my mental health. My future looks bleak, but I am not anxious at all, after all… couldnt I end up badly all the same due to being fired, injured or defiled? And also after having sacrificed my self in their damned rat race