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Disregard Females, Acquire Magic
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How I life better with autism? I am confused. I need one light. Because my life is boring and empty.


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YES and NO, if you can have hobbies/interests that you can enjoy and live in your own world happily, then, IMO, yes, at least from my experience, but most of us are "WTF NO GF" type, I can live in my own world away from normalfags, life, and society, I suggest you try as many things as possible, literally anything even wave riding or mountain climbing or wood work or 8 bit games

riding waves*


I not need a gf. My preference is intellectual and spiritual. I love games, music, books and writing.


learn programming and get a work from home job. get an autistic hobby or two that you can sink a lot of time and energy into (math, chess, video games, art, visantine erotica, whatever rows your boat). avoid the pitfalls of normalfag lifestyle, mainly consumerism and comparing yourself to others and matching society's expectations. oh, and if you ever get the urge to put on a wig and sexy lingerie, don't go through that rabbit hole, it ain't worth it.


play touhou and join touhou community. It´s fun. Your life won´t be empty


Okay. I loved your recommendations.



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how old are you?



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I kinda expected you would be younger from your O.P post


Target audience for this website tbh.


Nope. I not fluent in English.


it depends on your special interest really. As tacky as it sounds, autistic accumulation of academic knowledge is something I enjoy the most. I think that trying to bingeread wikipedia articles or reading some popscience book (or something more serious) could make you feel better.


Can you get on neetbux?


Just accept that your life is not going to change for the better. You're stuck if you have autism. Don't be gaslighted.


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If he has hobbies and interests and has the proper mindset to enjoy solitude, he can be happy with him self even with no social life, I believe we can create our own happiness without the need of others unlike normalfags who can't enjoy solitude


My goodness there are even succubi shovering clips in YT about being autist. I don't know if for the case of succubi they are just pretending, yet things are quite relatable.
Specially the channel of "Musings of my ADHD brain" and "Autistic AF" (this one is a dude).


society does not have a place for autists. if it did then employment pipelines wouldnt be designed to penalize them for autism. id guess that most autists cant work any way.



Most can, but neurotypicals would rather eat rat poison and die than hire one into their public department or private company.


Low functioning autist succubi are just as hopeless as men andthey have a 0% chance of ever getting hired anywhere.

Not even as a secretary for an old creep, because they usually look and act too dorky and weird.


It still shocks me when i look at the autism unemployment stats. I'd never heard about it prior to wizchan.


Life is literally hell for autists who aren't super high functioning programmers and business owners.

You can even be two standard deviations above the general normie in IQ and people will not hire you because your microexpressions, eye contact and other minor details are wrong, and you are most likely introverted.


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How weird looking are you exactly

I think you have to be pretty weird looking and out there to be rejected for your looks or mannerisms, do you have a tentacle sticking out somewhere


nta but it's more about the general weird, "creepy" vibes that autists give off
lack of confidence, not getting nonverbal clues, and overall miscommunication
recruiters look not only for raw qualifications, but also for personal traits, because these will be the colleagues that present workers will have to hang out with day-to-day and on team building events

in short, autists rub normies off the wrong way

and that video has been tampered with using AI, come on
you can even see he's got two pupils in one eye momentarily


It's not just about your looks, although many autists do look dorky.

Like the person above said, it's a mixture of things related to autistic behaviors that are radically different to NT's and make them very wary and suspicious of you.


is this vucic?


I read Tony Attwood. I only remember how disgusted I was by his normalfaggotry

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